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as to Slavery, it really declared a principle which unsettled all those where Slavery had been prohibited, and rendered it proper, and only proper, to declare such prohibitions all" inoperative and void." The spirit and feeling which thus perverted those Compromise laws, and made them the direct instrument of renewed disturbance, could not be expected then to leave the result to the decision of the people of Kansas with entire inactivity and indifference.

The slaveholding States, in 1820, secured the admission of Missouri as a slaveholding State, and all the region south of 36° 30' to the same purpose, by agreeing and enacting that all north of that line should be forever free; and by this they obtained only a sufficient number of votes from the Free States, as counted with theirs, to adopt it. In 1850, they agreed that if New-Mexico and Utah were made Territories, without a prohibition of Slavery, it would, with the laws already made for the rest of our territory, settle forever the whole subject. This proposition, for such a termination, also secured votes from the Free States, enough, with their own from the slaveholding States, to adopt it. In 1854, in utter disregard of these repeated contracts, both these arrangements were broken, and both these compromises disregarded, and all their provisions for freedom declared inoperative and void, by the vote of the slaveholding States, with a very few honorable exceptions, and a minority of the votes of the Free States. After this extraordinary and inexcusable proceeding, it was not to be expected that the people of the slaveholding States would take no active measures to secure a favorable result by votes in the Territory of Kansas. Neither could it be expected that the people of the Free States, who regarded the act of 1854 as a double breach of faith, would sit down and make no effort, by legal means, to correct it.

It has been said that the repeal of this provision of the Missouri Compromise, and breach of the Compromise of 1850, should not be regarded as a measure of the slaveholding States, because it was presented by a Senator from a Free State.

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condition of society, either to go to Kansas as inhabitants, and by their votes to help settle this good condition of that Territory; or if they cannot so go and settle, is it not their duty, by all lawful means in their power, to promote this object by inducing others like-minded to go? This right becomes a duty to all who follow their convictions. All who regard an establishment of Slavery in Kansas as best for that Territory, or as necessary to their own safety by the political weight it gives in the national government, should use all lawful means to secure that result; and clearly, the inducing men to go there to become permanent inhabitants and voters, and to vote as often as the elections occur in favor of the establishment of Slavery, and thus control the elections, and preserve it a Slave State forever, is neither unlawful nor censurable. It is, and would be highly praiseworthy and commendable, because it is using lawful means to carry forward honest convictions of public good. All lawfully-associated effort to that end is equally commendable. Nor will the application of opprobrious epithets, and calling it propagandism, change its moral or legal character from whatever quarter or source, official or otherwise, such epithets may come. Neither should they deter any man from peaceably performing his duty by following his honest convictions.

On the other hand, all those who have seen and realized the blessings of universal liberty, and believe that it can only be secured and promoted by the prohibition of domestic Slavery, and that the elevation of honest industry can never succeed where servitude makes labor degrading, should, as in duty bound, put forth all reasonable exertions to advance this great object, by lawful means, whenever permitted by laws of their country. When, therefore, Kansas was presented, by law, as an open field for this experiment, and all were invited to enter, it became the right and duty of all such as desired, to go there as inhabitants for the purpose, by their numbers and by their votes lawfully cast, from time to time, to carry or control, in a legal way, the elections there for The actions or votes of one or more individual this object. This could only be lawfully effected men cannot give character to, or be regarded as by permanent residence, and continued and refixing a measure on, their section or party. The peated effort, during the continuance of the Teronly true or honest mode of determining whether ritorial government, and permanently remaining any measure is that of any section or party is, to there to form and preserve a Free-State constituascertain whether the majority of that section or tion. All those who entertained the same sentiparty voted for it. Now, a large majority-in-ments, but were not disposed themselves to go, deed, the whole, with a few rare exceptions-of had the right and duty to use all lawful means to the representatives from the slaveholding States encourage and promote the object. If the purvoted for that repeal. On the other hand, a ma- pose could be best effected by united efforts, by jority of the representatives from the Free States voluntary associations or corporations, or by voted against it. State assistance, as proposed in some Southern This subject of Slavery in the Territories, States, it was all equally lawful and laudable. which has violently agitated the country for This was not the officious intermeddling with the many years, and which has been attempted to be internal affairs of another nation, or State, or the settled twice by compromise, as before stated, Territory of another people. The Territory is does not remain settled. The Missouri Com- the property of the nation, and is, professedly, promise and the supposed finality by the acts of open to the settlement and the institutions of 1850, are scattered and dissolved by the vote of every part of the United States. If lawful means, the slaveholding States; and it is not to be dis- so extensive as to be effectual, were used to peoguised that this uncalled for and disturbing meas-ple it with a majority of inhabitants opposed to ure has produced a spirit of resentment, from a feeling of its injustice, which, while the cause continues, will be difficult to allay.

