Page images

the affairs of, 86-delay at Madras in
forwarding troops to guard the frontiers
of, 189, 235.

Burnes (Capt.), mission of, 22, 215.
Burney (Col.), 34, 86.

Burr (Col.), his arrangements in Egypt
for Indian passengers, 219.
Buttesur, fair at, 24.
By-laws, Company's, 253.

Cabul, new mercantile route between,
and the Company's territories, 22—mi-
litary commanders in the service of the
chief of, ib.-Capt. Burnes' mission to,
22, 215-missions from Persia and Bok-
hara to, 22, 77, 215-preparation of
the ruler of, to fight Runjeet Singh, 78,
146-fanatical exhibition of Dost Ma-
homed in the Choke Bazar of, 146—
Russian ambassador at, 215-dispute
between Capt. Burnes and the Russian
vakeel at, ib.

Cadets, regimental rise of, in India, 40—

new rank to, at Bombay, 51-honorary
certificates to, from Addiscombe, 95.
Caffers, depredations by, on the Cape

frontier, 39, 94, 231-libel case, aris-
ing out of the death of a, 119, 164-
destruction of emigrant boers by, 120,
165, 230-characteristic settlement of
a dispute between two chiefs, 164-
their connexion with the mutiny in the
Cape Mounted Rifles, 121, 232-ope-
ration of the Dutch farmers against the,
under Uys and Maritz, 231-Governor
Napier's conference with the, 233.
Cairo, conveyance of passengers between
Suez and, 219.

[ocr errors]


-topography of Assam, 3-Agra Bank,
3, 76, 148 Bank of Bengal, 4, 79,
135, 186, 204, 234 Coolies sent
abroad, 4, 14, 88, 142, 188-the the-
atre, 4-indigo factories, ib.- native
press, 5-native periodical press, ib.—
flight of locusts, ib.-land-revenue in
the western provinces, ib.-Civil Ser-
vice Annuity Fund, 6-re-unions, 8-
suicides in Central India, ib. -waste
lands, 9-native converts, ib.-native
opinions, ib.-conversion of natives, 10
-estate of Alexander and Co., 11-of
Cruttenden, Mackillop, and Co., ib. -
of Mackintosh and Co., ib.-native fes-
tivals, 12-Mauritius sugar-cane, ib.-
indigo planters of Jessore, ib. the
gauri gau of India, ib.-fall in the price
of opium, 13, 234-Docking Compa-
ny, 14-the free-press dinner, ib.-Sir
Charles Metcalfe, 17, 20, 27, 69, 72
-insurrection of the Coles, 19-pul-
verized milk, 20-tour of the Gover-
nor-general, 20, 66, 214, 237-famine
and disease, 20, 69, 79, 144, 184, 212,
214, 235, 237-conviction of a petty
rajah for murder, 20 — weather and
crops in the Mofussil, 20, 21-Simlah,
21, 214-affairs of native states, 21, 77,

[ocr errors]




