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in the midst of the arduous duties of another profession, and in the midst of poverty; and yet I never received pecuniary compensation to the amount of a single cent in my life, and seldom, thanks. Nearly the only compensation I ever received, or indeed ever expected, was reproaches and curses. But if this objection were disposed of-admitting persons were to be found willing to devote all the necessary time to this service, where shall we find those who are capable of performing the task?

Is it then so, that we have no citizens, within the limits of our school societies, of long tried experience in school keeping? It cannot be. There are old schoolmasters in every society; some of whom have stood high, that is, comparative ly so, in their profession. These men had their plans, their methods-their failures, too, it may be-in school-keeping. In other words, they are men of experience, and this is what is wanted in the examiners of candidates. It is not high scholastic acquirements-though there is certainly no objection to scholarship*-it is not reputation in other respects, it is not rank or title which is wanted. Next to benevolence and piety and a disposition to make sacrifices for the public weal, if required, (as a qualification in a school committee man) is what I have here called experience.

Some may startle at the intimation that committee men may be men of failures.__ But it has been said by a teacher as distinguished as Baron Fellenberg himself, that we are often compelled to learn by a series of failures. He is unfit for the sacred office of teacher who has not had his plans; and he who has his plans and methods must almost of necessity, have his failures.

the custom, already adopted in several of our sister states, of.
having regular meetings at stated times and places, for the
purpose of examining teachers, and of giving public notice
of the same, so that the district committees can know thereof,
and give information to their teachers respectively.

Perhaps it would be an improvement still on the foregoing plan, if the whole number of candidates for every school society could be examined at once, as is now the case in Providence, R. I., and many other places. In order to this, however, several applicants to each district would be necessary, that if one were rejected, another might be received. I have known twenty or more applicants for four schools. And if competition is ever useful, it would be useful under such circumstances. Each candidate, knowing what sort of an examination he was to undergo-whether public or privatewould be more likely than now to prepare himself. But without departing from the present custom-that, I mean, of presenting but one candidate for each district, the whole might be disposed of, so far as the first set of candidates were concerned, at a single meeting; and if, by reason of rejection, there were vacancies, still, the new list of candidates might likewise attend a single meeting at an appointed time and place.

I cannot see why a day and an evening would not be sufficient for the examination of a candidate for each district in the largest school societies, if all the candidates were to be examined together, as a professor or tutor would examine a class of collegiates for degrees or licenses. But if examined separately, which would be the better mode, on the whole, though no candidate would probably be detained so much as half a day, unless he chose to remain longer, especially if, in the public notice given beforehand, it should be distinctly stated which district should bring forward its candidate first in order; which second, and so on, yet, more than a day and evening of the time of the committee would be consumed. Not so much more, however, as might at first view seem inevitable, if they should divide themselves into companies of two or more, for the purposes of examination; for then two or three teachers might be examined at a time, in separate rooms; the several sub-committees of examination, afterwards reporting to the whole body.

What I have suggested might be of more value, some will say, if all the candidates for school keeping were men of experience. It often happens, I shall be told, that the candidate is a young man, or young woman, as destitute of experience in school keeping, as the pupils they are employed to teach. But can such persons be expected to have any favorite plans or methods, either in regard to instruction or discipline. In reply to which, I will only repeat what I have already said, that he is unfit for the office of teacher who has not formed his plans for the government of his conduct, however crude and ill digested those plans may be, or however unlikely of being successful. Nearly thirty years ago, it was common These things have been mentioned to meet the objection with a famous old school master, whom I knew while acting likely to be brought against the custom of examining candias a committee man, to tell every candidate whom he exam dates with that minuteness which has been above recommendined, and who was approbated, that he must by no means ed and insisted on, on the ground of its consuming so much begin the work of teaching without a plan. What he meant, time. Nevertheless, there are some advantages to be derived however, was not at the time distinctly seen, for want of from having each candidate examined separately by the whole explanation and illustration-as he was one of those teachers board, even if two or three days were to be consumed thereby who fail a little in the art of communicating what they know, in the whole examination. This would be especially desibut the words of advice thus given, were sometimes treasured, rable if, as I have said before, the examiners could be paid to be understood afterwards, when painful experience had for their services. taught it.

ject the candidates of being better prepared for their duties examinations would be likely to prevent. The first and than they usually are. The third is the evils which such second points are, as it seems to me, obvious; the third requires a little explanation.

