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1. Schoolhouse architecture.

school district libraries will embrace an aggregate In this report the Secretary has embodied the results number of volumes exceeding the number in all the of his observations and reflections on the location and public libraries of the United States. structure of a class of buildings which have been too 7. Progress of common schools in the United much overlooked as connected with the health, com- States. fort, and successful labor of pupils and teachers. The From these documents it appears that in nearly first part presents the leading principles of school- every State, efforts have been made to improve the house architecture; and the second, plans and descrip- character, and extend the usefulness, of these institutions of such as have been erected in this and other tions, within the last ten years. In twelve, a destates, in large and small, city and country districts, partment, with duties similar, in the main, to those and for schools conducted on different systems of instruction. This document should be sent to every school district in the State. From it any district can devise a plan suited to their own wants and ability. 2. Legal provision respecting the employment and education of children in factories.

assigned to this Board, has been organized. From the documents emanating from these departments, it would seem, that while much has been done, more, much more, remains to be accomplished; and the zeal and liberality with which the work of school improvement goes on, is a pledge that greater progress In this document, a survey is taken of the history will be made. In this work, Connecticut, from her and present state of legislation in this country and in long established school system, from her munificent Europe, to protect factory children from excessive la- endowment, her compact, homogeneous, and intellibor, and to secure to them the means of moral and in- gent population, should take the lead. tellectual improvement. The Board have no reason to Among the documents communicated by the Secsuppose that the evils of the factory system, as devel-retary, as illustrating the condition, and containing oped in this document, have been felt in the manufac- plans and suggestions for the improvement of the turing districts of this State to any great extent, still schools, the Board would refer particularly to the the tendencies of the system are every where the same, Connecticut Common School Journal. This pub and should be guarded against by wise laws firmly ad-lication has been continued nearly to the completion ministered. It is believed, that the provisions of our of the fourth volume, and one copy, at least, sent laws, framed cotemporaneously with the establishment into each school society in the State. The current of large manufactories, are insufficient for the object year is devoted almost exclusively to methods for the aimed at. use of teachers, and it is to be regretted, that a wider circulation cannot be secured, by either state or indi

3. Education and labor.

Fourth, the expenditures authorized or incurred by the Board.

1. An order was drawn on the Comptroller in favor of J. Holbrook, for fifty-six dollars, for printing an edition of twenty-five hundred copies of the "Act concerning Common Schools," agreeable to a resolution of the last General Assembly.

In this document is presented an abundance of evi-vidual aid. dence on the influence of such an education as our best schools impart, and such as every school in this state should give, on the quality and value of labor. It also shows the difference between the social, moral, and intellectual habits and resources of an educated laborer, and one who is not. In no other way could Connecticut so effectually develope her physical resources, and multiply the comforts of all classes of her citizens, as by improving the quality and quantity of education imparted through her common schools.

4. Common schools in cities and large villages.* The peculiar circumstances of cities and large villages, seem to require some modification in the organization, or at least in the administration of our system of common schools as framed for the state generally. This document presents the expererience of several cities and large villages where a different system has prevailed. The results are uniform, and of the most encouraging character.

5. Normal schools or seminaries for the training of teachers.*

In this paper a brief sketch of the history of this class of institutions is given, with reference to documents, where a minute account of several of the most successful in this country and Europe may be found. 6. School libraries.*

The several steps in the history and progress of this new element of popular education, is here traced. From it, it appears that in New York nearly two millions of volumes, and in Massachusetts more than three hundred thousand will, under the operation of existing laws, before the expiration of three years, be disseminated through every school district. These

These documents were not ordered to be printed by the Legislature. No. 4 has since been printed in the New York District School Journal.

2. The Secretary of the Board has been allowed $828, or three dollars a day for two hundred and ser enty-six days' service, agreeabele to the act of 1841. This does not include the time spent out of the State, although a portion of it was devoted to inquiries into the schools and school systems of other states-the results of which will accompany his Report.

3. The expenses incident to the discharge of the duties of the office, have also been allowed, after his account had been properly audited—viz.

Travelling expenses, $240,67. Postage, $41,95 Stationery, circulars, $11,17.

It is due to Mr. Barnard, to say, that in addition to the sums thus reimbursed, he has incurred er penses in various useful forms for the schools, te more than the whole amount of his salary.

The whole expense of this department, for which the Board are in any way responsible, is $1121,79. As some misunderstanding prevails on this subject by which great injustice has been done to Mr. Barnard, as well as to the Board, it may state, that


be proper No member of the Board, as such, has received anything, either as compensation for services render ed, or for expenses incurred in attending the regular meetings of the Board, or in promoting, by corres pondence or otherwise, the objects of their appoin ment.