145, 215 Lieut. Waterfield, 21
Prince Henry of Orange, 21, 25, 135
the Nawab Ecbal ud Dowla, 21-new
route from Cabool, 22-military ope
rations in Shekhawattee, 23-gunpow.
der manufactory, 24-Munnipore levy,
ib.-Marine Registry Office, ib.-gam-
bling at the Rass festival at Khurda, ib.
-customs collections of Agra, ib.—
shooting gallery, ib. — robbery at the
Bible Society's depository, ib.-coun-
terfeit stamps, ib. · -new steamer at
Kidderpore, ib.—fair at Buttesur, ib.—
European deserter, ib.—Queen dow-
ager of Oude, ib.-Parental Academie
Institution, ib.-road to Darjeeling, ib.
-English school at Barasut, ib.-pri-
soners in gaol at Bareilly, ib.-failure
of native firms, 24, 217, 234-bridge
over the Oojlah Nuddee, 25-death of
Meer Hosein Ali, ib.-London mails,
ib.-extortions of burkundases, ib.-
the Hurrianah Light Infantry bat., ib.
-writs against the Nawaub Zullal-00-
dowlah, ib. Agra Beef-Steak Club,
ib.-the "Black Act," 25, 208-Eng-
lish day-school at Anurpore, 25-
School-book Societies in the N. W.
Provinces, ib.-study of English at
Dacca, ib.-new arrangements at the
Medical College, ib. -cotton crop in
Bundlecund, ib.-government advances
on goods, 26-entertainments to Lady
Ryan, ib.- settlement at Darjeeling,
26, 217-filling of tanks with water,
26-lakhirajdars, ib.-falsifying papers,
ib.-3d Light Dragoons, ib.-Mr. Dyce
Sombre, 26, 235-Cochin-Chinese vo-
cabulary, 26-fracas between two at-
torneys, ib.-the public library, ib.—
removal of Mr. C. R. Martin, ib. -wreck
of the Elizabeth, ib.-the Dyce Sombre
suit, ib. donations to the District
Charitable Society, 27, 68-cochineal
insect, 27-indigo crop, ib. -cases in
the Court at Mirzapore, ib. Union
Bank, 27, 71, 136, 186, 203, 234-
the sufferers by the late fires, 27, 79-
overland communication, 67, 147, 169,
236-the newspaper press, 67, 237-
Sanscrit schools, 68-human sacrifices,
68, 143-Dwarkanath Tagore's gift, 68
-affray near Sherghotty, ib.-law com-
mission, 68, 80, 144, 236. Military
Orphan Asylum, 69, 206 - Metcalfe
Testimonial, 69-coal in India, 71, 139
-trade of foreign nations, 71-princi-
pal Sudder Ameens, 72-the Bengal
vulture, ib.-estate of Fergusson and
Co., 75, 79-Mohamedan holy war,
75-taming of snakes, 76—Assam tea,
76, 79-theatricals at Agra, 76—new
masonic lodge at Agra, ib.-new road
from Burdwan to Benares, ib.-force
ordered against the Joorah Rajah, 77,
187-arrest of a field-officer at Cawn-
pore, 77-French artistes, 78-cricket-
match at Dum-Dum, ib.-politics of





the Calcutta Courier, ib.-Moulvy Fu-
zulla Rubbee, ib.—Mr. Roger Dias, ib.
-estate of Mr. James Campbell, ib.
new Bengallee newspaper, 79-report
on Calcutta shipping, ib.-coining by na-
tives, ib.-influx of visitors to Calcutta,
ib.-beggars, ib.-nizamut palace at
Moorshedabad, ib.-sulphuric acid ma-
nufactory, ib.-gang of swindlers, ib.
-endorsement of Bank of Bengal notes
by collectors, ib.-Sailors' Home So-
ciety, ib.-small-pox at Calcutta, ib.-
picking pockets at auctions, 8c-fre-
quency of dacoities, ib.-sale of race-
horses, ib.-the celebrated horse Don
Juan, ib.-embezzlement by natives at
Hooghly, ib.-fire at Gowalparah, ib.
-Hindu Free School, ib.-hail-storm
at Seetapore, ib.-boring experiment
in the fort, ib.-the ancient pillar at
Delhi, ib.-steam communication, 134,
188, 207, 277-abolition of Persian,
136, 147, 187, 218-the Calcutta races,
136-the resumptions of land, 137, 218,
326-deputy collectors, 138, 217-new
Hindu Society, 138. Zemindars', or
Landholders' Society, 139, 236 · -go-
vernment pleader in the revenue courts,
140-the state of the Jumna, 141—
non-intervention policy, 144 treat-
ment of Mr. Macaulay by the Calcutta
press, ib.-Agri-Horticultural Society,
146-annual melah at Saugor, ib.-
dâk circulation of the Indian press, 147
—sanatarium in Arracan, ib.—a barba-
rian shield, ib.--artillery drawn by ca-
mels, ib.-completion of the Ochter-
lony monument, ib.-new postage act,
ib.-magisterial call to give security for
good conduct, ib.- -a woman carried off
by a leopard, ib.-examination of na-
tive female children, ib.-protection to
debtors at Serampore, ib.-Sikh coins,
ib.-road between Cachar and Munni-
pore, 148-new strand road at Calcut-
ta, ib.-minor lotteries, ib.-hours of
business in public offices, ib.-geogra-
phical and statistical reports, ib.—Mir-
zapore Bank, ib.-death of Prince Soo-
leeman Shookoh, ib.-government lot-
tery, ib.-Calcutta Savings Bank, ib.
-Sir Henry Fane, 148, 237-educa-
tion of high class natives, 148-early
designation of Englishmen, ib.-new
bank at Calcutta, 185, 205, 234-the
soi-disant Rajah of Burdwan, 186, 210
-scheme for an internal steam naviga-
tion, 186— native prejudice; Dobah
sugar, ib.-the Mohurrum, ib.-storm,
187, 205-disturbance in Assam, 187
-strike amongst the artillery syces, ib.
-steam agent in England, 188, 207-
state of health at Calcutta, 188, 212,
235-Little Tibet, 199—trial by ordeal,
201-correspondence of native judges,
ib.- Rohilkund, 202-public library,
205-Master in Equity, 206-fire at
Mozufferpore, 207-the Penal Code,

