To have the kingdom then be rent from he. And so in heaven, he then was cast from ME, As he a humble DAVID did despise.- Weigh deep your Bibles now and grow more wise : Because from kings and queens you now shall see The very way the end of all will be. And now from Pharaoh I will here begin; And now like Pharaoh Satan's host shall end; Because, like Pharaoh's host, they all are tried; And here's a mystery now must be applied : Like Pharaoh's task-masters he does appear, To burden men with sins they cannot bear. One on the other now do lay the load, By Satan's arts is every footstep trod; And yet, like Pharaoh, Satan does complain, And daily doth accuse the sons of men, That my command by man is not obey'd- Like Pharaoh's words are Satan's witchcrafts laid:
For all his arts he so does work in men,
To have the perfect truth took all from them. For by their shepherds now I well do know, They give them stubble, and deny them straw.* Because the day of vengeance they've applied To be to man; but Satan they've denied
To be the author of their every guilt; That he has laid the burden all have felt, By every art to tempt mankind to sin; And close upon them daily he hath been; And this, I said, should fall upon his head. But, O, my shepherds! how is't now you'll plead? These promises for man you take away, And every burden you on man do lay, Which I, by Satan's arts have here applied; And if the truth by you is now denied, Then now I'll call you to a strict account, And tell your sins, and how they all amount; That ye as idle shepherds do appear; My Laws or Gospel you don't seek to clear; But say, your sheep are going all astray, And judge they are wandering in a crooked way; And yet, you say you will not call them back; I ask you, how you'll answer for your flock? As many shepherds I by her have tried, And yet by every one I am denied !
• The preachers denounce the punishment of God upon their flock, but omit his promised blessings, that are now at hand, and must come on with the destruction of Satan's power.
Because, of Shepherds I have got but Three, And mither one of them was warn'd by she. No; they themselves as shepherds did begin To hear their Master's voice, andcopy him- "To know the truth, we will go down and see "Whether it prov'd as it is come to we." Then now in ME you may see these Three Men, To know they're Three, and they agree in One. Then here you'll find is the True Shepherd's voice, Whom all mankind shall know, I've made my choice, To be the Rock to build my Church upon. And to my shepherds first I mean to come, And then with Satan I shall next go on. For now, you all shall find a MOSES here; My children's burden now I'm come to clear; And their task-masters, I do daily see, Increase their load; but now their load I'll free: And they shall now possess the promis'd land. When I made Adam in my LIKENESS stand, Lord of this earth I made him here below; This earth I promised trim, you all do know; But then a Pharaoh hasty did arise, Who all my chosen people did despise : He daily tried to take their grace away; And yet against them was his sore complaint, That they were sinners all with one consent. So he to tempt them all his mind was bent, And so by sin he did increase their load; Yet all the blame on them was surely throw'd: As in my Bible you do plainly see, The great accuser of mankind was HE. So now, ye shepherds, 'wake, and see it clear, Satan like Pharaoh he did first appear, With every art of sin, to burden men, And robb'd them of the grace was given them; And yet, against them he doth still complain, That they are sinners. Judge, ye sons of men, How many ways with Job he did appear, And every way he did condemn him there; And every way he always does the same, And much like Pharaoh all his ways I'll name; And now like Pharaoh he shall sure be cast. And will you, shepherds, be like Pharaoh's host? And of your goodness will you proudly boast? That all the fault lies surely in your sheep? From his temptations you yourselves don't keep; Then now I'll answer you, ye sons of men, I've sought for shepherds, but I've not found one
That act according to my Gospel here, As I commanded Peter to appear, And as I bid you copy after ME. But now, ye Shepherds, you your folly see; You have not acted according to my law. I ask you where I did your likeness show ? If any one did e'er appeal to ME, Did I refuse to hear what they should say? Or did I empty turn them once away, Before I granted them their full request, That came to ME and any favour ask'd? Weigh well my Gospel and my Bible deep; You'll see, you shepherds, you are like your sheep, Oppress'd together in Egyptian load; And by temptations, all forsake their God; For all the grace from you is took away; And nought but stubble doth before you lie; And all my altar you have broken down; Refus'd my servant-tremble at the sound!* And so you're under the Egyptian's load- And now let Pharaoh tremble at his rod; Since he so boldly now hath tempted man, That sheep nor shepherds by his arts can stand : For here, like Jezebel, he stole the seal.- And now another mystery I'll reveal : 'Twas Satan's arts that work'd on Pomeroy's mind To seal the letter Bruce's death did bind; As by the letter Bruce's faith drew back ;+ And justice then must make him feel the rack; Because his death that way it must appear, He could not be fit for my kingdom here.