This subject, then, which Congress has been unable to settle in any such way as the Slave States will sustain, is now turned over to those who have or shall become inhabitants of Kansas to arrange; and all men are invited to participate in the experiment, regardless of their character, political or religious views, or place of nativity.

Slavery, is now considered as a violation of, or an opposition to, the law establishing the Territory, then the declarations and provisions of that law were but a premeditated delusion, which not only allowed such measures, but actually invited them, by enacting that the largest number of the settlers should determine the condition of the country; thus inviting efforts for numbers. Such an invitation must have been expected to produce such efforts on both sides.

It now becomes necessary to inquire what has Now, what is the right and the duty of the in fact taken place. If violence has taken place people of this country in relation to this matter? as the natural, and, perhaps, unavoidable, conseIs it not the right of all who believe in the bless-quences of the nature of the experiment, bringing ings of slaveholding, and regard it as the best into dangerous contact and collision inflamma

ble elements, it was the vice of a mistaken law, and immediate measures should be taken by Congress to correct such law. If force and violence have been substituted for peaceful meas ures there, legal provisions should be made and executed to correct all the wrong such violence has produced, and to prevent their recurrence, and thus secure a fair fulfillment of the experiment by peaceful means, as originally professed and presented in the law.

A succinct statement of the exercise and progress of the material events in Kansas is this: After the passage of this law, establishing the Territory of Kansas, a large body of settlers rapidly entered into said Territory with a view to permanent inhabitancy therein. Most of these were from the Free-States of the West and North, who probably intended by their votes and influence to establish there a Free State, agreeable to the law which invited them. Some part of those from the Northern States had been encouraged and aided in this enterprise by the Emigrant Aid Society formed in Massachusetts, which put forth some exertions in this laudable object, by open and public measures, in providing facilities for transportation to all peaceable citizens who desired to become permanent settlers in said Territory, and providing therein hotels, mills, etc., for the public accommodation of that new country.

The governor of Kansas, having, in pursuance of law, divided the Territory into districts, and procured a census thereof, issued his proclamation for the election of a legislative assembly therein, to take place on the 30th day of March, 1855, and directed how the same should be conducted, and the returns made to him agreeable to the law establishing said Territory. On the day of election, large bodies of armed men from the State of Missouri appeared at the polls in most of the districts, and by most violent and tumultuous carriage and demeanor overawed the defenseless inhabitants, and by their own votes elected a large majority of the members of both houses of said assembly. On the returns of said election being made to the governor, protests and objections were made to him in relation to a part of said districts; and as to them, he set aside such, and such only, as by the returns appeared to be bad. In relation to others, covering, in all, a majority of the two houses, equally vicious in fact, but apparently good by formal returns, the inhabitants thereof, borne down by said violence and intimidation, scattered and discouraged, and laboring under apprehensions of personal violence, refrained and desisted from presenting any protest to the governor in relation thereto; and he, then uninformed in relation thereto, issued certificates to the members who appeared by said formal returns to have been elected.

In relation to those districts which the governor so set aside, orders were by him issued for new elections. In one of these districts the same proceedings were repeated by men from Missou ri, and in others not, and certificates were issued to the persons elected.

This legislative assembly, so elected, assembled at Pawnee, on the second day of July, 1855, that being the time and place for holding said meeting, as fixed by the governor, by authority of law. On assembling, the said houses proceeded to set aside and reject those members so elected on said second election, except in the district where the men from Missouri had, at said election, chosen the same persons they had elected at the said first election, and they

admitted all of the said first-elected members.

A legislative assembly, so created by military force, by a foreign invasion, in violation of the organic law, was but a usurpation. No act of

its own, no act or neglect of the governor, could legalize or sanctify it. Its own decisions as to its own legality are like its laws, but the fruits of its own usurpation, which no governor could legitimate.