Asiat. Journ. N. S. VOL. 26. No. 104.



208-German mission of Tinnevelly,
209-the insolvent houses, 210-inter-
nal navigation, 211-mortality in Cal-
cutta, 212-imprisonment of Mr. Reid,
for fraud, at Cawnpore, 213-first steam
engine at Shahjehanpore, ib.-deputa-
tions to and from Lahore, 213, 237-
proposed interview between Lord Auck-
land and Runjeet Singh, ib.-removal
of the troops at Muttra, 213- Mut-
tra Famine Relief Society, ib.-plun-
derers near Neemuch, ib.-escape of
Capt. Ross from bring murdered on his
road to Mhow, ib.-imprisonment of
Manik Rae Rao, of Bidjeegurh, ib.-
sickness and distress at Allyghur, 214
-bridge over the Kala Nuddee at Hy-
dramy, ib.-sickness at Calpy, ib.-
distribution of food at Mynpoorie, ib.-
slaughtering of cows at Rewaree, ib.-
refractory Cossyah chiefs, ib.-crowded
state of Simla, ib.-new cantonment at
Ferozepore, ib. Moonshee Mohun
Lall, 215-temperance societies in the
army, 216-new native debating club,
ib.-unjust decisions of the Dhurma
Shabha, ib.-native credulity, ib.—dis-
tribution of alms to beggars at a shraud,
ib. Chitpore-road aqueduct, 217-
bathing festival of the Barounie, ib.-
lunacy of Joykissen, ib.-English school
at Trebanee, ib.-lighting Calcutta with
gas, ib.-claim of ordnance officers to
succeed to brigade commands, ib.-
brass howitzers for Runjeet Singh, ib.
-visitation of the Lord Bishop, ib.-
admission of clergymen as instructors
into the seminaries of the Education
Committee, ib.-cultivation in indigo
concerns, ib.-off reckonings for 1836,
ib.-sale of houses belonging to the
estate of the late Gen. Martine, 218-
tolls upon the canals, ib.-Delhi Col-
lege, ib.-escape of Capt. Osborne from
tigers, ib.-the purchasing-out system
in the army, ib.-raising up of the Al-
lahabad pillar, ib. — promotion in the
Bengal army, ib.-special committee
of artillery officers, ib. discounts,
234-naval expedition to China, 219,
235-inscriptions of Girnar, 235-Se-
cretary to the Education Board, 236-
death of Dr. Tytler, ib.-improvement
of the police, 237-Mr. Rushton, ib.—
influenza at Simla, ib.—prices of Euro-
pean goods, 60, 128, 194, 286-secu-
rities and exchanges, 61, 129, 195, 287




shipping, births, marriages, and
deaths, 44, 103, 174, 243.
CALCUTTA Government Orders :-Regi-

mental rise of cadets, 40-new mem-
bers of the Council, 40, 170-Jungle
Mehals; demands for coolies and hac-
keries, 40-movements of corps, ib.-
nomination of staff-officers to detach-
ments, ib.-honorary certificates to ca-
dets, 95-the Oude Auxiliary Force,
ib.-conduct of the European and na-
(2 Q)


