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his words:"and this shall be acknowledged by all men who live to see my kingdom established in peace. And now let Satan swell with all his rage in man; my Spirit shall lift up a standard against him, for all that believe in Me and my Gospel; for I died to triumph over death, hell, and the grave. But how could I then triumph over death, hell, and the grave, when death and hell followed close on Me and my followers? And so they are now pursuing the same: but one man shall now chase a thousand in my Name, and two shall put ten thousand to flight, till they are left as a beacon upon the mountains; for in the strength of the Lord will I destroy them; but how could one man chase a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight, if believers were many, and mockers but few? How could my gospel be true? At my second coming I said I should scarce find faith upon the Earth; for as the unbelief of the world of old, and the unbelief of Sodom and Gomorrah, so I said shall the coming of the Son of Man be. But fear not, my little flock; for it is my Father's good pleasure to give you my kingdom, when I establish it in righteousness and peace! for I will take away the foxes that hurt my vines, and the singing of birds shall come for all that believe; for the voice of the turtle is now in your land: therefore, tremble ye mountains, that build your foundation on the sand of your own wisdom; be afraid, ye tree that have no root in ME; for the north winds will blow you down; the south winds will root you up: for I will come into my garden, and eat my pleasant fruit with those who wait for my coming; therefore now be ashamed, ye husbandmen;and blush,ye vine-dressers, who dress not your ground with the true dressing of my word; and blush for your vineyards, that do not prune them according to my covenant made with man. But now, ye trees of Lebanon, whose roots are fixed in ME, believing and relying on all the promises I made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that I should fulfil them according to my word, which was made


through faith, and must be obtained by faith; unto you was the promise to be fulfilled; so ye may break forth into singing; for as the birds build their nests on high; so ye, by faith, build your nests on high; and ye may break forth into singing thereon. And you, O mountains, who build on the Rock of AGES, who judge him faithful that hath promised, and who also will do it; a remedy was instantly promised, and help was laid upon ONE that was MIGHTY, that the SEED Of the WOMAN should bruise the Serpent's head; unto you shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall see the curse of the Serpent above every living creature; and tread him down as ashes under the soles of your feet. For as the hills stand round about Jerusalem, so will I stand round my people for evermore; and as firm as Mount Zion, that cannot be moved, so firm shall my covenant stand, that I have made with man; for my delight shall be with man, the work of my own hands; and my throne shall be established in righteousness and peace: and so in peace possess your souls; for he that troubleth Israel shall be cut off.

And now I shall come to thee: thou sayest, thou hadst rather live in sorrow, than die and leave thy friends in sorrow, if thou wast sure of heavenly happiness at thy death. Now if this be thy love for men who have got themselves persecuted for thy sake, believing thy writings to be of God; how much greater dost thou think is my loving kindness unto them than thine! Is thy life to be compared with my love; or thy feelings with my feelings? I tell thee, No: I will not rest until I have filled my friends with joy unspeakable and full of glory; and rewarded every man according to his works! for their labour of love shall not be in vain in the Lord. For I tell thee, thy love springs form ME; thy gratitude from ME; thy pity from ME; and the form of thy nature was formed by ME; and every passion in thy heart springs from ME. Thou mayest well say thou wouldest sooner judge there was no God, than judge there was a faithless God: and this judgment I will recommend to all men; it is better to judge your Bibles false, and never made by the Spirit of God, than to judge they are of God, fullof lies, as the world now judge them: for if men compare thy Writings and my Bible together, they will find there is no shadow nor variableness of turning in them. The prophets prophesied of all I have told thee; and that I shall shew thee plainly from every chapter I have mentioned; but now thou art come to tell them how it shall be fulfilled, and who are the heirs to the promise. For perfectly as the Woman's hand brought the knowledge of the evil fruit, so perfectly now is the enmity between the Serpent and the Woman; and now thou wilt bring them to the knowledge of the good: how all is applied, and how all shall be possessed; and as the evil fruit then destroyed the good, so now the good shall destroy the evil. For Eve brought forth her children by a naturalbirth; and thou art bringing them forth by a spiritual birth; she plucked the evil, and the evil remained, and the good was taken from the evil to come; but thou bringest the good fruit, and the evil shall be taken from the good to come; for they must be of one mind and heart who live to possess my Kingdom; or how shall I establish it in peace? Neither will I shew my loving kindness to men before they have shewn their love to ME. What pleasure couldest thou have to visit a people who do not look for thee, nor wish for thy coming, more than thou hadst in going to Bristol? Just the same would my coming be received, by a people that did not know ME, nor look for ME: and I should be as desirous of leaving them as thou wast to leave Bristol, and returned to thy friends at Exeter. Therefore, I shall not come before men have made known my coming; then they that look for ME will be like thy friends; after thy writings are proved, every one will be eager to see thee; and thou wilt receive a different welcome when thou goest hence, than ever thou hast received here."