They passed an act altering the place of the temporary seat of government to the Shawnee Mission, on the border of, and in near proximity to, Missouri. This act the governor regarded as a violation of the organic law establishing the Territory, which fixed the temporary seat of government, and prohibited the legislative assembly from doing anything inconsistent with said act. He, therefore, and for that cause, vetoed said bill; but said assembly repassed the same by a two-thirds majority, notwithstanding said veto, and removed to said Shawnee Mission. They then proceeded to pass laws, and the governor, in writing, declined further to recognize them as a legitimate assembly, sitting at that place. They continued passing laws there, from the 16th day of July to the 31st day of August, 1855.

On the 15th day of August last, the governor of said Territory was dismissed from office, and the duties devolved upon the secretary of the Territory; and how many of the laws passed with his official approbation does not appear, the laws as now presented being without date or authentication.

As by the law of Congress organizing said Territory it was expressly provided, that the people of the Territory were to be "left perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way," and among these institutions Slavery is included, it was, of course, implied that that subject was to be open and free to public and private discussion in all its bearings, rights, and relationships. Among these must, of course, be the question, What was the state of the existing laws, and the modifications that might be required on that subject? The law had declared that its "true intent and meaning was not to legislate Slavery into the Territory, or exclude it therefrom." This would, of course, leave to that people the inquiry, What, then, are the existing rights under the Constitution? Can slaves be holden in the absence of any law on the subject? This question, about which so much difference of opinion exists, and which Congress and the courts have never settled, was thus turned over to the people there, to discuss and settle for themselves.

This territorial legislature, so created by force from Missouri, utterly refused to permit discussion on the subject; but, assuming that Slavery already existed there, and that neither Congress nor the people in the Territory, under the authority of Congress, had or could prohibit it, passed a law which, if enforced, utterly prohibits all discussion of the question. The eleyenth and twelfth sections of that act are as follows:

publish or circulate, or cause to be brought into, "SEC. 11. If any person print, write, introduce into, printed, written, published or circulated, or shall knowingly aid or assist in bringing into, printing, publishing or circulating within this Territory, any book, paper, pamphlet, magazine, hand-bill or circular, containing any statements, arguments, opinions, sentiments, doctrines, advice or innuendo, calculated affection among the slaves in this Territory, or to to promote a disorderly, dangerous or rebellious disinduce such slaves to escape from the service of their masters or to resist their authority, he shall be guilty of a felony, and be punished by imprisonment and hard labor for a term not less than five years. writing, assert or maintain that persons have not the SRC. 12. If any free person, by speaking or by duce into this Territory, print, publish, write, circuright to hold slaves in this Territory, or shall introlate, or cause to be introduced into this Territory, written, printed, published or circulated in this Ter

ritory, any book, paper, magazine, pamphlet or circular, containing any denial of the right of persons to hold slaves in this Territory, such person shall be deemed guilty of felony, and punished by imprison

ment at hard labor for a term of not less than two years."

litical history, the people of a Territory have been authorized by an act of Congress to form admitted by Congress. It is quite obvious that a State constitution, and after so doing, were no such authority could be given by the act of the territorial government. That clearly has no And further providing, that no person "con- power to create another government, paramount scientiously opposed to holding slaves" shall sit to itself. It is equally true, that, in numerous as a juror in the trial of any cause founded on a instances in our history, the people of a Territobreach of the foregoing law. They further pro-ry have, without any previous act of Congress, vided, that all officers and attorneys should be proceeded to call a convention of the people by sworn not only to support the Constitution of the their delegates; have formed a State constituUnited States, but also to support and sustain tion, which has been adopted by the people, the organic law of the Territory, and the fugi- and a State legislature assembled under it, and tive-slave laws; and that any person offering to chosen Senators to Congress, and then have vote shall be presumed to be entitled to vote presented said constitution to Congress, who has until the contrary is shown, and if any one, approved the same, and received the senators when required, shall refuse to take oath to sus- and members of Congress who were chosen untain the fugitive-slave laws, he shall not be per- der it before Congress had approved the same. mitted to vote. Although they passed a law Such was the case of Tennessee; such was the that none but an inhabitant, who had paid a tax, case of Michigan, where the people not only should vote, yet they required no time of resi- formed a State constitution without an act of dence necessary, and provided for the immediate Congress, but they actually put their State gov payment of a poll-tax; so providing, in effect, ernment into full operation and passed laws, and that on the eve of an election the people of a it was approved by Congress by receiving it as neighboring State could come in, in unlimited a State. The people of Florida formed their numbers, and, by taking up a residence of a day constitution without any act of Congress thereor an hour, pay a poll-tax, and thus become for, six years before they were admitted into the legal voters, and then, after voting, return to Union. When the people of Arkansas were their own State. They thus, in practical effect, about forming a State constitution without a preprovided for the people of Missouri to control vious act of Congress, in 1835, the territorial elections at their pleasure, and permitted such governor applied to the President on the subject, only of the real inhabitants of the Territory to who referred the matter to the Attorney-Genevote as are friendly to the holding of slaves. ral, and his opinion, as then expressed and published, contained the following:

