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Second, and six in the First Readers. Willson's Readers are the ones used in this school, and I think them very much in advance of all others as helps to the teacher, particularly in a school of this kind, as the beautiful pictures interspersed throughout their pages are calcu lated to awaken and call forth thought and inquiry. Eight of my smaller pupils spell and read in the primer, and five have not yet mastered the alphabet.

Two have got to the division of compound numbers in arithmetic. Most of the children have been exercised in mental arithmetic. Some little progress is apparent in this branch. Several of them can repeat the multiplication table off the book, and the rest of them can chant in concert.

All have had more or less exercise on the blackboard, slate or paper, in writing and drawing, of which they are fond, and some improvement is perceptible. The exact daily attendance has been 13.

I have found these children much easier governed than I had anticipated. When treated kindly, they seem to be of an affectionate disposition. It seems to be great cause for regret that the fallow ground which has been brought into a somewhat tenable state, and is beginning to show forth tender plants of knowledge, should now be left soon to become overgrown by briars and thorns.




No. 138.

May 18, 1866.

SIR Your letter of the 11th instant, enclosing the letter of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the 30th ultimo, has been received. In answer to the inquiry, "as to the manner in which the stipulations of the contract are being fulfilled by the persons having charge of the schools," I have to state, in general terms, that I think the persons having charge of the schools are fulfilling the stipulations of the contract conscientiously, and honestly to the best of their ability, and with a sincere desire to benefit the Indians. The contract requires that the Indian children be received to the buildings and farm, and taught a good English education to the extent of their capacity, and, in addition, to teach the boys farming, and the use of tools and agricultural implements, and the girls the various branches of housewifery, including sewing and knitting, and dairy operations, and whatever may tend to advance their civilization. All these things they have endeavored to teach, and with some success. But it has hitherto been found almost impossible to keep the children long enough in school to effect any permanent good, and in every instance, so far as I know, the scholars on leaving school become in all respects as much heathen as those children who have not been in school.

That I might hear, from the Indians themselves, the reasons why they do not send their children to school and keep them there until they are educated and have adopted permanently the habits of civilized life, I called all the Indians together yesterday in grand council, and read the Commissioner's letter and asked for a free expression of views. The universal complaint is that the children are not well enough fed and clothed. They say if the children had plenty of coffee, meat, flour, &c., they would be contented and not run away. I think if the children were better fed, better clothed, and the school exercises rendered more interesting, lively and attractive, that the disposition to run away would be much less. In this view of the case, I am of the opinion that some of my suggestions in my former report were pertinent. In our council yesterday the superintendent of the school promised to give them a more generous table, provided the school was filled up so that he could afford to do so, and the Indians promised that the school should be filled. promises are kept I will report to you.

How these

The present number of scholars is fifteen, but one girl about six years old. I have talked much to them about sending their girls to school, but, so far, without much effect. I may as well say to you what I have said to those in charge of the mission, and which they admit, in part, that the extreme simplicity of the Quaker system renders it unattractive to Kaw Indians. Those in charge desire to make still further trial, and if there is no more apparent success during the summer, I should certainly think a change desirable, and I think the mission people are of the same opinion. Superintendent Stanley will send copies of all this correspondence to Jeremiah Hadley, the contractor, who, I presume, will notify you of his intentions.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


H. W. FARNSWORTH, United States Agent for Kansas Indians.

Superintendent Indian Affairs, Atchison, Kansas.

No. 139.


March 5, 1866.

To the Assistant Adjutant General, District of Kansas: I have the honor to report that at the request of Major Wyncoop, special Indian agent, I left this post on the 15th of February last, with my company K, second United States cavalry, and proceeded to Fort Larned, where I arrived on the 16th of February. On the 18th of the same month, company L, second United States cavalry, Lieutenant Cahill in command, was ordered to report to me. With these two companies, numbering in all about sixty men and two commissioned officers, (Lieutenants Cahill and Bates,) I left Fort Larned, accompanied by Majors Wyncoop, Dryer and I. C. Taylor, Indian agent, with a team containing Indian goods in charge of Major Wyncoop and I C. Taylor, for the Indian villages situated about forty miles southeast of Fort Dodge and about seventy-five miles from Fort Larned. We were detained some three days at the crossing of the Arkansas fifteen miles east of Fort Dodge, on account of ice and bad weather. On the afternoon of the 24th of February we crossed the river and camped. The next day resumed the march, guided by a Kiowa Indian named Heap-of-Bears, who brought us to the Indian villages on Bluff creek, after a march of twenty miles over a good trail.

