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Is it a wise policy for the Govern- | and thus save the Government much ment of the United States to attempt to suppress "Mormonism" and the "Mormons" by force of arms, or by any other means, or is it not?

Is it a wise policy for the Government to attempt to throw anything in the way of the "Mormons" or in the way of "Mormon" progress? "Mormonism," as it is termed, does certainly exist, and it is either true or it is false. God has spoken from the heavens through its votaries to the nations of the earth, or he has not. Now for the argument. If God has not spoken from the heavens through "Mormon" Apostles and Prophets, then is our preaching vain, and the faith of the Saints is vain, and our whole system is founded in error and falsehood. In this light the Government looks at it, and proposes many plans for its destruction. The rabid portion of the Government is for blowing its brains out at once; others, more human, as outward appearance might indicate, are for giving it a lingering death in a very mild form. If Mormonism" be error and false, it will destroy itself by letting it alone,

anxiety and more expense in exterminating it. But the Government say, if we let it alone it may do great mischief before it falls of itself. This is true, but more mischief will accrue by an attempt to suppress it by force. Moreover, it is not popular for one man to beat and bruise another to reclaim him from his wrongs. Flogging in the army and navy has been made to yield to the popular voice of the nation, and I believe corporeal punishment for crime throughout the nations is nearly obsolete, except for capital offences, and even that is questioned by a very respectable minority. I do not recollect reading of any nation that gained much credit, prestige, wealth, or prosperity, certainly not much fame, by waging war against religion, or even against religious fanatics. Wherever we find such in history, it seems to be stamped with dishonor. But suppose we now look at the subject in the light of truth, emanating from the God of heaven. It is a wide stretch of human ambition and power to array themselves in hostility to the great Jehovah. How com

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mons" done by outliving their past persecutions? None at all; but no thanks to our persecutors for this. What mischief has happened to the nation, as a penalty for allowing these persecutions against the Saints, and for never attempting the punishment. of the perpetrators of these deeds, nor yet to indemnify the Saints for their losses? The nation's history for the last ten years must answer these questions. What mischief will the "Mormons" do if let alone? None at all, but will do good all the days of their lives.

pletely futile is human prowess in resisting the current of heaven's decrees! He can pour out the spirit of war upon the nations that attempt it. He can make them mourn. He can send plagues innumerable. He can cause whirlwinds and tempests, famine and earthquakes, fires and floods. He can impregnate all our food with animal life, which when eaten may be bequeathed to our systems-myriads of living insects to prey upon our flesh, so that our eyes will fall from their sockets and our flesh from our bones. These, with penalties in a thousand different forms, are the price of opposing the Almighty, and of waging war against his designs. Are these not consequences more serious than all the mischief that a few fanatics could ac-gious fanaticism alone. But time will complish before their end if let alone? "Mormonism" is the truth of God, and he or they that fight against it kick against the pricks.

Repeated attempts have been made to annihilate "Mormonism." Our enemies murdered our Prophet and some Apostles, besides many other friends. They subjected us to much inconvenience and suffering in the various persecutions which they inaugurated against us. But in all their efforts have they annihilated "Mormonism" or the "Mormons ?" Neither. What evil have the "Mor

Now we have shown that it would be more economical, more honorable, and more safe for the Government to let what they are pleased to call reli

reveal the fact, that which they are pleased to call a religious fanaticism, is nothing less than the revelations of God to the nations of the earth, and he or they who fight against it, thrust the dagger to their own hearts, or if they devise any plans to cripple and embarrass, or retard the work of God, they will find that all they do helps it along.

So long as the nation figures against the Latter-day Saints, will it fail to soundly heal up its own national wounds.-Salt Lake Daily Telegraph.



(From the Latter-day Saints Phonographer.)

The present age is supposed by many to be the most advanced of any period in all the world's history. That men have advanced in many things is a fact which few will seek to dispute; but that we live in the most advanced age, in the most extended sense of the word, is a mistake which it becomes our duty as Latter-day Saints to correct. The success which has attended the research of modern times, and the fruits which scientific men have seen of their labors, have led many to the conclusion that of necessity the world

is advancing; such, however, we are sorry to say, is very far from being the case, at least, it is not so in what is called religious or spiritual things.

