abuse of war, 157 Academe, 131 addressed, 155 adit, 168 advent, 150
affect abstraction, 134 affianced, 132 Agincourt. 110 airy Giant's zone, 159 a king a king, 119 all confusion, 170 all her height, 167 all prophetic pity, 161 all-weary noons, 172 all wild to found, 123 amazed, 157 ambrosial, 112 ambrosial gloom, 145 Ammonites, 110 and, 149
angel offices, 171
animal, 176
Ascalon, 110
as flies shadow, 138
Aspasia, 134
assumed the Prince, 155
as first of May, 117
Astræan age, 135 as who, 152
as you came, 133
at parle, 157 awful odes, 123 awnings gay, 126 axe and eagle, 173 azure pillars, 175
babble, 142 bantling, 163 bare on, 163
barring out, 178
bassoon, 135 beam, 130 beard-blown, 146 beats true woman, 167 began to gather light, 171 bestrode, 132 bickers, 159
blackened, 178 blanched, 165
blazoned like heaven and earth, 125
blazoned what they were, 151 blowzed, 150 board, 126
bolts of heaven, 152 book of scorn, 158 bootless calf, 119 bottom agates, 133 bowed her state, 131 boys, 124 branches, 132 break of day, 126 breathed, 113.
breathes full East, 141 brede, 166
bright, 172 broadening, 140
bronze valves, 160 built upon, 172 Bulbul, 147 bulked in ice, 158 burgeon, 176 burst, 165 bussed, 159 but, 123
but bringing up, 114 by frosty dark, 159 by the word, 160
called on flying Time, 172 came round my wrist, 173 canceled, 146 canzonets, 147 captains, 121
careless of the snare, 125 Carian Artemisia, 128 Caryatids, 149 Cassiopeia, 153 Castalies, 151 cast and fling, 127
cast no shadow, 118 catapults, 158 celts, 110 champaign, 139
master, 113
mawkin, 156 meadow-crake,
mellay, 163
melodious thunder, 136 Memnon, 139
men's reverence, 177 mincing, 135
minted, 158
miracle of women, 111 missive, 160 Mnemosyne. 150 mob me up with, 169 mock-heroic, 177 mock Hymen, 148 mock love, 148 Moll and Meg, 148 molten, 146 monstrous idols, 146 mood, 174 moral leper, 149 morning hills, 132 mother-city, 122 motion, 161 muffled, 136
muffled cage, 171 muses, 126
music, 177
musky circled mazes, 150 mystic fire, 150
Nemesis, 167
never died or lived, 164 next inherited, 155 night and peace, 159 nightmare weight, 168 night of Summer, 165 Niobean daughter, 152 no livelier, 129 nor found, 148 no rose, 158 not of those, 128 nymph Egeria, 128
Oasis, 131 Odalisques, 128
of city sacked, 148
of clocks and chimes, 125 of men, 130 of sunset, 178
of temper amorous, 117 of three castles, 121 of the world. 176 of use and glory, 127 of war, 156
Ogress, 115
old leaven, 161 on fire, 124 on pranks, 177 on the slope, 111 on the spur, 123 Oppian law, 173 oration-like, ICI orbed, 167
other heart, 120 other laws, 170 our meaning here, 141 our place, 176 ourself. 127 ourselves, 122 out of place, 123 owed, 48
own clear element, 171
parasitic forms, 176 parted, 131 pass, 132 pasture, 111 pavement, IC9 peasant Joan, 130 pedant's wand, 119 Persephone, 153 Pharos, 169
phrases of the hearth, 133 pine, 178
planed her path, 151 platans, 140
played the patron, 114
play the lion's mane, 167 pledge in wassail, 115 port of sense, 167
post, 124
pou sto, 142
presence room, 120
prettiest, 125 prime, 139
Proctor's dogs, 113
proof, 142
protomartyr, 154 proud, 176 proxy-wedded, 119 public use, 151 puddled, 140 puffed pursuer, 150 puissance, 120
quarter-sessions, 178
raced purple fly, 132 rain an April, 165 random, 139 random sweet, 172 ran up his forks, 140 rapt, 111, 148
raw from the prime, 129 read down to dreams, 132 realists, 177
stayed up, 115
steep-up, 111 stem, 151
still, 120
stones of Abbey-ruin, 109 stony names, 144 stooped to me, 153 strait-besieged, 111 strange diagonal, 177 stunted squaws, 128 substance, 135
suit with time and place, 117 sun-shaded, 132
superstition all awry, 130 supporters, 169 sward was trim, 112
sweet love were slain, 176 swum in thanks, 167
tangled business of the world, 131 tarn, 171
tavern-catch, 148
temperament, 149 tender things, 157 than in her mould, 174 than the dame, 129 that which made, 130 theatres, 134 their baldness, 156 there a garden, 178 there was one, 176 the yoke, 167 the liberties, 124 the muse, 147 the Palmyrene, 128 the Time, 162 thews of men, 150 third, 159, this marble, 138
those lilies, 138
those to avenge, 154 threaded spiders, 122 throbbed thunder, 172 thro' warp and woof, 121 throw the world, 176 tile to scullery, 163 tilth, 122
time and frost, 112 timorously, 166 to-and-fro, 133 to fetch her, 120 to gaze, 171 to guerdon, 124 Tomyris, 161 to read, 115 tortured, 166 to the sun, 165
touch of sunshine, 144 touchwood, 151 transient, 156 troll, 144 troth, 159 troubled, 121
true hearts, 175 twinned, 120
two bulks, 163
two streams of light, 136 type them, 176
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