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ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng. fied t. of Yucatan, Mexico, on a bay of the same name. Lat. 20° N., Lon. 90° 30′ W. Pop. 18,000. (P. C.)

CAMPO-BASSO, kảm/-po-bås/-so, an important commercial and manufacturing t. of Naples; cap. of the prov. of Molise (mo-lee-så). The best cutlery made in the kingdom is produced here. Lat. 41° 37′ N., Lon. 14° 27′ E. Pop. 8,000. (B.)

CAN-A-DA, an extensive country of N. America, belonging to Great Britain, extending from 64° 15' to near 91° W. Lon. Its southern extremity (the S. point of Pelee Island, in Lake Erie), is in about 41° 45' N. Lat. On the N. its limits are not defined. It is usual to consider all the territory N. of the great lakes, which is drained by the rivers that fall into the St. Lawrence, as belonging to Canada. It is bounded on the N. by the British possessions round Hudson's Bay and by Labrador, E. by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, S. by New Brunswick and the United States, and W. by the British territories, between which and Canada the limits do not appear to be accurately defined. Canada was formerly divided into Upper and Lower, but the two provinces were united in 1841, by an act of the British parliament. As, however, this country has been so long known by the names of the former provinces, it may not be improper to give these a passing notice. Upper Canada (now called Canada West) is situated on the right of the r. Ottawa, by which it is separated from Lower Canada, and extends westward along the chain of the great lakes. Area vaguely estimated at 140,000 sq. m. Pop. in 1835, 336,461. Capital, Toronto. Lower Canada (Canada East) lies chiefly on the left of the Ottawa, and extends on both sides of the St. Lawrence, to its mouth, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Area estimated at 200,000 sq. m. Pop. in 1830, 511,917. (M.) More than three-fourths of the inhabitants of Lower Canada are of French descent, and French is the prevailing language. Quebec was formerly the capital of this province and of all the British possessions in N. America. The entire pop. of Canada, according to the recent census, is about 1,300,000. Montreal is the present seat of government.-Adj. and inhab. CAN-A-DI-AN.

CAN-A-JO-HAR/-IE (-hâr/-re), the cap. of Montgomery co., N. Y., on the Erie Canal, 50 m. W. of Albany.

CAN`-AN-DAI-GUA, a beautiful village of N. Y.; cap. of Ontario co., 208 m. W. of Albany. It is situated near the N. extremity of a lake of the same name, which is about 17 m. long. Pop. of the township, 6,143.

CAN-A-RA, a prov. on the W. coast of Hindostan, between 12° and 15° N. Lat., and 74° and 76° E. Lon.

CA-NA-RIES (Sp. Canarias, kå-nå/-re-ås), a group of islands belonging to Spain, in the Atlantic, lying off the coast of Africa, between 27° 40′ and 29° 30′ N. Lat., and 13° 30′ and 18° 20′ W. Lon. The principal islands are Canary, Teneriffe, Palma, Ferro, Gomera, Fuertaventura, and Lanzarote, which will be treated of under their respective names. -Inhab. CA-NA/-RI-AN.

Canary, Grand, (Sp. Gran Canaria, grån kå-nå'-re-å,) the second in

Fate, far, fall, fát; mẻ, mét; pine or pine, pin; nó, nỗt; ô as in good,

point of size and population of the group of islands to which it gives its name.* It is intersected by the 28th parallel of N. Lat., and the meridian of 15° 30′ W. Lon. The form is nearly circular. Length 33 m.; greatest breadth, 30 m. Area about 800 sq. m. Pop. in 1835, 64,040. (P. C.)

CAN-DA-HAR or KANDAHAR, a city, formerly the cap. of Afghanistan, and now of a kingdom or prov. of its own name. It is regularly built, and is one of the finest towns in Asia. Lat. 32° 10' N., Lon. 66° 30′ E. Pop. 100,000. (B.)