And so his vineyard Satan soon did gain, And sons of Belial did the same maintain. And so I tell thee he did rob all there; And now to take possession thou seest clear, By unbelief he does possess the whole; And now, like Jezebel, shall be his fall; As every vineyard he hath tried to gain, And every grace he's taking now from men; That all is under the Egyptian's yoke: And now, like Pharaoh, he shall feel the stroke. These evil spirits shall come out of man, And, like the swine, be choaked in the sand; For now I am not come before my time, And that the Tempter he shall surely find; Because my shepherds he has so betray'd To be dumb dogs, as I before have said; Like hirelings, that car'd not for the sheep; They saw the wolf, and so they fled from it; Because the wolf did to them all appear, With every art, spoken here; he hath as And so my shepherds he hath all betray'd; - I have but three where I restraint have laid; That is, to keep them from the tempter's power: And they with ME shall see the glorious hour; Because their spirits I betore did know; Salt was in them, and salt they now do show. But now with Satan I shall here begin : I've seen the burdens of the sons of men ; In every age I've seenit, that was past; And now my fury shall upon him burst. For as a king, I let him to appear; And now his reign let men and devils fear; Because his reign I'll show it now in kings; And like their ruin I his now shall bring. And from the thirtieth page I shall appear, And to men's conscience let them answer here, If I in justice do not him condemn: And unto men of sense I now shall come, And ask them, If I have not tried his reign? He hath pour'd out fury on the sons of men. And now the thirty-first page let them see; How he hath condemn'd the just decrees of ME, To let my Son to suffer for Man's sake ! But how their cause could I so undertake, Had I not come and been a JUDGE below Of all the sufferings they did undergo?
And their temptations I d'd all go through, That all the arts of Satan I might know; And how in Herod he did so appear, And all the children he destroy'd them there; Because he would destroy the SON OF GOD. But now, O Satan, tremble at his rod; The rod of Herod now on thee shall fall : And now thy children I'll destroy them all, A Herod's murder now shall fall on thee, And all thy angels now destroy'd shall be: And all that flee to ME I will enjoy. Ye simple shepherds, now you must appear And prove my Gospel you can never clear, That I did then fuljil it at that time: No, no; the mysteries they are yet behind, I ask, what fan did in my hand appear? I ask, what wheat I then did gather there? I ask, what chaff that I did then destroy ? Or how my kingdom they did then enjoy, That John did tell them it was nigh at hand? Be wise, my shepherds now, and understand That all my Gospel I must now fulfil. And now let Satan judge this as he will; As my Disciples they did die with ME, And Satan's triumph he did surely see, To see the children murder'd for my sake; And in Herodias he did strongly break, To have my Prophet John beheaded there. But now MY SECOND COMING let him fear; For I will as much fulfil my oath to thee, As ever Herod did fulfil to she.
So now, ye simple shepherds and unwise, Let all rey Gospel lie before your eyes: And judge if you do think I came below To let the devil all his malice show, And as he said, " a fool for to submit," To lay my life and brethren at his feet, Had I not had the vengeance in my heart, Back on the tempter then to turn the dart. For how could uld I in triumphever come, To turn the day of vengeance back on men, When every one of them is surely dead? And so my vengeance on them then was laid. But did I die for to destroy man ? Ye simple shepherds, how you've laid your plan! Know, if I came, as Satan said, a fool, To give him power in men's hearts to rule, That he in envy triumph'd over ME; I tell you all, I'm come to conquer he.
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