To warn you all of what was hastening on, But sure protection she did find in man: When Satan's host did press upon the door, With every threatening did to her appear; Then now, like Sodom, thou thy doom shalt see; The men that press'd upon the door was he. I tell thee, Satan, and thy hellish host, Man must be freed like Lot, and thou art cast; Because upon her thou didst now press hard; The weakness of her sex thou didst not regard; And now thy greatness I'll regard no more; Thou'lt find my angels they were at the door, And did the woman's innocence protect; And now, like Sodom, thou thy doom expect; Unless that my desire thou'lt now obey. I do not want thee to come back to ME; Only, I tell thee to obey my will; Or else, my fury thou wilt surely feel If thou wilt trifle with the laws of God. Jerusalem did feel the fatal rod; Then, if I always kept my word with Man, Canst thou expect my judgments for to shun, When now against thee they are fix'd severe ? If e'er thou aim'st to tempt my chosen here, Then the hand-writing thou shalt surely see; And now I'll tell thee plain thy destiny: For now, O Satan, I do tell thee here, The meaning of the vision that was there: Thy kingdom it is number'd now by GOD, And he will finish it as he has said; Because thy kingdom thou hast all run through; Thy reign is short, and that thou'lt shortly know: Because the Lord will shortly finish it, If to his laws thou dost not now submit. For in the balance thou art surely weigh'd, And wanting found, from all that thou hast said: Wanting in wisdom now thou dost appear : Wanting in truth, thy lies thou canst not clear; Wanting in power to support thy word; And soon thou'lt see that all the power's of God. And so thy kingdom I shall now divide; From Medes and Persians now shall be applied ;* The Jews and GENTILES soon shall take the whole; And to the Law and Gospel it shall fall. So now, like Belshazzar is thy lot;
For thy destruction's la my Bible wrote;
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And now the words of Daniel do appear, Thy very destiny is written there; Because that like Belshazzar thou shalt fall, And of this kingdom have no power at all. But how could I destroy him as a man, Had it not stood a type for days to come, To take the kingdom perfectly from thee, As with my Bible it might all agree? But know, that king my Prophet did approve, Who did array him for to shew his love; Then now my love I'll surely shew to Men; And the third person in my Kingdom's them: But as that Man shall be the ruler here, Yet I before him surely must appear; That is, in power, to chain the serpent down, I and my angels then must first be found; I and my angels to destroy the foe, And the third Ruler then you all will know : The LORD will give his Kingdom unto Men; And the third Rulers then will be in them. But now the other Rulers do appear, That are your foes: and now you'll see it clear; That is, to throw a Daniel in the den; And that's the way your foes will all be slain: And then Darius' just decrees you'll see Throughout the world establish'd they will be; The Kingdom of the LORD will ever stand, And his Dominion be in every land, Which all the arts of Satan can't destroy; And my Dominion then shall all enjoy; For so it shall be establish'd in the end, And like Darius, now I'll be Man's Friend. But further on with Satan now I'll go. The fifty-seventh page he now shall know; But I'll go backward, and turn back the blow: And to my WORD I bid mankind to trust; But as to Satan, there he well may jest; Because my threatenings they have all been long, That my fierce anger should upon him come: And as my judgment I on him do lay,
The fool may laugh, and think they all will die; But now look back, O Satan! and appear; Thou dost confess thyself a murderer here; The Man and Woman thou thought'st both to kill, And with thy hellish hosts their hearts to chill, And my Creation instant to destroy;
And yet thou say'st, "that God should thee enjoy, "A fit companion for his heavenly seat;
Because," thou say'st, "thy Golden Orb was great!"
