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less, a soul truly humble, will both think and


" Almighty God hath appointed me to live in "an age, in which contention increases, and cha"rity decays; and it is certain, that variety of " opinions and controversies in religion declare " difficulty to know them truly; but my comfort " is, that without controversie, there is so much " religion without controversie, as by the true " practice of what is so I may save my soul. And, "therefore, to make sure of that, I will first be" come an humble Christian, and conclude, that I " will in all doubtful things obey my governours ; " for sure they see a reason, which I neither can " or need to know, why they command them: I " will be sure to be humble, to fast, and pray, to " be charitable, to visit and comfort dejected fa"milies, to love my neighbours, to pardon my " enemies, and to do good to all mankind, as far as " God shall enable me: For I am sure these to be " sacrifices which please Almighty God, and will " bring peace at last : And I am sure that by using " these graces, and my faith in Christ's merits for my salvation, will be more and more confirmed ; " and by still using them, more and more new

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graces will be still added; and all be still more " and more confirmed; so confirmed, as to bear " witness with me, and be my comfort, when I " must make my last and great account to the

• Searcher of all hearts."

Almighty God give me grace to practise what I have commended to your consideration; for this and this only, can, and will, make my life quiet and comfortable, and my death happy. And, my dear cousin, as I wish my own, so I wish your's may be.

SEPTEMBER 12, 1679

Your affectionate kinsman,


R. W.


ABBOT, Dr. George, Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, page 28,
vol. i.

- Robert, Bishop of Sa

lisbury, 32, v. i.; 169, v. ii.

Barkeham, Dr. John, 28, v. i
Barlow, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of
Lincoln, 266, v. ii.
- Dr. William, Bishop of
Lincoln, 139, v. ii.

Alexander visiting the tomb of Barrow, Henry, 461, v. i,

[blocks in formation]

Ambassador, definition of, 228, Bedel, Dr. William, Bishop of

v. i.

Ambrose, St. 89, v. i.

Kilmore, 225, 266, v. i.

Bellarmine, 47, v. i.

Andrews, Dr. Lancelot, Bishop Beza, Theodore, 203, v. i.

of Winchester, 81, v. i.
Angels, good, office of, 89, v. ii.
Angel, guardian, assigned to every
man, 76, v. i.

Aquinas, Thomas, 287, v. ii.
Arminius, 254, v. i.

Blake, Mr. David, 360, v. i.
Bocton Malherbe, 179, v. i.
Bodley, Sir Thomas, 309, v. i.
Bohemia, Queen of, 107, 236,
v. i.

Bond, Dr. Nicholas, 352, v. i.

Ascham, Mr. Anthony, 304, v. ii. Bostock, Mr. 104, v. ii.

Astrology, judicial, 199, v. i.

Bouillon, Duke of, 142, v. ii.

Athanasius slandered, 429, v. i.

Augustine, St. 89, 123, v. i.

Boyde, Alexander, 105, v. i.
Boyle, Mr. 251, v. i. ; 265, v. ii.

Aylmer, Dr. John, Bishop of Brightman, Mr. Thomas, 225,

London, 345, v. i.


Bacon, Sir Francis, 45, y. ii.
Baldi, Octavio, 214, v. i.

Bargrave, Dr. Isaac, 267, v. i.

v. ii.

Brook, Mr. Christopher, 56, v. i.
Dr. Samuel, 55, v. i.

Brown, Robert, founder of the
Brownists, 460, v. į,
Buchanan, George, 144, v. ii.

Buckridge, Dr. John, Bishop of Clement VIII. Pope, 221, v. i.
Cole, Dr. William, 318, v. i.
Collects of the Church of Eng-
land, 85, v. ii.

Rochester, 139, v. ii.
Bugden, improvements at, by
Williams, Bishop of Lincoln,
283, v. ii.

Bull, Dr. George, 234, v. ii.
Burghley, Lord Treasurer, Mr.
Hooker's letter to him, 408,
v. i.

Confessional, author of, 379, 421,
v. i.; 264, 273, v. ii.
Coppinger, Edmund, 857, v. i.
Corbet, Dr. Richard, Bishop of
Norwich, 161, v. i.

Burton, Dr. John, 81, 288, v. ii. Corpus Christi College in Oxford,

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Wotton, 287, v. i.

Cowper, Sir William, 439, v. i.

Caldwell, Dr. John, Bishop of Cowley's Elegy on Sir Henry

Salisbury, 406, v. i.

Carew, Sir George, 337, v. i.

Carey, Dr. Valentine, Bishop of Cranmer, Mr. George, 339, v. i,

Exeter, 108, v. i.

Carre, Sir Robert, 134, v. i.

Cartwright, Mr. Thomas, 381, v. i.

Casaubon, Isaac, 203, v. i.

Meric, 197, v. ii.

Charles I. 190, 212, v. ii.

His Letter to Mr. Hooker,

453, v. i.

Mr. William, 304, v. i.

Creighton, Dr. Robert, Bishop of
Bath and Wells, 65, v. ii.
Crook, Mr. Charles, 169, v. ii.

Charles V. Emperor, 54, 249, v. i.; Crosse, Dr. Robert, 219, v. ii.

117, v. ii.

Chark, Mr. William, 443, v. i.
Magna Charta, the First Article
of, 378, v. i.

Chelsea, residence of the Bishops
of Winchester, 298, v. i.
Chillingworth, Mr. 149, v. ii.
Chudleigh, Mr. 92, v. i.

Croyden, alms-house at, founded
by Archbishop Whitgift, 377,
v. i.

Cuffe, Mr. Henry, 206, v. i.
Curle, Dr. Walter, Bishop of
Winchester, 68, v. ii.


Churchman, Mr. John, 343, v. i. Danvers, Lord Henry, 64, v. ii.

Mrs. 346, v. i

Clarke, Mr. an active minister for
the Parliament, 246, v. ii.
Clavi Trabales, 447, v. i.

Darnelly's Verses on Dr. Donne,

102, v. i.

Davenant, Dr. John, Bishop of
Salisbury, 72, v. ii.

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