They permitted no election of any of the officers in the Territory to be made by the people thereof, but created the offices and filled them, or appointed officers to fill them for long periods, and provided that the next annual election should be holden in October, 1856, and the assembly to meet in January, 1857; so that none of these laws could be changed until the lower house might be changed, in 1856; but the council, which is elected for two years, could not be changed so as to allow a change of the laws or officers until the session of 1858, however much the inhabitants of the Territory might desire it. These laws, made by an assembly created by a foreign force, are but a manifestation of the spirit of oppression which was the parent of the whole transaction. No excuse can be found for it in the pretense that the inhabitants had carried with them into said Territory a quantity of Sharp's rifles-first, because that, if true, formed no excuse; secondly, it is untrue, as their Sharp's rifles were only obtained afterwards, and entirely for the purpose of self-defense, the necessity for which, this invasion and other acts of violence and threats clearly demonstrated. These laws were obviously made to oppress and drive out all who were inclined to the exclusion of Slavery; and if they remained, to silence them on this subject, and subject them to the will and control of the people of Missouri. These are the laws which the President says must be enforced by the army and the whole power of this nation. The people of Kansas, thus invaded, subdued, oppressed, and insulted, seeing their territorial government (such only in form) perverted into an engine to crush them in the dust, and to defeat and destroy the professed object of their organic law, by depriving them of the "perfect freedom" therein provided; and finding no ground to hope for rights in that organization, they proceeded, under the guaranty of the United States Constitution, "peaceably to assemble to petition the government for the redress of (their) grievances." They saw no earthly source of relief but in the formation of a State government by the people, and the acceptance and ratification thereof by Congress.

It is true that in several instances in our po

Arkansas to pass any law for the purpose of electing "It is not in the power of the general assembly of members to a convention to form a Constitution and State government, nor to do any other act, directly or indirectly, to create such government. Every such law, even though it were approved by the governor of the Territory, would be null and void; if passed by them notwithstanding his veto, by a vote of twothirds of each branch, it would still be equally void."

He further decided that it was not rebellious or insurrectionary, or even unlawful, for the people peaceably to proceed, even without an act of Congress, in forming a constitution, and that the so forming a State constitution, and so far organizing under the same as to choose the officers necessary for its representation in Congress, with a view to present the same to Congress for admission, was a power which fell clearly within the right of the people to assemble and petition for redress. The people of Arkansas proceeded without an act of Congress, and were received into the Union accordingly. If any rights were derived to the people of Arkansas from the terms of the French treaty of cession, they equally extended to the people of Kansas, it being a part of the same cession.

In this view of the subject, in the first part of August, 1855, a call was published in the public papers for a meeting of the citizens of Kansas, irrespective of party, to meet at Lawrence, in said Territory, on the 15th of said August, to take into consideration the propriety of calling a convention of the people of the whole Territory, to consider that subject. That meeting was held on the 15th day of August last, and it proceeded to call such convention of delegates to be elected, and to assemble at Topeka, in said Territory, on the 19th day of September, 1855, not to form a constitution, but to consider the propriety of calling, formally, a convention for that purpose. The proceedings of this meeting of the 15th of August were as follows:

State Constitution. "LAWRENCE, KANSAS TERRITORY, August 15, 1855. "Pursuant to a published call, signed Many Citi

zens,' to take into consideration the propriety of calling & Territorial convention, preliminary to the formation of a State government, and other subjects of public interest,' a convention of the citizens of Kansas Territory, irrespective of party, met, and upon motion of C. K Holliday, Dr. A. Hunting was called to the chair, G. W. Brown, E. D. Ladd, C. E. Blood, L P. Lincoln, James Christian, and Dr. J. D. Barnes elected vice-presidents, and J. K. Goodin, and J. P. Fox,


"On motion of J. Hutchinson, esq., a committee of five were appointed to prepare business for the convention. Messrs. G. W. Smith, C. K. Holliday, C. Robinson, John Brown, jr., and A. F. Powell were chosen that committee.

