Israel for Jews and Gentiles, Greeks and Arabians,are all one in ME, that believe in Me and my Gospel, in GOD and the Prophets; they are the true Israel of God. It was by faith Abraham obtained the promise; and it is by faith ye are saved; for now have I called with an effectual calling; and now will I save you with an everlasting salvation the works of my hand. Man was the work of my hand; and by the work of my hand, I formed the Woman; and now I will save them in the day of my power; and the work of my hands shall prosper in my hands: and man shall praise my name from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same; and he shall know what happiness I created him for here on earth: for the new Heavens and the new Earth is a heaven here below, that they never yet possessed; the new Earth is making all things new; and I will so improve the Earth, that it shall be as the Garden of Eden to Man for every barren mountain shall become a fruitful field: and I will throw down and build up, until every house is made pleasant for man: gardens and vineyards shall join to their houses: I will throw down your towns and build them anew, with gardens and fruitful vines to every man's dwelling. Such shall Jerusalem and all the borders be new built. The out-houses of this place, that is not within the city, are most like the dwellings I shall make for man. The houses thou admirest are in my heart fixed on for man to dwell in. As to MAN I shall make him anew; that is, his heart shall be enlarged, his wisdom increased, and his understanding enlightened: a new heart will I give him; and a new spirit will I put within him; and I will write my laws upon his heart, and put my spirit upon his inner parts; and he shall walk in the delight of his God, and in the love of his neighbour righteousness and truth shall meet together; love and peace shall kiss each other; for I will cleanse the blood that I have not cleansed; and I will bind up the broken hearted, and set the captive prisoners free; and all the earth shall praise my name, and walk in the law of the Lord. I the Lord have promised it, and now I will do it. But when was this ever done? or when was it promised to be done? Not until she that travailed had brought forth her children: then shall her children be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of her children. Every promise made to the prophets, I ordered thee to be put in print, shall now be fulfilled; but no man can prove that any one of them was ever yet fulfilled; for they extend to the ends of the earth; and a perfectly happy state for all men; which happiness no man living ever yet experienced in this world. No sooner was man formed for happiness, but Satan robbed him of it, by the woman's hand; and now, by the woman's hand, I will turn back the blow; for Satan's reign hath been too long; his happiness is increased, to think he shall draw all men to perdition with him. Now I will blast his happiness, as he did the happiness of man; for nothing is so great a happiness to Satan, as to find he can draw away the hearts of men from MΜΕ. And now those that judge Satan would not speak such blasphemy, must judge man is worse than the devil; for what blasphemy is spoken by man, and what blasphemy hath been printed by man! But I, who am the maker of all men, and the judge of all men, knew it all came from the influence of the devil; so grieve not at the judgments of men, who judge more favourably of Satan, than they judge one of the other: I, that know all things, know that he has spoken as thou hast written; and I ordered it to go in print, with my answer to it, to prove the truth of the Revelations-The woman hath trod down Satan under her feet, by strength of arguments; but those who screen the devil, to condemn themselves, let them go with him, and then they will know him better. So do not grieve at the judgment of men; all this must be, to fulfil the H scriptures. The Lord hath concluded all men in unbelief, that all men may be saved. Now here you may ask if unbelief will save a man, when it is written, "ye perish through unbelief?" I answer, thousands and tens of thousands will perish through unbelief; but the meaning of all men being saved through unbelief, is, the Lord tried the Jews, and they stumbled at their prophets; for the very scriptures I ordered thee now to put in print, that shall now be fulfilled, they expected would be at my first coming. Now I am come to try the Gentiles, and they stumble the same; and I find them as bad as the Jews, and as full of unbelief: so now I will not trifle with man any longer: he that stands out through unbelief shall be cut off; and he that believeth shall be saved: for now shall believers be called the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; for now in Isaac shall all the families of the earth be blessed, that abide in faith, and believe that I will fulfil all the promises I have made