tive officers of the Bengal army, 98-
corps of local horse, ib.-services of
Sir C. T. Metcalfe, Bart., ib.-absentee
rules and regulations, 166-attendance
at public offices, 168-superintendent
of police in Lower Provinces, 169—
overland postage, ib.-the Persian lan-
guage, 170 Col. Raper's memorial
respecting military retirements, ib.-
brevet major-generals, ib.-Indian law
commission, 171-allowances of officers
of her Majesty's service, ib.-inatten-
tion of Queen's officers, 239-native sol-
diers returning from furlough, ib.-new
medical code. ib.-medical etiquette,
ib.-change in dress, 240-soldiers' li-
braries, ib.- comforts for soldiers on
board transports, ib. Resident in
Sinde, 241-triennial visitation of the
Lord Bishop, ib. retirements, &c.
from the service in England, 190-
courts-martial, 99-appointments and
furloughs, 41, 100, 171, 241-H.M.
forces, 44, 103, 174, 243.

Supreme Court:-The Martine
case, 1-fracas between two attorneys,
26-in the matter of D. F. Clark and
others, assignees of Fergusson and Co.,
v. Gregson and others, assignees, 65
- Beebee Hoorun v. Shaik Khyrool-
lah, ib.-assignees of Fergusson and
Co., v. Dwarkanauth Tagore and others,
Wimble v. Jackson, ib. -

[ocr errors]



Master in Equity, 206.


Insolvent Debtors' Court:
Assignees of Fergusson and Co., 79.
Calcutta Courier, politics of the, 78.
Camels, artillery drawn by, 147.
Cameron (Mr. C. H.), 40.

Campbell, case of Stockenstrom v., for
libel, 119, 164.

(Capt.), rescue of children by,



in Goomsur, 39, 68.
Canal and railway at Madras, 82-navi-
gation in Upper India, 211-the Doab,
212 tolls at Calcutta, 218.
Candahar, English and Persian interests
at the court of, 22.
Canton, panorama of, 55-see also China.
Governor Napier, 38, 94, 233 · Sir
Benjamin D'Urban, 38-state of the
frontier, 39 94, 164, 231- desertion
from the Hottentot corps, 39-Caffer
depredations, 94, 231-horrible atro-
city at Stinkfontein, 94-death of Capt.
Adair, 119-case of Stockenstrom v.
Campbell, 119, 164 destruction of
emigrant boers by the Zoola chief Din-
gaan, 120, 165, 230-narrow escape of
the lieut.-governor from drowning, 121
-mutiny amongst the Hottentot sol-
diers, 121, 232-murder of Ens. Crowe,
122-dispute between two Caffer chiefs,
164-monthly official reports from the
Eastern frontier, ib.-address to Sir
John Herschell, 165-operations of the
farmers against the Zoolas at Port Na-


tal, 230, 231-murder of a Fingoe by
two soldiers of the Cape corps, 231-
execution of mutineers, 232-Albany
address to the governor, 233-losses
of the colonists during the late Caffer
war, ib.-meeting held by the governor
and the Caffer chiefs, ib.-the Fingoes,
234-emigration beyond the colony, ib.
-Prince William of Orange, ib.-the
Borolongs, ib.--shipping, births, mar-
riages, and deaths, 53, 118, 184, 251.
Carr (Rev. T.), bishop of Bombay, re-
marks on his installation, 83.
Cashmere, dearth and distress in, 22-
misrule in, 201.




