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into the United Kingdom from any British possession abroad, being part of the territories of the East India Company, the certificate and declaration hereby required to be given and received by the principal officer of Customs may be respectively given and received by any officer appointed for that purpose by the respective Governments of such territories.

VI. And be it enacted, that with regard to sugar the growth of any foreign country between which country and Her Majesty there is now subsisting any Treaty or Convention binding Her Majesty to grant to such country, either conditionally or unconditionally, the privileges of the most favoured nation, or to permit, either conditionally or uncon ditionally, the produce of such country to be imported into the United Kingdom at the same duties as are imposed upon the like produce of any other country, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, and she is hereby empowered, from time to time, by any Order or Orders in Council, to declare that from and after a day to be named in such Order, brown, Muscovado, or clayed sugars (not being refined) the growth of such country, in case such Treaty shall continue to subsist, shall, if imported from such country, or from any British possession abroad, having been imported into such British possession from such country, be admitted to entry for consumption in the United Kingdom at the aforesaid respective rates of duty of 17. 8s. and 17. 3s. 4d. per cwt. respectively, in like manner as sugars the growth and produce of China, Java, or Manilla; and from and after the day so to be named in such Order the sugars therein mentioned shall, if so imported as aforesaid, be so admitted accordingly, subject, nevertheless, to the production of the like certificates and the making of the like declaration as are hereinbefore required with respect to sugars the growth of China, Java, or Manilla.

VII. And be it enacted, that in case the privileges granted by any Treaty to any foreign country, in respect of which any Order in Council shall be issued under the enactment lastly hereinbefore contained, shall have been granted conditionally, such Order shall expressly declare that such foreign country hath duly fulfilled the said conditions, and is entitled to the said privilege.

VIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, that if at any time satisfactory proof shall have been laid before Her Majesty in Council that as respects any British possession within the limits of the East India Company's charter the importation of foreign sugar has been prohibited, it shall and may be lawful for Her Majesty, and she is hereby empowered, from time to time, by any Order or Orders in Council, to declare that sugar and molasses the growth or produce of any such British possession may be imported from thence into the United Kingdom, and entered at the lower rates of duty hereinbefore

imposed on sugar and molasses the growth or produce of British possessions within the limits of the East India Company's charter in which the importation of foreign sugar is prohibited; and from and after the publication of such Order, whilst the same shall continue in force, the sugars and molasses therein mentioned may be so imported and entered accordingly.

IX. Provided always, and be it enacted, that any sugars or molasses the produce of any British possession within the limits of the East India Company's charter in which the importation of foreign sugar is or shall be prohibited, which shall be entered for home use at the lower rates of duty hereinbefore imposed on sugar and molasses the produce of such possessions, shall be entered in the same and the like manner and under the same or the like conditions in and under which sugar the growth of the presidency of Bengal might be entered for home use under the provisions of an Act passed in the session of Parliament holden in the 6th and 7th years of the reign of His late Majesty King William IV [cap. 26], intituled " An Act for granting to His Majesty, until the 5th day of July, 1837, certain duties on sugar imported into the United Kingdom, for the service of the year 1836," at the lower rate of duty therein mentioned.

X, And be it enacted, that the respective bounties now payable on the exportation of certain descriptions of refined sugar from the United Kingdom, by an Act passed in the session of Parliament holden in the 3rd and 4th years of the reign of His said late Majesty,. [cap. 58], intituled "An Act to grant certain bounties and allowances of Customs,” and also by an Act passed in the session of Parliament holden in the 1st and 2nd years of the reign of Her present Majesty' [cap. 33], intituled "An Act for granting to Her Majesty, until the 5th day of July, 1839, certain duties on sugar imported into the United Kingdom, for the service of the year 1838," and by the said Act passed in the session of Parliament holden in the 7th and 8th years of the reign of Her present Majesty [cap. 28], shall, from and after the 14th day of March, 1845, cease and determine; and that in lieu thereof there shall be paid and allowed the following bounties (that is to say):

[ocr errors]

£ s. d.