It will still be objected, that even if committee men could There are two or three advantages to be secured from such be found willing, either for love or money, to go through with a minute examination of candidates as that which I have suga process of examination as tedious as that which I have suggested. The first has been mentioned; it is that which is gested, no teachers would be found to submit themselves to an usually spoken of as being the great object of examinations; ordeal so painful. I know not how this may be; but one dates. The second is the necessity to which it would subviz., to ascertain the real essential qualifications of the candithing I do know, which is, that as things are now often managed, teachers are often obliged to be at a good deal of expense of time and money, to say nothing of the accompanying vexation. For my own part, I should be quite as willing to attend an examination which should take up a whole day, or a day and evening, (having received due notice of the same,) and have the work finished, as to be subjected to the uncer- I have already observed, that school committees have power tainty of getting a sufficient number of the committee together to displace teachers. The language of the statute is, "whose to transact business, and after half a day's ineffectual search duty it shall be to examine the instructors, and to displace and effort, be obliged to go home and call again. Yet this is such as may be found deficient in any requisite qualification, a farce which I have seen acted over again and again in or who will not conform to the regulations by them adopted." Connecticut. I know, indeed, and I mention it with much But whether this implies that it shall be the duty of compleasure, that boards of examination are beginning to adopt mittees to displace teachers who are deficient, after they have actually commenced their schools, or only that they may displace them after the district committees respectively have

It was once asserted by a friend of education, in an address which he before a school committee in this city, that it is sufficient for a teacher to under-employed them and presented them for examination, one stand thoroughly the branches he is required to teach; that all beyond is, for the time being, superfluous or useless. Now, while the importance of being thorough in the branches taught is indispensable' in a teacher, it cannot be admitted that a knowledge of the higher branches is of no service. The teacher who has nothing to do but to teach spelling and reading, will do his work better, other things being equal, for having a deep and thorough-not, of course, a superficial and pedantic-acquaintance with English grammar, rhetoric, composition, history. geography, mental philosophy, physiology, &c.

thing is certain, that however deficient a teacher is found to be, he is seldom, if ever, displaced, after he has actually commenced his school. Such a thing may, indeed, have happened; but it is exceedingly rare. As our teachers are usually employed for no more than a single term of three, four, or five months, it is usual to let the school go until the term expires,

under all its disadvantages. It seems to be thought better to endure the evils which exist, than to break up the school, and disturb the peace of the district. Whether this is a wise decision, I pretend not to say; but it is the decision, I am confident, which is usually made. I have known a dozen, if not twenty, schools, which it was obvious were a public nuisance, rather than a benefit, simply because the teachers were unfit for their stations, but could not easily be got rid of. How many a district have I known, which, notwithstanding their general parsimony, would have gladly given a sum of money large enough to pay the whole Board of examiners for three days' services could they have thereby got rid of an ignorant, or vicious, or inefficient teacher.

The inefficiency of teachers has been alluded to, but I have not dwelt on the subject at sufficient length. This inefficiency very often results from the fact that they have not the power of communicating what they know. Some, indeed, are ignorant; persons are sometimes licensed as teachers, simply to gratify the whims, the prejudice, the parsimony, or the party feeling of a particular district, or for other equally unimportant reasons. Such ignorance, however, is far less common, than a want of tact to communicate. And it is these persons who, though learned, have no aptness to teach, with which our districts are so often encumbered. And it is on this account that I attach so much importance to a mode of examination that, in the hands of men of former experience in teaching, cannot fail to determine the question whether or not the candidate possesses this important power of communication. I might have given a more particular account of the manner in which, it seems to me, an examination ought to be conducted-I speak now of the examination intellectually-but it seems to me I need not. It is enough for the purpose of intelligent men, if I state the principle, and present a few plain, practical illustrations'; and this I have already endeav

ored to do.

