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transformed into honey. He was certainly a cotemporary of Theocritus, and lived about 300 years B. C.

Moschus, from whom all our knowledge of Bion is derived, has left us no memorial of himself, excepting what relates to his connection with the other. We are told that the uncommon sweetness of Bion's numbers attracted several admirers, among whom Moschus principally distinguished himself. He was a native of Sicily, and, according to Suidas, was for some time a teacher of grammar at Syracuse. But he appears to have written his epitaph on Bion during his residence in Italy. Suidas also represents him as the friend of Aristarchus, the celebrated critic, whose death is placed in the year 157 B. C. But this account would appear to be contradicted by the same elegy on Bion, where Moschus describes himself as the cotemporary of Theocritus, who flourished some years before the critic of Alexandria; unless indeed we assume, with Heskin, that Moschus, when young, may have seen Theocritus in his old age, and himself lived long enough to witness the rising fame of Aristarchus. We know nothing of the subsequent life or death of Moschus.

It is not a little singular, that for some time Theocritus and Moschus were considered as one and the same person. "The prodigious credit of Theocritus, (says Kennet,g) in the pastoral way, enabled him not only to engross the fame of his rivals, but their works too." Heinsius conjectures that in the time of the later Grecians, all the ancient idylliums were formed together into one collection, and the name of Theocritus prefixed to the whole volume. And thus they appeared in the Aldine edition, printed at

Πῶς τοῦ τοῖς χείλεσσι πέδραμε κακ ἐγλυκανθη ; Τις δὲ βροὸς τοσῶτον αναμερΘ», ἢ κεράων

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Venice in 1594. But Moschus has sufficiently established his own identity in the same elegy on the death of Bion, already mentioned; where he introduces Theocritus bewailing the same misfortune in another country, (either Egypt or Sicily) which he himself was lamenting in Italy.

Bion and Moschus, however, kave been always united: and such is the sameness of style, sentiment, and imagery, in both, that the same observations will apply equally to the bucolics of the one, and to the idylliums of the other. Their language is pure and correct, always in the higher style of pastoral, that is, unmixed with any of the low ideas and colloquial terms which occasionally offend us in Theocritus. The thoughts are frequently ingenious and delicate; but the general strain is monotonous, and absolutely divested of variety. There is besides an appearance of affectation and art, which makes us doubt if they surveyed the face of nature with the enraptured eye of genuine poets. Avoiding rusticity and plainness, they are more uniformly elegant than their great cotemporary, but with less of nature and sensibility. Their subjects indeed not requiring, like his, the direct talk and conversation of shepherds, they are excusable for having bestowed a greater share of grace and elegance, so long as the original simplicity is not destroyed. might extend this comparison farther; but stop here, that we may not encroach too much upon the subject of Theocritus, which we reserve for the next number.


We cannot conclude, however, without pointing out to the reader of sensibility, the beautiful elegy by Moschus upon the death of Bion, which is highly finished throughout. A strain of mournful sweetness pervades the whole, that renders it irresistibly affecting. As specimens of peculiar beauty, we refer to the passage beginning thus:

Αϊλινὰ μοι συναχείτε νάπαι και Δώριον ύδως Καὶ ποταμοὶ κλαίοτε τον ίμεροελα Βίωνα.

Ye woods with grief your waving summits bow,

Ye Dorian fountains murmur as ye flow; From weeping urns your copious sorrows shed,

And bid the rivers mourn for Bion dead.

And a little lower, the passage beginning with these lines:

"Αρχείο Σικελικαὶ τῷ πενθεὸν ἄρχετε Μοΐσαι Αδονες, αἱ πυκινοίσιν οδυρομέναι πολύ φυλλο Νάμασι τους Σικελοις,


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For the Monthly Magazine. An ACCOUNT of the UKRAINE; extracted in part from MALTE-BRUN's late Picture of POLAND.

(Continued from p. 341, No. 198.) I the foot of the Karpathian mounN ascending towards the south, at

tains we find Red Russia, which now forms the greatest part of eastern Gallit


The Poles simply called it Russia, and gave the inhabitants the name of Russinia, or Rusniaques, in opposition to Roszienie, or Moscowall, who are the inhabitants of the Russian empire. However, according to the vulgar opinion, the name of Russia was extended even to those provinces, by colonies who eame from Kiow previous to the ninth century. The sons of the great prince Isaslaw formed several principalities, amongst others those of Halicz, and of Wlodimir, from the end of that century? in 1084, Ladislas, king of Hungary, made himself master of a great part of Red Russia. Casimir, duke of Poland, drove duke Wlodimir from Halicz in 1182, and gave the duchy first to Miczislaw, and afterwards in 1185 to Romanus, duke of Wlodimir. The duke of Halicz took refuge with Bela III, king of Hungary, who kept him confined in prison, and at the entreaties of the inhabitants of the principality of Halicz, who were averse to the usurper Romanus, sent his second son Andrew with an army to take possession for him. In the MONTHLY MAC, No. 199.