Caucasus, operations in the, 39.
Cavenagh, case of Faunce v., 223.
Cawnpore, dearth and distress at, 20, 69,
185-arrest of a field-officer at, 77-
sentence on Mr. Reid at, for fraud, 213
-meeting of medical officers at, rela-
tive to the "boon," ib.
the relatives of drowned officers, 55-
youthful murderers, 85 — the pearl-
fishery, ib.-sugar-canes, ib.-nutmeg-
plants, ib.-filling up of the Legislative
Council, 152-clergyman for the Scots'
church at Colombo, ib. Wesleyan
missionary meeting, ib.-Catholic bi-
shop of Ceylon, ib.-good conduct of
the 78th Highlanders, 181-loss of the
Colombo mail, 189-military stations,
ib.-lighthouses, ib.-cholera, ib.—de-
secration of the Sabbath, ib.-steam-
navigation, 222 — appointments, 117,
- shipping, births, marriages, and
deaths, 53, 117, 182, 249.
Children, rescue of, from sacrifice, in
Goomsur, 39, 68, 81-sale of, at Ma-
dras, 81-education of native female,
at Calcutta, 147-drowning of, by their
parents, from want of food, 184.
:-Visit of H. M.S.
Raleigh, 29-crew of the Fairy, ib.—
trade, 35, 223, 235-expulsion of fo-
reigners, 36, 88-receiving-ships, 36-
Chamber of Commerce, 37, 89-Com-
pany's finance agency at Canton, 37-
foreigners at the city-gate, 88-quality
of free-trade teas, ib-claims on the
Hing-tae Hong, 36, 89-Formosa and
the Bonin Islands, 89-tea and silk,
ib.-opium traffic, 156, 223, 235-dis-
turbances, 156-funeral of a hong mer-
chant, ib.-Ophthalmic Hospital, 157
-votive tablet, 223-export of tea, ib.
-British naval expedition, 219, 235-
prices of European goods at Canton,
60, 128, 194, 286-exchanges, 61, 129,
195, 287-shipping, births, marriages,
and deaths, 53, 117, 182, 249.
China Courts Bill, 254.
Chinese traders expected at Moulmein,

86-shipwrecked sailors, 156.

Cholera in India, 30, 32, 39, 184, 214-
cure for, 149-in the town of Calcutta,
188, 235-in Ceylon, 189.

[ocr errors]

Christianity, abjuration of, by Hindu con-
verts, 9-in Southern India, 28, 209-
appointments to be given to natives em-
bracing, 216-see also Missions.
Church, Presbyterian, in New South
Wales, 90-new act for regulating the,
in Van Diemen's Land, 91-Scots, at
Colombo, 152 Roman Catholic, of
Ceylon, ib.
Circassia, military operations in, 39.
Civil Servants, Bengal Annuity Fund for,
6-removal of, 26, 220-meritorious
services of, 46, 98-examination of ju-
niors in the oriental languages, 42, 100,
172, 242-absentee regulations for, 166
-charge against a, for trading in horses,
220-resignation of a, from religious
motives, 268.

Clark (Mr. D. F.), 65.

Clergymen, admission of, as instructors in
native seminaries, 217.
Club, Agra Beef-Steak, 25, 76-Hindu
Debating, 216.

Coal in India, report of a Committee re-
specting, 71-known sites of, 139.
Cochin, death of the Rajah of, 151.
Cochin-Chinese vocabulary, 26.
Cochineal insect, 27.

Code, Criminal, of India, remarks on, 31,
145-opinions requested upon it, 208
-Calcutta Medical, 239.

Coffee, cultivation of, in Java, 155.
Coiners, native, at Calcutta, 79.
Coins, Sikh, 147.

Coles, insurrection of the, 19.
Collectors, deputy, qualifications required
from, 138-number of, appointed in the
various districts of Bengal, 217.
College, Calcutta Medical, 25 Delhi,
suspension of native teachers at, 218-
Elphinstone, at Bombay, 221-Hailey-
bury, bill for regulating, 253.
Commission, Indian Law, anomalous po-


sition of, 68-secretary to, 80, 171, 236
-new members of, 171, 190, 236.
Commissions, sale and purchase of, in the
Company's army, 188, 218.
Committee, proposed, for selecting Indian
geographical and statistical reports, 148
-Calcutta Education, 217, 236.
Compton (Sir H.), 188.

Conduct, good, of the officers of the Ben-
gal army, 98-security to be given for,
in India, 147-good, of the 78th High-
landers, 181.

Converts, Hindu, 9-Mohamedan, 10-
Christian, in New Zealand, 162-na-
tive, in Tinnevelly, 209.
Convicts in Van Diemen's Land, 39 ·
revolt of, near Madras, 82-medical
superintendence of, at Madras, 83-
employed as solicitors' clerks in New
South Wales, 91-repair of roads by,
at Madras, 151-trial of, for stealing at
Illawara. 159-laxity of the penal dis-
cipline of, in New South Wales, 159-
execution of a, for murder, 223-as-
signment of, in New South Wales, 225

-death of a rich emancipated, ib.-
appropriation of their labour, in Van
Diemen's Land, 226-murders by, at
Port Phillip, 230.

Conway testimonial, 83.