CAN-DI-A or CRETE (Anc. Cre/ta), one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean, situated S. E. of the Morea, between 35° 55′ and 36° 42′ N. Lat., and 23° 30′ and 26° 20′ E. Lon. Length about 160 m.; greatest breadth, near 40 m. A ridge of hills runs through the whole length of the island, near the middle of which Mount Ida rises far above the rest, to the height of about 7,800 ft. Pop. estimated at 300,000. (P. C.)—Candia, the capital, is still a strong place, though much decayed, compared with what it was under the Venetians. It is the seat of a Greek archbishopric. Lat. 35° 16' N., Lon. 25° 18′ E. Pop. 12,000. (M.) Adj. and inhab. CAN-DI-OT and CAN-DI-AN.

CAN-E-A, pronounced by the Turks må-nee/-å, a t. in the i. of Candia, on the site of the ancient Cydo/nia. Lat. 35° 28′ N., Lon. 24° 2′ E. Pop. estimated at 12,000. (B.)

CANNES, kånn, a small commercial t. of France, in the dep. of Var, on the Mediterranean, 16 m. N. E. of Frejus. Pop. in 1832, 3,720. (P. C.)

CAN'-NON, a co. near the centre of Tenn. Pop. 8,982.

CAN-ONS-BURG', a t. of Pa., in Washington co., the seat of Jefferson College, which was incorporated in 1802.

Cantal, kản`-tål', a dep. in the S. central part of France, bordering on the r. Dordogne. Pop. 262,117. (B.) Capital, Aurillac.

CANTERBURY, kan/-ter-ber`-re, a city of Kent, and the metropolitan see of all England, on the Stour, 56 m. from London. Lat. 51° 17 N., Lon. 1° 5' E. Pop. including an area of 5 sq. m., 15,435.


CAN-TON', a city of China, in the prov. of Quang-tong, of which Canton is a European corruption. It is situated on the Choo-kiang (ke-ang/), or Pearl River, 32 m. from its mouth. Like other Chinese towns, it is divided into two distinct parts, separated by a wall, called the Chinese or Old City, and the Tartar or New City. The streets of Canton are paved, and ordinarily very clean, but very narrow. The houses have but one story, and are built mostly of brick. This town is remarkable for having been, till recently, the only emporium of maritime commerce in China, to which Europeans were admitted. It is

* Several works on geography, of high character, describe this island as the largest of the Canaries. The epithet Grand may have been given to it, before the relative size of the different islands was accurately known. Teneriffe exceeds it in superficial extent by nearly 150 sq. m., and in population hy above 16,000.

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng.

still the principal port for foreign trade. Lat. 23° 8′ N., Lon. 113° 2′ E. Pop. estimated at 500,000. (B.)


CAN-TYRE OF CAN-TIRE/* Sometimes written also KINTYRE, a peninsula in the S. W. part of Scotland, forming the southern extremity of Argyleshire.

CAPE BRETON, kape brit/-on, an i. of British N. America, E. of Nova Scotia, between 45° 27′ and 47° 4' N. Lat., and 59° 45′ and 61° 38′ W. Lon. Its length is about 100 m.; its greatest breadth, 85 m. area is about 3,125 sq. m. Pop. in 1827, 18,700. (P. C.)


CAPE COAST CASTLE, a t. and fortress of Africa; the cap. of the British possessions on the Gold Coast. Lat. 5° 6' N., Lon. 1° 14′ W. Pop. estimated at 8,000. (B.)

CAPE COD, a peninsula of Mass., on the S. side of Massachusetts Bay. It lies S. and E. of a bay of the same name.

CAPE FEAR, the S. extremity of Smith's Island, situated at the mouth of Cape Fear r.

CAPE FEAR RIVER, the largest and most important r. in N. C., rises in the N. part of the state, and, flowing south-easterly, falls into the Atlantic, in about 33° 55 N. Lat., and 78° 5′ W. Lon. Its whole length is near 300 m. It is navigable for steamboats to Fayetteville, about 90 m.

CAPE GIRARDEAU (je`-rar-do'), a co. in the S. E. part of Mo., bordering on the Mississippi r. Pop. 13,912. Co. t. Jackson.