"During the absence of the committee, the convention was addressed by Rev. Lovejoy, G. W. Brown, J. Hutchinson, and M. F. Conway. After which, Mr. G. W. Smith, chairman, submitted the following as the report of the committee:

Whereas the people of Kansas Territory have been, since its settlement, and now are, without any law-making power; threfore, be it

Resolved, That we, the people of Kansas Territory in mass meeting assembled, irrespective of party distinctions, influenced by a common necessity, and greatly desirous of promoting the common good, do hereby call upon and request all bona fide citizens of Kansas Territory, of whatever political views or predilections, to consult together in their respective election-districts, and in mass convention, or otherwise, elect three delegates for each representative to which such district is entitled in the House of Representatives of the the legislative assembly, by proclamation of Governor Reeder of date 10th March, 1855; said delegates to assemble in convention at the town of Topeka, on the 19th day of September, 1855, then and there to consider and determine upon all subjects of public interest, and particularly upon that having reference to the speedy formation of a State constitution, with an intention of an immediate application to be admitted as a State into the Union of the United States of America.'

"After the discussion of the resolution by Mr. Stearns and others, the report of the committee was adopted with but one dissenting voice,

"On motion, it was ordered that the proceedings of this convention be published in the newspapers of the Territory, and Messrs. J. Speer, R. G. Elliot, and G. W. Brown, were appointed a committee to publish and circulate the call for the convention to be holden at Topeka.

"Oa motion, the convention adjourned sine die.

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feating the object of the organic act, in consequence of which the Territorial government became a perfect failure, and the people were left without any legal government until their patience has become exhausted, and endurance ceases to be a virtue;' and they are compelled to resort to the only remedy left-that of forming a government for themselves; therefore, "Resolved by the people of Kansas Territory in delegate convention assembled, That an election shall be held in the several election precincts of this Territory on the second Tuesday of October next, under the regulations and restrictions hereinafter imposed, for members of a convention to form a constitution, adopt a bill of rights for the people of Kansas, and take all needful measures for organizing a State gov ernment preparatory to the admission of Kansas into the Union as a State.

"Resolved, That the apportionment of delegates to said convention shall be as follows: two delegates for each representative to which the people were entitled in the legislative assembly by proclamation of Governor Reeder, of date 10th March, 1855.

"Resolved, That a committee of seven be appointed by the chair, who shall organize by the appointment of a chairman and secretary. They shall keep a record of their proceedings, and shall have the general superintendence of the affairs of the Territory so far as regards the organization of a State government, which committee shall be styled the executive committee of Kansas Territory.'

"Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the executive committee of Kansas Territory to advertise said election at least fifteen days before the second Tuesday of October next; and to appoint three judges thereof for each precinct, and the said judges of each precinct shall appoint two clerks, all of whom shall be duly sworn or affirmed to discharge the duties of their respective offices impartially, and with fidelity; and they shall have power to administer the oath or affirmation to each other, and the said judges shall open said election at 10 o'clock A. M., at the place designated in each precinct by the said executive committee, and close the same at 4 o'clock P. M. in case any of the officers appointed fail to attend, the officer or officers in attendance shall supply the vacancy or vacancies; and in the event of all of them failing to attend, ten qualified voters shall supply their places. And the said judges shall make out duplicate returns of said election, seal, up, and transmit one copy of the same within five days, to the chairman of the executive committee, to be laid before the convention, and they shall, within ten days, seal up and hand the other to some member of the executive committee.


"Resolved, That the chairman of the executive committee of Kansas Territory shall announce, by proclamation, the names of the persons elected delegates to the said convention; and in case the returns from any precinct should not be completed by that day, as soon thereafter as practicable; and in case of a tie, a new election shall be ordered by the executive committee, giving five days' notice thereof, by the same officers who officiated at the first election.