Coolies, Indian Act relative to the expor-
tation of, 4-shipped for Demerara, 14,
278-demands for, in the Jungle Me-
hals, 40-their condition at the Mauri-
tius, 87-mutinous conduct of, at Hau-
terive, ib.-exportation of, from Ben-
gal to the Mauritius stopped, 88, 188—
remarks on the emigration of, 142-ar-
rival of, in N. S. Wales, 160-Bill for
the protection of, 255, 257- average
outlay on each shipped abroad, 279.
Coorg, improved state of, 150.
Corbyn (Dr.), 24.

Corrie (Bishop), correction of a statement
respecting, 273.

Cossyah chiefs, refractory, 214.

Cotton crop in Bundlecund, 25—in Guze-
rat, 31.

Councils, Indian, new members of, 40, 54,
107, 114, 170, 190-executive and le-
gislative, of New South Wales, 249-
see also Acts of.

Court, Zillah, of 24- Pergunnahs :-Case
of the Nawaub Zullal-ood- Dowlah, 25.
of Nizamut Adawlut, Bengal:-
Raggoonath Muthee v. Kissen Jum-
nah, 66,

Session Judges', Bhaugulpore:-
Oharee v. Raja Chundun Singh, 197—
trial of Gundoree, for murder, 198.
Courts, Bengal Revenue, government
pleader in the, 140.


COURTS MARTIAL on Lieut. Osborne, 46
-Brev. Col. Baumgardt, 48 Lieut.
Dalgety, 49-Lieut. Gibbs, 99-Cor-
net Roche, ib-Lieut. and Brev. Capt.
Hill, 107-Lieut. Cuyler, 114—Suba-
dar Houssain Khan, 175 - Jemadar
Seid Houssain, 176.
Cows, slaughter of, in Rewaree, 214.
Cricket-match at Dum- Dum, 78.
Crim. Con., case of, at Madras, 83.
Crops, failure of, in India, 20, 21, 22, 78,
185-dacoities through the failure of,
80-see also Famine.

Crowe (Lieut.), murder of, 122.
Cruttenden and Co., estate of, 11.
Culna, disturbance near, 210.

Custom collections of Agra, 24-house at
Bombay, 32.

Cuyler (Lieut.), court-martial on, 114.

Dacca, English schools at, 25-force or-
dered from, against refractory Cossyah
chiefs, 214.

Dacoity, trial for, 66-frequency of the
crime in the Moorshedabad district, 80.
Dalgety (Lieut.), court-martial on, 49.
Darjeeling, new road to, 24-progress of
the settlement at, 26, 217.
Dearth in India-see Famine.
DEBATE at the East-India House on the
20th June 1838:- Official returns, 253

[ocr errors]

-half-year's dividend, ib.-by-laws, ib.
committee of by-laws, ib.-Haileybury
College Bill, ib.-China Courts Bill,
254 East-India Natives Protection
Bill, 255, 257-idolatry in India, 264
-Sir Peregrine Maitland, 272-pil-
grim-tax, 273-the late Bishop of Ma-
dras, ib.-Prince of Oude, 275.
Debtors, Calcutta, at Serampore, 147.
Delhi, famine at, 20-festival of Ram
Zaun at, 21-removal of the ancient
pillar at, 80-visit of Lord Auckland
to, 145-suspension of the Mowlove
teachers at the college at, 218.
Demerara, Indian Coolies for, 14, 278.
D'Urban (Sir Benj.), testimonials of re-
spect to, at the Cape of Good Hope, 38.
Dhangars-see Coolies.

Dhurma Shabha, unjust decisions of the,
216-proposed new,

Dias (Mr. Roger), fine upon, 78.
Dickens (Mr. T.) fined by a moonsiff, 78.
Dindigul, cholera at, 39.

Dingaan, a Caffer chief, massacre of emi-
grant Dutch farmers by, 120, 165, 230.
Dinner, free press, at Calcutta, 14-to
the Prince of Orange, by Dwarkanauth
Tagore, 25-to Sir C. Metcalfe at Agra,
72-to Col. Snodgrass, 224.
Directors, East-India, election of, 54-
list of, for 1838, 59.
Dispensaries at Calcutta, 25.

Diu, slave-trade between the coast of
Africa and, 84.