The Apostle Paul, when speaking of the Church as it existed in his day, with all the beauty of a perfect body, with its Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, intimated that all these should continue "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man." Now the Apostle here speaks as if it were of all


thing the most necessary that the offices held by those ordained to these high callings should remain, as being the only means known that would ever bring about that unity so much to be desired by the people of God. That the world is without this unity, is a fact visible to all. The numerous creeds, sects, and subdivisions of sects, to be met with in such numbers in all parts of the earth, declare it in a manner not to be misunderstood. Has a more excellent way been discovered? If so, by whom, and where are the better fruits which might be expected as a result of the better law? If that which is perfect has really come, then that which is in part may be done away; but where, we would ask, is the perfection, and in what respect are mankind improved Formerly the Saints only saw in part, prophesied in part, &c., and were no doubt earnestly looking for the coming day; and it would seem that some are foolish enough to believe, that because there are no Prophets to be met with now, no spiritual gifts, no speaking in tongues, no visible manifestations of the power of God over the powers of darkness, that which is perfect has of necessity come.


have tended the more to eclipse, and put forever in the shade, the stand still systems of modern divinity.

Surely it is no evidence of progress, that there are so many sects to be found among those who profess that they have no need of that which was promised as the only means of bringing about the unity of the faith. Is it an evidence of progress, that there are now many lords, many faiths, and many baptisms, as well as many different modes of worship? Some believe in the necessity of faith, and faith only, while others believe that without works as well as faith, it is impossible to please God. Some there are who would fain enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost, but who seem to have made up their minds that unless the Lord will let them have it in their own particular way, they would rather remain without its aid; others, with very commendable zeal, are anxious to have the Gospel carried to the most remote parts of the earth, while thousands in their own land are allowed to remain in what is considered gross darkness, without the smallest hope of salvation.

These are some of the inconsistencies to be met with in the latter days. Truly, as the Apostle said of Perfection has not come. The more the Jews of old, it might be said of excellent way has not been discovered. many in our own day, "They have a The knowing in part has not been super- zeal towards God, but it is not acceded by the people knowing also as cording to knowledge.' Would it not they are known. Such being the case, be far better for those who desire to the necessity at least for the blessings see righteousness established upon the promised through the Apostle Paul, earth, were they, like the woman still exists, and the world is in reality spoken of in the parable, who lost one starving for the bread of life. Some of her pieces of silver, to seek diliamong the many parties may have "a gently until they had found that which form of godliness," if so they have not has been lost? Surely there is truth the power. The Priesthood of the to be found upon the earth which Lord is not with them, and the autho- might be obtained, if sought for with rity to act in the name and by the diligence, by those who are anxious to power of God is a matter never dreamed find rest for their troubled souls. The of. How, then, can it be truly said elements of real progress are within that this is an age of progress? How, the reach of all who choose to put in in the face of all this spiritual dark-practice the principles revealed through ness, can it be supposed that the the Gospel in the latter days. world is advancing? How is it possible to suppose that there has been progress in religious things, which will correspond in any degree with the progress of the world in what is termed secular matters. The fact is, that the progress and advancement men have made in scientific study and research,

If there should be among "anxious inquirers" at the present time, any real desire to find the better way, the proper course for them to pursue is, first of all, to throw aside their forms of sectarian worship, which only tend to becloud and stupify the mind, and instead of cheering and enlightening



the understandings of honest seekers after truth, to fill them with doleful forebodings, and utterly prevent them from making that progress which they may in all honesty desire. After sincerely repenting of their sins, the next thing for them to do, in order to enjoy the benefits to be derived from a faithful performance of their part of the great work of progress is, to take advantage of the means provided, through which the remission of sins is to be obtained-namely, water baptism. This sacred ordinance, if administered by one duly authorized, cannot fail to manifest to the candidate for salvation, the superiority of the doctrines of the Gospel over the manmade systems of the day. The foundation will thus have been laid, and a preparation made for the reception of the Holy Ghost, which, after being received through the appointed channel, will open up a field of progress, very little dreamed of, even by those most desirous of enjoying its blessings. When these principles have been more fully developed among mankind, and the principles of true government

have become better known, we may hope for the time to come when men will not need to lay again the foundation of faith towards God, repentance from dead works, &c., but will go on unto perfection. The fruits of real progress will be enjoyed by them, and they will, if faithful in the discharge of their duties, receive line upon line of that which will make them wise unto salvation. It will then be seen that that which the world considers advancement, may have been, after all, a departure from the principles of true progress.

It is in vain for men to profess their faith in, and love for Jesus Christ, while they do not even make an attempt to do the things which he has required of them. But just as sure as the honest soul shall turn from the error of his ways, and seek to embody in his life the principles of truth as they are imparted by the messengers of salvation, and unfolded by the sweet whisperings of the Holy Spirit, shall his progress be certain, and his faith become brighter and brighter until the perfect day.