"Resolved, That all white male inhabitants, citizens of the United States, above the age of twenty-one years, who have had a bona fide residence in the Territory of Kansas for the space of thirty days imme

entitled to vote for delegates to said convention; and all white male inhabitants, citizens of the United States, above the age of twenty-one years, who have resided in the Territory of Kansas for the space of

Agreeable to these proceedings, the people of the different districts did, as therein recommend-diately preceding the day of said election, shall be ed, proceed to appoint delegates to this meeting at Topeka, to be holden on said 19th day of September, 1855. The delegates so appointed did assemble at Topeka on said day, and proceeded to consider said subject, and they took the following proceedings:



Proceedings of the State Constitutional Convention, held at Topeka, Kansas Territory, September 19-20, "Whereas the Constitution of the United States guarantees to the people of this republic the right of assembling together in a peaceable manner for the common good, to establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity. provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity,' and whereas the citizens of Kansas Territory were prevented from electing members of a legislative sembly, in pursuance of the proclamation of Governor Reeder, on the 30th of March last, by invading forces from foreign States coming into the Territory and forcing upon the people a legislature of non-residents and others, inimical to the interests of the people of Kansas Territory, de

three months immediately preceding the day of election, shall be eligible as delegates to said convention.

"Resolved, That if at the time of holding said election it shall be inconvenient, on account of Indian hostilities or any other cause whatever that would disturb or prevent the voters of any election-precinct in the Territory from the free and peaceable exercise of the elective franchise, the officers are hereby authorized to adjourn said election into any other precinct in the Territory, and to any other day they may see proper, of the necessity of which they shall be the exclusive judges, at which time and place the qualified voters may cast their votes.

Resolved, That said convention shall be held at Topeka on the fourth Tuesday of October next, at 12 o'clock, A. M., of that day.

"Resolved, That a majority of said convention shall constitute a quorum, and that the said convention shall determine upon the returns and qualifications of its members, and shall have and exercise all the rights,

privileges, and immunities incident to such bodies, and may adopt such rules and regulations for its govern ment as a majority thereof may direct. If a majority of said convention do not assemble on the day appointed therefor, a less number is hereby authorized to adjourn from day to day.

"Resolved, That in case of the death, resignation, or non-attendance of any delegate chosen from any district of the Territory, the president of the convention shall issue his writ ordering a new election, on five days' notice, to be conducted as heretofore directed.

"Resolved, That no person shall be entitled to a seat in the convention at its organization except the members whose names are contained in the proclamation of the chairman of the executive committee. But after the convention is organized, seats may be contested in the usual way.

Resolved, That the members of the convention shall receive, as a compensation for their services, the sum of three dollars per day, and three dollars for every twenty miles' travel to and from the same, and that Congress be respectfully requested to appropriate a sufficient sum to defray the necessary expenses of said convention.

"Resolved, That on the adoption of a Constitution for the State of Kansas, the president of the convention shall transmit an authenticated copy thereof to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate, and to the speaker of the House of Representatives; to each member of Congress, and to the governor of each of the several States in the Union; and adopt such other measures as will secure to the people of Kansas the rights and privilege of a Bovereign State.

"On motion, the committee on address was vested with authority to notify the people of the several districts of the Territory of the coming election, by handbills, public addresses, and otherwise as they may think proper.

The Territorial executive committee was appoint. ed by the chair, consisting of the following persons. J. H. Lane, C. K. Holliday, M. J. Parrott, P. C. Schuyler G. W. Smith, G. W. Brown, and J. K. Goodin.

"On motion, the proceedings of this convention were ordered to be published in all the papers of the Territory.

"A vote of thanks was passed to the president and officers of the convention.

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"To the Legal Voters of Kansas:

"Whereas the Territorial government, as now constituted for Kansas, has proved a failure-squatter sovereignty under its workings a miserable delusion, in proof of which it is only necessary to refer to our past history and our present deplorable condition, our ballot-boxes have been taken possession of by bands of armed men from foreign States-our people forcibly driven therefrom-persons attempting to be foisted upon us as members of a so-called legislature. unac quainted with our wants, and hostile to our best interests some of them never residents of our Territory-misnamed lairs passed, and now attempting to be enforced by the aid of citizens of foreign States of the most oppressive, tyrannical, and insulting character-the right of suffrage taken from us-debarred from the privilege of a voice in the election of even the most insignificant officers-the right of free speech stifled the muzzling of the press attempted; and whereas longer forbearance with such oppression and tyranny has ceased to be a virtue; and whereas the people of this country have heretofore exercised the right of changing their form of government when it became oppressive, and have at all times conceded this right to the people in this and all other governments; and whereas a Territorial form of government is unknown to the Constitution, and is the mere creature of necessity awaiting the action of the people; and whereas the debasing character of the slavery which now involves us impels to action, and leaves us as the only legal and peaceful alternative the immediate establishment of a state government; and whereas the organic act fails in pointing out the course to be adopted in an emergency like ours Therefore you

are requested to meet at your several precincts in said Territory, hereinafter mention d, on the second Tuesday of October next, it being the ninth day of said month, and then and there cast your ballots for members of a convention, to meet at Topeka on the fourth Tue day in October next, to form a Constitution, adopt a bill of rights for the people of Kansas, and take all needful measures for organizing a State gov erument preparatory to the admission of Kansas into the Union as a State.

