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was not there!

And I do not wonder that Faith is weak among us, and the "Peace of God" but little known, when the Blessed Spirit, who helpeth our infirmity, is so little invoked! when our Churches are almost empty at the appointed times of Prayer! When men are, not now and then, but almost always, too busy, or too careless, to come to Church "only to prayers," they easily fall victims to the Rationalizing spirit of the world, and almost seem thankful to any man who will furnish them with a plausible excuse for stopping away!

You are never so surely guarding against the irreligious Rationalizing spirit, which makes sight the criterion of belief, as when you are joining in the prayers of the "saints and faithful in Christ Jesus." You are surrounded on every hand by bold and subtil enemies of your faith and peace. "Be sober, and watch unto prayer!" The "Natural Theologian," finding a God in nature, is fondly exclaiming, "Because I see, I believe!" The Socinian, rejecting every mystery, is boasting, "Because I see, I believe." Others, professing to have discovered the exact harmony of divine Truth, may likewise proclaim, that "because they see, they be-. lieve." But, oh heed them not! Be it your aim to secure the "blessedness" of those, who have NOT

seen and yet have believed." You are thus treading in the steps of Apostles, and Saints, and Martyrs; your Faith was their Faith! "Hold fast that thou hast, that no man take thy crown."

AND now in drawing these Lectures to a close, I speak to you, in all solemnity yet earnestness of soul, for you who now hear me, and I who speak, may never all meet together again, till we assemble before the Judge of quick and dead! Therefore listen, as for Eternity.-It is impossible that you can examine the countless sects and doctrines which have distracted the world for 1800 years :and yet you have souls to be saved. Shall it be said of you as of the Apostolic converts, "Ye became followers of the CHURCHES of God?" What is your safest course? Will you trust yourself? or will you trust a self-sent Teacher ?—Will you submit to the declaration of Scripture that the Church is the "pillar and ground of truth?" or will you refuse to take your lot with the faithful and holy-the Primitive Confessors and Sufferers -the "Church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven?" I beseech you, ask God's guidance now-with eyelids closed-the world shut out-in intense and quiet prayer!

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Would that I might include you all in the address of St. Paul, in the Epistle for this day: "Now then, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, "but fellow-citizens with the Saints, and of the "Household of God; and are built upon the foun“dation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone; in "whom all the building, fitly framed together,

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groweth into An Holy Temple, in the Lord; in "whom YE also are builded together for an habi"tation of God through the Spirit!" Eph. ii. 19.

I tell you there is a peaceful security in the Holy Church which elsewhere is unknown. We trust to the love and promise of our Lord; we seek not to understand more than He has revealed. "We see not," yet "we believe," and He hath pronounced us "blessed" indeed; and His blessing is "life for evermore!"

If you would share our blessedness, "Believe in the Holy Catholic Church." If you would partake in our security, "Believe in the Holy Catholic Church." If you wish to be safe, "Believe in the Holy Catholic Church."-Why should you wander, lonelily, in the wastes and snares of this doomed world, while, even now, the flood of judgment may be about to be poured out, and while the ark of

Christ's CHURCH is yet open to receive you! Why should you even pause, and hesitate ?-Is earth to be weighed against heaven?

Soon, very soon, our Faith shall be exchanged for sight! We who now "know in part" and "see through a glass darkly," shall know as we are known, and see God face to face! Then shall we who now are "blessed though we see not," enter into the full blessedness-the Visible presence of the unveiled Godhead. "Our eye shall then be "satisfied with seeing, our ears with hearing"what now 'Eye hath not seen, and ear hath not heard!" It doth not yet appear what we shall be," but we know that there remaineth for us a blessedness unspeakable, and passing human thought;-for THOU, O Christ! shalt be there! "Whom not having seen, we love! In Whom, though now we see Thee not, yet believing,



we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of "GLORY!"


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