It is frequently said that "Mormon- | then visited the Territory, and consesm" and the "Mormons" constitute | quently there was the greater chance the greatest study for the American for misrepresentation to be largely aopeople, in fact for all Christendom, cepted, to pass current from inability but it may be said that the people who to detect it. consider themselves born to put down "Mormonism" and the "Mormons" are a far greater study to every honest


One time it was the fashion to accuse the "Mormon" people of all manner of crimes, and occasionally we still hear rabid charges of that complexion, not near so often as formerly, nothing like so often. Utah, a few short years back, was far more remote, inaccessible, isolated, unknown, than she is now, and representations derogatory of the character of her citizens were far more readily accepted by the general public, because comparatively few men of comprehensive and liberal views and wide public influence had

Now, however, the case is somewhat different. A respectable sprinkling of men of information, judgment, position, and influence have visited Utah, and the number increases yearly, both from "the States" and Europe, and probably will continue increasing for years to come. As a natural consequence, the character of our citizens is beginning to be better understood and somewhat more justly appreciated than heretofore. Men and women of intelligence and weight in society begin to see that "Mormonism" is a very different thing, and the "Mormons" are a very different people, to what they have been almost universally represented and understood to

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be. Men of sense and intelligence | in Utah; the provision by Ben. Wade, are beginning to comprehend that the or Howard, or some other wiseacre, to "Mormons" are not a degraded, lust- forbid all marriage in Utah, except by ful, debased people, as they have been a United States Judge, which would frequently characterized, but the tardy not be marriage at all; and the equally acknowledgment is beginning to be tom-foolish and villainous bill of Senarendered that to them belong, by in- tor Stewart, to rob our citizens of the dubitable and pre-eminent ownership, limited patches of desert which they the sterling qualities of honesty, in- have redeemed from aridity and bardustry, sobriety, temperance, obedi- renness, and at great labor and exence to law, peaceableness, chastity, pense made habitable, and to heavily enterprise, endurance, moral courage, fine and imprison every man who will faith, charity, in fact, the whole round not swear that he has not been marof virtues in as large a degree as canried to more than one wife. reasonably be expected in humanity.

Strangely inconsistent, however, as it may appear, when many minds of superior intelligence are beginning to see that they have been deceived in regard to the true character of the "Mormons," and that this people are actually developing many most admirable traits, and none that the universal world, or past history, would vote as degrading, debasing, or immoral, yet there are persons living, who claim a large share of intelligence, but who, in the face of all this favorable testimony, sometimes of their own eyes, would legislate for and deal with the "Mormons" in the most pitifully narrow, small, unjust, tyrannical spirit conceivable. Such persons, in their intemperate, almost delirious zeal to regulate “Mormonisin," would ignore Constitution, fundamental principles of government, reason, justice, and every other proper and healthful consideration, in order, if possible, to compass the exemplary punishment of the "Mormons" for daring to exercise their inalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of their consciences.

Among such unconstitutional, unAmerican, unjust, unreasonable measures, may be classed the suggestion of Gen. Hazen to kidnap, carry a thousand miles away, and confine for an indefinite period, a "Mormon" dignitary for every murder committed

When a man talks like that, no matter what his position, or what vestments or insignia he may be able to show, there are good reasons to think that his true nature is not what he would have it seem. He may don the lion's skin, but his voice incontrovertibly proclaims the true character of the animal, and that beneath the skin of the noble beast will be found the undeniable and extremely liberal appendages of a very different sort of animal. If some persons would hold their silly tongues and hide their ears, many other people might account them wise, but sight and sound of them dispels such illusion.

It is one of the mysteries of iniquity, and is also a curious psychological phenomenon, worthy of careful scientific investigation, that those geniuses who undertake to deal with

Mormonism" regulatively, almost invariably take leave of the medicam of sense, however slight, with which they may have been endowed, and exhibit such an amount of folly and utter absurdity in the measures which they propose, that even their adhorents can see the ridiculous position in which they place themselves. Why this is so, we leave for the savans to determine. We have heard it said, however, that whom the gods would destroy they first make mad, and it may be even so.-Salt Lake Daily Telegraph.

SPEAKING TO A FRIEND OF HIS FAULTS.-It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend of his faults. If you are angry with a man, or hate him, it is not hard to go and stab him with words; but so to love a man that you cannot bear to see the stain of sin upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words-that is friendship. But few have such friends. Our enemies teach us what we are at the point of the sword.-H. W. Beccher.

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