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Comforteth, strengthens, confirms, 171.

Commiserable, deserving pity or commiseration, 148.

Commodity, advantage, 176-8, 189.

Communicate, shared (with), 50.

Compass, kept their, kept within their own bounds, 128.

Composition, blending of qualities in a man's character; temperament, 23, 88, 181.

Conceit, imagination, 149; thought, intellect, 234. Conceits, thoughts, ideas, 23.

Concurrence, coincidence or agreement as to dates, 244.

Conference, talk, discussion, 192, 215; so confer, converse, 215. Confidence of, confident belief in, 69; hath confidence with, is trusted by, 64.

Conscience, consciousness, 42.

Construction, interpretation, 240, 241.

Contain, hold in, hold together, 128; confine, restrict (within), 8, 129; restrain (from), 241.

Contend, strive, endeavour, 230.

Content much, give much pleasure, 142.

Conversation, way of life, 109; intercourse, III.

Converse in, are

engaged in or occupied with, 168; cf. conversant in, 89.

Convince, refute, 66.

Copulate, united, linked together, 171.

Cornelian-tree, the cornel-tree, cornelian cherry, 196; cornelians, the fruit of this tree, 196–7.

Correspondence, (good), comparison, proportion, corresponding position, 65. With correspondence to, i.e. in a way which is appropriate to each particular case, 217.

Corroborate, strengthened, reinforced, 169.

Country manners, his, the manners of his own country, 76.
Course, out of, out of order, irregularly, 202.

Crocus vernus, spring crocus, 195.

Cross, run counter to, thwart, 211, 213.

Cross clauses, contrary clauses, 10; cf. cross lies, 226.

Crossness, disposition to be contrary, perverseness, 51.

Crudities, undigested matter, 104.

Curiosity, elaborate workmanship or design, 201; curiosities, nice points, subtleties, 30.

Curious, minutely inquiring, 30; over-careful or scrupulous, 222;

over-elaborate, over-subtle, 105, 108; occult, magical (arts),

155. Curiously, with minute attention, 215.

Currans, currants, 202.

Currently, with ready or easy flow, 139.

Dammasin, damson, 196.

Daubed, loaded with tasteless ornament, 163.
Decay, cause of destruction, ruin,' 161.

Deceivable, apt to deceive, deceptive, 186.

Deceive, cheat, defraud (i.e. of nourishment), 203.
Decent, fit, seemly, graceful, 185, 192, 203.
Declination, decline, decay, 96, 130.

Decline, turn aside, avert, 173.

Deduced, brought before a tribunal, 237.

Deliveries, fine, ingenious methods of getting out of or getting rid of (danger), 79. Deliveries of a man's self, perhaps = ways of bringing out or giving effect to what is in him, 172.

Denying, refusing, 212. So denial, refusal, 213.

Dependences, dependencies, prerogatives, 87; body of dependants, clientèle, 161. Hath a dependence of, is dependent upon, 82.

Depraving, slandering, 212.

Derive, turn aside, divert, 35.

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Desert, a wilderness,' 198. (See Heath.)

Destitute, desert, leave destitute, 148.

Device, the plot or arrangement of a masque or pageant, 163, 165. Device, point: see Point device.

Diet, take his meals, 75.

Difference, subtle distinction, 108.

Difficilness, the character of one who is difficult to deal with, 51. Direction, wits of, intellects with a gift for directing or deciding

affairs, 98.

Disabling, disparaging, depreciating, 212.

Discern (from), distinguish (from), 162, 251.

Discharge itself, free itself from the charge, clear itself, 140.

Discoloured, bereft of colour, pale, 5.

Discommodity, disadvantage, 147, 176, 178, 189.

Discourse high, 'talk big,' 82.

Discoursing, discursive, passing lightly from one thought to an

other, I.

Discover, make known or manifest, disclose, reveal, 18, 206, 210.

Discovery, revelation, disclosure, 21, 175, 212.

Dispenseth with, excuses, condones, 160.

Disreputation, bringing into disrepute, 209.

Distasted, disgusted, 212. So distastes, annoyances, 18.

Ditty, the words of a song, 163.

Doctor, teacher, 9.

Donative, giving, bestowing, 149; a gift, present, 64, 83, 134.
Doubt, to fear, suspect, think likely, 94, 120, 245.

Dry, hard, severe; dry blow, a smart hit, 143.
Dryness, condition of being dried up, failure, 179.

Ease to be, find, find it comfortable to be, 108.

Eccentrics, circles or orbits not having the earth exactly at their

centre, 71.

Edge, stimulate, egg on,' 179.