mean time, the duke Wlodomir, having found means to escape in 1187, expelled prince Andrew, and regained possession of his states through the aid of Casimir, duke of Poland. The Hungarian prince in 1213. Kolomau, was crowned king of Halicz A prince Daniel raised the independence and the glory of the Russian name; but he was conquered by the Hungarians under king Bela IV. The monarchs of flungary, according to the capitulations, could only give to the country princes of Russian extraction but under Bela IV. and Stephen V. it belonged to Hungary, in the same manner as Dalmatia and Croatia. From several authorities it is proved, that Halicz and Włodomir belonged to the Hungarian kings Ladislas IV. and Louis the Fat: this latter in 1352 ceded Red Russia to Casimir, king of Poland, on Condition, that if Casimir should happen to have heirs male, he should pay to Hungary a sum of 100,000 florins; and, on the contrary, Hungary, at his death, should have nothing to pay for Red Russia, but that Poland should belong to Louis the Fat. This latter incident took place in 1370; and in 1932, Louis having died without other issue than two daugh ters, Maria, the eldest, was crowned queen of Hungary, and Hedwigs, the youngest, queen of Poland. The first married Sigismond; the second, at the instigation of her husband Jagellon, divided Red Russia and Podolia from Hungary, both which, till 1772, remained to Poland; so that the kings of Hungary should only bear the arms and titles of Gallicia and Lodomiria: at last the empress queen, Maria Theresa, repura chased the right over the two countries? she took possession in 1772, but in place of uniting them afresh to Hungary, according to the requisition of the states of the kingdom, the policy of the Austrian government induced her to form them into a separate kingdom.

The frontiers of Gallicia and Lodos mirla were extended as far as possible; and besides the two palatinates of Red Russia and Belzk, Austria took all the districts of Little Poland between the Vistula and the Saun, as well as some parcels of Wolhynia and Podolia.

The provinces thus dismembered, received the title of the kingdom of Gallicia and Lodomiria. There is no distinction of the countries which should be comprised under either of thosa names: the whole of these new possess sions were organised and considered as B L

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one single state, to which this double name was merely given, because the kings of Hungary had formerly enjoyed those titles.

The name of Lodomiria is not to be found in any maps; that of Gallicia should be written with a tz, (Gallitzia,) in order to approach the Polish etymology. The Karpathian mountains, and their branches, occupy the south part of Russia. Leaving these alps of Sarmatia, agrecable and diversified hills lose themselves in the plains of Wolhynia and the Ukraine. The sandy districts of Little Poland extend to Russia; these sands begin near Cracow, and continue to Zamosa, and beyond Leszainsk, verging towards Lemberg. The country of Pokutia, which is between the Pruth and the Dneister, is filled with considerable marshes; but, in general, the soil of this kingdom may be divided into three divisions, almost equal. The mountains and marshes form the first, where the plough cannot pass; the second is formed by the plains of moving sand, which rarely produce any winter grains; the third is good arable and pasture, which yields five and six bushels for one: this latter produces all sorts of grain, but chiefly wheat, oats, and barley. The best lands are in the cantons to the eastward of Lemberg, and in some parts of the circle of Belzk. In general, in good seasons, they reckon on a return of about five bushels for one; as to the sandy parts, they seldom sow corn there, but when that is the case, the harvest never yields more than one fourth, oftener one third, and that in the best seasons. Asparagus, water-melons, and many other plants, grow spontaneously, and in abundance; the juniper is a very common shrub: in the neighbourhood of Lemberg there were a few vineyards, but the rigour of the climate, although under the parallel of Paris, obliged thei to discontinue the culture of the vine.

In the whole extent of eastern Gallicia, they grow about 20,000 quintals of tobacco: at Makrotin, there is a plantation of rhubarb, which contains more than 40,000 plants.

A great quantity of hemp and flax is cultivated, especially in the district of Przemisk; but they only fabricate some coarse linens, which produce them but little. The mountains are peopled with weavers, tradesmen in the different branches of iron, and various others; their manufactures only want the finish ing part to please the eye: for, in their

linens particularly, the intrinsic qua lity cannot be better. Yet they have, and do make some very fine, which at the same time is both very good and very reasonable. The Austrian government has given great encouragement to the woollen manufactories, which are already very numerous.