The Secretary of the Board has been paid for his services the sum authorized by law, and on the sam

principle, that members of the Legislature, and every referred to the accompanying documents for more per diem officer in the employ of the state or national detailed information as to the nature and results of government is paid. He has not asked, or received, my labors and inquiries during the past year. In compensation for time spent out of the State on his this communication I propose to review, as briefly own business, or for purposes of health or recreation. as I can, the state of the common schools, and of The whole amount allowed him, in the way of com- the public mind, and the school law respecting them, pensation, for nearly four years' devotion to the inter- in some important particulars, in connection with est of the common schools of the State, is $3747, or the measures which have been adopted by the Le$937 a year; and this sum, and more, he has exgislature and this Board in their behalf, since 1838. pended back again in promoting, what he supposed Prior to 1838, there was no official information to be, the prosperity and usefulness of these schools. The aggregate expense authorized or incurred respecting the condition of the common schools, for by the Board, since its organization to this time, support including both the compensation and expenses of the of permanent funds were appropriated. There Secretary, is $5816,31, or $1473 a year; and for every was less accountability required of those intrusted dollar thus drawn from the treasury, an equal amount with the administration of the system, and the exhas been expended, by voluntary contribution, to pro- penditure of this large amount of money, than in any mote the general object.

The expenses of the Board have been paid, not out of the School Fund, but out of the general funds of the treasury.


the avails of more than two millions

other department of the public service. There was no department or officer of the government charged with the special supervision of this great interest; and the statute book, for nearly a half century, bore few traces of any efficient legislation to secure the progress of the system, or promote the usefulness of the schools.

In concluding this Report, which will terminate the connexion of some of the undersigned, with the Board, we cannot refrain from expressing our conviction of the beneficial results of the measures of The facts collected under a resolution of the Genthe Legislature, in the cause of general education. eral Assembly of 1837, and, at the expense, and by We can truly bear testimony to the indefatigable ex- the exertions of individuals, in the winter and spring ertions and ability of the Secretary of the Board, of 1838, induced the Legislature of that year, with which he has exhibited from the beginning, in pro- great unanimity," to provide for the better supermoting the objects of his appointment, and carrying vision of the common schools," by bringing their

forward his noble and well directed efforts for the

lasting benefit of our youth. His labors will long be condition, at all times, before parents, and local felt in our schools, and be highly appreciated by all school officers in the register to be kept by the who entertain just and liberal views on education; teacher, and, annually, before the school societies, and whether appreciated or not, he will assuredly in the reports of school visiters, and before the Lehave the satisfaction of having generously, with little or no pecuniary compensation, contributed four of the prime years of his life to the advancement of a cause well worthy of the persevering efforts of the greatest and best of men.


NEW HAVEN, May 4, 1842.





gislature and the State, in the report of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools. While this Act leaves every member of the community in his unabridged rights, as regards the education of his own children, and, school societies and districts to maintain and manage the schools, to correct abuses, and carry out desirable reforms, according to their own judgment, it aims to secure the more particular attention of local committees to their supervision, and to enlist the counsel and experience of a Board, and the entire time, strength and talents of one person, to collect and disseminate information, to discover, devise and recommend plans of improvement, and to awaken, enlighten and elevate public sentiment, in relation to the whole subject of popular education.

Such was the general nature and scope of the legislation of 1838. The great leading object had in view, was, to collect and disseminate information as to existing defects and desirable improvements, in every practicable way, as the only basis of sound legislative, local or individual action on the subject To what extent, in what manner, and with what results this object has been prosecuted, I will pro ceed to show.

At your invitation, in June last, I resumed the duties and labors of Secretary of this Board, with an expectation that another appointment would be made in the course of a few weeks. As no appointment was made, I have continued to cute substantially the same measures which have heretofore received your sanction and approbation. I have sought diligently, by my own efforts, and the co-operation of others, to ascertain the condition of the common schools, to collect, devise, and disseminate plans and suggestions for their improvement, and to awaken in parents, teachers, committees, To supply this information, an enquiry was comand the public generally, an interest in their in- menced, and has been continued for nearly four creasing prosperity. The Board are respectfully years, covering the following particulars, as to:

I. Prior to 1838, there was a great want of information as to the practical working of our school system, and the means of popular education generally in the State.