In regard to examinations as to the moral character of a candidate, our object here, as in regard to his intellectual character, should be two-fold. First, we should ascertain, if possible, whether he possesses a good moral character; and secondly, whether he is able to conduct, in a proper manner, the moral education of his pupils. For as it is by no means every learned man that can properly cultivate the minds of those who are committed to his charge, so is it not every good man who can properly cultivate their hearts.

tain very sanguine expectations of his success in teaching the Christian religion.* And if it were a person who had already taught school, and knew no better, I think I would not give him a license. On this subject I should be disposed to lay a great deal of stress.

There is a way of teaching the religion of the Bible-or rather the morality of the Bible-which the experience of some teachers has forced upon them, that is entirely free from objection, even on the part of the most fastidious. It is to require of such classes as may be old enough for the exercise, to collect texts which favor particular rules of duty. Thus we may require them for the religious exercise of to-morrow morning, to find out, and perhaps write down on their slates, all the texts they can find, more or less, which forbid revenge. For the second morning, they may select and arrange those passages which encourage or require forgiveness of injuries. For the third morning, perhaps, all the texts which forbid pride. For the fourth, all which encourage humility, &c. At each recitation, or rather at each exhibition of texts, there may be conversation, more or less extended, on the subject. Thus, suppose a pupil enters down from Luke vi. 37,—“ Forgive and ye shall be forgiven;" we may ask him who said this; to whom it was said; when; where; and what concern we have with it. These questions may involve much of the geography of Palestine, or especially of Judea and Gallilee, if the teacher desires it; and the pupils may be interested by examples given out by the teacher of injury done to them, accompanied by questions how they would act in the circumstances.

There is not a single virtue or duty recommended in the Bible, not even the higher virtues of active benevolence, selfdenial, and self-sacrifice, that may not, in this or in a similar way, be inculcated and enforced on most of the pupils of common schools; and this without the least necessity of ever approaching sectarian ground. Not that I would confine a teacher to this particular mode of communication; there may be others as good, and possibly some which are better. I only present it as an example of what I conceive to be the true way of teaching the Bible in common schools. It does not, indeed, produce immediate results, for its operation on the heart is slow. In this, however, as it appears to me, consists its chief excellency. Children read line upon line, here a little, and there a little, as they are able to bear it.

But although this, or something like it, is the best way of Nor is it any more difficult, would committees but set them- giving preceptive instruction to our pupils, example is better selves about it, to discover the tact of the candidate in this re- than even this. And it is by a most consistent example of spect, than that which he possesses in regard to the communica- what Christianity should be, exhibited in the daily words and tion of knowledge. Not that in either case, the candidate is ex-actions of the teacher, that his scholars are, after all, to be pected to conform to particular methods which the committee most deeply and permanently impressed; and the individual happen to prefer, by no means. But they must have some who has kept a district school three months, without being method, and there may be a choice of methods; and further convinced of this, must, it appears to me, present very doubtthan even this, methods stated, may be so obviously defective ful claims as an instructor; so far, I mean, as his moral qualias to leave no doubt on the minds of the committee of the fications are concerned. propriety, and even the necessity, of a refusal to grant a license.

For instance, suppose a candidate, in reply to the question, what method he would take to induce his pupils to be chaste in all their conversation, should say that he would not only watch over their language with great care, but employ some of the pupils whose habits were, in this respect, the most perfect, to assist him in the watch; and would punish, with very great severity, for every improper expression, I should be loth to certify to his moral qualifications. Or if he should say-Why, I would take the boys and girls separately, and lecture them on the subject, I should still hesitate. I should wish to see him disposed to place example in the foreground, and rely much less upon precept. Above all, should I dislike the idea of making one child a spy upon the conduct of another.