I encamped close to the Indian villages composed of a band of Cheyennes under Black Kettle; of Apaches under Poor Bear, and a party of Dog Soldiers and Kiowas.

On arriving near the villages many of the Indians came out to meet us, evincing signs of friendship. We remained in camp awaiting the arrival of Little Raven and Big Mouth, Arrapahoe chiefs who were some thirty or forty miles distant down the creek.

On the 28th of February Major Wyncoop had a talk with the chiefs present, and concluded to deliver the goods to those present, on the 1st of March, and set Little Raven's aside, to be delivered to him on his arrival, which took place on the following day.

After the distribution of the goods, Major Wyncoop held a council with the chiefs. The principal chiefs present were Black Kettle, Poor Bear, Medicine Arrows, and Big Head. The latter two were not present at the treaty at the mouth of the Little Arkansas, and have been leaders of the Dog Soldiers and hostile to the United States since the treaty.

Major Wyncoop addressed them, explaining the advantages of peace and disadvantages of war with the United States. He presented a written agreement for the signature of those chiefs not present at the treaty at the mouth of the Little Arkansas, which agreement bound them and their followers (the Dog Soldiers) to abide by and keep the treaty made by their brethren at the mouth of the Little Arkansas. I told them that as an officer of the government I should enforce the treaty to the letter, and should expect them to abide by it in the same spirit. Should they be molested or injured by bad white men, I should be glad to have them report it, and I would take all measures in my power to have the offender or offenders punished.

Big Head, in the course of his remarks, said that he and his tribe objected strongly to the Smoky Hill route, and to living south of the Arkansas; that the road lay through their best hunting grounds, and the country south of the Arkansas was not his, but belonged to the Apaches and Arrapahoes, and he and his tribe preferred to live in the country north of the Arkansas, where they were born and bred.

Major Wyncoop replied, telling him his views should be represented to the proper authorities, but until they could be heard from he and his tribe had better stay peaceably where they were, to which he agreed.

While we were with these Indians, they all showed a desire for peace and friendship, and not a single unfriendly act occurred between them and the command during our stay. I am of the opinion that there will be no more trouble with them if the treaty is strictly enforced, Indian agents made to do their duty, and traders made to show their license, and have their goods examined before going into the Indian country. While in camp, Mor Wyncoop requested me to send to Little Raven's camp for a white girl who was captured last August by the Cheyennes on the Platte river. I sent Lieutenant Bates, company K, second United States cavalry, who accomplished the mission and delivered her to Major Wyncoop

This young girl's name is Miss Mary Fletcher, about sixteen years old, from Henry county, Illinois. She had been bought at a large expense from her capturers by Messrs. Hanger and Morris, Indian traders. The gentlemen deserve credit for this act.

On the 21st of February, during my absence from the post, a son of Mr. Boggs was killed and scalped by a party of four Cheyenne Indians, about six miles east of Fort Dodge, on the Arkansas river. On investigation, it appears that Mr. Boggs went to the Indian camp without any authority whatever, and while there traded an Indian eleven one-dollar bills for eleven ten-dollar bills. The Indian found him out, came over for revenge, and, unfortunately, killed his son. I think this case needs no further comment.

I would say, in closing my report, that it was at the earnest request of Major Wyncoop that I took command of the escort. He thought it very important that Major Dryer and myself should see these Indians and talk with them.

I left the Indians on the 3d of March, and arrived at this post on the 4th.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain Second U. S Cavalry, Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. A.

No. 140.

FORT LARNED, KANSAS, April 8, 1866.

SIR: I have the honor to state that on the 4th day of this month I met and talked with the remaining band of Cheyenne Indians mentioned in my report of March 5 as not having been in communication with.

This band comprises a large portion of the fighting element of the tribe, and although their headmen signed the agreement which has been forwarded to your department, I deemed it my duty, as well as very necessary for the public interest, to see and talk with the warriors of that band, as well as to have them proceed south of the Arkansas river, all of which I have accomplished. They listened to me with much attention and were perfectly willing to follow my directions in every particular.

I have now got all of the hostile bands in, and can safely declare the Indians to be at peace, and consequently the different routes of travel across the plains perfectly safe. The effect is already plainly visible from the fact of the mail travelling without escort, and small parties of emigrants and freighters pursuing their course in perfect safety and without the anticipation of any danger from Indians. I have visited the Indian camps without escort, and to all appearance they are as peaceably disposed as I ever knew them to be prior to the opening of hostilities.

