Memoir and Correspondence of the Late Sir James Edward Smith, Հատոր 2

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Longman, Rees, Orne Brown, Green and Longman, 1832

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Էջ 179 - He rules with wide and absolute command O'er the broad ocean and the steadfast land : Jehovah reigns, unbounded, and alone, And all creation hangs beneath his throne : He reigns alone ; let no inferior nature Usurp, or share the throne of the Creator. He saw the struggling beams of infant light Shoot through the massy gloom of ancient night ; His spirit hushed the...
Էջ 378 - Tis sweeter far to me, To walk together to the kirk With a goodly company! — To walk together to the kirk, And all together pray, While each to his great Father bends, Old men, and babes, and loving friends And youths and maidens gay!
Էջ 399 - I ; be not afraid." 2 So when in silence nature sleeps, And his lone watch the mourner keeps, One thought shall every pang remove ; Trust, feeble man, thy Maker's love. 3 Blest be the voice that breathes from heaven To every heart in sunder riven, When love, and joy, and hope, are fled, —
Էջ 377 - In matters of eternal concern, the authority of the highest human opinions has no claim to be admitted, as a ground of belief, but it may with the strictest propriety be opposed to that of men of inferior learning and penetration ; and, whilst the pious derive satisfaction from the perusal of sentiments according with their own, those who doubt or disbelieve, should be induced to weigh with candour and impartiality, arguments which have produced conviction in the minds of the best, the wisest, and...
Էջ 399 - God calms the tumult and the storm ; He rules the seraph and the worm : No creature is by him forgot Of those who know, or know him not. 4 And when the last dread hour shall come, While shuddering nature waits her doom, This voice shall wake the pious dead,
Էջ 396 - ... a glimpse of the immediate agency of the Deity, it is in the contemplation of this vital principle, which seems independent of material organization, and an impulse of his own divine energy.
Էջ 379 - To give our views of God, in one word, we believe in his Parental character. We ascribe to him, not only the name, but the dispositions and principles of a father. We believe that he has a father's concern for his creatures, a father's desire for their improvement, a father's equity in proportioning his commands to their powers, a father's joy in their progress, a father's readiness to receive the penitent, and a father's justice for the incorrigible.
Էջ 110 - I rejoice you have met with Froissart, he is the Herodotus of a barbarous age; had he but had the luck of writing in as good a 10 language, he might have been immortal. His locomotive disposition (for then there was no other way of learning things), his simple curiosity, his religious credulity, were much like those of the old Grecian.
Էջ 480 - The weighty bullion of one sterling line Drawn to French wire would through whole pages shine.
Էջ 440 - Virginia at the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth.

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