Dobah, refusal of the natives to eat the

sugar made at, 186.
Docking Company, Calcutta, 14.
Donnison v. Faunce, case of, 157.
Dost Mahomed Khan--see Cabul.
Dress of Indian army, 188, 240.
Dunlop (Mr. J. A.), 54.

Duties, transit, at Bombay, 30-tariffs of,
for Java and Madura, 153-rescind of,
on spices, at Bombay, 222.
Duty, officers returning to, 47.
Dwarkanauth Tajore (Baboo), 25, 26—
splendid charitable donation by, 68-
case of the assignees of Fergusson and
and Co. v., 133-distribution of alms to
beggars by, at his mother's shraud, 216.
Dyce (Col.), 26, 175, 235.

East-India Company, collision between
the Board of Control and, 220.
East-India House, election of directors at,
54, 59-appointments made at, 54, 190
-opening of the museum at, to the
public, 122-see also Debates.
Ecbal-ood-Dowlah (Nawab), 21, 122, 275.
Eden (the Misses), 237.

Education of native females at Calcutta,
147-neglect in the, of high class na-
tives of India, 148-Committee, of Cal-
cutta, 217, 236-at Bombay, 222.
Egypt, Company's agents in, 47-Col.

Burr's arrangement in, for the convey-
ance of passengers between Suez and


Cairo, 219-steamer in, for the trans-
port of passengers up the Nile, 279.
Elliot, case of Napier v., 83.
Elphinstone (Lord), 81, 219, 237.
Emigrants, religious charge of, in New
South Wales, 91, 160 mortality
amongst, on their passage to Sydney,
92, 250-destruction of Dutch, near
Port Natal, 120, 165, 230-number of,
sent by government to New South
Wales, 225-Dutch, intending to leave
the Cape of Good Hope, 234.
Englishman, curious designation of an, 148.
Equity, Master in, at Calcutta, 206,
Etiquette, medical, 239.

Euphrates, navigation of the, 277.
Evidence, native, remarks on, 148.
Examination of junior civil servants, 42,
100, 172, 242--of military officers in
the oriental languages, 43, 44, 52, 103,
111, 178, 242, 248—of cadets, 95.
Exchanges, India and China, rates of, 61,
129, 195, 222, 287.

Execution of a sepoy at Vizianagarum, 83
-of Edward Doyle, at Sydney, 94-
cruel, of three prisoners, by Rajah Gu-
lab Sing, 201-of Wm. Moore at Mait-
land, 223-of Hottentot soldiers, 232.
Expedition, naval, to China, 219-to the
Persian Gulf, 222, 275.

Factories, indigo, sale of, 4.

Failure of natives at Calcutta, 24, 217.
Fair at Buttesur, 24-at Saugor, 146.
Famine in the Upper Provinces of India,

20, 69, 78, 144, 184, 212, 213, 214,
237-meeting at Calcutta respecting
the, 70, 185-in the Doab, 188.
Fane (Gen. Sir Henry), order respecting
his brevet major-generals, 27, 170-his
communication to the Bengal army,
with regard to the good conduct of its
officers, 98-proposed return of, to
England, via Bombay, 148, 237.
Farms, sale of, in Java, 155.
Faunce, case of Donnison v., 157-case
of, o. Cavenagh, 223.

Females, mortality amongst emigrant, 92,
250-examination of native children,
at Calcutta, 147.

Fergusson and Co., case of the assignees
of, v. Gregson and others, 65-estate
of, 75, 79-case of the assignees of, v.
Dwarkanauth Tagore and others, 133.
Ferozepore, new cantonment at, 214.
Festivals, native, in India, 12, 21-gam-
bling at, 24-bathing, at Trebanee, 217
-compulsory attendance of Europeans
at, 264, 268.

Fete at Bombay, 32-at Madras, 149.
Finance Agency at Canton, 35, 37.
Fingoes, state of the, 234.
Fire, aid to the Calcutta sufferers by, 27,
79-at Surat, 39-extensive, at Gowal-
parah, 80-attempted, at Kavel, 84-
destructive, at Mozufferpore, 207.
Fisheries on the coast of Van Diemen's
Land, 37--pearl, at Ceylon, 85.

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