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Writ of Habeas Corpus served on the Sergeant-at-Arms-Resolution of

the House of Commons thereon-Appearance of Sergeant-at-Arms

with his return in the Court of Queen's Bench-Court holds return

sufficient and remands the Sheriffs-Public feeling much excited—

Fourth Action commenced against Messrs. Hansard by Stockdale-

Motion that Howard be ordered to attend the House-Motion by Mr.

Darby for Discharge of Sheriffs negatived after a long Debate-Howard

committed to Newgate-Renewed Discussion respectiug Printed Papers

-Mr. Sheriff Wheelton discharged on account of Ill Health-Motion

for Discharge of Mr. Sheriff Evans negatived-Fifth Action brought by

Stockdale against Messrs. Hansard-Proceedings in the House there-

upon-Committal of Howard, Jun., and Pearce, to Custody of the

Sergeant-at-Arms-Examination of Mr. Freeman the Medical Attendant

of Mr. Sheriff Evans - Examination of Dr. Chambers-Motion for dis-

charge of Sheriff negatived-Lord John Russell moves for leave to

bring in a Bill for Publication by House of Printed Papers-Opposed by

Solicitor General-Leave granted by a large Majority-Motion of Sir

James Graham for Discharge of Mr. Sheriff Evans until 6th of April,

carried-Actions by Howard-Second reading of Lord John Russell's

Bill-Bill passes the House of Commons-Bill in House of Lords-

Remarks of the Duke of Wellington-Amendments of the Lords agreed

to by the Commons-Bill receives the Royal Assent-Discharge of

Stockdale and Howard from Custody-Termination of the Subject [40

AFFAIRS OF IRELAND.-Lord Morpeth moves Second Reading of the

Irish Municipal Corporations Bill-Debate thereon-Second Reading

carried by a Majority of 135-Debate on Question of Third Reading-

Discussion as to right of Members to read an Extract from a Newspaper

in the course of his Speech-Third Reading carried by a Majority of

148-The Bill is introduced into the House of Lords by Lord Mel-

bourne-Debate thereon-Speech of the Duke of Wellington-Lord

Winchilsea and others oppose the Bill-Second Reading carried by a

Majority of 99-Speech of the Bishop of Exeter on occasion of going

into Committee-Bill in Committee-Protest of the Bishop of Exeter

against the passing of the Bill-Registration of Voters in Ireland Bill

introduced by Lord Stanley-Debate thereon-History of the Progress

of the Bill in the House of Commons- Violent Opposition on the part

of the Government and the Irish Members-Bill withdrawn by Lord

Stanley in consequence of the lateness of the Session-Ministers with-

draw their English and Irish Registration Bills-Importation of Flour

into Ireland Bill-Opposed by Mr. E. Tennent and others-Carried by

a Majority of 52-The Marquess of Westmeath moves for a Committee

in the House of Lords to inquire into the Election of Poor-Law Guar-

dians in Ireland--Discussion thereon-The Motion is withdrawn-Mr.

Plumptre in the House of Commons proposes that the Grant to May-

nooth College be discontinued-Speeches of Lord Morpeth, Sir R.

Inglis, Mr. Sheil, and Sir Robert Peel-Motion Negatived by a Majority

of 79

TURKEY, SYRIA, AND EGYPT-Conference of the Five Great European

Powers at London on the Eastern Question--Views and Policy of

France in the matter-The Hatti Scheriff promulgated with great

pomp at Rhodes-Some of its Provisions-Conduct and Preparations of

Mehemet Ali-Royal Speech from the Throne at Constantinople-

Insurrection of the Druses and Mountaineers in Syria-Explanation

given by Lord Palmerston-Persecution of the Jews at Damascus and

Rhodes-Horrible Tortures inflicted upon them-Overthrow of the

Grand Vizier Khosrew Pasha, and Appointment of New Ministry at

Constantinople-The Brunow Convention signed in London on the 15th

of July-ULTIMATUM offered to the Pasha of Egypt-Sentence of

Deposition pronounced by the Sultan-Preparations of Mehemet Ali

for War-Admiral Stopford and Commodore Napier appear off Beyrout

-Cannonade and taking of Beyrout by the Allied Squadron-Position

of Ibrahim Pasha-Saida taken by Commodore Napier-Retreat of

Ibrahim Pasha-Note from Lord Palmerston to Lord Ponsonby-Sur-

render of the Emir Bechir-Tripoli, Tortosa, and Latakia, evacuated

by the Egyptians--Storming of St. Jean d'Acre-Results of the Capture

o fAcre Critical State of Ibrahim Pasha-Commodore Napier sails

for Alexandria-Convention between him and the Pasha-Sir R. Stop-

ford refuses to ratify the Convention. BELGIUM-Resignation of

Ministers and Appointment of new Cabinet-Opening of Belgian Cham-

bers and Royal Speech. HOLLAND-Abdication of the King, William

I.-Reason for this step-Official Announcement of Abdication with

the causes assigned by the ex-King-Proclamation by William II.

