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"The Dying Swan ;" a Glee for Three Voices. Composed by M. P. King. 2s. 6d. Talents and science are in this little production happily combined. passages are fanciful, if not original; the combination, generally speaking, is remarkably good; and where imitation has been the composer's object, he has effected it successfully, and with much apparent ease. Viewed in the aggregate," the Dying Swan" merits our honorable report.

Morgiana in Ireland;" a favourite Dance, arranged as a Rondo for the Piano-forte, by M. Hoist.

1s. 6d.

"Morgiana in Ireland" is not ill adapted to the purpose to which it is here turned. It lively in its cast,

and the passages are pleasant and familiar. Mr. Holst, by converting it into a piano-forte rondo, has made the most of it, and will, we doubt not, he, by its general sale, well repaid for his ingenuity.

"Tell me how to bid Adieu, Love;" a Favourite Rondo, written by J. K. Anderson, Esq. composed by Sir John Stevensor, Mus. Doc. 1s. 6d.

Sir John Stevenson has in the present rondo exhibited much of his wellknown taste and powers in melodial expression. The ideas are not only elegant in themselves, but highly embellished; and the piano-forte accom. paniment is judiciously adjusted.

"Alone for You;" a Ballad. The Words by Mr. J. Swart: the Music composed and dedicated to Miss Fenton, by J. Major. Is, 6d.

This air, to which Mr. Major has given a piano-forte accompaniment, is easy, agreeable, and connected in its passages; and in its general effect, ranks above the ordinary ballads of the day. "The Days that are gone;" a Ballad, composed by Dr. John Clarke, of Cambridge. 1. 6d.

This ballad is natural and agreeable in its melody, and the piano-forte part, with which it is accompanied, is inge niously arranged. Dr. Clarke bas not failed to consult the sentiment of the words, nor to exhibit his usual powers in inforcing its impression.


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Under the Care of the late Senior Physician of the Finsbury Dispensary, from the 20th of December, to the 20th of January, 1810.

F the Reporter may be allowed to

"The at grows somewhat

I judge from his own professional ex- listless, and feels slight chills sun what

perience, there has rarely occurred a more sickly period than the last month, Several cynanchial affections have fallen under his notice and care, attended with a very considerable degree of fever of the typhoid character. Typhus itse:f, unaccompanied with any particular local complaint, has likewise presented itself in its most distinctly marked and alarming form. The cases wonderfully coincided with the description of Dr. Huxham. The symptoms, which, with more or less regularity, and in greater or less number, appear in the low typhoid fever, are traced with such fidelity and minuteness by that respectable practitioner, that it may not be uninteresting to extract part of the history which he gives of this disease.

ders, with uncertain sudden flashes of heat, and a kind of weariness all over like what is felt after great fatigue. This is always attended with a sort of heaviness and dejection of spirits, and more or less of a load, pain, or giddiness of the head; a nausea and disrelisí. of every thing soon follows, without any consider able thirst, with frequent urging to vo, mit, though little but insipid phlegm is brought up. Though a kind of lucid interval for several hours sometimes supervenes, yet the symptoms return with ag gravations, especially towards night: the head grows more giddy, the heat greater, the pulse quicker but weak, with an oppressive kind of breathing. A great torpor, or obtuse pain and coldness, affect the hinder parts of the head frequently ;


and oftentimes a heavy pain is felt on the top all along the coronary of the suture, This, and that of the back part of the head, generally attend these kinds of fever, and are commonly succeeded by some degree of delirium. In this condition the patient often continues for live or six days, with a heavy pale sunk countenance, seemingly not very sick, yet far from being well; restless, anxious, and quite void of sleep, though sometimes very drowsy and heavy but though he appears to those about him actually to sleep, he is utterly insensible of it, and denies that he does so. Frequently profuse sweats pour forth all at once about the ninth, tenth, or twelfth day; commonly coldish or clammy on the extremi tics. Now nature sinks apace: the extremities grow cold; the nails pale or livid; the pulse may be said to tremble and flutter rather than to beat, the vibrations being so weak and quick that they can scarce be distinguished; though sometimes they creep on surprisingly slow, and very frequently intermit. The sick become quite insensible and stupid, scarce affected with the loudest noise or strongest light, though at the beginning strangely susceptible of either. The delirium now ends in a profound coma, and that soon in an eternal sleep. The tears, and other excretions, run off invoJuntarily, and denounce a speedy dissolution; as the vast twitchings of the tendons and nerves, are preludes to a general convulsion which at once snaps off the thread of life."*.