They all agree in regarding this a "strong peace," as it has been consummated with the warriors in the field, rather than with the old men in council. In all my conferences with these Indians they have stated that the Sioux, who have always been their allies, have promised them to bury the hatchet" when they learn that they (the Cheyennes and Arapahoes) have made peace. I have information that such is already the case, but presume your department has been fully advised in the premises.

I consider that all that remains now is for the government to fulfil in every particular the promises made to them, and feel assured that the result will be perpetual peace with these Indians.

I have the honor to remain, with much respect, you obedient servant,

Hon. D. N. COOLEY,

Major and Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. A., Special Indian Agent.

Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.

No. 141.

INDIAN OFFICE, July 25, 1866.

SIR: With the approbation of the Secretary of the Interior you are hereby instructed to repair forthwith, by the most direct and speedy route, to the region at present occupied by the Arapahoes and Cheyennes, who were treated with last October, and who are understood to be restive under the delay in the delivery to them of goods and the non-fulfilment of other stipulations of their treaty.

You will take the earliest opportunity of assembling the leading chiefs of these Indians, and of explaining to them the reasons for this delay, being the fact that Congress has but yesterday passed the necessary appropriation bills, and you will inform them that the necessary funds are now at the disposal of the department, and that the payments will be made in the shortest time possible, in such articles, and at such times and places, as may be most desirable and convenient, if they continue to keep the peace; and you will ascer tain and report as to what kind of goods the Indians desire, and what it may be safe and proper to furnish to them. You will state to them distinctly that while the department greatly regrets the delay which has occurred, yet that the Indians cannot be allowed to take the matter into their own hands and commence acts of plunder or other outrages; that already, by reason of the bad conduct of some of their people, the department has

been obliged to suspend the delivery of the goods sent out, and that no goods will be delivered or payments made so long as there is any apprehension of hostilities.

You will urge upon the majority of these tribes, if, as the department believes, they are disposed to keep the peace, that their young men must be controlled by them, and compelled to keep quiet, for if the government is obliged to open war upon them all the people will suffer terribly, and such chastisement will be made that there will be nobody left to make war.

You will be expected to report frequently as to your doings and the condition of affairs as you find them.

In order to a successful issue of your interview with the Indians it may be necessary for you to furnish them with a temporary supply of provisions; and, if this is found to be the case, you are authorized to purchase, at the lowest practicable rates, such amount as shall be necessary for the purpose within the limits of the amount placed in your hands.

Major General Pope, in command of the military division, will be requested to render you all possible aid in the prosecution of your errand.

You will be furnished with the sum of one thousand dollars for your necessary travelling and other expenses under these instructions, for which you will be held accountable under your bond

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel E. W. WYNKOOP, Present.

D. N. COOLEY, Commissioner.

No. 142.

FORT ELLSWORTH, SMOKY HILL, August 14, 1866. SIR: I have the honor to report that I have just met the Indians, in pursuance of my instructions, and have held a council with eight of their principal chiefs. They were glad to see me, stated that they supposed the government had forgotten them and did not intend to fulfil its pledges; that therefore it had been hard to restrain their young men, but now since my arrival, and in consequence of the assurances I made them, they were satisfied that everything would be all right. They stated that it was hard for them to give up the Smoky Hill country, but that they were satisfied now that it was useless for them to throw any obstacles in the way, and therefore they would not trouble the road, but resign themselves to their fate, and they hoped, in consequence of the government taking from them their last hunting grounds, the Great Father would have pity upon them and take care of them in the future, and hereafter promises male to them would be fulfilled. They exprsssed themselves in the most eloquent manner as being desirous of retaining the hand of their white brother and not letting go of it. They also stated, emphatically, that if any of their young men hereafter committed any act offensive to the whites they would confiscate his property, or, if necessary for an example, kill him.

I consider this council a very important one on account of the representation on the part of the Indians, all of them being chiefs who exercise considerable authority, and many of them having control of the fighting element of the tribe. The chiefs present were, Black Kettle, Little Wolf. Big Head, Roman Nose, White Beard, Setting Bear, Little Black Kettle, and The Man that Shot the Rea. Roman Nose is the head chief of the northern band of Cheyennes. In regard to the expenditure of the money appropriated, they desire six hundred ponies, in the place of those taken at Sand creek, and the balance in fancy Indian goods The time for the receipt of the same I have arranged shall be the last of September. There were present at the council, besides myself, General I N. Palmer, commanding the military district, Colonel Green, second United States cavalry, and several other officers of the United States army.