Or suppose, that in reply to the question, how he would conduct their religious education, a candidate should say, he would rely principally on the reading of the Bible once a day in school, and the opening and closing of the exercises hy prayer, with the addition of a series of salutary counsels at the close of school at night, just as the pupils were taking their leave, though I should certainly be willing to make every possible allowance for youth, inexperience, and a pervertel education, in one who had presented himself before the Board for the first time, yet I confess I should not enter

But I must say a few words on the examination of teachers in regard to their physical qualifications. I know it has not been at all customary in this country to examine our candidates on this point. Yet there is not a committer man to be found, I venture to say, in the whole state of Connecticut, who would not prefer, as the teacher of his own children, a man or woman who was habitually healthy and this for numerous weighty reasons. Why, then, should the health of the man who offers himself as the teacher of our children, be made a subject of examination by school committees ? I do not mean to say, or even to intimate, that no candidate should be received whose health was imperfect in the slightest degree; but only that the fact of an individuals' being subject to chronic, or other complaints which make him continually liable to be peevish, or fretful, or passionate, or even melancholic, should be taken into the whole account, and should have its

* I suppose it will be said here, by some, that the common school room is not the place for teaching the Christian religion. But this seems to me a mistaken notion. Even infidel France, as we are wont to call her, has found out her misChristianity a part of every course of primary instruction. It is sectarianism take in this respect, and has commenced a work of reformation, by making which our American people are averse to, rather than Christianity. I shall show, above, that there is a way of teaching Christianity, to a considerable extent, in honour of our country, as well as the salvation of our children, that religion itself common schools, without giving offence to the most fastidious. I hope, for the is not to be banished from our common schools, because our teachers have made a mistake in the method of inculcating it; espcially as it can be shown that

there is a "more excellent way."

weight on the minds of every committee man who is desirous of ble,-and while he endeavors to elevate the standard and corcoming to a just decision, and taking a just and proper course. rect the opinions prevailing among his employers, by any Nor is there a committee man to be found, who would not means in his power, to aim at doing it gently, and in a tone be glad to have the teacher watch, with almost parental solici- and manner suitable to the relation he sustains ;-in a word, tude, over the health of his own children. Why, then, should let him skilfully avoid the dangers of his navigation, not obnot his skill in this matter be made, too, a subject of examina- stinately run his ship against a rock on purpose, on the ground tion? Is not success in preserving and promoting health, as that the rock has no business to be there. important, to say the least, as success in cultivating and de- This is the spirit then with which these preliminary inquiveloping the mind? Is health of less importance than arith-ries, in regard to the patrons of the school, ought to be made. metic or grammar? Is the sound mind of much value, when We come now to a second point. attached to a miserable, sickly body?

The principal objection to making the teachers' methods of promoting health a subject of examination is the incapacity of the board. It happens, however, that, as a general rule, each school committee embraces one or more medical men, and one or more ministers of the gospel, both of whom, especially the former, ought to be fully competent to the duty. Perhaps on this account-the importance of physical education in common schools, and the importance of having teachers who will attend to it scientifically and conscientiously-it would be well to have each board of examination include at least one scientific medical man, and as medical men are sometimes compelled to be irregular in their attendance, two would be




day's labors, if he takes measures for seeing and conversing 2. It will assist the young teacher very much in his first with some of the older or more intelligent scholars, on the day or evening before he begins his school, with a view of obtaining from them some acquaintance with the internal arrangements and customs of the school. The object of this is to obtain the same kind of information with respect to the interior of the school, that was recommended in respect to the district, under the former head. He may call upon a few families, especially those which furnish a large number of scholars for the school, and make as many minute inquiries of them, as he can, respecting all the interior arrangements to which they have been accustomed; what reading books and other text books have been used,-what are the principal classes in all the several departments of instruction, and what is the system of discipline, and of rewards and punishments to which the school has been accustomed.