Fleurisy has been more than usually frequent of late, attended with a conside. rable degree of fever. In several instances which have fallen under the more immediate observation of the writer of this article, the constitution was not in such a state as to admit of repeated venesection. A small quantity of blood taken away in the first instance, rendered any subse"quent evacuation of that kind un necessary and unadviseable. This disease, more perhaps than any other when it occurs in the athletic and plethoric, justifies, and even imperiously demands, the employment of the lancet. "Blisters in this affection are unequivocally

Had it not been for the long extract in the text, the Reporter would have wished to have quoted from his friend, Dr. Uwins, of Aylesbury, who has recently published a small but highly-valuable Treatise on the subject of Fever, occasioned by a late epidemic disorder in that town and neighbourhood.

and invariably allowable, and essentially conducive to the relief and eventual removal of the local inflammation, which, if it were allowed to proceed without restraint, would, in some instances, immediately menace the life of the patient, in others gradually degenerate into a phthysical and irreparable disorganization. Pleurisy or pneumonia in the constitutionally predisposed, is one of the most ordinary preludes to, or exciting causes of, a true consumption, on which aecount there is no attack, however slight, of the former, which ought not to excite the vigilance of fear, before the Rubicon is past. In one case of pulmonary complaint alluded to, it seemed obviously to originate from the business of the patient, which was that of a furrier. The atmosphere of the apartinent to which his lungs were habitually exposed, was charged with extraneous mechanical ingredients, that could not fail to irritate and have a tendency, through the means of constant irritation, ultimately to ulcerate and destroy the structure of those delicate and susceptible organs. A case of a different kind, an hemiplegia, which was attended with fatuity and delirium, was likewise attributable, in a great measure at least, to the daily occupation of the subject of it, that of a herald painter. The effluvia of the paint in rooms artificially and intensely beated for the purpose of drying it, could not fail to have a deleterious effect upon the nervous system, which might gradually approximate towards, and at length assume the decided character of palsy. In this instance, however, there was at the same time a constitutional tendency to the disorder; both the father and the mother of the patient having previously fallen victims to a paralytic paroxysm. It is worthy of remark, that in cases of palsy, insanity, and other maladies; the circumstance of there being an inherited proclivity to them, affords a very unfa vourable oinen with regard to the proba bility of their cure.

Jan. 26, 1810.


Grenville-street, Brunswick-square.

Errata in the last Report.-P. 627, column 2nd, line 5th from the top: for "mislead" read "mislaid." Line 6th from the bottom: for "fever" read" fear."-P. 628, line 1st: for "computated" read amputated."-For the quotation from Dr. Johnson at the conclusion of the Report, read: "Of the uncertainties of our present state, the most dreadful and alarming is the uncertain continuance of reason."


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Containing official Papers and authentic Documents.


Report of the Prince Arch-Chancellor to the
Conservative Senate.

IN the year 1809, and on the 15th day of De

cember, at nine o'clock in the evening, We, Jean Jaques Regis Cambaceres, Prince Arch-chancellor of the empire, Duke of Parma, exercising the functions prescribed to ús by title the 2nd of the 14th article of the statute of the Imperial family, and in conse quence of orders addressed to us by his Majesty the Emperor and King, in his private letter, dated that day, of the following tenor:

Paris, December 15, 1809.

"My Cousin-Our desire is, that you repair this day, at nine o'clock in the evening, to our grand cabinet of the palace of the Thuilleries, attended by the Civil Secretary of State of our Imperial family, to receive from us and from the Empress, our dear consort, a communication of great importance. For this purpose, we have ordered this present private letter should be sent to you. We pray God to have you, my cousin, in his holy and blessed keeping."

