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simple form possible to his reasonings, and on this occasion he considers the orbit of each planet as an ellipsis variable every instant. These are represented,

1. By the demi-great axis, on which depends the medium motion of the planet.

2. By the epoch of the medium longitude.

3. By the eccentricity of the orbit. 4. By the longitude of the perihelion. 5. By the inclination of the orbit. And, 6. By the longitude of its parts. "M. Lagrange," adds he "bas long since given to the differential expression of the great axis the form of which I have just spoken; and he has concluded with great propriety from thence, the invariability of the proportional motions, when regard is only paid to the first power of the perturbatory masses. This, I myself was the first to recognise, by only rejecting one-fourth of the power of the eccentricities and inclinations; a calculation which proved sufficient for all the purposes of astronomy. Accordingly, in the second book of the "Mécanique Celeste," I have given the same form to the differential expressions of the eccentricity of the orbit, its inclination, and the longitude of its parts. It remained therefore only to give the same form to the differential expressions of the longitudes of the epoch and the perihelion, which I have done in this place."

"Memoires de Chimie, auten aut des Analyses de Mineraur, &c."-Memoirs of Chemistry, containing Analyses of Minerals, by MARTIN HENRY KLAPROTH, Professor of Chemistry at the Academy for the Artillery in Prussia, an Associate of the National Institute of France, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. printed at Paris, and imported by M. de Boffe, Nassau-street.

The author tells us in his preface, which is here translated at full length, that he has long conceived the project of collecting all the different memoirs on chemistry hitherto written by him, but never found time for this until now.

"In presenting to the public," says he, "this first volume of the Analyses of Minerals, containing twenty-six dissertations, the greater part of which now appear for the first time, I have endea voured to render my labours as complete as possible; but I have experienced how difficult, and even how impossible it was, to render analyses perfect. I have attempted, not only to analyze species,

but even genera; yet I soon perceived that this task was too great for a single individual, and was accordingly forced to abandon it.

"As I most ardently desire to behold the science taking a wider range, in consequence of regular and correct experiments, I am of course anxious that the wish of Bergmann may be accomplished: "Aliorum tentamina, præsertion cardinalia, candide sunt revidenda." For as this chemical philosopher very properly observes: "plus vident occuli, quan oculus; ideoque, quæ nova exhibentur pluribus, testibus in diversis locis utiliter confirmari puto."

The author thinks that his analytical method in respect to gems merits attention, and even imitation, from the ablest chemists. Much is said to depend on the choice of proper vessels. Platina itself does not resist the continual action of pot-ash in fusion; he himself usually makes use of a silver vase for experi ments, and he recommends a golden one!

"Sammlung Astronomischer Abhandlangen, &c."-A Collection of Memoirs, Observations, and Astronomical Notices, by J. L. BODE, 4 vols. 8vo. with plates, Berlin, 1809.

This astronomer, who is well known throughout Germany, has in this work collected a great variety of memoirs on different branches of that science which he professes. Of these we shall here only select a few:

1. Tables of the Moon, according to the longitudinal equations of Burg, and also those of the latitudes and parallaxes of Laplace, by Oltmans.

2. Of the direction of the sun's morement, and the solar system, by Herschel.

3. Geographical position of Porto Rico, by Oltmans.

4. Geographical positions, and astronomical observations, made in Sweden during the years 1801-2-3 and 4.

5. Formulæ of the precession, by Platts.

6. On the problem, to find the true position of a planet by means of the medium of its longitude, by Rohde.

7. Geographical position of the city of Pilsen, in Bohemia, by David.

8. On the influence of reciprocal attraction of three bodies on the movement of one of these bodies, by Hegner. 9. Trigometrical measurement of the duchy of Berg, by Benzenberg.

10. Geographical longitude of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, by Oltmans. 11. Metho

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11. Method of calculating the eclipses of the sun, and the occultations of the stars, by Schmidt;

12. On the new observations and calculations of M. Piazzi;

13 and 14. The two supplements to the catalogue of the stars of M. Piazzi, by Oltmanns;

15. Of the latitude of Quito, by the same;

16. Astronomical observations made at Paris, by M. Bouvard;

17 and 18. Two memoirs composed at Paris, by M. Van Beek Calkoen, on the apparent medium distance of 38 pair of stars;