If in such conversations the teacher should find a few intel

The more

1. It will be well for the young teacher to take opportunity, between the time of his engaging his school and that of his ligent and communicative scholars, he might learn a great commencing it,—to acquire as much information in respect to would be of great service to him. Not, by any means, that deal about the past habits and condition of the school, which it, beforehand, as possible,- -so as to be somewhat acquainted with the scene of his labors before entering upon it. Ascer- he will adopt and continue these methods as a matter of tain the names and the characters of the principal families in course, but only that a knowledge of them will render him the district, their ideas and wishes in respect to the govern- very important aid in marking out his own course. ment of the school, the kind of management adopted by one or minute and full the information of this sort is which he thus two of the last teachers, the difficulties they fell into, the na- obtains, the better. If practicable, it would be well to make ture of the complaints made against them, if any, and the fam-out a catalogue of all the principal classes, with the names of ilies with whom difficulty has usually arisen. This informa- those individuals belonging to them, who will probably attend tion must of course be obtained in private conversation; a the new school, and the order in which they were usually good deal of it must be, from its very nature, highly confidential; but it is very important that the teacher should be possessed of it. He will necessarily become possessed of it by degrees, in the course of his administration, when, however, it may be too late to be of any service to him. But by judi cious and proper efforts to acquire it beforehand, he will enter upon the discharge of his duties with great advantage. It is like a navigator's becoming acquainted beforehand with the nature and the dangers of the sea over which he is about to


called upon to read or recite. The conversation which would service. It would bring the teacher into an acquaintance be necessary to accomplish this, would of itself be of great with several important families and groups of children, under the most favorable circumstances. The parents would see and be pleased with the kind of interest they would see the teacher taking in his new duties. The children would be pleased to be able to render their new instructer some service, and would go to the school room on the next morning with a feeling of acquaintance with him, and a predisposition to be Such inquiries as these will, in ordinary cases, bring to the pleased. And if by chance any family should be thus called teacher's knowledge, in most districts of our country, some upon, that had heretofore been captious or complaining, or cases of peculiarly troublesome scholars, or unreasonable and disposed to be jealous of the higher importance or influence of complaining parents, and stories of their unjustifiable con- other families,that spirit would be entirely softened and subduct on former occasions, will come to him, exaggerated by dued by such an interview with their new instructer at their the jealousy of rival neighbors. There is danger that his re own fireside, on the evening preceding the commencement of sentment may be roused a little, and that his mind will assume his labors. The great object, however, which the teacher a hostile attitude at once towards such individuals; so that would have in view, in such inquiries, should be the value of he will enter upon his work rather with a desire to seek a the information itself. As to the use which he will make of collision with them, or at least with secret feelings of defi-it, we shall speak hereafter. ance towards them,-feelings which will lead to that kind of 3. It is desirable that the young teacher should meet his unbending perpendicularity in his demeanor towards them, scholars first in an unofficial capacity. For this purpose rewhich will almost inevitably lead to a collision. Now this is pair to the school room, on the first day, at an early hour, so wrong. There is indeed a point where firm resistance to un- as to see and become acquainted with the scholars as they reasonable demands becomes a duty. But as a general prin come in, one by one. The intercourse between teacher and ciple it is most unquestionably true, that it is the teacher's pupil should be like that between parents and children, where duty to accommodate himself to the character and expecta- the utmost freedom is united with the most perfect respect. tions of his employers, not to face and brave them. Those The father who is most firm and decisive in his family govitalicised words may be understood to mean something which ernment, can mingle most freely in the conversation and sports would be entirely wrong; but in the sense in which I mean of his children without any derogation of his authority, or to use them, there can be no question that they indicate the diminution of the respect they owe. proper path for one employed by others to do work for them, er, are prone to forget this, and to imagine that they must asYoung teachers, howevin all cases, to pursue. If, therefore, the teacher finds by his sume an appearance of stern authority, always, when in the inquiries into the state of his district, that there are some pe-presence of their scholars, if they wish to be respected or obeyculiar difficulties and dangers there, let him not cherish a dis-ed. This they call keeping up their dignity. Accordingly position to face and resist them, but to avoid them. Let him they wait, on the morning of their induction into office, until go with an intention to soothe rather than to irritate feelings their new subjects are all assembled, and then walk in with which have been wounded before,-to comply with the wishes an air of the highest dignity, and with the step of a king. And of all so far as he can, even if they are not entirely reasona- sometimes a formidable instrument of discipline is carried in



