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Phrases are either simple, complex, or compound. A simple phrase is one unconnected with any other; as, "Of an obliging disposition."

A complex phrase is one that contains a phrase or a clause, as an adjunct of its principal part; as, "By the bounty of Heaven."-" To be plain with you."

A compound phrase is one composed of two or more co-ordinate phrases; as, Stooping down and looking


Phrases are also classified as to their form, depending upon the introducing word, or the principal part; thus,

1. A phrase, introduced by a preposition, is called a prepositional phrase; as, "By doing good."-" Of an engaging disposition."

2. A phrase the principal part of which is a verb in the infinitive mood, is called an infinitive phrase; as, "To be good is to be happy."

3. A phrase the principal word of which is a participle, is called a participial phrase; as, "A measure founded

on justice."

OBS.-A preposition that introduces a phrase, serves only to express the relation between the principal part, and the word of the sentence, on which the phrase depends.

A phrase, used as the subject or the object of a verb, must be substantive in office, and, with a strict adherence to grammatical rules, can only be infinitive in form; as, "To disobey parents is sinful."-" William loves to study grammar." Participial phrases arc, however, sometimes used by good writers. in this way; as, "Hunting the buffalo, is one of the sports of the West."-"John's father opposed his going to sea." [See Obs. 8, page 102; and Note IÏÏ., with Obs. 3, under it, Syntax, Rule XIV.]

A phrase, used as an attribute, may be substantive or adjective in office, and may have the following forms:

1. Infinitive; as, "The object of punishment is to reform the guilty."-"His conduct is greatly to be admired." [In the latter example, the phrase is adjective, to be admired being equivalent to admirable.]

2. Prepositional; as, "He is in good health."—" The train was behind time." [In each of these examples, the phrase is adjective.]

An adjective phrase may have the following forms: 1. Prepositional; as, “Carelessness in the use of money, is a vice."

2. Infinitive; as, "The desire to do good is praise. worthy."

3. Participial; as, "Seeing the danger, he avoided it.” An adverbial phrase may have the following forms:

1. Prepositional; as, "He was attentive to his business." 2. Infinitive; as, "They were anxious to ascertain the truth."

3. Idiomatic; as, "In vain."-"Day by day."-"By and by."-" As a general thing."

An explanatory phrase is always substantive in office, and infinitive in form; as, It is pleasant to see the sun.


The independent phrase is various in form and character. It may be distinguished as,

1. Infinitive; as, "To be candid, I was in fault."

2. Participial; as, " Considering the circumstances, much credit is due."

3. Vocative; as, "Boast not, my dear friend, of to-morrow." 4. Pleonastic; as, "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich."

5. Absolute; as, "The sun having risen, the mists were dispersed."

OBS. 1.-The last form of this phrase is often adverbial in signification; as in the example given, in which it is equivalent to the clause, when the Bun had risen. It is, therefore, independent only in construction. "It

OBS. 2.-An adverbial phrase may be modified by an adverb; as, lasts but for a moment;" í. e. but equivalent to only, and modifying the adverbial phrase, for a moment.

OBS. 3.-A phrase or a clause is sometimes used as the object of a preposition, and thus forms a prepositional phrase of a complex or anomalous character; as, "Blows mildew from between-his-shriveled-lips."—"That depends on who-can-run-the-fastest."



In the Sixth Praxis, it is required of the pupil-to classify and analyze the sentence as in the preceding praxis; to classify and analyze each phrase; and to parse the sentence, distinguishing the parts of speech, and all their classes and modifications. Thus:


"Ah! who can tell the triumphs of the mind,
By truth illumined, and by taste refined ?"

ANALYSIS.-This is a simple interrogative sentence.

The subject is who; the predicate, can tell, the object, triumphs. The subject and predicate are unmodified; the adjuncts of the object, are the and the complex adjective phrase, of the mind illumined by truth, and refined by taste.

The principal part of the phrase is mind; its adjuncts are the and the compound adjective phrase, illumined by truth, and refined by taste, which consists of the two coördinate participial phrases connected by and. The principal part of the former is illumined, and its adjunct, the simple adverbial phrase, by truth; the principal part of the latter is refined, and its adjunct, the simple adverbial phrase by taste. Ah is an inde pendent word.

PARSING.-Ah! is an interjection, because it is a simple exclamation of wonder or admiration.

Who is an interrogative pronoun, of the third person, singular number, masculine gender; and in the nominative case, because it is the subject of the verb can tell.

By is a preposition, because it shows the relation between truth and illumined, the phrase by truth being an adjunct of illumined.