The Indians, very feelingly, again referred to the fact of the two Indian children, taken at the massacre of Sand creek, not having, according to promises made to them, been returned. Apart from the fact that it is the duty of the government to redeem the pledges made to them in that respect, I would respectfully suggest that it is a matter of policy that immediate measures be taken to hunt up and return those children.

I will report in person in Washington as soon as possible. Hoping that my action may meet with the approval of the department, I respectfully submit the above, and remain, with much respect, your obedient servant,

Hon. D. N. COOLEY,

E. W. WYNKOOP, Special United States Indian Commissioner.

Commissioner Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.

No. 143.

FORT ZARAH, KANSAS, September 30, 1866. SIR: I have the honor to herewith transmit my quarterly report. I made my distribution of annuities on the 21st of July, 1866. Having no place of storage for the goods I was compelled to detain Mr. Carmichael with his teams until I could gather the Indians together, which explanation I gave in a former communication. The Indians were all well pleased on receipt of their goods, and perfectly satisfied with them, except the tobacco, which did not suit them, it being fine-cut, and requested me not to bring any more of the kind or they would not receive it. The plug tobacco is what they wish. After the distribution, Black Kettle, the Cheyenne chief, requested me to give him a written permit to go on the Smoky to hunt the buffalo, and I sent Captain John S. Smith, United States interpreter, with them, to remain in their midst and watch their movements, with orders, that if he saw anything like hostile demonstrations upon that road, to report to me immediately. Black Kettle informed me that the Dog Soldier Indians were to meet him there in council and to make medicine, (a kind of religious worship they have,) and that he (Black Kettle) would, if possible, prevail upon the Dog Indians to return with him to this place, (Fort Zarah,) to talk with me in reference to their relinquishing the right of way to the Smoky Hill country. At the present time I have not the least distant idea that they will ever give it up peaceably, as the Dog Indians say they will fight for it as long as there is one of them remaining. That being the r determination, extermination of that portion of the Cheyenne nation, in my opinion, is the only ultimatum to a permanent peace. That portion of the Cheyennes, and all of the Arapahoes, that signed the treaty are still willing to abide by it, and have used their endeavors with the Dog Soldiers to get them to agree to the same, but their councils with them, so far, have all been futile.

An infant

I would respectfully call the attention of the department to the fact that the Kiowa Indians have been making a raid into Texas on a stealing expedition, and, I learn, have been quite successful in getting horses. They also have in their possession five female captives that they took at the time of making the raid, which was made in August last. belonging to one of the captives being rather troublesome they knocked its brains out in presence of the mother. I received a communication in reference to the captives from Colonel Grover, the commanding officer at Fort Larned, which I herewith annex :

“Headquarters, Fort Larned, Kansas,

September 9, 1866. "SIR A Kiowa chief came to see me to-day and told me that a party of Kiowas and Comanches had just returned from the south, and had brought with them, from Texas, five white captives, a mother and child and three other children, (girls.) He stated that they had gone to Texas to make peace with the whites there, but bad been received in a hostile manner, and, in consequence, had taken the captives; but that they were ready to give them up to you whenever you might call for them. I directed him (the chief) to tell all the principal Indians concerned in the capture to report all the facts in the case at once to you, and to follow your directions with regard to the disposition to be made of the prisoners. He promised that it should be done at once. Their camp is about twelve miles from here, on the south side of the Arkansas.

"I report this to you in order that you may take such steps in the matter as the circumstances require.

"I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


"Major Third Infantry, Brevet Col. U. S. Army.

"Major TAYLOR, Indian Agent, Fort Zurah."

On the receipt of the above letter, as soon as the coach came along, I started for Fort Larned, which place I arrived at on the 11th instant, on my way to the Kiowa village to get the captives.

On the morning of the 12th, Setanta, the Kiowa chief that led the war party that captured the prisoners, came into Larned to negotiate a sale of them, and proposed to give them up to me, providing I would pay him liberally for them. I asked him if he had forgotten the treaty; that according to the agreement between the Kiowa nation and the United States, his people were not to take any more prisoners; that the people south and north were the same, and under the same government; and that he knew perfectly well that it was in violation of the treaty; and that I would not pay him one dollar for them; but that he must bring them into Fort Larned, deliver them up to me, and that Colonel Grover would take care of them until their agent, Colonel Leavenworth, could arrive and take charge of them; and that he, (Colonel Leavenworth,) their agent, would settle the matter with him and his tribe. He (the chief Setanta) desired ten days' time to get the

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