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XV. “ ΕΠΙΝΟΜΙΣ, seu EXPLANATIO JURAMENTI," &c. inserted in the 'Excerpta è Corpore Statutorum Univ. Oxoniensis,' p. 194. It was written to explain the oath of Obligation to observe the penal Statutes.

XVI. "ARTICLES of VISITATION and ENQUIRY concerning MATTERS ECCLESIASTICAL, exhibited to the Ministers, Churchwardens, and Sidemen of every Parish within the Diocese of Lincoln, in the first episcopal Visitation of the Right Rev. Father in God, ROBERT, by Divine Providence, Lord Bishop of Lincoln; with the oath to be administered to the Churchwardens, and the Bishop's Admonition to them. London, 1662."-4to. See an account of this excellent tract in "Kennet's Register," p. 727.

XVII. Mr. Peck, in the 'Desiderata Curiosa, Vol. II. has inserted "The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of the CATHEDRAL CHURCH of the Blessed Virgin St. MARY, at LINCOLN; containing an exact Copy of all the monumental Inscriptions there, in Number 163, as they stood in 1641; most of which was soon after torn up, or otherwise defaced. Collected by ROBERT SANDERSON, S. T. P. afterwards Lord Bishop of that Church, and compared with and corrected by Sir WILLIAM DUGDALE'S MS. Survey."

Dr. White Kennet, Bishop of Peterborough, had in his possession the copies of two letters transcribed from the originals that were in the hands of Bishop Barlow. 1. Superscribed "For Mr. Thomas Barlow, at the

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Library in Oxon," and subscribed "Your very loving "friend and servant, ROBERT SANDERSON," dated "Botheby Pagnell, Sept. 28, 1656," importuning Dr. Barlow, "to undertake the managing that dispute in

"the question of great importance upon the ancient " landmarks, by Dr. Jeremy Taylor; so unhappily (and "so unseasonably too) endeavoured to be removed in "the doctrine of original sin." 2. Another letter of Dr. Sanderson to Dr. Barlow, at Queen's College, dated "Botheby Pagnell, Sept. 17, 1657," expressing himself, "That Dr. Taylor is so peremptory and pertinacious of "his errors, as not to hearken to the sober advices " of his grave, reverend, and learned friends, amidst "the distractions of these times," &c. See "Kennet's "Register," p. 633.

The treatise here alluded to is entitled "Unum Ne"cessarium, or the Doctrine and Practice of Repen"tance, describing the Necessity and Measures of a "strict, holy, and a Christian Life, and rescued from " popular errors. By JER. TAYLOR, D. D." In the sixth chapter of this treatise the author discusses the subject of original sin otherwise than it is commonly explained in the Church of England; whose ninth article affirms, that "the natural propensity to evil, and the " perpetual lusting of the flesh against the spirit, deserves "the anger of God and damnation." See also another tract inserted in Taylor's Polemical and Moral Discourses, under the title of "Deus Justificatus; or a "Vindication of the Glory of the Divine Attributes " in the Question of original Sin, in a Letter to a Person " of Quality."

It is foreign to my purpose to examine this subject of controversy. What Dr. Jeremy Taylor has advanced upon the question proceeded from the best motives, according to his own motto,-" Nihil opinionis gratia, "ompia conscientiæ faciam."

Dr. Sanderson and Dr. Hammond were jointly concerned in a work entitled "A PACIFIC DISCOURSE

of GOD'S GRACE and DECREES," and published by the latter in 1660.

It would be improper not to observe, that in the Preface to the Polyglott Bible, printed at London in 1657, Dr. Bryan Walton has classed Dr. Sanderson among those of his much honoured friends who assisted him in that noble work.








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