Satires, Epistles and Ars PoeticaHeinemann, 1926 - 508 էջ |
From inside the book
Էջ xi
... Horace published , though it is possible that some of the Epodes were composed before any of the Satires . In Sat. i . 10. 45 Horace refers to Virgil's Eclogues , which were published in 37 B.C. , while the introduction to Maecenas ...
... Horace published , though it is possible that some of the Epodes were composed before any of the Satires . In Sat. i . 10. 45 Horace refers to Virgil's Eclogues , which were published in 37 B.C. , while the introduction to Maecenas ...
Էջ xiii
Horace. the B.C. ) . It was therefore , in all probability , written 1 th about 19-18 B.C. The introduction to Epist . ii . 1 gives the main reason for believing that the Epistle to Augustus was Wwritten after both the Epistle to Florus ...
Horace. the B.C. ) . It was therefore , in all probability , written 1 th about 19-18 B.C. The introduction to Epist . ii . 1 gives the main reason for believing that the Epistle to Augustus was Wwritten after both the Epistle to Florus ...
Էջ xv
... Horace , Sat. i . 10. 48 ) was Gaius Lucilius , who lived from 180 to 103 B.C. He was of equestrian rank and a man ... Horace to his model in the satiric field , and we are fortunate in having a very thorough survey of the subject ...
... Horace , Sat. i . 10. 48 ) was Gaius Lucilius , who lived from 180 to 103 B.C. He was of equestrian rank and a man ... Horace to his model in the satiric field , and we are fortunate in having a very thorough survey of the subject ...
Էջ xvii
Horace. T I literary types , if we are to understand some of the features of later satire . Thus its excessive coarseness , especially in Juvenal , is largely a survival from early days , and this element in Horace's Satires , strictly ...
Horace. T I literary types , if we are to understand some of the features of later satire . Thus its excessive coarseness , especially in Juvenal , is largely a survival from early days , and this element in Horace's Satires , strictly ...
Էջ xviii
Horace. Fifth Porphyrio says , Lucilio hac satyra aemulatur Horatius , " and Horace's encounter with the bore will ... Horace's model here . " In the remaining Satires of Horace's First Book , viz . , the Third , Fourth , Sixth and ...
Horace. Fifth Porphyrio says , Lucilio hac satyra aemulatur Horatius , " and Horace's encounter with the bore will ... Horace's model here . " In the remaining Satires of Horace's First Book , viz . , the Third , Fourth , Sixth and ...
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Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica: With an English Translation Horace,Henry Rushton Fairclough Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1926 |
Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica: With an English Translation Horace,Henry Rushton Fairclough Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1926 |
Common terms and phrases
aetas amicis Aristippus atque Battle of Actium Bentley Book Catullus Comedy Davus dicere enim Ennius Epistles erat erit etiam father fear Fiske frumenti give Goth Greek haec Horace Horace's hunc ille illi inquit inter ipse king laugh Lejay live Lucilius Lucretius Maecenas magis magna magno mala means melius mihi modo multa natura neque nisi Nomentanus numquam nunc olim omne omnis pater pede Persius Plautus poems poet Poetica Pomptine marshes Porph possis praetor praise Priscian pueri quae quam quia quibus quid quis quod recte rerum rich Roman Rome saepe sapiens Satire satis scholiasts sibi sine slave Stertinius Stoic sunt tamen Tarentum tibi Tibullus Tibur Tigellius ultro Varius verba verses verum virtue vitae Vollmer wine wise words writing
Սիրված հատվածներ
Էջ 354 - Naviget ac mediis hiemet mercator in undis^ Annonae prosit, portet frumenta penusque. Vir bonus et sapiens audebit dicere : Pentheu Rector Thebarum, quid me perferre patique Indignum coges ? Adimam bona. Nempe pecus, rem, 75 Lectos, argentum : tollas licet. In manicis et Compedibus saevo te sub custode tenebo. Ipse deus, simul atque volam, me solvet.
Էջ 448 - ... inceptis gravibus plerumque et magna professis purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter 15 adsuitur pannus, cum lucus et ara Dianae et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros aut flumen Rhenum aut pluvius describitur arcus; sed nunc non erat his locus. et fortasse cupressum scis simulare: quid hoc, si fractis enatat exspes 20 navibus, aere dato qui pingitur?
Էջ 284 - Hunc solem, et Stellas, et decedentia certis Tempora momentis, sunt qui formidine nulla Imbuti spectent : quid censes munera terrae...
Էջ 472 - Aeschylus et modicis instravit pulpita tignis et docuit magnumque loqui nitique cothurno. 280 successit vetus his comoedia, non sine multa laude ; sed in vitium libertas excidit et vim dignam lege regi ; lex est accepta chorusque turpiter obticuit sublato iure nocendi.
Էջ 438 - Vivere si recte nescis decede peritis. Lusisti satis, edisti satis atque bibisti : Tempus abire tibi est, ne potum largius aequo Rideat et pulset lasciva decentius aetas.
Էջ 52 - ... agedum pauca accipe contra. primum ego me illorum, dederim quibus esse poetis, excerpam numero: neque enim concludere versum 40 dixeris esse satis neque, siqui scribat uti nos sermoni propiora, putes hunc esse poetam. ingenium cui sit, cui mens divinior atque os magna sonaturum, des nominis huius honorem.
Էջ 474 - ... scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons: rem tibi Socraticae poterunt ostendere chartae, 31O verbaque provisam rem non invita sequentur.
Էջ 126 - Ille velut fidis arcana sodalibus olim Credebat libris, neque si male cesserat usquam Decurrens alio, neque si bene: quo fit, ut omnis Votiva pateat veluti descripta tabella Vita senis.
Էջ 454 - Vicinas urbes alit et grave sentit aratrum, Seu cursum mutavit iniquum frugibus amnis Doctus iter melius, mortalia facta peribunt, Nedum sermonum stet honos et gratia vivax.
Էջ 476 - Posse linenda cedro et levi servanda cupresso? Aut prodesse volunt, aut delectare poetae, Aut simul et iucunda et idonea dicere vitae.