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in full membership, together with the Honorary Secretaries to all Special and Sub-committees and any others who may be appointed from time to time by the Annual Conference.

12. Any vacancy occurring in the Office-bearers or Executive Vacancies. shall be filled up by the Executive Committee at a meeting specially summoned for that purpose, and the appointments so made may continue in force until the next Conference.


13. The Examiners shall be elected annually by the Conference. Examiners. 14. The Annual Conference shall consist of the Office-bearers, Annual the President of each Institute, all Past Presidents, the Examiners Conferfor the time being of the Federation, the Honorary Secretaries of Special and Sub-committees, the Founder of the Insurance Clerks' Orphanage (for his lifetime), the Chairman for the time being of the Orphanage, the Honorary Secretary of the Institute at which the Conference is held, and two Delegates from each Institute.

15. At all Meetings of the Conference and the Executive Committee the Chair will be taken by the President, or, in his absence, by one of the Past Presidents, whom failing the Chairman shall be elected from among those present.

16. All voting at the Annual Conference and at meetings of the Voting. Executive Committee shall be by Institutes, one vote only being allowed to each Institute, the President having a casting but not a deliberative vote.

of Con

17. The Conference shall not exercise any authority or control Authority over any Institute, Association, or Society embraced in the Federa- ference, tion except in matters directly relating to the interests of the Federation, and if any question arise in connection with this Article it shall be decided by a vote of the Conference, two-thirds majority to decide the question, which must appear in the Agenda.

18. It shall be in the province of the Federation in Conference assembled to censure any Institute, Association, or Society, or terminate its membership, should it fail to effectively maintain the objects above set forth, or introduce any practice deemed to be inconsistent therewith, or otherwise infringe any part of this Constitution, or the membership of which may be deemed to be no longer advantageous to the Federation.

19. The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the Minutes of Duties of the Executive Committee and of the Conference, to prepare the Secretary. Agenda for the same, to send out Notices of all meetings, to assist all Sub-committees when required in any of their duties, to cɔn

duct the correspondence of the Federation, and generally to do all such things as usually pertain to the duties of his office.

Honorary 20. The Honorary Treasurer shall receive and give receipts for Treasurer. all moneys due to the Federation, and shall pay all just debts and demands owing by the Federation, and shall render an account of the same each year to the Annual Conference, such account to be made up to the 31st December in each year, and to be printed and sent by the Secretary to the Delegates a clear week before the Annual Conference.



21. The funds of the Federation shall be derived from
(a) A levy laid on each of the Institutes, Associations, or
Societies embraced in the Federation, the amount of
such levy to be decided each year by vote of the

(b) The profits accruing from the sale of the "Journal,"
the price of which shall be fixed each year for Mem-
bers and Non-Members by the Conference,

(c) Subscriptions received from affiliated Institutes, from Insurance Offices, and from Honorary Members. 22. The funds of the Federation may be used for any of the following purposes:

(a) Printing of the "Journal" and of all reports, circulars, certificates, or other documents authorised by the Conference or Executive.

(b) Salaries of the Secretary or other officials authorised by the Conference.

(c) Any other object which may from time to time be ordered by the Conference as conducive to the wellbeing of the Federation in promoting its operations, as defined in Rule 9.

23. The Conference shall meet each year in the month of May or June in such convenient centre as may be decided by the Conference from year to year.

24. The Executive Committee shall meet at such times as may be required by the necessities of business to be transacted, and the place of meeting shall be left to the decision of the President for the time being of the Federation.

25. Fourteen clear days' notice shall be given of all meetings. of the Annual Conference and of the Executive, and the Notice calling the meeting shall state the principal business which is to be brought forward; but after the business stated

in the Notice convening the meeting has been finished, it will be competent for any Delegate to introduce any other business for discussion only with the consent of a majority of votes.

26. The Executive Committee shall be called at any time by the Secretary on a requisition from three or more Institutes, and such requisition must state the object for which the meeting is requested. At such Special Meetings of the Executive, the only business which may be transacted will be that stated on the Notice as the special business for which the meeting has been called.

27. The meetings of all Special and Sub-committees shall be called by the Honorary Secretary of each at such times and places as may be most convenient.