Ejaculation, a darting forth, emission of rays, 30.

Election, choice, discrimination, 209; liberty to choose, option, 186. Embaseth, debases, makes base, 3, 40.

Embassages, embassies, 225. (Cf. Ambassage.)

Embossments, projections, 200.

Employed men, employés, attachés, 75. Employed to, used for, 146.

Engaged (with), bound, stuck fast in, 170.

Engines, contrivances, machinery,' 71; machines, 170.

Engrossing, monopolizing, 34, 62.

Ensigns, insignia, decorations, 135.

Entertainment, something to occupy or divert men's thoughts, 211. Epicure, Epicurean, follower of Epicurus, 13.

Epicycle, a little circle, whose centre describes a greater circle (eccentric) about the earth; each of the planets was supposed to move in such a small circle (71).

Equality of bores, pipes of equal bore (i.e. equal to that of the 'spouts'), 201.

Equipollent, equal in power, equivalent, 169.

Espials, spies, 208. (Cf. Spials.)

Estate, a State, government, 36, 53, 237, Essay xxix., etc.; so

business of estate, matters of estate (= State affairs), 89, 122, 237; discourse of estate, 94.-His own estate, his own affairs, 31.-Estates of men = orders, professions, 209.

Esteemeth too much of, values too highly, 39.

Estivation, passing the summer: place of estivation = a summer retreat, 192.

Evil-favoured: see Favour.

Exaltation, in his, in the region where its influence is strongest (a term of astrology), 171.

Excusations, excuses, making excuses, 105, 228.

Exercised, practised and disciplined in the battle of life, 173.
Exhaust, exhausted, 28, 249.

Expect, wait for, 151.

Experience, trial, experiment: would be put in experience = ought to be tried, 146.

Expert men, men who have been trained by experience or practice,


Extern, external, outside, 182.

Facile, easily wrought upon or got at,' 28. Facility, undue readiness to please, give way to, or be swayed by others, 43, 44, 50, 221.

Facts, deeds, acts, 14.

Fair, in parenthesis just, simply: i.e. 'will e'en let him go on,'



Fall under, admit of, 123, 248. Falleth upon that, notes the fact, 172.

Falls, incidents, incidental passages (of affairs); or perhaps, issues, conclusions, 98.

Fame, rumour, report, 56, 57, 250-2; reputation, 23, 226–7.
Fashions, a man's habits or ways,' 206.

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Fast, tenacious, retentive (of their smells'), 197.

Fast upon, close upon, 54.

Favour, features, expression of the countenance, 117, 184. Evilfavoured, ill-looking, 'ugly,' 169.

Fearful, timid, 123, 161; fearfulness, timidity, 23.

Feeding humours, ministering to a superior's caprices, 152; cf. feed

his humour, 88.

Feigned prices, fancy prices,' 149.

Fetching, reaching, striking, 248.

Fifth essence= quintessence, the immutable essence of which the

heavenly bodies are formed, 66.

Figure, in, so as to form a pattern, as a complete picture, 115.

(Cf. turning.. into figure, 163.)

Filberds, filberts, 196.

Final to, have been, have put an end to, 133.

Flags, insignia, 53.

Flash, for a, for a moment, 130.

Flashy, insipid, 'flat,' 215.

Flos Africanus, a kind of marigold, 196.

Flower-delices, irises (fleurs-de-lis), 196.

Fly, fly at (with a hawk), 251.

Foot, under: see Under.

Foot-pace, a raised floor or platform (on which the bench is set),


Foresce, provide, 61, 193, 247.

Forth, go, go on, proceed (in his speech), 95.

Forwardness, in, making good progress, 148, 212.

Forwards, forward, eager, 76.

Frame, out of, disordered, out of gear, 58.

Freely, without charge, gratis, 175.

Friarly, friar-like, 150.

Fritillaria, fritillary, 196.

From (the sun), turned from, away from, 192.

Fume, empty fancy, 244.

Futile, incontinent of speech, talkative, 21, 86.

Galliard, an old French dance of a spirited character, 142.

Gallo-Gracia, Galatia, 246.

Gaudery, showy display, 134.

Gingles, jingles, rattles, 147.

Ginnitings, jennetings (a kind of early apple), 196.

Given over, given up, abandoned, 229, 244.

Globe, a complete or perfect body of things, 42.

Glorious, ostentatious, vain-glorious, 153, 208, 226-8.

Glory, vain-glory, 227, 235; fine show, splendour, 164, 165.

Goeth away with it, wins the advantage, comes off the winner,


Grace, favour, III. Grace themselves, do themselves credit,


Gracing, complimenting, 235.

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