SCHOOL SOCIETY OR TOWN. Territorial extent- furnished-seats, height from floor, adapted to chil occupation, agricultural, manufacturing, &c.-pop-dren of different ages, provided with backs or other ulation by last census-amount of grand list wise-desks, height from floor and from seat, shelf, amount and rate of tax on property for school pur- place for slate, ink stand, arrangement of in refer poses-amount received from state school funds; ence to teacher--accommodations for small child. do. from town deposite fund; do. from local school ren-platform and desk for teacher-place for reci fund-number of common schools, and number of tation-apparatus, such as black board, maps, children attending the same in summer; do. in win- globes, clock-school library, origin of, and numter-public high school, if any, how supported-ber of books. number of private schools, and aggregate number Teachers. Number, name and age-previous of scholars-lyceums, lectures, libraries, &c.-an-education-experience as a teacher in the same nual school society meeting, number of voters pre- school; in any school-follow teaching as profes sent, and doings of-public meetings for school pur- sion, or temporary resource-date of certificateposes, attendance at, and interest in-meetings of character of examination wages per month, with all the schools, how often, and how managed. or without board-fixed or transient place of SCHOOL OFFICERS. School Visiters. How many boarding and price of board-success of instruction appointed-number of meetings during the year- and government as to older children and higher regulations, if any, respecting books, studies, &c. studies; do. as to younger children and primary mode of examining teachers, and giving certificates, studies-motives appealed to--kinds of punish whether by the whole board, or sub-committee, at ment-books on the theory and practice of teachone or different times, strict or otherwise-mode ing, what and how many owned or read-associa of visiting schools, by sub-committee to visit all tion among each other for mutual improvement and the schools, or by committee to one or more visits to each other's school-difficulties in the schools, or by the whole board-compensation, for school, or with parents, how caused. how many days, how much a day, and whole Attendance. Register supplied or not, how amount-copy of report to school society, and re- kept-whole number registered; do. of boys; do. turns to the State Board-other doings of-record of girls; number of each under 4, and under 10; of proceedings.

over 10, and over 16; no. who have attended school during the year; for six months; for four months; average daily attendance-means resorted to for securing regular and punctual attendance. Studies. Number of different studies, and name of each study-number of different classe in each District Committee. How appointed-mode of study-number of persons in each class-length of construing the words "residing and belonging," in time given to each class-studies favored in the making the enumeration in August-inquiries made school; do. discouraged or neglected.

School Society Committee. Action, if any, on enumeration returns of district committees--evidence required by, on which certificate that the schools have been kept in all respects according to law, is given-record of proceedings.

in employing teachers-course pursued in regard Books. Books, name and number of each in the to repairs, fuel, application of school money, visiting several studies-recommended or prescribed by schools, &c. school visiters, or not-number of children not DISTRICT. Territorial extent, city or country, supplied-expense of new books, and evils from occupation-population-interest of parents in diversity or want of.

schools, number who attended annual meeting; Recitations, Methods, &c. Order and number do. visited school-number of persons over 4 and of different recitations; do. in morning; do. in under 16" residing in and belonging to"-number afternoon-extent and subjects of oral instruction; in common school: do. in private school; do. in no do. of monitorial; do. of simultaneous; do. of inschool-length of district school in summer; do. in terrogative; do. in which slate and black board winter-vacations-amount received from tax on are used-modes of interesting and employing the grand list; do. from school fund; do. from town youngest children; length and frequency of the deposite fund; do. from local school fund; do. recess for--time devoted to study-alternation of from quarter bills-amount of quarter bills abated, studies among the older scholars-frequency and and how paid. mode of conducting reviews-use of question

Schoolhouse. Location, retired, pleasant, healthy books, keys, &c. or otherwise-material, age, and state of repair- The alphabet and spelling, how commenced, size-means of procuring pure water-situation before or after words-taught from spelling book, and condition of woodshed and other out buildings or reading lessons, or from both; by writing words -yard and play ground--entry, one or more, scra- and sentences from dictation on the slate or black per, mat, hooks or shelves for hats, pail, cup, board; by constant drilling on the difficult words, wash basin, towel, &c.