to man; but the fearful and unbelievers shall be cut off from the face of the earth. So now I tell thee, thy hour draws near; thy trial must come on; every seal thou gavest into their hands must be broken, the first month in the twelfth year; and every cause fairly tried; then will I spare the nation one year from destruction. So now it is in vain for thee to fly, and it is in vain for any to fly from danger, unless they fly unto ME by faith; then they may inherit the promise, and possess the promised land: for every land is now promised to be made happy, yea even to the ends of the earth: so now look unto ME, and be ye saved, all ye to the ends of the earth. So let not thy heart be faint within thee; I am thy God and will be with thee; I am thy SAVIOUR and will redeem thee from all the power of men and devils. Thy calling is sure; thy deliverance draws nigh; but I know thy pains will increase, like a travailing woman when her hour draws near." To the Rev. T. P. FOLEY. REV. SIR, October 24, 1802. I RECEIVED the letter, you sent me, that you received from the Minister, and was astonished at hearing him say that the Sealing in the Revelation meant to be in the Baptism. I shall give you the Answer of the Spirit to his letter: -"He that is not for ME is against ME, and he that gathereth not with ME scattereth; for what is bound on earth is bound in heaven; and what is sealed on earth is sealed in heaven; but how can baptism seal your redemption? Are ye not all baptised? The professors and the prophane, the thief and the murderer, the whoremongers and the adulterers, and the hardened sinners that think not on God, nor of his ways; are they not all baptised? But who amongst them fight manfully under my banners, against the world, the flesh, and the devil? Then now fulfil your baptismal vow, if ye will now become my followers; set to your seals, that you do wish to renounce the devil and all his works, and fight for your Lord's KINGDOM; or ye are like the man's guests, that when they were invited began to make excuses, and he said that not one of those that were bidden should taste of his supper: and now I say unto all men, he that refuses to sign for my coming, shall never see my Kingdom of Peace here on earth; for every name must be enrolled in heaven, and sealed on earth, that at my coming, I may say, well done, my good and faithful servants, enter into the joy of your LORD. For here is your calling; here is your election; and now strive to make it sure. Now I will come to another objection to the seals: what use was the blood of bulls or of goats to be offered up for a sin offering? Could their blood, that had committed no sin, make an atonement for the crimes of man? The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but Israel do not know; my people do not consider, The beast was offered up as an offering for sin; then how much greater offering do you offer up now to Me, to join your hands with your hearts, to wish the beast to be slain that was the author of sin; and Me and my Kingdom to come, and my will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven! Let not him that doth not wish it, sign his name for it; your hands and hearts must join together: for I tell you all, this is a much more acceptable offering unto ME, than the offering up of bulls and goats: for they only stood as types of the beast, that should be slain in the end; for Satan is the beast that must be offered up for sin, as being the author of sin: but the beasts of the field know nothing of sin; they were sent in their kind, and act in their kind. Now I come to another objection: What use was there for the lambs to be slain, and their blood to be sprinkled on the posts of the doors, to prevent the destroying angel to go in? Should the blood of a beast preserve the life of man? Then how much more, judge ye, the laying your hands on the beast, by signing for his destruction, will be an acceptable offering to the Lord? that when the destroying angel goes through the land, wherever the seals are found, there is the beast found to be slain, and there the man must live, and the beast must die; but where the beast is not found to be slain by man, man must perish; because he preserved the beast, as Saul did, and the kingdom was rent from him. Now what sin, suppose ye, could it be to preserve sheep and oxen, that had not offended? The sin was in breaking the command of the Lord; for the beast then stood a type of the last day. He that would spare the beast, which is the devil, shall have the kingdom rent from him; that is, he never shall live to see my Kingdom here on earth. Now I ask, of what use was a piece of brass, in the form of a serpent, that looking to it should cure the sting of a serpent? This only stood as a type of ME, whom they judged as a serpent, that in the end should redeem them from death, hell, and sin! And what use was my spitting on the ground, to make |