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vidence; which, among other things, will furnifh out to all holy Angels, and perfectly glorifed Men, Matter, new Matter of deep Aftonishment and Joy unto all Eternity. But "above all and in particular, with what Manner of most divinely fweet extafies of unutterably vaft Exultation will all glorified Men be quite tranfported when they will not only most perfectly Know God in general as an infinitely Excellent Being; but alfo when they thall Jee their infinitely amiable Goel, Face to Face, and enjoy Him and all other Things befides him, as their infinitely great Good, and most divinely beautiful and eternal Inheritance and Poffef hion! Hail all ye Saints!. Hail all ye Angels! All ye happy, happy, happy Favourites of God Jehovah, Hail! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Greatly, greatly, greatly praife the great Jehovah, to the Excellency of whole Greatness there is o End! Surely the Service is infinitely rational, and moft fupremely delightful; fince it is infinitely much more than due to the Infinitude of the Divine Excellency, and moft aftonishing, unmerited, and eternal Beneficence of Jehovah, Strike you, then, I beseech you, Ö my deareft Auditors, O ftrike, I conjure you, the very highest Keys. Let your Lips pour out abundantly the manifold Praise of God in the very grandeft, very higheft, and most perfect polfible Strains. excite all Creatures together with yourselves, faying; Q magnifie the Lord with


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me, and let us exalt bis Name together. Pfal xxxiv, 3. O keep not Silence, then, but praise his great and glorious Name, which is infinitely exalted above all Bleffing, and above all Praife, and above all Things. Adopt the Language of the Pfalmift, faying? Bleed be the Lord God of Ifrael, from Everlasting to Everlasting: And let all the People fay, Amen. Praife ye the Lord. Pfal. cvi. 48. Surely the Service is perfectly reasonable: For what can be more reafonable than to Praise Jehovah moft greatly, upon the account of his infinitely excellent Greatnefs, and moft divine Goodness. Moft certainly, Auditors, fince God is poffeffed of fo many infinitely glorious natural, and morab Perfections; and fince his Beneficence is abfolutely boundless, it is not only our Duty, and Happiness; but it ought to be our most fupreme, and fole Delight, to celebrate and praise his great Name from Eternity unto Eternity in the very higheft, and moft perfect poffible Manner.

Surely after the general Refurrection, final Confummation, and moft perfect Reftitution of all Things, all the perfectly glorified Men and holy Angels of God, will have, will know will defire no other Felicity, no other Duty, no other Joy, except only to praise most greatly, moft perfectly, and in the very beft poffible Manner, the Infinitude of the divine Greatnefs. And is not Jehovah great, and greatly to be Praifed, now? Yes! For there I

is no end of his Greatnefs. But seeing that al true Virtue, or real Piety, and moral Amendment, can only have its Foundation in, or take its Beginning from the Understanding: Since that which is unknown, is unbeloved: For what the understanding does not exhibit to the Will as good, excellent and beautiful, the Will can't defire, agreeable to the Latin Adage, Ignoti mulla Cupido; then it is a moft plain and felfevident truth, that we cannot poffibly love and praile an unknown God. Contrariwife it is ablolutely impoffible that we fhould know God as infinitely great, infinitely excellent, and beneficent, and not love, and praife him. Hence the true and faithful Witness, even our most glorious, and infinitely amiable Redeemer, the Lord Jefus Chrift, who is Truth and Veracity itfelf, and cannot poffibly lie, fays: This is Life eternal. that they might know thee the only true God, and Jefus Chrift, whom theu baft fent. John. 17. 3. But as the true Knowledge of God is better than Life; So being ignorant of God is worfe than Death. Hence the wifeft of all Men, Solomon, fays; then I saw that Wisdom excelleth Felly, as far as Light excelleth Darkness. Eccl. ii. . 13. Wherefore he elfewhere declares, that the Soul without Knowledge, is not good. Prov. xx. 2. Therefore there is a moft horrible Vengrance denounced against those, that know not God. See 1. The ff. i. 7, 8, 9. When the Lord Je fus fhall be revealed from Heaven with his migh

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ty Angels, in flaming Fire, taking Vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jefus Chrift: Who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the Prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of his Power. Moft certainly it will fare, or be very ill with all thofe, who do not know and greatly praile the great Jehovah, if they perfift in their most exceffive Folly unto Death: O what Terrors will feize them when the infinitely folemn Reckoning, and moft divinely fevere Examination commence : For the Reward of their Hands fhall be given them. And an horrible Tempeft, even a most violent and infinitely calamitous Hurricane of Eternal Vengeance fhall be the Portion of their Cup. For they will, on the Day of universal just Retribution, be fummoned before the Judge of Heaven and Earth, feated upon a very awful Throne of Glory, fulminating and thundering with the infinite Rigour of God's inflexible Juftice and Judgment, which are the firmness and very Foundation of that most dreadful Tribunal. I fay all finally impenitent Rebels, will be hurried into the PreTence of the great Judge of the Universe, moft folemnly feated, and attended with Myriads of oly Angels, darting fwifter than Lightning rom Pole to Pole, and from Eaft to Weft it the Intimation of the divine Pleafure. A Judge, from whofe Face the Heaven and the Earth fled away, according to the Vifion of


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St. John. A Judge, at whose fierce Indignation the whole Creation trembles like a Leaf: Then Jefus Christ, the tremendous, righteous Judge, armed with Anger and Vengeance, will denounce the infinitely fevere Sentence of eternal Death and Damnation against all those guilty, naked, defenceless, and moft obnoxious, wretches, faying in the very Fire of his infinite Fury, yea in the very Thunder of his divine Anger; I know you not whence ye are depart from me, ye workers of Iniquity. Yea! Depart from me, ye curfed, into everlaking Fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels. In con. fequence of this infinitely fevere, yet infinitely juft Sentence, they will be caft into outer Darknefs, into the Abys of utter Perdition. (Not determing whether this Place will be in the infinite Abys of Darkness, or empty Space beyond the Boundaries as it were of the Univerle.) L this moft wretched Place of Torment, and everJafting Defpair, I mean in an infinitely dismal Hell, they will be utterly deftitute of all Good, and fuffer all Evil. Then and there they will find, by woful, and immenfely miserable Experience, that they are caft out of God's Fa vour forever. They will find that they have, by their Final Unbelief and Impenitence, expofed themselves to the Displeasure of God; and that they have fet themfelves up as a Mark of the rightaiming thunderbolts of the Almighty, and infinitely incensed Jehovah. Then they will



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