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XVI.-On language-The causes which contribute to the

improvement or alteration of it-The progress of the

English language

XVII. Letter from a correspondent on the nature and

extent of politeness-From Arthur Cassock-his mise-

rable situation as private tutor in a gentleman's family

described-FromĒtonensis, a poem on taking leave of Eton 129

XVIII.-On the universal curiosity to know what others
think of one-Disagreeable consequences of indulging
that curiosity-Danger of speaking our sentiments of
other people too freely to those whom we do not know-
Instance of the effects of such a conduct-The advantage
Gregory Griffin enjoys, by being able, himself undis-
covered, to find out the sentiments of his fellow-citizens,
with regard to himself and his work-Various opinions
on the subject-Various conjectures about the author-
Specimen of letters of advice from different correspondents
-Story of Apelles

XIX.-History of Frederic

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XX.-Reflections on the character and conduct of Julius

Cæsar-His clemency opposed to the cruel behaviour of

Sylla and Augustus-Mercy rarely recommended as a

virtue by the ancients, but the offspring of christianity 154

XXI.-Letter from a correspondent, containing reflections
on a line of Virgil, on a parish register, on the desire of
posthumous fame, and an eulogy on Mr. Powel, the fire-


XXII.-Letter from H. Homespun, containing a complaint
against prejudices ill-founded and injurious to any body
of men, particularly those which are directed against
tailors and weavers-Analogy between the art of weaving
and the art of poetry-Proposals for drawing all metaphors
of the loom from our home manufactures-Mr. Griffin's
opinion on the letter of his correspondent, and his en-
forcement of Mr. Homespun's advice

XXIII-On government The patriarchal-The monar-

chical-The States of Greece The modification of the

Roman government considered-Remark on some lines

of Virgil-Folly of too much refinement in tracing the

origin of particular forms of government-The Feudal

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