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, at the S. extremity of Africa, was discovered in 1493, by Diaz, the Portuguese navigator, who called it Cabo Tormentoso, or Cape of Storms. On his return home, the king of Portu gal gave it the name of Cape of Good Hope, as an omen that the Portuguese had now a fair prospect of reaching India, the great object of their maritime expeditions. It is in Lat. 34° 22′ S.-A colony in S. Africa takes its name from the above cape. It belonged originally to the Dutch, but was formally ceded to Great Britain in 1815. The climate of this region is subject to great extremes; though the country is deluged with rains during the cold season, in the hot months nearly all the springs are dried up. The rivers are two shallow, or their current is two rapid for purposes of navigation. Nearly two-thirds of the land is destitute of vegetation, during the greater part of the year. The country, however, contains spots of extraordinary fertility. The principal productions are wheat, barley, and wine. Cape Town, the cap. of the colony, founded by the Dutch, in 1650, is situated on Table Bay, and has a castle of considerable strength. Lat. 33° 55′ S., Lon. 18° 21' E. Pop. in 1834, 19,387. (P. C.)

CAPE HAI-TI-EN, (Fr. Cap Haïtien, kåp i`-te-âN',) once an important seaport t. of St. Domingo, the cap. of the former kingdom of Haiti. It was entirely destroyed, May 7, 1842, by an earthquake, in which

* "Lest, rounding wild CANTIRE, they meet

The southern foeman's watchful fleet,"

SCOTT's Lord of the Isles. Canto IV.

Fåte, får, fåll, fât; mẻ, mêt; pine or pine, pîn; nò, nỗt; õõ, as in good;

7,000 persons are supposed to have perished; but it has since been par2 tially rebuilt. Lat. 19° 46′ N., Lon. 72° 16′ W. Pop. formerly estimated at near 10,000. (B.)

CAPE HORN, a cape regarded as the S. extremity of America. It is, however, not a part of the continent, but the most southern point of a small island belonging to the group commonly called Terra del Fuego. Lat. 55° 58′ 30′′ S., Lon. 67° 21′ W.

CAPE MAY, a co. forming the S. extremity of N. J. Pop. 6,433. Seat of justice, Cape May c. h.

CAPE PAL-MAS, a cape of W. Africa, on the coast of Guinea, near 4° 20′ N. Lat., and 7° 40′ W. Lon. Here is a missionary station.

CAPE VERD ISLANDS (Ilhas Verdas, eel/-yås ver/-dás), so called by the Portuguese, because the sea to the W. of them is covered with gulfweed, so as to present some resemblance to extensive meadows. This group is hout 300 m. from the W. coast of Africa, between 14° 17' and 17° 19 N. Lat., and 22° 10' and 25° 30′ W. Lon. There are 14 islands; 9 of them are inhabited, of which Sam-Tiago, S. Nicolao, Boa Vista, and S. Antao are the most important. They belong to Portugal.

Cape Vin/-cent, a village and port of entry of N. Y., in Jefferson co., on the St. Lawrence, near the N. E. extremity of L. Ontario.

CAPRI, kål-pre, (Anc. Ca/preæ,) a beautiful rocky island in the Mediterranean. 8 or 9 m. in circuit, and about 20 m. due S. from Naples. Among other curiosities, it contains a singular and romantic grotto, which appears to have been a favourite resort of the emperor Tiberius, who resided a long time in Capres. This cave can be entered only from the sea, by a very narrow opening. For a full description of it, we would refer the reader to No. 147 of the Penny Magazine. Lat. 40° 32′ N., Lon. 14° 14′ E. Pop. about 3,000. (P. C.)

CAP/-U-a, or kả/-poo-å, a strongly fortified archiepiscopal t. of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro, situated on the left bank of the Volturno, 15 m. N. W. of the capital. The modern Capua does not occupy the same site as the ancient, but that of a much inferior t., called by the Romans Casilinum. The ruins of the ancient Capua are to be seen in the neighbourhood. Lat. 41°7′ N., Lon. 14° 11' E. Pop. about 8,000. (B.) CAQUETA. See JAPURA.