Schoolroom and furniture. One or more; Reading, mode of teaching, including pronuncia height, length, breadth of each--condition as to tion, definition, derivation, and paraphrasing-the cleanliness and means of securing the same-win- extent to which the interrogative and explanatory dows, number, height from floor, curtains, blinds, method is pursued-how far the teacher illustrates, &c.--ventilation, by lowering upper sash; open-by his own reading, the best method-in conneting into the attic, or by a flue-mode of warming-tion with history, geography, biography, &c. thermometer-fuel, kind, quality, quantity and how Writing, at what age commenced; with slate or

paper; in classes, or the whole school at once; in and a considerable portion of the last two. During morning or afternoon; any regular system of the four years, I have visited more than two thirds books-pen, ink, and ink stand, how supplied-in- of all the towns and school societies of the State, structions in pen making. have inspected more than five hundred schools Arithmetic-elementary ideas of number, how while in session, have conferred with more than given; use of blocks, numeral frame, slate and black board-mental arithmetic-exercises apart from the text book-use of keys-arithmetical tables, how taught, and to what extent-rules, when learned.

1200 school teachers, and with one or more school visiters or district committee in every society or district visited, have questioned children in the school and out of it, as to the modes in which they were taught, and to ascertain the universality and Geography-mathematical or physical commen- practical nature of the education given in these ced first-elementary ideas of form, space, direc- schools, I have inquired as to the early intellectual tion, and distance, how given-map making, be- and moral education of large numbers of persons ginning with schoolhouse yard, district, town, how who have become a burden and an expense to the far carried-outline maps, mode and extent of their community, by their vices, poverty, and crime. use; do. globes; do. black board-principles of classification and comparison, how practised-oral instruction in.

Grammar-at what age commenced; with a text book, or orally-in connection with reading, conversation, and exercises in composition.

To enable me to correct and compare the results of my own observation, I have employed, at my own expense, at different times, six persons practically acquainted with, and deeply interested in, the subject, from many years' experience as teachers or school visiters, to visit most of the towns in six, out Composition when commenced-framing one of the eight, counties of the state. The report of one or more words into a sentence-writing out a story of these gentlemen, who has visited 57 towns, inclutold or read by teacher-keeping a daily journal ding 69 school societies, and addressed the children of studies, reading or doings-writing letters; in 154 schools, and 76 public meetings of parents knowledge of forms, modes of address, use of and friends of education, is herewith appended. capitals, abbreviations, pauses, &c. &c. 2. By official returns from school visiters. Agreeable to the provisions of the act of 1838, blank forms for statistical returns, including the most important points of inquiry above specified, were prepared and forwarded to school visiters, in 1839 and 1840, and returns were received, in the course of the two years, from all but fifteen school societies. In 1841, information, varying in some particulars, was received from the same class of officers, in a series of connected remarks.

History, how far pursued; vocal music do.; drawing do., especially in reference to interesting little children, and in the older classes, to the various trades of the community; book keeping; geometry do.; physiology do.

Morality-the Bible, when and how read; modes of giving instruction.

Visitation. When visited by district committee, by school visiters, by parents.

Vacations. Length of-what season of the year. PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Name-incorporated or not-amount of permanent fund--rate of tuitioncourse of study-number and wages of teachersnumber of scholars; do. from the district; do. from the town; do. from the State; do. from other states-apparatus-library-influence of on com

mon schools.

PUBLIC LIBRARIES, &c. Libraries. Name, origin, number of volumes, number of persons having access, terms of membership, &c.

Lyceums. Name, origin, objects, age and qualification of membership.

Lectures. Number and subject of lectureswhen delivered free or pay courses, attendance. Debates. Public, or confined to members, questions, &c.

Classes for Mutual Instruction. Number composing a class, subjects, mode of proceeding.

Such was the nature and extent of the information sought. The form in which the information was sought, was intended, whenever practicable, to invite attention to the defects, if any, or the remedy proposed. The mode of obtaining it, was

3. By the annual reports of school visiters to their respective societies.

More than one hundred of these documents, evincing the most minute and faithful inquiry, and containing the results of wide and long continued observation and reflection, have been forwarded to this department.

4. By replies to circulars and letters of inquiry. More than three thousand circular letters, embracing, at different times, most of the points omitted in the returns of school visiters, have, in the course of four years, been addressed to gentlemen known to be interested in, and well acquainted with, the subjects on which information was sought. These applications have been invariably treated with respect, and, in most instances, the replies have been full, and satisfactory.

5. By statements and discussions, in county conventions, and local school meetings.

In these meetings, called by public notice, and open to free discussion, the most important features of our school system have been fully considered, and many interesting and important facts stated, on the personal knowledge of teachers and school officers.