Then now thy Golden Orb let it appear; And with the dust dost thou thy gold compare ? And see what fruit thy Golden Orb will bring; Can food or raiment from thy Orb now spring? Can any beauty in thy Gold appear? Without the dust, vain fool, I tell thee here, That all the beauties of thy gold must die; And so the dust is much more worth than thee; The beauteous flowers from the dust do spring; The lofty cedars all do come from them; And every grain of wheat from dust doth grow; And every root is nourish'd so below. So now survey, and see the native dust, And see what beauties now from it do burst; Survey the stately palaces, how they stand; 'Twas from the dust their buildings they command; Survey the gardens, how they all do spring; The beauteous flowers that appear in them; The shrubs and trees that make the walks appear, Are by the dust, vain fool, now nourish'd here. The finest flowers from the dust do come; And every grain it from the dust doth spring; And from the dust do all the fruits appear; And from the dust men's lives preserved are; And from the dust the beauties all do flow; And can thy Golden Orb such beauties shew? There's not a grain of wheat on it can grow; There's not a tree that can its root take there; And if thou build a house with all thy care, To have it standing, all built with gold, Then see thy fabric, how long 'twill hold, When thieves do plunder, and the house pull down, And lay thy stately fabric to the ground; Then see thy grandeur, how thy house doth stand, To tempt mankind to plunder by thy hand. But if that food it should be wanted there, I ask, if gold one single grain will bear? I ask what life from it mankind could draw? Or from thy Golden Orb if aught could flow, For to give comfort to the sons of men? Without the dust thy gold is all but vain; So thou, vain fool, thy ignorant pride now see; The dust is much superior now to thee; And so is Man superior now the same ; And all may judge it by the different name. But as thou boastest that thou wast in heaven, And there thy grandeur thou say'st 'twas given; Then thy last state is now worse than the first, Because thy pride and malice there did burst;
And like the King, when seated on his throne, And judged himself a god and lice became. So by the heavens no honour thou canst gain; For there thou didst discover all thy shame; And there thou'st prov'd thyself much worse than man; Because the heavens thou didst make unclean; And by thy Golden Orb didst swell so high, An fill'd the angels with thy majesty: Or with thy worthless pride thou swell'dst them up, And to thy greatness thought that all must stoop; Then I CREATED MAN out of the dust, To shew the greatest things that then must burst, To be companions in thy vacant seat; And now I've shew'd thee that the Dust is great: Because all beauties from the dust do come; But know, proud Lucifer, in thee there's none. So now thy Golden Orbs may shine in Hell; The Heavens were never made for thee to swell, In pride and envy, and above thy God; But MAN is thy superior, I have shew'd:- As from the dust all beauties here do spring, And of the DUST the HEAD OF ALL IS MAN; And of the Dust the Head shall now appear, To have my KINGDOM and my HONOUR share; When all this Earth I've made it now anew- The barren Minds and barren Mountains too, I now shall turn them to a fruitful field; And every beast to Man shall humbly yield; Because the Dust I now do mean to try, What fruit they'll bring when Satan is not nigh. But know, O Satan, though I speak from God, The thundering of his Voice thou hast not heard; No; all thy words must come before his throne; And all his answers they will then be known. Tis but thy folly here that I reprove; The anger of the Lord thou now hast mov'd With indignation, at what thou hast said; For every page is now before him laid; And thou wilt shortly find thy bill to come.- And mark the fifty-sixth page, what is seen; Thou say'st, " a liar God did then appear:" But Man is dead, and now I'll prove it clear;- Had he been living always in his GOD, Then like the heavenly angels he had stood, In full perfection with them all to shine; And from the Dust they all must know the VINE; That like the Vineyard they must all appear- IS CHRIST the VINE? Then they're the Branches here.
As every thing is nourished by the Dust, And so Man's likenessis in all things plac'd; And in God's likeness this they'd all enjoy, But death was pass'd this Likeness to destroy; For to this Knowledge Man came instant dead: His sense and feeling of these joys were fled; And as a corpse thou surely lead'st them on, Till to the grave, in sorrow, they did come. But when the Life I do renew again, And free Men of that death and of that pain; Then a NEW WORLD to them will surely burst, As Men do find when risen from the Dust; And then they'll all confess that they were dead To every Knowledge that was before them laid: Dead to Perfection, they have surely been; Dead to the Happiness I made for them; Dead to the Knowledge they had of their GoD; Dead to the Footsteps they themselves have trod; Dead to their Sorrows; though they them do feel, And yet they're dead-so now My Friends stand still- When I begin to bring you all to life, And come to conquer death, and end the strife, And make the glory of my Kingdom burst, And bring a perfect Paradise at last, With love and harmony in every sound; And every barren mountain shall be found To drop down fatness on the sons of men, Enrich your borders, and bring to a plain The rugged rocks and mountains that are here Unto to a plain; for man shall all appear, Because a Paradise I'll make below, And I have Thousands living now, I know, That when these changes do to them appear, They'll say, "we all were dead, we now see clear : " Though we were living, but like trees appear'd, "That had no knowledge of the fruit they bear'd; "Nor of the HUSBANDMAN that did plant them there." For no more knowledge Man hath got of ME, Than thy blind Friends they now have got of thee; And by their Blindness, thee they do not know; I ask what living Man could judge thee so, To think that ten Years thou would'st first go on, Till all thy substance it was spent and gone, And then to run all hazards for my sake? And poverty for ME thou didst undertake Because thy Labour it lies by thee dead, Thou work'st for ME, but dost not earn thy bread; Then how can men so void of reason be; Were they not dead, they would begin to see,
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