How to Educate Yourself: With Or Without Masters

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G. P. Putnam & sons, 1872 - 151 էջ

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Common terms and phrases

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Էջ 27 - Monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel; as, begin, beginning; run, running; put, putting; shop, shopping; prefer, preferred.
Էջ ii - Congress, in the year 1872, by GP PUTNAM & SONS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at "Washington.
Էջ 47 - The accuracy of conception and statement required, the mastery of principles, the solution of problems—all these develop habits of mind of the most healthful and useful kind. There is hardly any business in which the processes...
Էջ 48 - But if the doctor should proudly accept the fact that he is a human being, he should never, for a moment, lose sight of the fact that the patient is too.
Էջ 26 - the art of speaking and writing the English language correctly...
Էջ 7 - ... They lower the alkalinity of the blood and diminish the resistance of the tissues and lower the general vital resistance. A man under the influence of alcohol has less ability to resist cold, and is more liable to contract pneumonia and other infectious disorders than the man who is in a normal state. The same thing is true, in a greater or less degree, of other narcotic drugs. Hematogenesis, leucocytosis, diapedesis, and other functions which lie at the very foundation of a healthy life, and...
Էջ 146 - An unreasoning skepticism is as bad as the unreasoning credulity, but the habit of holding the mind open to conviction, and the habit of questioning everything for the sake of learning more about it, are certainly exceedingly valuable ones.
Էջ 13 - ... but imperfectly, and that other knowledge and other culture are desirable, not only in a general way, but also as bearing directly upon his success in life.
Էջ 4 - ... difficult problem. There is here offered to the Jewish immigrant a mass of adequately illustrated information which is hardly inferior in bulk or quality to that contained in the native American's Webster. In fact, one wonders whether the repast is not a bit too sumptuous. It seems fairly obvious that a work of this kind must, in the nature of things, be transitional in character. In other words, its raison...
Էջ 45 - The culture obtained in study of the languages, whether dead or alive, is of a kind which nothing else can claim to give, while the practical use of such...

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