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Government relative to the Steps to be taken in Concert with Lord St. Helens, for inviting the Emperor to become a Guaranty of the Provifions and Stipulations of the Article in Question. The French Minifter at Berlin, was in the fame Predicament. The Underfigned, therefore, requests that M. Otto would have the Goodness to represent these Circume stances to his Government, and to urge them, if they have not already done it, to tranfmit without Delay to their Minifters at thefe Courts the neceffary Instructions for bringing this Part of the Bufi nefs to a Conclufion.

The Underfigned requests M. Otto to accept the Affurances of his high Confideration.



Downing Street, August 23d, 1802.

No. 16.

Extract of a Dispatch from Mr. Merry to Lord Hawkesbury, dated Paris, October 3, 1802.

AS foon as the Helvetic Government had retired ✰✰ from Berne to Lausanne, the Partizans of the antient Federative Syftem of the Swifs Cantons, who éftablished immediately in the former City a Provifional Government, deputed a Confidential to Paris, for the Purpose of counteracting the Measures of M. Stapfer, and of engaging the First Conful to fuffer

fuffer the Inhabitants of Switzerland to fettle their Affairs amongst themselves. He was inftructed in any Emergency to addrefs himself to the Minifters bere of the principal Powers of Europe, and to fo licit their Interference and Affistance in the Objects of his Miffion. He reached Paris Four Days ago, and had Reason to flatter himfelf, from the Result of an Interview which he had immediately with M. Talleyrand, that the First Conful would put no Obftacle in the Way of any Arrangement which the Swifs might agree upon among themselves for the final Settlement of their Government; he was therefore much furprised to learn foon afterwards, that a Change had taken place in the First Conful's Sentiments, and his Astonishment was compleated when he found that the latter had taken fo decided and fo unfavourable a Part in the Business, as that which is announced by a Refolution publifhed in Yefterday's Moniteur, (which I have the Honor to tranfmit inclosed), in the Form of an Address to the Inhabitants of Switzerland. This Perfon having, befides this public Declaration, acquired fome private Information of its being the First Conful's Intention to give the most immediate and vigorous Effect to it, loft no Time in addreffing a Letter to the latter, in which he took the Liberty of ftating that he must have been deceived by falfe Reprefentations, that his Interference in the Affairs of Switzerland, was, as he was authorized to fay, entirely unfolicited by the Majority, and the best thinking Part of the In


habitants; and that he had, therefore, to entreat of him, in the moft earnest Manner, to fufpend the Execution of his Refolution until thofe Explanations could take place, which he trufted might be the Means of preventing the immenfe Effufion of Blood which would otherwise inevitably enfue. He at the fame Time addreffed himself in the Course of Yesterday to me, as well as to the Auftrian and Spanifh Ambaffadors, and to the Ruffian and Pruffian Ministers, (not having gained Admittance to Monf. de Cobenzel, nor to M. de Markoff or Lucchefini; he afterwards wrote to them), foliciting, in the ftrongest Terms, an Interference (jointly, if poffible), on their Part, with the French Government, to endeavour to avert the impending Evil. I natu rally obferved to him in Anfwer, that the prefent State of political Relations between the great Powers of Europe afforded no Profpect of his obtaining of their Ministers at Paris, to adopt a concerted Meafure in Favour of the Object which he had so much at Heart, and that of Course I could not take it individually upon myself, without any express Instruction from my Government. He returned to me To-day, to acquaint me that he was not only as yet without a Reply from any Quarter, but had Reason to fear that his Prayers would not be liftened to by the Auftrian, Ruffian, and Pruffian Minifters; he therefore conjured me to tranfmit them to His Majef ty's Government, from whom only his Countrymen could have a Hope of deriving any Affiftance in the


terrible Conflict which he knew they were determined to ftand, and which would only cease by the Extermination of every virtuous and brave Man in the Coun try. He then put into my Hand a Note which he had drawn up in a Hurry, and of which I inclofe a Copy. Whilft, my Lord, it was out of my Power to give him any Encouragement to expect from His Majefty's Government the Affistance which his Pe tition expreffes, I have thought it my Duty to lofe no Time in making you acquainted with a State of Things which may fhortly be attended with very important Confequences.

(Inclosure referred to in No. 16.)

TANT que les Armées Françoises occupoient la Suiffe, le Vou du Peuple n'avoit jamais pû se manifefter librement. Les petites Revolutions qu'il y eut dans le Gouvernement n'etoient que le Jeu de quelques Factions aux quelles la Nation ne prit que peu de Part. A peine la Suiffe fe crut elle independante qu'elle voulut en revenir à fes anciennes Inftitutions, que fes derniers Malheurs lui avoient rendu encore plus cheres, et les Actes arbitraires du Gouvernement lui en faciliterent les Moyens. Avec une Unanimité, une Moderation fans Example, prefque toute la Suiffe fecoua le Joug, les Cantons fe conftituerent, et Douze de Treize Cantons de la Suiffe envoyerent leurs Reprefentans à la Diète de Schweitz

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Schweitz pour y organizer un Pouvoir central quí put convenir aux Puiffances voifins. Les Cantons Ariftocratiques renonçerent à leurs Droits exclufifs, le Pays de Vaud fut laiffé libre de fe donner une Constitution ainfi que la Thourgovie et les autres nouveaux Cantons. Le Gouvernement refugié à Laufanne, malgré fes Troupes de Ligne y étoit mal affuré, peut-être même n'existe-t-il plus à l'Heure qu'il eft.

Qui n'auroit du croire que d'après la Stipulation du Traité de Luneville, qui accorde l'Independance aux Suiffe, et le Droit de fe donner un Gouvernement, tout etoit dit, et que cette Nation pourroit voir renaitre des Jours tranquilles et heureux !

Qui auroit pu croire que le Premier Conful lançat un Décret tel que celui du 8 Vendemiaire? Peut on traiter ainfi une Nation independante? Nous reftet-il, fi Bonaparte perfifte dans fes Refolutions, et que les autres Puiffances ne veuillent point interceder pour nous, d'autre Partie, que de nous faire enterrer fous nos Maifons fumantes quoique fans Ef poir de refifter, epuifés comme nous le fommes du Coloffe qui va nous accabler, ou de nous avilir aux Yeux de l'Univers entier.

Le. Gouvernement de cette Nation généreuse qui a donné aux Suiffes dans tous Tems tant de Preuves d'Intérêt ne voudra-t-il rien faire pour nous dans une Circonftance qui doit decider fi nous refterons encore au Rang des Peuples libres? Nous n'avons que des Bras, nous fommes epuifés par la Revolu

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