the hand to heighten the impression. Now there is no question, that it is of great importance that scholars should have a A convenient form of School Register has been published high idea of the teacher's firmness and inflexible decision in by Brown and Parsons, of this city, and forwarded to bookmaintaining his authority and repressing all disorder of every sellers in different parts of the state. It costs no more than kind. But this impression should be created by their seeing an ordinary blank book, and embraces distinct columns for all how he acts, in the various emergencies which will sponta- that the law requires to be entered. Its convenient arrangeneously occur, and not by assumed airs of importance or dig ment and compact form, facilitate very much the labor of the nity, feigned for effect. In other words, their respect for him teacher, and brings the name, age, parents, date of entrance, should be based on real traits of character, as they see them tardiness, absence, or attendance, of every scholar, for each brought into natural action, and not on appearances assumed half day for every month, and the aggregate for each month, at a glance, under the inspection of parents or committees who may visit the schools.

for the occasion.


It seems to me, therefore, that it is best for the teacher first to meet his scholars with the air and tone of free and familiar intercourse, and he will find his opportunity more favorable for doing this, if he goes early, on the first morning of his labors, and converses freely with those whom he finds there, and with others as they come in. He may take an interest valuable reports made by schoool visiters, respecting their own Under this head, we hope to lay before our readers many in all the little arrangements connected with the opening of the school. The building of the fire, the paths through the doings, and the condition of the schools in their several socisnow, the arrangements of seats, calling upon them for infor-eties, and all such information of a local character, as we can mation or aid, asking their names, and, in a word, entering written communications of teachers and others interested in gather from personal observation, and from the personal and fully and freely into conversation with them, just as a parent, improving our schools. We have already in type several valunder similar circumstances, would do with his children. All the children thus addressed will be pleased with the gentleness uable reports, which we publish in the second number, and affability of the teacher. Even a rough and ill-natured which will be issued on the 15th inst., and be continued in subboy, who has perhaps come to the school with the express de- sequent numbers, on the 15th of each month, as long as we termination of attempting to make mischief, will be complete-invite school visiters to forward to us copies of their reports, shall be furnished with sufficient matter. We would again ly disarmed, by being asked pleasantly to help the teacher fix the fire, or alter the position of his desk. Thus, by means of and teachers and others to furnish us with original communithe half hour during which the scholars are coming together. and of the visits made in the preceding evening, as described under the last head, the teacher will find, when he calls upon the children to take their seats, that he has made a very large number of them his personal friends. Many of these will have communicated their first impressions to the others, so that he will find himself possessed, at the outset, of that which is of vital consequence in the opening of any administration,-a strong party in his favor.


Resolved, That the Board of Commisioners of Common Schools

be authorized and directed to forward to the clerk of each school district, a bound volume of the back numbers of the Connecticut Common School Journal, as far as the same can be furnished, including the last Report, and accompanying documents of the Board, and such selections from official reports, as will present a summary of the present condition and means of common school education in 4. The time for calling the school to order, and commencing other states and in Europe, and that the Comptroller of public acexercises of some sort, will at length arrive, though if the counts be authorized to draw an order on the Treasurer, for a sum work of making personal acquaintances is going on pleasantly, not exceeding three hundred and thirty dollars, in favor of the Board, it may perhaps be delayed a little beyond the usual hour. for the purpose aforesaid, to be paid out of any money not otherwise When, however, the time arrives, we would strongly recom- appropriated.-Res. Gen. As sembly, 1840. mend that the first service by which the regular duties of the school are commenced should be an act of religious worship.made such selections from official documents and reports withThere are many reasons why the exercises of the school should every day be thus commenced, and there are special reasons for it on the first day.-Abbot's Teacher.