Eastern Gallicia, about twenty years ago contained more than a million and a half of horned cattle, and 300,000 horses. Red Russia may probably be stated at about two thirds of these numbers; since that period the breed of horses has been considerably improved, and the Austrians draw from them sufficient to remount the greatest part of their cavalry.

There are no lakes, but many thousands of vast and handsonie ponds, (if I may so call them,) the largest of which are in the district of Lemberg; some of them are a league in length and breadth, and which, from their fisheries, are worth 60,000 florins a year.

The iron mines, better worked under the Austrian government, are however of but little importance. Pokutia yields a sort of inferior marble. This country contains a great quantity of salt and sulphureous springs: that of Lubin has been recently analyzed by a chemist. The water holds in solution sulphur, bitumen, gypsum, and iron; it leaves a crust of sulphur on the borders of the spring, in which is found alum, iron, and sal-ammoniac. The salt springs have given name to the city of Halicz, which became that of a kingdom.

Such are the principal traits of the natural geography of this country. Amongst the towns we will only remark the following. Lemberg, in Polisi Swow, and Latin Leopolis, formerly the capital of Red Russia or Lodomiria, at present that of all eastern Gallicia. It is a large and handsome city, with wide straight streets, well paved, and kept clean; things very rare in this country. The buildings are in a noble style, which astonishes the traveller accustomed to see the wretched Polish architecture. I can easily venture to attribute this phenomenon to the proximity of Constantinople, from whence some Grecks may have taken refuge at Leopol, and perhaps to the influence and example of the Jesuits, whose taste and talents no person will deny. There were formerly seventy-two churches, each richer and more magnificent than the other: under


the reign of Joseph II. the number was diminished to twenty, which was sufficient for a population lately estimated at 38,378 souls, amongst which are 13,232 Jews. Another third of the population consists of Greeks and Armenians; all these sects have their different temples and churches, and, as in all Gallicia, the free exercise of their religious worship. Lemberg carries on an extensive and advantageous trade with Russia, Turkey, and the other neighbouring countries. The city is surrounded by a rampart, which is now changed into streets and promenades. The suburbs are extensive and handsome; the environs afford a number of delightful views and situations.

Brody, the second city in eastern Gallicia, is inhabited by 5,000 Chris tians and 15,000 Jews. It has a considerable trade; the castle is well for tified the other towns are but inconsiderable. It is computed there are 5,400 souls at Przemysl or Premislaw, a town situated on the Sann, which there begins to be navigable: we are not acquainted with the population of Jaroslaw, a flourishing place, situated on a gentle pleasing ascent from the Sann. The hand. some church of Panna Maria, that is the holy Virgin, is much admired; as well as the delightful situation of the ancient college of the Jesuits. The trade in wax

is considerable, and a great deal of lin

en is fabricated there also. The neighbouring forests abound with bees. Sambor, a town of about 3,000 souls, has also its manufactories and bleach grounds. Belz has a manufactory of pot ash. Halicz, the ancient capital of Gallicia, does not reckon more than 4,000 inhabitants: we have already noticed the salt springs near that city.

In the country between the Pruth and the mountains called Pokutia, is the flourishing town of Sniatyn, with a population of from 6 to 7,000 souls, which is much frequented on account of the great fairs which are held there: quantities of cattle, horses, wax, and honey, are annually sold there, which chiefly come from Moldavia. Kutty contains 5,300 inhabitants, who make considerable quantities of salt, as well as at Colompa.

More than two thirds of the peasantry of Red Russia or of eastern Gallicia, are of Russian origin; their language is very different from that of the Poles, and they have also a different ritual for their worship. Although the government of

Austria has no doubt greatly improved and ameliorated their condition, yet they are still but few degrees removed from savages; their pointed sheep-skin caps, their buskins made up of a bundle of rags tied round with thongs of raw hides; in fact, their whole appearance indicates poverty and filth: their food chiefly consists of milk, old cheese, sour-krout, and potatoes.

The different sovereigns who have ruled over this country have endeavoured to entice colonists from all nations. The Russian princes invited and encouraged the Armenians: their morals, and the unanimity which prevails amongst them, are entitled to much praise. Under the Polish government, the Jews formed a second part: having made themselves masters of all the trade, and almost all the capital, they exercised an almost sovereign influence, and even held the nobility as it were in their power. In later years, Gallicia has received whole colonies at once from Germany, it being the policy of Austria to give every encouragement to these new settlers.