HANOVER-Answer of the King to the Deputation of the Assembly of

the Estates on the occasion of presenting to them a new Constitution.

PRUSSIA-Death of Frederick William III.-His Will and Paper

addressed to his Son Frederick William IV.-Extracts from both these

Documents-Official Announcement made by the present King [185

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mentos-Proposals made to the Queen Regent by her Ministry-She

rejects them, and they resign-Another Cabinet is constructed-Disso-

lution of the Cortes-Fresh resignations of Ministers-Serious Insur-

rection at Madrid -Formation of a self-constituted Junta at Madrid-

The Queen Regent attempts to form another Cabinet and fails-Con-

duct of the Madrid Junta-State of Parties in Spain-Espartero_forms

a new Ministry-Question of a divided Regency-The Queen Regent

dissents from the Views of Ministers, and formally abdicates the

Regency-Manifesto by Espartero-Queen Christina retires into France

-Conduct of the new Regency-Queen Christina issues a Manifesto

from Marseilles-Counter-Manifesto by the Provisional Regency-

Arrival and reception of the Queen Mother in Paris-Question of the

Navigation of the Douro. PORTUGAL-Opening of the Cortes-Royal

Speech-Dissolution of Cortes-Revolutionary Attempts and Mutiny

of Troops of the Line at Castella Branco and the Fortress of Marvao-

Manifesto of the Insurgent Chiefs-Proclamation by the Queen Donna

Maria-Colonel Miguel A. da Souza is shot by his own Soldiers, and

the Mutiny ceases-The disaffected Officers retire into Spain-Accouche-

ment of the Queen-Question of British Claims to compensation for

losses sustained during the Portuguese Civil War. NAPLES-History

of the Sulphur Monopoly-Remonstrance of British Government-

Duplicity of the Court of Naples-Arrival of Mr. Temple, the British

Ambassador-Resignation and Exile of Prince Cassaro, the Minister

for Foreign Affairs-Legal Opinions upon the Question of the Sulphur

Contract or Monopoly-Neapolitan Vessels captured by British Ships

of War-Mediation of France for the settlement of the Quarrel-

Abortive Attempt at Revolution in Sicily


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UNITED STATES-Commencement of Session of Congress-Political Par-

ties in America-Disputed return of Six Members for New Jersey-

Election Committee appointed-Decision in favour of the Van Buren

Members President's Message--Discussion of its principal Topics-

Boundary Question-System of Banking throughout the Union-Pro-

position offered as to Mode of keeping and collecting the Public Monies

-Correspondence between Mr. Fox and Mr. Forsyth relative to the

North Eastern Boundary Line-Letter from the Secretary at War con-

taining a Plan for re-organising the Militia-Second Correspondence

on the Boundary Question between Mr. Fox and Mr. Forsyth-New

Survey of the disputed Territory appointed-Dissolution of Congress

-Preparations for Election of new President-State of Public Opinion

-Views of Mr. Van Buren and General Harrison with regard to Bank

and the Banking system-Pledges given by General Harrison-Election

of the latter-Mr. Tyler elected Vice President. UPPER CANADA.-

Communication to House of Assembly-Terms proposed by British

Government as basis of a Union between the two Provinces-Resolutions

passed in favour of the Union-Clergy Reserves Bill passed-Statement

of its leading Provisions-Dissolution of Parliament by Governor.

MEXICO.-Revolution in City of Mexico-Forcible release of General

Norea, who raises the Standard of Federalism-General Valencia quells

the Insurrection, and the Federalists capitulate on honourable Condi-

tions. TEXAS.-Commercial Treaty signed between Great Britain and

the Republic of the Texas. BRAZIL.-Emperor declared of age at

Rio de Janeiro by a coup d'état-Appointment of new Ministry. NoVA

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