19. Geographical positions determined on the coast of Italy, &c. &c.

"Bulletin des Neusten, &c." Bulletin of New Inventions, interesting to Arts, Manufactures, Trades, Rural and Domestic Economy, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin. We are here presented with a variety of discoveries, in consequence of the conversion of objects of natural history to the advancement of trade and manufactures. First, we are told in what manner the rose of Damascus may be employed advantageously, for the advancement of the arts; next we have a receipt for preparing Spanish rouge; then an account of a new green and a new blue. After this, we are presented with a dissertation on chilling of liquors by means of metal vessels; a subsitute for lime juice follows; remarks on the vegetable compass; on the specific gravity of concrete mercury; on convex glasses; on the manufacture of paper; on the means of discovering the falsification of white paint; a new drawing-ink; new colours for cotton stuffs; the bark of the hieracium pilosella, proposed as a substitute for the quinquina, or jesuit's bark; an essay on perfecting electrical conductors; a new orange-coloured gunpowder for artillery; an account of certain Germans who eat argillaceous earth.

"Geschicte der Baierschen, &c." History of the Nineteenth Century, particularly destined for a Narration of the Austrian Annals, 4 vols. with portraits. Vienna, 1808. M. Schwaldopler, the author of these volumes, confines himself almost entirely to an enumeration of those events, in which the house of Austria has been chiefly interested. All the portraits too, with the exception of that of Mr. Pitt, and Bonaparte, are confined to the court of Vienna, the MONTHLY MAG. No. 201.

likenesses being those of the archdukes Charles and John, Maria Theresa, the emperor Francis I., field-marshal Kray, &c. Among those of inferior consideration, we find the baron Van Swieten, and Fuger the painter.

"Rückerinnerungen an Grosse Männer, &c." Reminiscences of Great Men, 1 vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1809. M. de Massenbach, the author of this work, has here given the public:

1. An eulogium on prince Henry of Prussia;

2. A parallel between prince Henry and Frederic II.;

3. A memoir relative to the administration of the latter;

4. A dissertation on the situation of Prussia and of Europe, after the demise of Frederic the Great;

And 5. The reasons for the author's entering into the service of the court of Berlin.


"Traité Elementaire de Physique." An Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, by the Abbé Hauy, honorary canon of the metropolitan church of Paris, member of the legion of honour, &c. second edition, revised, and considerably augmented by the author, 2 vols. 8vo. printed at Paris, 1809.

The different points of view under which natural bodies and the phenomena presented by then, may happen to be considered, have given birth to a variety of studies and pursuits. These have been multiplied, we are told, in proportion as the progress of knowledge contributes to add new branches to the sciences already formed. The sum total of our acquisitions, resulting from these, has accordingly furnished the three grand divisions, to which have been given the names of natural philosophy, chemistry, and natural history.

To a knowledge of the properties of bodies, their changes, and the laws by which they are regulated, the Abbé affixes the appellation of Physique, or natural philosophy. But when the phenomena depend on the action exercised by the molecule of bodies on each other, as well as on their separation and union, this study properly appertains to chemistry. On the other hand, when the attention is turned towards particular beings, some of which enjoy life, and spontaneous motion, while others possess only a structure without organization, this



embraces the whole province of natural history, which alone comprehends three distinguished sciences, under the names of Zoology, Botany, and Mineralogy.

composed alike, each containing 0.2149 of oxygen*.

In his description of paratonneres, or conductors, M. Hauy fails, as he might have given a far better account of this invention.

"But, in reality," adds he, "all the sciences dependent on or connected with nature, compose only one and the same science, which we have merely -subdivided in such a manner, that diffe-trian States: by Doctor Francis Sartori,

rent persons may attach themselves to different branches of it, and thus apply themselves specifically to those in which they may happen to take most delight. The experiments made in our modern cabinets and laboratories, tend only to make the works of nature familiar to us, and are but so many imitators of her phenomena. The pneumatic machine instructs us concerning the properties of the fluid which we breathe; while the electrical machine serves to assist us in determining the laws which govern the accumulated fluid often contained in a stormy cloud. The coloured image of the sun, presented by the light which passes through a prism, affords us an idea of the decomposition of this fluid, which, at some particular periods, displays the magnificent spectacle of the rainbow. All these different instruments, however diversified, are but so many interpreters of the visible language in which nature unceasingly speaks to us." Vol. I. contains:

1. A Dissertation on the general pro:perties of Bodies;

2. On Attraction; 3. On Caloric; 4. On Water;

5. On Air:

And 6. On Electricity. We perceive but little that is new: the abbé, however, does not confine his compilation to the works of his own countrymen, but borrows freely from foreigners. He expects great future advantages from the discovery of the bal