Truth is a common noun, and abstract, because it is the name of a quality. It is of the third person, singular number, neuter gender; and in the objective case, because it is the object of the preposition by. Illumined is a perfect participle from the regular passive verb be illumined It performs the office of a verb, by expressing passion; and of an aď jective, by modifying the noun mind.

And is a conjunction, because it connects the two phrases, by truth illumined, by taste refined; it is copulative, because it expresses an addition.

[Parse the other words as in the preceding praxes.]


Frankness, suavity, and benevolence, were prominent traits in the character of Dr. Franklin.

Industry, good sense, and virtue, are essential to health, wealth, and happiness.

Rural employments are certainly natural, amusing, and healthful.

The study of natural history expands and elevates the mind. Get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and live contentedly.

Junius Brutus, the son of Marcus Brutus, and Collatinus, the husband of Lucretia, were chosen the first consuls in Rome.

The son, bred in sloth, becomes a spendthrift and a profligate; and goes out of the world a beggar.

In the varieties of life, we are inured to habits both of the active and the suffering virtues.

By disappointments and trials, the violence of our passions is tamed.

Having sold his patrimony he engaged in merchandise.

The bounty displayed in the earth, equals the grandeur manifested in the heavens.


He, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in.

Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of day-light in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity.

Sitting is the best posture for deliberation; standing for persuasion; a judge, therefore, should speak sitting; a pleader, standing.

The pleasures of sense resemble a foaming torrent; which, after a disorderly course, speedily runs out, and leaves an empty and offensive channel.

Most of the troubles which we meet with in the world, arise from an irritable temper, or from improper conduct.

The meeting was so respectable, that the propriety of its decision can hardly be questioned.

They who are moderate in their expectations, meet with few disappointments.

The mighty tempest and the hoary waste,

Abrupt and deep, stretch'd o'er the buried earth,
Awake to solemn thought.

Loose, then, from earth the grasp of fond desire,

Weigh anchor, and some happier clime explore.




Of what does Etymology treat?
How many and what are the parts of speech?
What is an article?-What are the examples?
What is a noun ?-What examples are given?
What is an adjective?-How is this exemplified?
What is a pronoun ?-How is this exemplified?
What is a verb?-How is this exemplified?
What is a participle?-How is this exemplified?
What is an adverb ?-Ilow is this exemplified?
What is a conjunction ?-How is this exemplified?
What is a preposition?-How is this exemplified?
What is an interjection ?-What examples are given?


What is Parsing? What is a sentence?

What is a perfect definition?-What is a rule of grammar?
What is a praxis? and what the literal meaning of the word?
What is an example? What is an exercise?

What is required of the pupil in the FIRST PRAXIS of parsing.

What is required in each of the three Exercises given?

How is the following example parsed? "The patient ox submits to the yoke, and meekly performs the labour required of him."

[Now parse, in like manner, the other examples under the First Praxis.]


What is an ARTICLE?--Mention the examples?

Are an and a different articles, or the same?
When is an used? and what are the examples?
When is a used? and what are the examples?

What form of the article do the sounds of w and y require?

Repeat the alphabet, with an or a before the name of each letter.

Name the parts of speech, with an or a before each name.
How are the two articles distinguished in grammar?
Which is the definite article, and what does it denote?
Which is the indefinite article, and what does it denote?
What modifications have the articles?


What is a NOUN ?-Can you give some examples?

Into what general classes are nouns divided?

What is a proper noun ?—a common noun?

What particular classes are included among common nouns?

What is a collective noun ?-an abstract noun ?-a verbal or participial noun What is a thing sui generis?

What modifications have nouns?

What are Persons in grammar?

How many persons are there, and what are they called?

What is the first person?-the second person?-the third person!

What are Numbers in grammar?

How many numbers are there, and what are they called?

What is the singular number?-the plural number?

How is the plural number of nouns regularly formed?

What are the rules for adding s and es to form the plural?


What are Genders in grammar?

How many genders are there, and what are they called?

What is the masculine gender?-the feminine gender?-the neuter gender? What are Cases in grammar?

How many cases are there, and what are they called?

What is the nominative case?

What is the subject of a verb?

What is the possessive case?

How is the possessive case of nouns formed?

What is the objective case?

What is the object of a verb, participle, or preposition?

What is the declension of a noun?

How do you decline the nouns friend, man, fox, and fly?


What is Analysis ?-What is the subject of a sentence?
What is a predicate?-What is a proposition?

What is a simple sentence?

How are simple sentences divided?-Define each.
What is required of the pupil in the Second Praxis?


What is an ADJECTIVE?-How is this exemplified?

Into what classes may adjectives be divided?

What is a common adjective?—a proper adjective?-a numeral adjective?-a pronominal adjective?-a participial adjective ?-a compound adjective?

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