I am now to insert a dream given me on the 10th of October. I dreamt I was in my bed, which was close to a stable, and a toad came from the stable on to my pillow under my head, which I thought I took and threw out against the stable, and told some persons who were present, that it was behind the wall, and would get into the stable amongst the dust; for which reason they threw out all the dirt, and washed the stable clean, when it appeared with red bricks. Here I awoke, and then went to sleep again, and dreamt I was in my own room, and I saw it full of ill-looking men, and was muchafraid; I then thought I heared the cracking of a friend's shoes in the adjoining room, when I was filled with joy, and awoke. I then went to sleep again, and dreamt I had a large jar that had been full of ink; but the ink was out; and I saw a large candle burning in the jar, and then I awoke. My dreams were answered in he following manner:

"The toad that came close to thee, and that thou threwest away, is the Devil, who laid close to thy ears in all thou hast written of him; and thou hast thrown him away like thy dream. The ill-looking men were evil spirits, that surrounded thy bed at that time; the cracking of the shoes is my Spirit, that guards thee and keeps thee from all danger, and will awake thee out of all thy fears; the stable being washed and cleaned, and the red bricks appearing, represent my birth and death: that I shall now cleanse the whole; for my blood shall cleanse from all sin; but all sin is not yet cleansed. The jar that was filled with ink, was for thee to write and me to indite, but is now empty; the candle placed in its room, shews that thy time is nearly run out; and the candle of the Lord shall fill the place, and prove that I the Lord, who formed the heavens, and laid the foundation of the earth, have spoken by thee, to thee, and through thee. And my candle shall burn bright among mankind; for now shall the stable be cleansed and washed; that is, all the dirt shall be done away: for I will sprinkle many ntaions; I will wash and make them clean. But first I will come to the purpose with thee, and then I will end with the whole. How couldest thou be travailing in birth, and in pain to be delivered, if I had not placed thy writings in such a manner, to confuse thy mind, before the twelve Stars were gathered together, to sit on thy head, to prove the truth of thy words? It is only thy jealousy makes thy burden; it is thy jealousy makes thee wish for the time that thy Writings should be proved and the TRUTH made manifest; it is the signs I have set before thee, make thee so longing for the time; but how could the dragon draw the third part of the stars to the earth, if all thou hart written to, had believed, and stood steadfast in faith? No; thou wilt find four out of the twelve, that had the three seals, cast to the earth already. This I will make plain before thee: When they were coming to prove thy writings, Satan stood before the spiritual man-child to destroy him, as soon as he was born by faith to believe in thee; and now thou hast travailed in birth one year, to bring forth the spiritual man-child, that shall rule the nations with a rod of iron. Iron is strong, and strong shall be his words; iron is for the horses feet, and the horses shall run swift, and my word shall run swift. Satan hath pursued thee and cast out floods after thee, to the very place that I prepared for thee; the floods are cast out by men on the one hand, and the earth helps thee on the other: and so shall they swallow up every flood that is cast out against thee; for now I will be a wall of fire round about thee; that is, myanger shall be kindled against all that are against thee : for if thou goest to the true meaning of the word, the SPIRITUAL MAN thou art bringing forth to the world is the second coming of CHRIST: for I said Bruce was a type of ME; and it is Me and my kingdom thou art proclaiming to the world, the acceptable day of the Lord: and thou hast singed thy paper: so will I singe the sons of men. So fear not Jacob, nor be dismayed O

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