[To be continued.]


Under this resolution, and the direction of the Board, we

in our reach, as would show the present condition of popular education in the United States and in Europe, and caused the same to be printed in the Journal, and bound up with the last Annual Report of the Board, and accompanying documents, together with such numbers of the Journal as we had previ ously placed at the disposal of the Legislature, free of expense. in parcels, for each School Society, ready for distribution. The volumes thus bound, have been for some time packed up Should they not be called for, or sent by some convenient opportunity to the clerk of each Society by the middle of November, they will be forwarded to places and persons in each county named below.

In preparing this number of the Journal, we have desired to pass under the eye of our readers some of the preliminary duties of parents, districts, school officers and teachers, in reference to the common schools which to the number of near seventeen hundred, will soon be in operation all over the state. We shall in subsequent numbers The volumes are necessarily of different sizes, as we could of the Journal, especially in those which will constitute not furnish sixteen hundred and fifty complete sets of the Jourthe first half of the volume, endeavor to enrich our col- and each volume will be found to contain the reports and docnal, but each package will embrace at least one complete set, umns with many valuable original communications, and uments of the Board, together with much valuable informatimely extracts from the best works on education, relative tion, and suggestions as to the improvement of common schools to the studies pursued in nineteen-twentieths of all our With some knowledge as to what has been done in other states, common schools. We have in our possession the most we feel authorized to say, that under the above resolution, a valuable and recent publications relating to this whole subject, and we shall aim to make this volume of the Journal more valuable to teachers and parents, than any one or two of these books, by extracting the most practical methods, and hints from all of them. We have promises, also, from several experienced and successful teachers in our own state, that they will communicate be sent as follows: their views and methods, for the Journal. We would again invite from teachers full and free communications respecting the best methods of teaching the various studies, and any other matter connected with the discipline and instruction of common schools. ›

greater amount of information respecting the schools of our own State, of the United States, and of the principal countries parents, teachers, and school officers in the work of school of Europe, together with valuable articles calculated to assist education, has been placed within the reach of a greater nuinber of districts and individuals, than has been done elsewhere. After the 15th of November the packages undisposed of will


For Litchfield County-ORIGEN S. SEYMOUR, Litchfield.
New Haven 66
ADAMS WHITE, Brooklyn.
LORIN P. WALDO, Tolland.


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Published under the direction of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools.


NO. 2.



The publication of the Connecticut Common School Journal will proceed regularly on the first or fifteenth of each month, until the volume is completed, by embracing at least 192 pages.

TERMS. For a single copy, fifty cents, payable in advance; an additional copy will be allowed for every five subscribers.

All orders for the Journal may be addressed, post-paid, to Case, Tiffany & Co., City Printing Office, Pearl-street, Hartford.

All communications intended for the Journal, may be addressed to Henry Barnard, 2d., Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools, Hartford.

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At a meeting of the School Visiters of the second School Society of Norwich, on the 16th Oct. 1839, the undersigned were appointed a sub-committee for examining teachers, and visiting the schools in the manner prescribed by law.

We have attended to the duty assigned us, and make the following Report of our proceedings, for the information of the Society. The schools in the second district were visited at the opening of the term, on the fourteenth of October, 1839, by members of the Committee of the preceding year. With this exception, we and close of the term. have visited every school in the society, at the commencement All the schools have been visited, more or less, by other members of the board of visiters, and it has also been frequently done by the sub-committee, at other times, in addition to the periods required by law.

The schools in the first, second, and fifth districts were continued through the summer, and have been visited the same as the winter 25 schools. We have also visited the schools in the third and fourth districts, at the opening of the present winter term.


We have examined ten persons as teachers; of whom we were 28 compelled to reject two as unqualified. We have felt it our duty to 29 enter upon a thorough examination of every one, in the branches required by law, and to refuse a certificate, unless they were well grour ded in them. We have also endeavored to ascertain their capabilities of teaching what they know; which is as important as having the knowledge.


