APPENDIX. - No. I. THE WORKS OF MR. GEORGE HERBERT. I. " ORATIO quâ auspicatissimum serenissimi Principis CAROLI reditum ex Hispaniis celebravit GEORGIUS HERBERT, Academiæ Cantabrigiensis Orator.1623." A short extract from this Oration may not be unacceptable to the classic reader. " Scio Belli nomen splendidum esse et gloriosum. Dum "animus grandis suique impos triumphos et victorias "quasi fræna ferox spumantia mandit; juvat micare "gladio, et mucronem intueri. "Jam nunc minaci murmure cornuum "Terret equos, equitumque vultus. " Cùm tamen splendida plerumque vitrea sint, clarita" tem fragilitate corrumpentia; neque de privato agamus "bono, sed publico; certè fatendum est anteferendam "bello pacem, sine quâ omnis vita procella, et mundus "solitudo. Pace, filii sepeliunt patres; bello, patres "filios: Pace, ægri sanantur; bello, etiam sani intereunt: "Pace, securitas in agris est; bello, neque intra muros: "Pace, avium cantus expergefacit; bello, tubæ ac tym" pana: Pax novum orbem aperuit, bellum destruit " veterem. “ Ειρηνη γεωργον καν πέτραις τρεφει καλως, " VOL. II. K and Mr. Duncon, who, according to his promise, returned from the Bath the fifth day, and then found Mr. Herbert much weaker than he left him : and, therefore, their discourse could not be long; but at Mr. Duncon's parting with him, Mr. Herbert spoke to this purpose : "Sir, I pray give my " brother Ferrar an account of the decaying con"dition of my body, and tell him I beg him to " continue his daily prayers for me: And let him "know, that I have considered, that God only is " what he would be; and that I am, by his grace, " become now so like him, as to be pleased with " what pleaseth him; and tell him, that I do not " repine, but am pleased with my want of health; " and tell him my heart is fixed on that place " where true joy is only to be found; and that I "long to be there, and do wait for my appointed "change with hope and patience." -Having said this, he did, with so sweet a humility as seemed to exalt him, bow down to Mr. Duncon, and, with a thoughtful and contented look, say to him, “ Sir, " I pray deliver this little book to my dear brother " Ferrar, and tell him, he shall find in it a picture " of the many spiritual conflicts that have passed "betwixt God and my soul, before I could sub"ject mine to the will of Jesus my Master; in " whose service I have now found perfect freedom; " desire him to read it; and then, if he can think "it may turn to the advantage of any dejected poor soul, let it be made public; if not, let him " burn it; for I and it are less than the least of " God's mercies o."-Thus meanly did this humble man think of this excellent book, which now bears the name of "The Temple; or, Sacred Poems " and Private Ejaculations;" of which Mr. Ferrar would say, "There was in it the picture of a divine " soul in every page; and that the whole book " was such a harmony of holy passions, as would " enrich the world with pleasure and piety." And it appears to have done so; for there have been more than twenty thousand of them sold since the first impression. And this ought to be noted, that when Mr. Ferrar sent this book to Cambridge to be licensed for the press, the Vice-Chancellor would by no means allow the two so much noted verses P...... Religion stands a tip-toe in our land, to be printed; and Mr. Ferrar would by no means allow the book to be printed and want them; • Dr. Donne said of himself, that he was "less than the "least of God's mercies." - In " Peckard's Memoirs," &c. is inserted a Prayer drawn up by Mr. Ferrar, on the particular occasion of the dangerous illness of his dear friend, Mr. George Herbert. p" Religion stands on tiptoe on our land, I4 "When but after some time, and some arguments for and against their being made public, the Vice-Chan cellor said, " I knew Mr. Herbert well, and know " that he had many heavenly speculations, and " was a divine poet; but I hope the world will "not take him to be an inspired prophet, and "therefore I license the whole book." So that it came to be printed without the diminution or addition of a syllable, since it was delivered into the hands of Mr. Duncon, save only that Mr. Ferrar hath added that excellent preface that is printed before it. At the time of Mr. Duncon's leaving Mr. Herbert (which was about three weeks before his death), his old and dear friend Mr. Woodnot came from London to Bemerton, and never left him till he had seen him draw his last breath, and closed his eyes on his death-bed. In this time of his decay, he was often visited and prayed for by all 4 "When Seine shall swallow Tiber; and the Thames, (Mr. Herbert's CHURCH MILITANT.) It is unnecessary to remark the absurdity of supposing, that the predictions of a prophet are contained in these lines of Mr. George Herbert. the Clergy that lived near to him, especially by his friends the Bishop and Prebendaries of the Cathedral Church in Salisbury; but by none more devoutly than his wife, his three nieces (then a part of his family), and Mr. Woodnot, who were the sad witnesses of his daily decay; to whom he would often speak to this purpose : " I now look "back upon the pleasures of my life past, and see "the content I have taken in beauty, in wit, and " music, and pleasant conversation, are now all past " by me like a dream, or as a shadow that returns " not, and are now all become dead to me, or I to "them; and I see that as my father and generation " hath done before me, so I also shall now suddenly " (with Job) make my bed also in the dark; and I " praise God I am prepared for it; and I praise him, " that I am not to learn patience, now I stand in " such need of it; and that I have practised morti"fication, and endeavoured to die daily, that I " might not die eternally; and my hope is, that I " shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free " from all fevers and pain; and, which will be a " more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, " and all the temptations and anxieties that attend " it; and this being past, I shall dwell in the New " Jerusalem; dwell there with men made perfect; " dwell where these eyes shall see my Master and " Saviour Jesus; and with him see my dear mo"ther, and all my relations and friends:-But I "must die, or not come to that happy place: And " this is my content, that I am going daily towards |