On this occasion it is remarked, that Gay Lussac, in the course of his last voyage, attained a greater degree of clevation than any of his predecessors, having actually ascended 6977 metres, or 3579 toises above Paris, and 7016 metres, or 3600 toises above the level of -the sea. At 6636 metres he opened a glass globe, and having emptied it, he filled it with air, and shut it close up again. On his return to the capital, an analysis took place, and on comparing ir with the air at the entrance to the Polytechnical school, he found both to be

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"Naturwunder des österreichischen, &c." The Wonders of Nature in the Aus

4 vols. 8vo. Vienna. The same author is about to give a continuation of the present work, by means of a supplement, containing observations on the country and the people, throughout the Austrian monarchy. In the mean time, he presents us with a statement of whatever is wonderful, and accordingly we here have, 1. A description of the mountain Octscher, in Lower Austria.

2. A description of the Lake of Traun, or der Gemund.

3. An account of a Glaciers on Mount Brandstein.

4. A description of the Carinthian Alps.

5. An account of a singular animal in Carniola, called Proteus Anguineus. 6. On Mount Bienneberg, and the wine of Oedenburg.

7. The Sulphur cavern in Mount Bondaesch, in Transylvania.

8. The Wild Goats of the country of Salzburg.

9. The Lake Barthelemi, in the country of Berchtesgaden;

10. The Valley of Buchberg, in the Lower Austria;

11. The Hole of Hell, on the Ens, in Austria;

12. The Mountain of Herisson, in Styria;

13. The Saline of Sovar in Hungary; 14. The Royal Mountain in Hungary, 15. The Sources of the Lebelang in Transylvania;

16. The tame bears in Poland ; 17. The River of St. John, in Styria; 18. The Cataract of Mina, in Lower Austria;

19. The Mines of Quicksilver at Idria, in Cariola;

20. The Ice-cavern in the country of Berchtesgaden;

21. The industry and sociability of the mountain-rats of Styria and Carinthia, of Salzburg, and in the Carpathian Mountains.

“Almanach fur Scheidekünstler, &c."

Journal de Physique, Frimaire, An XIII. p. 454, et suiv.


Almanack for Chymists and Apothe


This, among other matters, contains an essay calculated to determine the connexion between the acetic acid and minium; another on the solubility of minium in the acetic acid; several remarks on the discoloration and whitening of yellow wax, as also on the preparation of distilled oils, &c. &c. To the memoir is joined, An Account of the Discoveries in Chemistry and Pharmacy, from 1807 to 1808, to which is added, an analysis of the principal new works.

"Die Elemente der Luftschwimmkunst, &c." Elements of Erostastics, by A. G. Zachariæ, 280 pages 8vo. with a plate, Wirtemberg, 1807-8.

The author commences his, undertaking by laying down certain hydrostatical principles, as necessary preliminaries. He afterwards treats of the natation of fishes, and the mechanism by which this object is attained. The flight of birds furnishes him with a new object of comparison, whence he proceeds to the art of elevating a man above the earth. It is his opinion, that the round form of the balloon will always oppose itself to the possibility of directing the machine, and that the eliptical shape is not much better. To remedy this inconvenience, he proposes to adopt the form of a fish; and this species of balloon being filled with gas, will, he thinks, be much more manageable.

"Tables Barometriques, pour faciliter le calcul des nivellemens, et des mesures des hauteurs, par le Baromètre, &c." Barometrical tables to facilitate the Calculation of Levels, and also the measurement of Heights, by the Barometer; by Bernard de Lindenau.

This work, which consists of fifteen tables, is preceded by an explanatory preface and introduction. The tables, themselves present the following objects:

1. Logarithms of heights, corrected so as to find the true elevation of mountains;

2. Proportional parts, to prevent interpolations;

3 and 4. Corrections, so as to estimate the difference of temperature at two separate stations;

5. Corrections for the latitude;

6. Corrections for the diminution of weight in respect to the vertical height;

7. Correction of heights, so as to

make an allowance for the effects of the capillary tubes;

8. Comparative temperature between the sea-shore and the top of a mountain; 9. Estimate of horizontal distances; 10. Table for reducing_the_results to the formula of Laplace, Ramond Trembley, de Luc, Roy, and Shuckburgh; 11. Conversion of English into French measures;

13. Comparison between the thermometer of Fahrenheit and that of Reaumur; and,

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14. Comparison between the thermometer of Wodegrus and that of Reaumur. "Les Amours Epiques;" Epic Loves, a poem, in six cantos, containing a translation of episodes, composed by the best epic poets: by Perseval Grandmaison, Paris, 1 vol. 12mo. with a plate.