CAR-AC-AS or kå-rå/-kås, the cap. of Venezuela, S. America, is dis tant 20 m. by the road, from its port, La Guayra, on the Caribbean Sea. In the early part of the present century, the pop. of this t. was esti mated at 50,000; but the great earthquake of 1812, in which 12,000. persons are said to have perished, and the subsequent war and civil dissensions, have so reduced the number of the inhabitants, that it does not probably, at present, much exceed 30,000. (P. C.) Lat. 10° 31 N., Lon. 67° 4′ 45′′ W.

CAR-A-MA-NI-A or KARAMANIA, an extensive territory in the S. part of Asiatic Turkey, which reaches from the Gulf of Scanderoon, along the Mediterranean, to the Gulf of Macri. It is upwards of 400 m. in length; but the limits do not appear to be accurately defined. According to Captain Beaufort, the appellation Caramania is neither used by

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng. the present inhabitants nor recognized at the seat of government. It seems to be derived from Karaman, who founded a kingdom here in the middle ages, which was conquered by the Turks, about 1485.Adj. and inhab. CAR-A-MA/-NI-AN.

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ČAR/-BỌN, a co. in the E. part of Pa., intersected by the r. Lehigh. It abounds in coal. Co. t. Mauch Chunk. Pop. 15,686.

Carcassonne, kår`-kås`-sonn', (Lat. Car/caso,) an ancient, manufacturing and commercial city of France, cap. of the dep. of Aude, on the r. Aude and the Southern Canal (Canal du Midi), which unites the Garonne with the Mediterranean. Lat. 43° 13′ N., Lon. 2° 22′ E. Pop. 17,000. (B.)

CAR-DIFF OF CAERDIFF, a commercial t. of Wales, formerly the cap. of Glamorganshire, situated on a canal of its own name. Lat. 51° 28' N., Lon. 3° 10' W. Pop. 10,077.

CAR-DI-GAN, a seaport a seaport t. of Wales, cap. of Cardiganshire. Lat. 52° 5' N., Lon. 4° 38′ W. Pop. 2,925.

CAR/-DI-GAN-SHIRE, a co. of S. Wales, bordering on Cardigan Bay. Pop. 68,766.

CAR-IB-BE-AN SEA, that part of the Atlantic which lies between the principal W. India Islands and S. America.

CAR/-IB-BEE ISLANDS, are a series of small islands, extending from Porto Rico to Trinidad, which is included. The name is derived from the Carl-ibs or Carl-ib-bees', a tribe of S. American aborigines, who, when Columbus discovered America, were in possession of the smaller W. India Islands; from which, however, they have been nearly extirpated by the Europeans.

CAR-IN-THI-A, (Ger. Kärnthen, kairn/-tẹn,) a country in the S. part of the Austrian empire, intersected by the r. Drave. It is about 120 m. in length, and 40 m. in breadth.-Adj. and inhab. CAR-IN-THỊ-ẠN.

CARLISLE, kar-lile', an ancient city and port of England, cap. of Cumberland co., on the little r. Eden, 260 m. N. N. W. from London. It is connected, by a ship canal, with Bowness (bo-ness') on Solway Frith, by which vessels of 100 tons can come up to the town. It communicates also with Newcastle by a railroad. Pop., including an area of 10 sq. m., 23,012.

CARLISLE, a t. of Pa., the cap. of Cumberland co., and the seat of Dickinson College, founded in 1783. Pop. 4,500.

CAR-LOW, an inland co. of Ireland, in the prov. of Leinster. Pop. in 1831, 81,649. (P. C.)

CARLOW, a t. of Ireland, cap. of the above co., 43 m. S. S. W. of Dublin. Pop. 10,612. (P. C.)

CARLOWITZ or KARLOWITZ, kar/-lo-vits, (Hung. Karlovácz, kar-lovååts,) an archiepiscopal t. of the Austrian empire, in the military frontiers of Slavonia. Lat. 45° 12′ N., Lon. 20° 3′ E. Pop. 6,000. (B.) CARLSBAD or KARLSBAD, karls/-båt, a t. of Bohemia, celebrated for its warm springs and baths, said to have been founded about the year 1370, by Charles IV., whence its name, which signifies "Charles's bath.' Lat. 50° 13′ N., Lon. 12° 52′ E. Permanent pop. about 2,600. (B.)


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