We have urged the teachers not to limit their instructions to mere recitations of the lessons of the books, but to give oral explanations and ilustrations, in such a nanner as to excite more interest in the

Agreeable to the provision of the " Act to provide for studies, and to give a more perfect understanding of them. We the better supervision of common schools," in many deem this very important. We believe it has been done the past school societies the visiters have drawn up for their year to a greater extent than heretofore, in all the schools; in some respective societies a written report of their own doings, of them, it has been attended to very thoroughly. Just in propor. and of the condition of the several schools within tion as this is done, we find the scholars bright, intelligent, and their limits for the preceding seasons of schooling with cager in the acquirement of knowledge; where it is neglected, the memory may be faithful, and the recitations good; and thus evince such observations as their experience and reflection may that the teacher has kept his scholars to the study of their books; have suggested. These documents, so far as they have yet they know nothing more than the words they recite. The intelcome under our notice, throw a mass of light collected ligent mind is not interested, and the progress in knowledge is con. from different sections of the state, and from sources un-cause it is in the book; but they cannot tell why it is so. sequently at a tardy pace. They can say that the thing is so, beWe readconnected with each other, on existing evils and defects ily admit that imperfect teaching is better than none; but the time of in the actual working of our school system, and point youth is too valuable to be thus wasted. It should be used to the substantially to the same remedies and improvements. best possible advantage. We will gladly do all in our power to give publicity to tual instruction; and great care should be exercised in the selection We think that every school should have moral as well as intellecthese reports; but provision should be made by each school of teachers with reference to this. We also deem it highly impor. society for their being printed, and a copy distributed to tant to have a religious influence brought to bear on our children in every family. The views of a body of men practically fa- the schools that the leading principles of the Christian religion miliar with the state of the schools, as to existing evils and should be inculcated on the mind; that the existence of God may proposed remedies-evils which go to destroy their useful knowledge without religion, only qualifies the possessor to do the not be forgotten, but constantly recognized-because we believe that ness, and remedies which will make them the fit nurseries more of evil to his fellow-men. of healthy, intelligent and moral men and women-deserve to be considered, weighed and talked over by the fire-side, and in the social circles of each neighborhood, as well as agitated in the school district, and society meeting. If term. On examination of the returns of the winter schools, we find no provision has been made, for their publication by those for whose benefit these reports are made, the visiters can easily make arrangements to have them read in the several districts, and thus give to their views that general dissemination which the necessity of the case demands. At all events, if they will forward us a copy of their report, we will print such portions as are of general interest, and furnish copies for gratuitous distribution.

One reason why our schools are not more useful, is the irregular. ity in the attendance of the scholars. This can be ascertained shows the attendance of each scholar, for each day of the whole by every parent, on inspection of the register of the schools; which

that the whole number on the registers of all the districts was 887; while the average attendance was only 687. Thus we find 200, nearly one quarter of the scholars were constantly absent from the schools. gate attendance in the winter was 887, leaving 382 not in the public The enumerated children in August 1839, were 1269; the aggre. schools. Of these, 180 were in private schools, leaving 202 in no school whatever. If to this number, we add the 200, who although on the list of the schools, did not attend, we find 400 children out of

school the whole winter. In the summer, this number is increased, which would result in an average of at least 500 out of school We wish that school visiters and others who take an the whole year. If we make every allowance for the partial and im active interest in our schools would furnish for the Jour-perfect teaching of those who attend the schools occasionally, and, nal communications relative to local school improvements, for the necessary absence of some, who are in no school; we can. and popular education generally, may serve to awaken, ing up in ignorance. It is evident there is great neglect on the part not but come to the conclusion, that many of our children are grow. encourage and direct to a wise end those who are engaged of parents and guardians, in availing themselves of the privilege of in this work elsewhere. having their children gratuitously educated. The result will be

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