[ocr errors]

1 0 0

Upon double refined sugar, or sugar equal in quality to
double refined, for every cwt.
Upon other refined sugar, in loaf, complete and whole, or
lumps duly refined, having been perfectly clarified,
and thoroughly dried in the stove, and being of an
uniform whiteness throughout, or such sugar pounded,
crashed, or broken, for every cwt.

Upon bastard or refined sugar, broken in pieces, or being
ground or powdered sugar, pounded or crashed or
broken, for every cwt.

0 17 0

[ocr errors]

0 14 0

XI. And be it enacted, that the several duties, bounties, and allowances by this Act imposed and allowed shall be under the Management of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs, and shall be ascertained, raised, levied, collected, paid, recovered, allowed, and applied, or appropriated under the provisions of an Act passed in the 3rd and 4th years of the reign of His late Majesty King William IV [cap. 56], intituled "An Act for granting Duties of Customs," and of another Act passed in the same year [cap. 58], intituled "An Act to grant certain Bounties and Allowances of Customs," and of any other Act or Acts in force relating to the Customs.

XII. And be it enacted, that the Commissioners of Customs shall forthwith provide samples of white clayed sugar, and of sugar rendered by any process equal in quality to white clayed sugar, with reference to colour, grain, and saccharine matter, which samples shall be deemed to be standard samples, for the purpose of comparing therewith such white clayed sugar, or sugar rendered by any process equal in quality to white clayed sugar, as from and after the 14th day of March, 1845, may be entered for home consumption; and such standard samples shall from time to time be renewed whenever the said Commissioners may deem it expedient; and no sugar shall, as regards the payment of duty, be deemed or taken to be white clayed sugar, or sugar rendered by any process equal in quality to white clayed, unless it shall, with reference to colour, grain, and saccharine mattter, equal the standard samples so respectively provided by the said Commissioners.

XIII. And be it enacted, that it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, by an Order in Council, from time to time to revoke or alter any Order in Council previously made under the authority of this Act.

XIV. And be it enacted, that every Order in Council to be made under the authority of this Act shall, as soon as may be after the making thereof by Her Majesty in Council, be published in the London Gazette.

XV. And be it enacted, that a copy of every Order of Her Majesty in Council made under the authority of this Act shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within 6 weeks after issuing the same, if Parliament be then sitting, and if not then within 6 weeks after the commencement of the then next session of Parliament.

XVI. And be it enacted, that this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present session of Parliament.

TREATY of Commerce and Navigation, between Portugal and Prussia.-Signed at Berlin, February 20, 1844.

Sa Majesté la Reine de Portugal et des Algarves, et Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse, également animés du désir de resserrer de plus en plus les liens d'amitié qui unissent les 2 Couronnes et d'étendre les relations commerciales entre leurs Etats et sujets respectifs, ayant résolu de conclure un Traité de Commerce et de Navigation, ont à cet effet nommé leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

Sa Majesté Très-Fidèle, le Sieur Simon da Silva Ferraz de Lima e Castro, Baron de Renduffe, Pair et Grand du Royaume de Portugal, de son Conseil, son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse, Commandeur des Ordres du Christ et de Notre Dame de la Conception de Villa Viçosa; et

Sa Majesté Prussienne le Sieur Henri Ulric Guillaume, Baron de Bulow, son Ministre d'Etat, du Cabinet et des Affaires Etrangères, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre de l'Aigle Rouge de Prusse, de ceux de Léopold d'Autriche et de la Couronne de Bavière, Grand-Croix de l'Ordre Royal des Guelphes de Hanovre, et de celui de Louis de la Hesse Grand-Ducale, Commandeur de l'Ordre du Faucon Blanc de la Saxe Grand-Ducale, Chevalier des Ordres de Saint Alexandre Newsky, de Sainte Anne de la Première Classe, de Saint Stanislas de la Seconde Classe et de Saint Wladimir de la Quatrième Classe, de Russie, GrandCroix de l'Ordre du Lion Néerlandais, et de celui de Léopold de Belgique, décoré du Grand-Ordre du Nichani-Iftihar:

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs Pleins-Pouvoirs trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants:

ART. I. Il y aura liberté réciproque de commerce et de navigation entre les Etats de Sa Majesté Très-Fidèle et ceux de Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse. Les sujets de chacune des 2 Hautes Parties Contractantes pourront entrer dans les ports, places, et rivières des territoires de l'autre partout ou le commerce étranger est permis ou le sera à l'avenir. Ils pourront séjourner et résider dans quelque partie que ce soit des dits territoires pour y vaquer à leurs affaires, et ils jouiront à cet effet de la même sécurité et de la même protection que les nationaux, en payant toutefois les mêmes impôts et en se conformant aux lois et ordonnances du pays, ainsi qu'aux réglements de commerce, qui y sont, ou seront en vigueur.

II. Les navires Portugais et Prussiens arrivant, de quelque part que ce soit, sur leur lest ou chargés, dans les ports de l'autre des Hautes Parties Contractantes, y seront traités, tant à leur entrée que pendant leur séjour et à leur sortie, sur le même pied que les navires. nationaux venant du même lieu, par rapport aux droits de port, de tonnage, de fanaux et de pilotage, ainsi qu'aux vacations des officiers publics, et à tout autre droit ou charge, de quelque espèce ou déno

mination que ce soit, perçus au nom ou au profit du Gouvernement, des autorités locales ou d'établissements particuliers quelconques.

III. Seront considérés navires Portugais ou Prussiens ceux, qui seront reconnus comme tels dans l'Etat auquel ils appartiennent, conformément aux lois et réglements en vigueur. Les Hautes Parties Contractantes se réservent d'échanger des déclarations portant une énumeration claire et précise des papiers et documents dont l'un et l'autre Etat exigent que leurs navires soient munis. Si après cet échange qui aura lieu au plus tard 3 mois après la signature du présent Traité, l'une des Hautes Parties Contractantes se trouvait dans le cas de changer ou de modifier ses ordonnances à cet égard, il en sera fait à l'autre une communication officielle.

IV. Il ne sera imposé d'autres ni de plus forts droits sur l'importation dans le Royaume de Portugal des Articles provenant du sol ou de l'industrie du Royaume de Prusse, et il ne sera imposé d'autres ni de plus forts droits sur l'importation dans le Royaume de Prusse des articles provenant du sol ou de l'industrie du Royaume de Portugal et de ses domaines et possessions, que ceux qui sont ou seront imposés sur les mêmes articles provenant du sol ou de l'industrie de tout autre pays étranger.

Le même principe sera observé à l'égard des droits d'exportation. Les Hautes Parties Contractantes s'engagent à ne point frapper de prohibition, soit l'importation d'aucun article provenant du sol ou de l'industrie de l'autre pays, soit l'exportation d'aucun article de commerce vers l'autre pays, à moins que les mêmes prohibitions ne s'étendent également à tous les Etats étrangers.

L'exportation du sel du port de Setubal continuera à être subordonnée aux réglements qui y sont particuliers.

V. Tous produits du sol ou de l'industrie du Royaume de Prusse, importés directement et par navires Prussiens, des ports de ce Royaume dans ceux du Royaume de Portugal, y compris les Iles de Madère et de Porto Santo et les Açores, ainsi que tous produits du sol ou de l'industrie du Royaume de Portugal et de ses domaines et possessions, importés directement et par navires Portugais, dans les ports Prussiens, ne payeront dans les ports respectifs des droits. d'entrée ou de transit autres ou plus élevés que si l'importation des mêmes produits avait lieu sous pavillon national ou de la nation la plus favorisée.

VI. Quant aux marchandises qui ne consistent pas en produits indigènes elle pourront être importées directement des ports du Royaume de Prusse sous pavillon Prussien dans les ports du Royaume de Portugal, y compris les Iles de Madère et de Porto Santo et les Açores, et vice versa des ports Portugais sous pavillon national dans les ports Prussiens de la même manière et sous les mêmes conditions sous lesquelles les bâtiments de la nation la plus favorisée sont admis

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