On the back is written :- To our Cousin the Prince Arch-Chancellor, Duke of Parma.'

We accordingly proceeded to the hall of the throne of the palace of the Thuilleries, attended by Michel Louis Etienne Regnault (de St. Jean d'Angely), Count of the empire, Minister of State, and Secretary of State to the Imperial family. A quarter of an hour af terwards, we were introduced to the grand cabinet of the Emperor; where we found his Majesty the Emperor and King, with her Majesty the Empress, attended by their Majesties the Kings of Holland, Westphalia, and Naples, his Imperial Highness the Prince Viceroy, the Queens of Holland, Westphalia, Naples, and Spain, Madame, and her Imperial Highness the Princess Paulina. His Majesty the Emperor and King condescended to address us in these terms:

"My Cousin, Prince Arch-Chancellor I dispatched to you a private letter, dated this day, to direct you to repair to my cabinet, for the purpose of communicating to you the resolution which I and the Empress, my It gives me dearest consort, have taken. pleasure that the kings, queens, and princesses, my brothers and sisters, my brothers and sisters-in law, my daughter-in-law, and my son-in law become my adopted son, us well as my mother, should witness what I am going to communicate to you.

The policy of my monarchy, the interest and the wants of my people, which have constantly guided all my actions, require, that after me, I should leave to children, inheritors of my love for my people, that throne on which Providence has placed me; notwith ३

standing, for several years past, I have lost the hope of having children by my marriage with my well-beloved consort, the Empress Josephine. This it is which induces me to sacrifice the sweetest affections of my heart, to attend to nothing but the good of the state, and to wish the dissolution of my mar riage.


Arrived at the age of forty years, I may indulge the hope of living long enough to educate in my views and sentiments the children which it may please Providence to give me. God knows how much such a resolution has cost my heart; but there is no sacrifice beyond my courage, when it is proved to me to be necessary for the welfare of France. I should add, that far from having reason to complain, on the contrary, I have had reason only to be satisfied with the at tachment and the affection of my well-beloved consort: she has adorned fifteen years of my life, the remembrance of which will ever remain engraven on my heart: she was crowned by my hand. I wish she should oreserve the rank and title of Empress, but above all, that she should never doubt my sentiments, and that she should ever regard me as her best and dearest friend."

His Majesty the Emperor and King having ended, her Majesty the Empress and Queen spoke as follows:

"By the permission of our dear and august consort, I ought to declare, that not preserving any hope of having children, which may ful fil the wants of his policy and the interest of France, I am pleased to give him the greatest proof of attachment and devotion, which has ever been given on earth. I possess all from his bounty: it was his hand which crowned me; and, from the height of the throng, I have received nothing but proofs of affection and love from the French people. I think I prove myself grateful, in consenting to the dissolution of a marriage, which heretofore was an obstacle to the welfare of France; which deprived it of the happiness of being one day governed by the descendants of a great man, evidently raised up by Providence, to efface the evils of a terrible revolution, and to re-establish the altar, the throne, and social order.

But the dissolution of my marriage will in no degree change the sentiments of my heart. The Emperor will ever have in me his best friend. I know how much this act, demanded by policy and by interests so great, has chilled his heart; but both of us exult in the sacrifice which we make for the good of the country."

After which, their Imperial Majesties having demanded an act of their respective declarations, as well as of the mutual consent contained in them, and which their Majesties gave to the dissolution of their marriage, as


also of the power which their Majesties con ferred on us, to follow up, as need shall require, the effect of their will-We, Prince Arch-Chancellor of the empire, in obedience to the orders and requisitions of their Majesties, have given the aforesaid acts, and have in consequence executed the present proces verbal, to serve and avail according to law; to which preces verbal their Majestics have affixed their signatures, and which, after having been signed by the kings, queens, princes, and princesses, present, has been signed by us, and countersigned by the Secretary of State of the Imperial family, who wrote it with his own hand.

