[The Letter of Dr. Barlow, Bishop of Lincoln, mentioned in Vol. II. page 267, is inserted in the Life of Mr. Isaac Walton, prefixed to this Work.] APPENDIX. THE WORKS OF DR. ROBERT SANDERSON. I. “LOGICE ARTIS COMPENDIUM. Oxon. 1615."-8vc. II. "PHYSICÆ SCIENTIÆ COMPENDIUM, à ROBERTO SANDERSON, Coll. Lincoln. in alma Oxoniensi olim socio, &c. ante multos annos Lucis usuræ destinatum, nunc verò ex authentico Manuscripto primò Impressum. Oxoniæ, 1671." III. SERMONS. "Dr. Sanderson's XII. Sermons, 1632." 4to.-" Dr. Sanderson's Sermons, (including the twelve before printed) 1664." Folio.-" Ditto, with his Life by Isaac Walton, 1689." Folio. IV. "NINE CASES of CONSCIENCE DETERMINED, 1678, 1685." 8vo. - Several of these were printed separately. Two in 1658 (not in 1628, as Wood asserts). Three more in 1667. Another in 1674, and one in 1678. The last of these Nine Cases is "Of the Use of the Liturgy;" the very same tract which was published by Isaac Walton in his "Life of Dr. Sanderson, 1678," under the title of "Bishop Sanderson's Judgment concerning submission to Usurpers." In this tract is given a full account of the manner in which Dr. Sanderson conducted himself, in performing the service of the Church, in the times of the Usurpation. V. "DE JURAMENTI PROMISSORII OBLIGATIONE PRÆLECTIONES SEРТЕМ: НABITE in SCHOLA THEOLOGICA OXONII, Termino Michaelis, anno Dom. MDCXLVI. & ROBERTO SANDERSON. Præmisså Oratione ab eodem habitâ cùm Publicam Professionem auspicaretur, 26 Octobris, 1646. Lond. 1647." These Lectures were translated into the English language by Charles I. during his confinement in the Isle of Wight, and printed at London, in 1655.800. VI. "DE OBLIGATIONE CONSCIENTIÆ PRÆLECTIONES DECEM OXONII in SCHOLA THEOLOGICA HABITÆ, anno Dom. MDCXLVII." An English translation of the "Prelections on the Nature and Obligation of Promissory Oaths and of Conscience," was published in 3 vol. 8vo. London, 1722. VII. "CENSURE of Mr. ANTON. ASCHAM his BOOK of the CONFUSIONS and REVOLUTIONS of GOVERNMENT. London, 1649."-8vo. Of Anthony Ascham, who was appointed by the Rump Parliament their agent, or resident in the Court of Spain, in 1649, and who was killed in his apartments, at Madrid, by some English Royalists, see "Wood's Ath. Ox." Vol. II. col. 385. VIII. “EPISCOPACY (as established by Law in England) NOT PREJUDICIAL to REGAL POWER. Written in the Time of the Long Parliament, by the special Command of the late King. London, 1673.” IX. "DISCOURSE CONCERNING the CHURCH, in THESE PARTICULARS: First, concerning the Visibility of the true Church: Secondly, concerning the Church of Rome. London, 1688." Published by Dr. W. Asheton, of Brazen-nose College, Oxford, from a MS. communicated to him by Mr. John Pullen, the Bishop's domestic Chaplain. X. 1. "BISHOP SANDERSON's JUDGMENT concerning SUBMISSION to USURPERS." 2. "РАХ, ECCLESIÆ." 3. "BISHOP SANDERSON'S JUDGMENT in ONE VIEW for the SETTLEMENT of the CHURCH." This tract is written by way of question and answer. Anthony Wood tells us, that the questions were formed by the publisher, and that the answers were made up of scraps, without any alteration, taken out of the prefaces and sermons of the Bishop. 4. "REASONS of the present JUDGMENT of the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD, concerning the SOLEMN LEAGUE and COVENANT, the NEGATIVE OATH, the ORDINANCES concerning DISCIPLINE and WORSHIP. London, 1678." These tracts are annexed to "Isaac Walton's Life of Dr. Sanderson." 1678. XI. A large "PREFACE" to a book written at the command of Charles I. by Archbishop Usher, and published by Dr. Sanderson, entitled "The POWER communicated by GOD to the PRINCE, and the OBEDIENCE required of the SUBJECT. London, 1661."4to. A second corrected edition of this work was published in 8vo, 1683. See "Kennet's Register," p. 347. XII. " A PREFATORY DISCOURSE" prefixed to a collection of Treatises, entitled 'CLAVI TRABALES, or NAILES fastened by some great MASTERS of ASSEMBLYES, concerning the KING'S SUPREMACY and CHURCH GOVERNMENT under BISHOPS; the particulars of which are as followeth : VOL. II. 1. Two Speeches of the late Lord Primate Usher's. The one of the King's Supremacy; the other of the Duty of Subjects to supply the King's Necessities. 2. His Judgment and practice in point of Loyalty, Episcopacy, Liturgy, and Constitutions of the Church of England. '3. Mr. Hooker's Judgment of the King's Power in matters of Religion, Advancement of Bishops, &c. 4. Bishop Andrews of Church Government, &c.; both confirmed and enlarged by the said Primate. 5. A letter of Dr. Hadrianus Saravia, of the like subjects. Unto which is added a Sermon of Regal Power, and the novelty of the Doctrine of Resistance. Published by Nicholas Bernard, Doctor of Divinity, and Rector of Whitchurch in Shropshire. Si totus orbis adversus me conjuraret, ut quidquam molirer adversus regiam Majestatem, ego tamen Deum timerem, et ordinatum ob eo Regem offendere temerè non auderem. Bern. Ep. I. 70. ad Ludovicum Regem, an. 1130. London, 1661.' The Preface, written by Dr. Sanderson, is dated "London, Aug. 10, 1661," and subscribed "The unworthy servant of Jesus Christ, Ro. LINCOLN." XIII. "PROPHECIES concerning the RETURN of POPERY," inserted in a book entitled 'Fair Warning: The second Part. London, 1663.' This volume containing also several extracts from the Writings of Archbishop Whitgift, and Mr. Richard Hooker, was published with a view to oppose the Sectaries, who were said to be opening a door at which Popery would certainly enter. XIV. "The PREFACE to the BOOK of COMMON PRAYER," beginning with these words; "It hath been the wisdom of the Church" ! |