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favor of the free-soil party. When he went to Kansas, all his proclivities were on the opposite side, which he did not hesitate to make known on all proper occasions, and among all classes of people. The free-soilers regarded him as their enemy, and the pro-slavery leaders received him with marked favor as a new accession to their forces. With the latter he constantly associated, and his impressions were strengthened by their representations of territorial affairs. Hence his letters to the eastern papers, with which he corresponded, were severely condemnatory of the free-state party of Kansas. He resisted as long as possible the daily accumulating evidences of his error; but with many others like himself, was at length forced, though unwillingly, to acknowledge the truth of the statements contained in this volume.

Governor Geary, during his administration in Kansas, observed a strict neutrality in regard to the question of slavery, and invariably pursued that impartial line of policy which his official documents indicate. He was, however, a firm and unwavering Democrat, and for aught that has appeared to the contrary, still adheres closely to the party with which he has always been associated. The writer is also an advocate of the true principles of Democracy; but he repudiates that new plank which has been surreptitiously inserted into the Democratic platform, that gives to the single idea of slavery extension an ascendancy over every other consideration.

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