APPENDIX. — No. І. THE WORKS OF MR. GEORGE HERBERT. I. "ORATIO quâ auspicatissimum serenissimi Principis CAROLI reditum ex Hispaniis celebravit GEORGIUS HERBERT, Academiæ Cantabrigiensis Orator.1623." A short extract from this Oration may not be unacceptable to the classic reader. " Scio Belli nomen splendidum esse et gloriosum. Dum "animus grandis suique impos triumphos et victorias "quasi fræna ferox spumantia mandit; juvat micare " gladio, et mucronem intueri. "Jam nunc minaci murmure cornuum "Terret equos, equitumque vultus. " Cùm tamen splendida plerumque vitrea sint, clarita" tem fragilitate corrumpentia; neque de privato agamus "bono, sed publico; certè fatendum est anteferendam "bello pacem, sine quâ omnis vita procella, et mundus "solitudo. Pace, filii sepeliunt patres; bello, patres "filios: Pace, ægri sanantur; bello, etiam sani intereunt: "Pace, securitas in agris est; bello, neque intra muros : "Pace, avium cantus expergefacit; bello, tubæ ac tym pana: Pax novum orbem aperuit, bellum destruit "veterem. « Ειρηνη γεωργον καν πέτραις τρεφει καλως, VOL. II. K II. "A TRANSLATION of LEWIS CORNARO'S TREATISE on TEMPERANCE." Printed at Cambridge in 1634, along with Mr. Nicholas Ferrar's translation of "The Hygiasticon, or the right Course of preserving Health, by Leonard Lessius." To Mr. Herbert's Translation is annexed "A Paradox, translated out of Italian, That a more spare diet is better than a splendid or sumptuous.” III. "HERBERT'S REMAINS; or, Sundry Pieces of that sweet Singer of the Temple, Mr. GEORGE HERBERT, sometime Orator of the University of Cambridge, now exposed to public Light." London 1652. This volume consists of-1. " A Priest to the Temple, or the Country Parson in his Character and Rule of Holy Life; with a Prefatory View of the Life and Virtues of the Author and Excellencies of this Book, by Barnabas Oley." In the second and subsequent impressions of this volume is added, "A Preface to the Christian Reader," consisting of six paragraphs, by Mr. Oley. 2. " Jacula Prudentum; or Outlandish Proverbs, Sentences, &c. selected by Mr. George Herbert." IV. "THE TEMPLE: SACRED POEMS and PRIVATE EJACULATIONS, by Mr. GEORGE HERBERT, late Orator of the University of Cambridge. In his Temple doth every Man speak of his Honour, Psal. xxix. Cambridge 1633." To Mr. Herbert's "Temple" has been usually annexed, a Collection of Poems, entitled "The Synagogue, or Shadow of the Temple." The author of "The Synagogue" is unknown. That he was a Clergyman of the Church of England, appears from Mr. Isaac Walton's verses to him. Mr. Granger has ascribed it to Crashaw, whom Cowley has praised, and Pope has imitated; but whose compositions are infinitely superior to any thing in this work. He has probably been led into this error from one part of Crashaw's volume of Poems, bearing the title of "Steps to the Temple." That it was not written by Crashaw, is evident from this circumstance: After his conversion to Popery, he led a most miserable life abroad, and going to Italy was at length appointed a Canon or Chaplain of Loretto, where he died in 1650. "The Synagogue" was not published till after that period: And Walton expressly tells us, that he "loved "the author for his sacred poetry before he personally "knew him; and that now, since his personal knowledge " of him, he loves him more. " I lov'd you for your Synagogue before " I knew your person; but now love you more, "It is so true a picture of your mind." That it was actually written by Mr. Christopher Hervey, I have attempted to prove in another place. It has been already noticed, that his Epigrams on Andrew Melville, entitled "Muse Responsoriæ ad Andreæ Melvini Anti-Tami-Cami-Categoriam Ex officina Joh. Field, Cantab. 1662," 12mo, are inserted in the "Ecclesiastes Solomonis," &c. published by Dr. James Duport. During his residence at Cambridge, he composed Latin Poems on the Death of Henry Prince of Wales; and of Anne, Queen to James I. See "Epicedium Cantabrigiense in obitum immaturum semperque deflendum Henrici illustrissimi Principis Walliæ. Cantab. 1612." And Lachrymæ Cantabrigienses in obitum serenissime Reginæ Annæ, Conjugis dilectissimæ Jacobi Magnæ Britannise, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ Regis. Cantab. 1619." The following letters, written by Mr. Herbert, when he was Public Orator, are in the Orator's Book at Cambridge: 1. "To Sir Robert Naunton, with thanks for some acts of kindness procured by him from Government to the University." 2. "To Fulk Greville, on the same account." 3. "To George Villiers, Marquis of Buckingham, on his being created a Marquis." 4. "To Sir Francis Bacon, with thanks for his Novum Organum." 5. "To Sir Thomas Coventry, Attorney-General." 6 "To Montagu, Lord Treasurer," and 7. "To Sir Robert Heath, Solicitor-General, congra tulating them on their several promotions." 8. "To King James, with thanks for a present of his Doron Basilicon." 9. "To the same, with thanks for the preservation of the river." 10. "To Sir Francis Bacon, on the same subject." 11. “ Το Dr. Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, against the London Printers monopolizing foreign books." 12. "To Sir Francis Bacon, on the same subject." 13. "To Leigh, Chief Justice, on his promotion." 14. "To Cranfield, Lord Treasurer, on the same occa sion." APPENDIX. - No. II. ANDREW MELVIN, or rather MELVILLE', BORN on the first day of August, 1545, was the youngest of nine sons of Richard Melville, of Baldowie, in North Britain: These sons were all alive, when their father fell in the vanguard of the battle of Pinkie, on the tenth of September, 1547. Andrew was "a sicklie ten"der boy, and took pleasure in nothing sa meikle as his " book." Having been instructed in the Greek language by Petrus Marsiliers, a Frenchman and teacher of the Greek grammar, and by " that notable instrument in the "kirk, John Erskine, of Don, of most honourable and " happy memory, he profited sa, that entering thereafter " in the course of philosophie within the Universitie of "St. Andrew's, all that was teached of Aristotle he " learned, and studied it out of the Greek text, whilk "his masters understood not." He past his course in the New College, "tenderly beloved be Mr. John "Douglas, Provost of that College, and Rector of the "Universitie, who would often take him between his "legs at the fire in winter, and warm his hands and "cheeks, and blessing him, say, 'My sillie fatherless ““ and motherless child, it's ill to wit what God may " make of thee yet.' Sa ending his course of philo" sophie he left the Universitie of St. Andrew's with the " commendation of the best philosopher, poet, and Gre a Many particulars are inserted in this Memoir, on the authority of Mr. James Melville's Diary in MS. in the Advocate's Library in Edinburgh. |