6. By reports from voluntary associations for the improvement of common schools.

1. By personal inspection and inquiry. For this purpose, and the collateral object of disseminating information thus collected, and awakening public interest, I devoted more than two Associations of this character have been formed thirds of the first two years of my appointment, in all parts of the State, some of which have prove

cuted the object had in view with zeal and perse-, in order to profit by their experience. The same verance, and communicated, from time to time to course has been pursued in this country. The this department, the results of their labors. original Free School System of New England, as The information, collected in these various established in Massachusetts, was but a modification modes, has been classified, condensed, and com- of the parochial schools of Scotland and Germany, pared, and the results have been communicated, established mainly through the influence of Luther, from time to time, to the Legislature, and to the Knox, and their associate reformers. The first people, through the Reports of the Board, the Con-school law of Connecticut, enacted in 1650, is alnecticut Common School Journal, and addresses at most a literal transcript of the school law of Massapublic meetings.

II. In 1838, there was a great want of information respecting the schools, school systems, and progress of popular education generally, in other

states and countries.


chusetts, passed in 1647. And the school systems of nearly all the states have been framed substantially after these two-all of them, however, embracing some modifications, better to adapt them to their peculiar circumstances, and to keep pace with the progress of society. In 1835, the legislature of New York published an outline of the Prussian

The information embodied in these various re

I have no reason to suppose there was as many as a dozen reports, or books relating to the school systems of other states, out of the office of the school system, consisting of answers given by a Commissioner of the School Fund, in the State. An gentleman then travelling in this country as comimpression prevailed, to some extent, that the missioner from the king of Prussia, to a series of Connecticut common school system, if not the only questions proposed by the Superintendent of Comone, was certainly the best in the world, and that mon Schools. This was afterwards reprinted by little or no attention had been bestowed on this the legislature of Massachusetts. In 1836, Prof. great subject by the legislatures or people of other Stowe was requested by the legislature of Ohio to states and countries. It seemed to me desirable to collect, during his contemplated tour in Europe, correct this erroneous impression, and to show to facts and information in relation to the various systhe Legislature and people, that much had been tems of public instruction, and to make report already accomplished, and more was in progress, thereof on his return. This report, which was to devise, extend, and perfect systems of public confined principally to elementary public instruction education, on both sides of the Atlantic, and that in in Prussia and Wirtemberg, was printed by order this field, nations were now engaged in generous of the legislature, and subsequently published by the rivalry with each other. Without intending any legislatures of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Massachudisparagement to our own school system, or wishing setts, and other states. In 1839, President Bache, to hold up the schools or school systems of other after two years of personal examination, made a countries as perfect models for our imitation or report on the state of education in orphan instituadoption, it seemed desirable to disseminate a tions, and schools of primary and secondary inknowledge of the nature, extent, and results of struction in Europe, which constitutes an octavo these efforts, on the broad catholic principle, that volume of 666 pages. This volume is one of the the true greatness of a state does not consist in bor-most valuable contributions which has been made rowing nothing from others, but in borrowing from to the cause of education. all whatever is good, and in perfecting what it appropriates. Other states had acted on this policy. ports respecting public elementary education in Prussia, near the beginning of the present century, Europe, was spread before the Legislature as an sent some of her best teachers into Switzerland to appendix to my report in 1840, and sent to every study the methods of instruction pursued by Pesta- school district, together with selections from more lozzi and other educators, and has, from time to than thirty publications besides. This document is time, engrafted upon her system, such modifications, equal to a volume of 400 pages of the same type as and tried in her normal schools, such methods, as the the statutes of the state, and is believed to be the experience of other countries had proved to be ad. most complete account of public elementary edu vantageous, and adapted to her circumstances. Hol- cation embodied in a single volume. land, through the agency of her school inspectors, The more recent school documents, in several of and voluntary associations, has made her teachers the United States, and especially in Massachusetts acquainted with the methods and practices of the and New York, have been marked by great ability best schools in other countries. France, in 1811, and research, and have thrown much light on the commissioned Baron Cuvier, and in 1830 and 1836, actual condition, and modes of improving common M. Cousin, to visit Holland, Prussia, and other Ger- schools. By an interchange of documents, and man States, and inquire into the condition of the personal and written communications with gentlepublic schools. The reports of these distinguished men connected with this department in their remen were widely circulated at the expense of the spective states, and some opportunities of personal government, and the reports of the latter, especially, inspection of the schools, I have aimed to make have been widely circulated in other countries. myself acquainted with the progress of education England, through her Board of Poor Law Commis- in the United States. Such portions of the above sioners, before organizing her schools for the train- documents, and such facts as I have been able to ing of pauper children, commissioned intelligent collect in other ways, which seemed applicable to men to examine the best schools in Scotland, Hol- our own circumstances for warning, encourageland, Switzerland, and other Continental States, ment, or imitation, have been, from time to time,

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