Done at the palace of the Thuilleries, the day, hour, and the year aforesaid.

(Signed, &c.)

Having seen the projet of the Senatus Consultum, drawn up in the form prescribed by the 57th article of the Act of the Constitution, of the 4th of August, 1802-After having heard the motives of the said projet, the orators of the council of state, and the report of the special committee appointed on the sitting of this day-the adoption having been discussed by the number of members prescribed by the 56th article of the Act of the Constitution, of the 4th of August, 1802, the Senate decrees that:

I. The marriage contracted between the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine, is dissolved;

II. The Empress Josephine shall preserve the title and rank of Empress Queen crowned; Ill. Her dowry is fixed at an annual income of two millions of francs, on the revenue of the state;

IV. All the assignments which may be made by the Emperor, in favour of the Empress Josephine, on the funds of the civil list, shall be obligatory on his successors;

V. The present Senatus Consultum shall be transmitted by a message to his Imperial and Royal Majesty.

At the sitting of the Legislative Body, December 12, Count Montalvet delivered in the Emperor's name, an exposé of the situation of France, up to the 1st of that month. After having introduced his important narrative, by observing the signal victories, geneTous pacification, the results of the most profound political combinations, and the maintenance of order in the interior, form the -prominent features of the history of the year which has just elapsed-le enumerated, under the different heads of public labours, in particular in Paris, charitable establishments, public institutions, sciences, letfers and arts, agriculture, manufactures and Industry, mines, commerce and trade, finances, religious worship, war and politics-the progress made,advantages obtained, and changes effected, in the course of the said year. Under the head of commerce and trade, he expressed himself in the following manner: "Commerce in general applies itself to draw

the greatest possible advantage from the products of agriculture and industry. Our trade undoubtedly suffers from the present extraordinary state of affairs, which form, as it were, two masters-one of the European continent; the other of the seas, and of countries from which these leave no communication with France. Our relations with the United States of America are also for the present suspended; but, as they are founded on mutual wants, they will speedily resume their former course."

Under the head of religious worship, after having declared, that "in France all religi ons are not only tolerated, but honoured and encouraged," he makes the following obser vations: " No well-informed person is igno rant of the mischief which the temporal sovereignity of the Popes has done to region. But for this mischief, one moiety of Europe would not be severed from the Catholic church. There was but one way to free it for ever from such great dangers, and to reconcile the interests of the state with those of religion: it was necessary the succesor of St. Peter should again become, undisturbed by worldly concerns, merely a pastor, like St. Peter."

Under the article of war, a description is given of the advantages obtained in Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Spain; which is terminated by the following remarks:

"By the peace of Vienna, France and her allies, have obtained considerable advantages; an the Continent of Europe has regained tranquillity and peace. Let us hope that this peace will be more permanent than that of Presburg; and that the men who deluded the cabinet of Vienna, after the peace of Presburg, will not succeed in deceiving it again, after that of Vienna. They would pronounce the doom of their master; for France, ever great, powerful, and strong, will always know how to destroy and counteract the combinations and intrigues of her enemies. In the mean time, England, s-eing that our armies were employed in Germany, and being always ill-informed, notwithstanding the immense treasures she wastes in paying spies, fancied that our veteran troops had left Spain, and the weakened French army would not be able to withstand their efforts. Forty thousand men were disembarked in Portugal, where they joined the insurgents, and flattered themselves they should be able to march to Madrid. They gathered nothing but disgrace from their enterprise. They were met by armies in all places, where they fancied to find only divisions. Forty thousand men landed at the same time in Walcheren, and without having commenced the siege, by means of a short bombardment, they rendered themselves in a fortnight masters of Flushing, which was cowardly defended. His Majesty ordered a report to be made to him on the subject The Emperor generously rewards those, who, animated with his sentiments, and sensible of what they


