A Dictionary of the English LanguageLockington & Company, 1830 - Всего страниц: 284 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
animal Apollo art of dialling Bacchus beat beforehand belonging bird bird of prey body censure cheat chyle cloth coarse Colchis colour corn corrupt costive Cybele dignity disease false fasten fire fish flower force fruit goddess grow herb horse instrument interj Jupiter kind king liquor loose manner marcasite marriage mean measure medicine metal motion noise pain person pertaining piece plant play plunder Pluto prep pret preterite Priam pron pustule quick relating resembling rough round rude sharp ship soft sort sound stone stringed musical taste Thessaly thin thing Thrace tree v. a. to cover v. a. to divide v. a. to draw v. a. to dress v. a. to give v. a. to lay v. a. to put v. a. to take vessel violent wicked wild wind woman wood word