In my next I shall give you a description of Polish Prussia, and the duchy of Courland. W. H.


which at the present crisis involves

HAT the national debt is a subject

considerations of the greatest national importance, few persons, I am persuaded, will be disposed to deny. It would be no difficult matter to shew, that so long as it exists to the same extent, and in nearly similar circumstances, it will be impossible, in the present situation of Europe, for this country to make peace with France without being liable to be made in some sort tributary to her. It must necessarily be too on account of the revolutionary apprehensions of the stockholder, an almost insurmountable barrier to every species of reform, and an obstacle to every amelioration both of the moral and political condition of the great bulk of the people.

Struck with the various mischiefs it is calculated to occasion, and persuaded that it is impossible to discharge it fairly, Mr. Cobbett, and some others, have proposed that it should be can celled at once. This, no doubt, is a harsh measure, and can only be justified on the supposition that the ruin of the country is inevitable without having re


course to it.

In my opinion, however, this is far from being the case. I am persuaded that the debt may be discharged fairly; and that it would be much more advantageous to the country to do so, than to get rid of it by means of the sponge. It is my present object to shew the practicability of paying it; and the importance of the subject must be my apology to you and your readers, for requesting your attention and opinion on the subject.

About a year ago, a pamphlet of mine was published by Mawman, entitled, "Observations on the National Debt, with a Plan for Discharging it, &c." That which I then considered as the novel and distinguishing feature of my plan, was a proposal that the funds should contribute towards their own discharge, exactly in the proportion which they were found to bear to all the existing property in the country.

Thus, taking the national debt at four hundred millions, (which I shewed would at that time be about its amount, reckoning the interest of money at 5 per cent, and supposing the 3 per cents. paid off at 60, and all the other stock after the same ratio) and taking the existing property on the country at 1600 millions, (which from the returns of the income-tax, would appear to be about the mark) in this case, the proprietors of stock would have to pay from their property in the funds 30 millions, (4th of the whole national debt) or deduct so much from their claims on the public, and the other proprietors would have to pay the remaining 4ths, or 320 millions, being 4th of their whole property. Some of your readers will be alarmed perhaps at the magnitude of this sum, but they are to recolicct, that if it would require 4th of their property to pay the principal of the national debt, it takes more than 4th of their income, more than 4th of the produce of their property, to pay their share of its interest. And that by paying off the national debt, every one would save his share of the expense of collecting its interest, which, reckoning their direct wages, and the loss to the nation of the labour of the collectors, is very considerable. In my proposal for taxing the funds towards discharging themselves, I was not at that time aware that I had been anticipated by the bishop of Llandaff, who recommended the same measure in an "Address to the People of England," published in 1798, Ils lordship, however, has not adduced

any arguments to prove the equity of his proposal, and the Edinburgh reviewers, in their third volume, in reviewing a speech of his, intended to have been de livered in parliament, and published in 1805, in which his lordship again recommends the same measure, are by no means disposed to admit its justice and propriety. They observe, "the direct taxation of the national creditor, in proportion to his debt, by refusing him payment of a certain part of it, is extremely like a palpable breach of faith." I am persuaded, however, that the arguments I have brought forward in my pamphlet above-mentioned, in support of this mea sure, will be found abundantly sufficienț to establish its equity.*

In estimating however the amount of the national property from the amount of the income-tax, I did not then take into consideration that there is a great deal of property which does not contribute to that tax; but since every spe cies of property ought to contribute in proportion to its value towards discharg ing a national debt, an estimate for that purpose which does not take into account all property of whatever description, must be defective and erroneous, Property of the kind just mentioned, is such as household furniture, books, pictures, &c. &c. and, in short, every thing which does not yield a direct income.

* I cannot here refrain from noticing the disingenuousness of the Monthly Review. In their remarks upon my pamphlet, they observe, as near as I can recollect, to the following effect: "The writer has told us what we all knew, that if the national debt be paid off, every person ought to contribute if we look at their review of the bishop's according to his property towards it." Now like most, or I believe all those who replied pamphlet, in 1798, we shall find that they, to it, did not then know that the stockholder ought to contribute from his funded property towards paying the debt. For, in commenting upon the bishop's proposal that they should contribute, the reviewers observe: "We will not say how far he is right in recommending the taxing of the funds." Now I think it is fair to conclude, from the manner in which this is said, that they were then of opinion that the bishop was not right clear that they then knew little or nothing in his recommendation; at any rate it is very about the matter, but now it seems such a flood of new light has burst in upon them, that they can see clearly that the bishop was right, and they affect to believe that every body else must have done so too, without any information of mine on the subject.


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