we to the honour of France, are faithful to glory and their country; but he severely punishes those who calculate the danger when victory alone should occupy their mind, and prefer a disgraceful fight to a glorious death. In the mean time, all the depart ments were in arms: 150,000 men of the national guard put themselves in motion, while at the same time 25,000 troops drawn from the depôts assembled in Flanders, and the gens d'armes, formed a corps of 8000 choice cavalry. The English commander in chief, as a wise and prudent man, would not expose his army to dangers more destructive than the plague: he returned to England. All the departments gave striking provis of their attachment to the Government and Emperor; some districts only in the depart ment of the Sarthe showed a contrary disposition. Commissioners have been appointed to inquire into their conduct. He commands that private individuals, who have misconducted themselves, shall be deprived, during the space of twenty-five years, of the rights of citizens, and subjected to a double contribution. Over their doors shall be written the words: This is not a French citizen.""

Under the head of general policy, the changes are enumerated which were the reault of the peace of Vienna; and the Empe-. tor's views are developed with regard to future important arrangements. "It would have been an easy task for the Emperor to unite all Gallicia with the duchy of Warsaw; but he would not do any thing which should excite the least uneasiness in the mind of his ally, the Emperor of Russia. His Majesty never entertained the idea of restoring the kingdom of Poland. What he has done for New Gallicia was prescribed to him by sound policy and honour: he could not surrender to the vengeance of an implacable prince, people who had displayed such fervent zeal for the cause of France." He then proceeds: "The Hanse towns shall preserve their independence; they shall serve as a medium of the reprisal of war with regard to England. Peace shall immediately be concluded with Sweden. Nothing shall be changed in the political relations of the Confederation of the Rhine and the Helvetic Confederacy.-Holland is, in fact, only a part of France. A definition of that country may be given, by saying that it is a continuation of the Rhine, the Meuse, and the Scheldt-that is to say, of the great arteries of the French empire. The absolute inactivity of her custom-house, the disposition of her agents, and the senti ments of its inhabitants, which tend incessantly to a fraudulent trade with England, has rendered it necessary to exclude them from all commercial intercourse with the Rhine; and thus, placed in a state of morbid compression between France and England, Holland is deprived both of the advantages: which clash with our general system, and which she must relinquish, and of those

which she might enjoy. It is time that alt this should be set right.-The lilyrian provinces cover Italy, give her a direct communication with Dalmatia, and procure us a point of immediate contact with the empire of Constantinople, which it must be the wish and intention of France, for many reasons, to support and protect.-Spain and lortugal are the seat of a ferocious revolution. The numerous agents of England keep up the conflagration which they have raised. The force, the power, the ilm moderation of the Emperor, will restore to them peaceful days." -Should Spain iree her colanies it would be through her own fault. The Emperor wilt never oppose the independence of the conti nental nations of America. That independence is in the natural order of events: it is just; it agrees with the true interest of all European powers. Should the people of

Mexico and Peru wish to raise themselves to
the elevation of a noble independence, France
will never oppose them, provided they enter
into no connexion with England. France is
not under the necessity of vexing her neigh-
bours, or imposing upon them tyrannic laws,'
to secure her prosperity and trade.-We have
lost the colony of Martinique, and that of
Cayenne. They were both badly defended."
The circumstances which led to their loss
form the object of a strict enquiry; although
it is not of any weight in the general balance
of affairs, since they will be restored to us, in
a more flourishing condition, at the general


The disputes between Great Britain and the United States of America, have been exasperated by some late corrcspondence between the American Secretary of State and Jackson, the new British minister. The consequence has been that Mr. Jackson has been forced to take a hasty departure from the United States; and great apprehensions have been entertained of a rupture taking place between the two countries.

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Washington, Nov. 13, 1809. "SIR.I have to inform you, with much regret, that the facts which it has been my duty to state in my official correspondence with Mr. Smith, have been deemed by the President of the United States, to afford a sufficient motive for breaking off an important negotiation, and for putting an end to all communication whatever with me, as the minister charged with that negotiation, so interesting to both nations, and on one most material point of which an answer has not been returned to an official and written overture.

"One of the facts alluded to has been ad

This overture is on the affair of the Chesapeake.

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