"Places for Polls.

"First election-district-Lawrence precinct, at the office of John Hutchinson, in Lawrence. Blanton precinct, at the house of J. B. Abbott, in Blanton. Palmyra precinct, at the house of H. Barricklow, in Palmyra--Wakarusa river the dividing line between the two precincts.

"Second election-district.-Bloomington precinct, house of Harrison Burson, on the Wakarusa. Benicia precinct, house of J. J. Cranmer, East Douglas. "Third election district.-Topeka precinct, house of F. W. Giles, Topeka. Big Springs precinct, at the house of Wesley Frost, in Washington. Tecumseh precinct, at the house of Mr. Hoagland, in Tecumseh. "Fourth election-district.-Willow Springs precinct, at the house of Dr. Chapman, on the Santa Fe road, Springfield.

Fifth election-district.-Bull-Creek precinct, at the house of Baptiste Peoria, on PottawatomieCreek. Pottawatomie precinct, at the house of Henry Sherman. Osawattamie precinct, at the house of Wm. Hughes, in Osawattamie. Big Sugar-Creek precinct, at the house of Elijah Tucker, at old Pottawatomie Mission. Little Sugar-Creek precinct, at store of Hamilton Smith, in Neosho. the house of Isaac Stockton. Neosho precinct, at the cinct, at the house of W. A. Ela, in Hampden Hampden pre

house of Mr. Johnson, or a suitable building in Fort Sixth election-district.-Fort Scott precinct, at the Scott. Scott's Town precinct, at the house of Mr. Vandever.

"Seventh election-district.-Titus precinct, at the house of J. B. Titus, on the Santa Fe road.

· Eighth election-district.-Council Grove precinct, at Council Grove Mission House. Waubonsa precinct, at some suitable building in Waubonsa. Mill-Creek precinct, at the house of G. E. Hoheneck, on MillCreek. Ashland precinct, at the house of Mr. Adams, in Ashland.

"Ninth election-district.-Pawnee precinct, at Loden and Shaw's store, in Pawnee.

"Tenth election-district.-Big Blue precinct, at the house of S. D. Dyer, in Juniatta. Rock Creek precinct, at the house of Robert Wilson.

"Eleventh election district.-Vermillion precinct, at the house of John Schmidt, on Vermillion branch of Blue river.

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Twelfth election-district.-St. Mary's precinct, at the house of B. F. Bertrand. Silver Lake precinct, at the house of Joseph Leframbois.

"Thirteenth election-district.-Hickory Point precinct, at the house of Charles Hardt. Falls precinct, at the house of Mill Company,' at Grass-hopper Falls.

"Fourteenth election-district.-Bur-Oak precinct, at the house of Benjamin Harding. Doniphan precinct, (including part of the 15th district to Walnut-Creek), at the house of Dr. G. A. Cutler, in Doniphan, Wolf river precinct, at the house of Aaron Lewis.

"Fifteenth election-district. - Walnut-Creek precinct (south Walnut-Creek), at the house of Charles Hays, on Military road.

Sixteenth election-district.-Leavenworth precinct, at the store of Thomas Doyle, in Leavenworth City. Easton precinct, at the house of Thomas A. Maynard, on Stranger-Creek. Wyandot precinct, at the council-house, in Wyandot City. Ridge precinct, at the house of Wm. Pennock.

"Seventeenth election-district.-Mission precinct, at the Baptist Mission-building. Wakarusa precinct, at the store of Paschal Fish.

"Eighteenth election-district.-California precinct, at the house of W. W. Moore, on the St. Joseph and California road.

"INSTRUCTION TO JUDGES OF ELECTION. "The three judges will provide for each poll, ballotboxes for depositing the ballots cast by electors; shall appoint two clerks, all of whom shall be sworn or af firm to discharge the duties of their respective offices impartially and with fidelity; and the judges and

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