Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1872, by G. P. PUTNAM & SONS, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. In preparing this little book, I have done the work conscientiously, whether it shall prove to be well or ill done. In every matter treated, I have given the advice I should give to a son or a brother-drawing my materials from every available source. The narrow limits of the volume have compelled me to speak ex cathedra in many cases when I should have preferred to reverently cite authority, or to carefully state to the reader the premises from which my conclusions were drawn. If I have spoken dogmatically, however, I would have the student remember that the whole spirit of my teaching is that he should never accept blindly the authority of any man or of any book, and to this rule my own little volume certainly does not claim to be an exception. BROOKLYN, September, 1872. G. C. E. 541728 |