The editor tells us, that the present work is composed" of a union of episodes, by the most famous poets, which have been connected by him in such a manner as to constitute a regular, work."

The poem opens with a description of Elysium:

"Il est dans les enfers des champs delicieux,

Ou l'ame des mortels favorisés des cieux

S'envole, & va goûter la paix inaltérable!
Que n'a point cette vie, helas! si peu du-
L'Elyse est le nom de ce charmant sejour,


Là s'offrent éclairés d'un tendre demijour, &c."

While all are enjoying themselves in different manners, in these happy abodes, six poets recite their productions by turns; these are Homer, Tasso, Ariosto, Milton, Virgil, and Camoens. The first of these commences with the death of Patroclus, the victory of Hector, and the rage of Achilles; the next makes his appearance in Canto II.

"Il chantoit de Renaud les amoureux transports.

"Bouillon, dit il, en vain vouloit prendre Solyme,

"Ayant perdu l'appui de ce heros sublime "Qui d'Armide amoureux, au bont de l'univers;

"Dans une isle enchantée idolatroit ses fers." Ariosto begins as follows:

"Charles par sa valeur, "De Leutece ayant su delivrer les mu railles

"Vouloit deja tenter le destin des batailles,

"Et detruire Agramant, ce monarque in




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"De ses flancs escarpés defendent les approches:

"Sur ses flancs s'elevoient de longs & noirs sapins,

"De cedres, des palmiers, de venerables pins,

"Qui montant par degrés formoient de verds etages, "Levoient pompeusement ombrages, sur ombrages, &c.

"Lettres écrites de l'Italie, pendant les années 1801 et 1805." Letters from Italy; written between the years 1801 and 1805. By P. F. Rehues, Zurich, 1809. The author is already known in the literary world, by his work, "Sur l'etat actuel de la Sicile," published in 1807. Several of the letters in the present volume, have already appeared in the two German Journals edited by M. Rehfues, under the separate titles of "De l'Italic, & Melanges Italiens." They now re-appear, with many emendations, and are at the same time considerably enlarged, We are here presented with accurate descriptions of the cities of Leghorn, Florence, and Genoa. The first letter contains a general description of the Italian ladies; the second gives an account of the carnival at Leghorn; and in the third, the author has treated "Sur l'art d'improviser," which he considers as a simple mechanical habit, that presupposes no talent whatsoever for poetry. The next letter is dedicated to a description of the ancient pictures of Campo Santo, and the Baths of Pisa;

next follows an account of the quarries of marble at Massa, where there is at this very time an academy of sculpture.


From Lerici, on the gulph of Spezzia, the author repaired to Genoa; and his remarks on the characters of the Genoese, are extremely interesting. journey to Rome furnishes him with an opportunity of detailing a variety of reremarks relative to the spirit which prevailed in the various religious orders, as well as of the rivalship which subsisted among them. The want of cultivation in the Campagna di Roma, is attributed partly to the siege of that city in 1527, and partly to the residence of the Popes at Avignon.

Our traveller next visits Florence, which he considers as a city better calculated for social intercourse than Rome, while the latter is a superior abode for such as are attached to the study of the fine arts. The gallery of the pictures appertaining to the marchioness of Gerini, is described with great minuteness, as is also that of Cambrucchini at Leghorn. The appendix contains dissertations on the social state in Italy, and on the Jews of Leghorn.

"Tableau de Naples, & des ses Environs, &c." A Description of Naples and its Environs, by P. J. Relifues, 3

vols. 8vo. 1808. This work has been already alluded to in the preceding article. The author, after a variety of particulars relative to the situation, climate,

and history of Naples, estimates the population of that city, in 1805, at 443,421 inhabitants, without reckoning foreign


Those resident in the country are eulculated at 123,780, among whom are included 2000 secular ecclesiastics, more than 3000 monks, and upwards of 4500


of the various public places; the means After this the author gives an account of provisioning the city; the feast of St. Januarius, and the Neapolitan women, These appear to him to be less comely than the men: they are represented as little, and brown-complexioned, but very lively and very spirited. The Neapolis tans in general are described as superstitious, high-polished, much addicted to litigation, and often cruel and deceitful. They pretend that their dialect is tar superior to the Tuscan, and possess a natural talent for the language of gesti culation. In their songs they celebrate their horses, their limpid fountains, and their mistresses. The article respecting


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