28. It will be the duty of the Executive Committee to exercise Duties of during the year such control over the work of the Federation and of Executive. all Sub-committees as may be desirable, to assist and direct when necessary such work, to deal with all matters on which an immediate decision may be required in the interest of the Federation, and to report to Conference.

29. Reports of all Special and Sub-committees to be submitted Reports to the Conference shall be printed and in the hands of Honorary for Con

Secretaries of each Institute embraced in the Federation and
Delegates one clear week before the date of meeting of the

30. The Publications Sub-committee shall submit to the Conference each year a printed report of its operations, with a list of proposed papers for the forthcoming volume of the "Journal," and any other suggestions connected therewith.

31. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and Bye-laws and for the purpose of promoting the objects of the Federation, the Conference shall cause Examinations to be held at such places as it may think fit, and shall prepare and publish Rules to regulate such Examinations, and to define the cases and circumstances under which the said Examinations shall severally apply, the subjects which they shall respectively comprise, the fees, if any, which shall be paid or deposited by candidates in respect of such Examinations, and the nature of the certificates, if any, to be granted to successful candidates. It may vary or rescind from time to time any of the said Rules of Examination, or add thereto, in any such manner as it may think fit, and may delegate to any Committees or Sub-committees such powers and instructions as may be necessary to carry out these objects.



32. The Honorary Secretaries to the Examiners shall submit to the Conference each year a printed report of the results of the examinations, with recommendations for the examinations in the following year, and any other suggestions connected therewith.

33. The Treasurer's statement of accounts shall be audited each year by two honorary auditors to be elected by the Conference annually.

Bye-laws. 34. The Conference shall make and alter such Bye-laws (not inconsistent with the Constitution) as may from time to time be found necessary, but two months' notice of any Bye-law to be proposed by any Institute, or of any alteration in an existing Bye-law, must be given to the Secretary, who shall forthwith intimate the same to the Honorary Secretary of each Institute embraced in the Federation.



35. All Bye-laws and alterations thereof must be sanctioned and approved by a vote of the Institutes represented at the Conference, a majority of two-thirds being necessary.

36. No alteration or addition shall be made to the Constitution of Con- except at the Annual Conference, and two calendar months' notice must be given to the Secretary in writing of any such proposed alteration or addition, and it will be the duty of the Secretary to send copies of such proposed alteration or addition forthwith to the Honorary Secretary of each Institute embraced in the Federation.

37. No alteration or addition to the Constitution shall be made

unless sanctioned by a majority of two-thirds on a vote of



1. Institutes affiliated with the Federation shall be charged an annual subscription to be determined by Conference, and shall be entitled to one copy of the "Journal" each year per member at the same price as is charged to the members of Institutes constituting the Federation plus the cost of carriage.

2. Should a vacancy occur in any Special or Sub-committee of the Federation, or Examiners, it will be competent for such Special or Sub-committee to fill up the vacancy till the date of the next Conference.

3. The President and Secretary of the Federation for the time being shall be ex-officio members of all Committees and Special or Sub-committees of the Federation.

4. Should the Delegate duly appointed to attend a meeting of. the Executive Committee or Conference be unable to attend, the Council of the Institute may send, as a substitute, any member of the Institute.

5. At meetings of the Executive Committee, six shall form a quorum provided that they represent not less than four Institutes. The quorum for all Special or Sub-committees shall be decided by each.

6. Candidates for the Examinations in the Fire Department must be in the employ of an Insurance Company (otherwise than a Fire Insurance Company which is not a member of the Fire Offices Committee).

7. The names of all Offices subscribing to the Federation shall be published in the "Journal" annually, also the results of the Examinations and the Examination papers.

8. Each Institute is entitled to have one copy of the "Journal" for each of its members at the reduced price as fixed by the Conference annually, it being a condition of obtaining such copies at the reduced price that no member of any Institute shall be charged more than the reduced price, as fixed by the Conference, for his copy, and that no additional copies, whether applied for by members of Institutes or others, may be supplied at less than the published price.

9. The higher officers of Insurance Companies and representatives from any affiliated Institute or any other person of distinction may be invited to the Conference by the President for the time being with the consent of the Executive.

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