Meet the things that they met on their pilgrimage road. The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade, | Who make in their dwelling a transient abode, Shall moulder to dust and together shall lie. The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, in Shone beauty and pleasure, - her triumphs are by; The hand of the king that the sceptre hath borne; The peasant, whose lot was to sow and to reap; The beggar, who wandered in search of his bread, The saint who enjoyed the communion of heaven, So the multitude goes, like the flowers or the weed For we are the same our fathers have been; Aud run the same course our fathers have run. Yea! hope and despondency, pleasure and pain, "T is the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of a breath, ELEONORA. WILLIAM ΚΝΟΧ. ELEGY ON THE COUNTESS OF ABINGDON. No single virtue we could most commend, A wife as tender, and as true withal, Love and obedience to her lord she bore; Not awed to duty by superior sway, Yet unemployed no minute slipped away; Her fellow-saints with busy care will look As precious gums are not for lasting fire, She did but dream of heaven, and she was there. JOHN DRYDEN. FAREWELL TO THEE, ARABY'S FROM "THE FIRE-WORSHIPPERS." FAREWELL, -farewell to thee, Araby's daughter! (Thus warbled a Peri beneath the dark sea ;) No pearl ever lay under Oman's green water More pure in its shell than thy spirit in thee. O, fair as the sea-flower close to thee growing, How light was thy heart till love's witchery came, The young village maid, when with flowers she dresses Her dark-flowing hair for some festival day, Will think of thy fate till, neglecting her tresses, She mournfully turns from the mirror away. Nor shall Iran, beloved of her hero! forget thee, Though tyrants watch over her tears as they start, Close, close by the side of that hero she 'll set thee, Embalmed in the innermost shrine of her heart. Farewell! - be it ours to embellish thy pillow With everything beauteous that grows in the deep; Each flower of the rock and each gem of the billow Shall sweeten thy bed and illumine thy sleep. Around thee shall glisten the loveliest amber That ever the sorrowing sea-bird has wept; With many a shell, in whose hollow-wreathed chamber, We, Peris of ocean, by moonlight have slept. We'll dive where the gardens of coral lie darkling, And plant all the rosiest stems at thy head; We 'll seek where the sands of the Caspian are sparkling, And gather their gold to strew over thy bed. Farewell! - farewell! - until pity's sweet foun tain Is lost in the hearts of the fair and the brave, They 'll weep for the Chieftain who died on that mountain, They'll weep for the Maiden who sleeps in the wave. THOMAS MOORE. FAIR HELEN OF KIRKCONNELL. ["A lady of the name of Helen Irving or Bell (for this is disputed by the two clans), daughter of the laird of Kirkconnell, in Dumfriesshire, and celebrated for her beauty, was beloved by two gentlemen in the neighborhood. The name of the favored suitor was Adam Fleming of Kirkpatrick; that of the other has escaped tra Like the wind of the south o'er a summer lute dition, although it has been alleged that he was a Bell of blowing, And hushed all its music and withered its frame! But long, upon Araby's green sunny highlands, Shall maids and their lovers remember the doom Of her who lies sleeping among the Pearl Islands, With naught but the sea-star to light up her tomb. And still, when the merry date-season is burning, And calls to the palm-groves the young and the old, The happiest there, from their pastime returning At sunset, will weep when thy story is told. Blacket House. The addresses of the latter were, however, favored by the friends of the lady, and the lovers were therefore obliged to meet in secret, and by night, in the churchyard of Kirkconnell, a romantic spot surrounded by the river Kirtle. During one of these private interviews, the jealous and despised lover suddenly appeared on the opposite bank of the stream, and levelled his carabine at the breast of his rival. Helen threw herself before her lover, received in her bosom the bullet, and died in his arms. A desperate and mortal combat ensued between Fleming and the murderer, in which the latter was cut to pieces. Other accounts say that Fleming pursued his enemy to Spain, and slew him in the streets of Madrid." - SIR WALTER SCOTT.] I WISH I were where Helen lies! Curst be the heart that thought the thought, | A poacher's widow sat sighing O, think ye na my heart was sair, On fair Kirkconnell lee. As I went down the water-side, I lighted down, my sword did draw, I hacked him in pieces sma, For her sake that died for me. O Helen fair, beyond compare! O that I were where Helen lies! O Helen fair! O Helen chaste ! I wish my grave were growing green; I wish I were where Helen lies! Night and day on me she cries, And I am weary of the skies, For her sake that died for me! ANONYMOUS. A ROUGH RHYME ON A ROUGH MATTER. THE ENGLISH GAME LAWS. THE merry brown hares came leaping Where the clover and corn lay sleeping, Leaping late and early, Till under their bite and their tread, The swedes, and the wheat, and the barley Lay cankered, and trampled, and dead. On the side of the white chalk bank, Where, under the gloomy fir-woods, One spot in the lea throve rank. She watched a long tuft of clover, Where rabbit or hare never ran, For its black sour haulm covered over The blood of a murdered man. She thought of the dark plantation, And the voice of her indignation "I am long past wailing and whining, I have wept too much in my life: I've had twenty years of pining "A laborer in Christian England, "There's blood on your new foreign shrubs, squire, "You have sold the laboring man, squire, To pay for your seat in the House, squire, "You made him a poacher yourself, squire, "When, packed in one reeking chamber, "When we lay in the burning fever, On the mud of the cold clay floor, Till you parted us all for three months, squire, At the cursed workhouse door. "We quarrelled like brutes, and who wonders? What self-respect could we keep, Worse housed than your hacks and your pointers, Worse fed than your hogs and your sheep? "Our daughters, with base-born babies, Have wandered away in their shame; If your misses had slept, squire, where they did, Your misses might do the same. |