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Espejo, Antonio de. Expediente y relacion del viaje que hizo Antonio de Espejo con catorce soldados y un religioso de la órden de San Francisco, llamado Fray Au gustin Rodriguez; el cual debía de entender en la predicacion de aquella gente.

Doc. de Indias, XV, 151-191. See also page 101 of the same volume.

El viaie que hizo Antonio de Espeio en el anno de ochenta y tres: el qual con sus companneros descubrieron vna tierra en que hallaron quinze Prouincias todas llenas de pueblos, y de casas de quatro y cinco altos, a quien pusieron por nombre El nueuo Mexico.

Hakluyt, III, 383-389 (ed. 1600). The Spanish text is followed by an English translation, pp. 390-396. A satisfactory monograph on the expedition of Espejo, with annotated translations of the original narratives, would be a most desirable addition to the literature of the southwest.

Evans, S. B.

Observations on the Aztecs and their probable relations to the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico.

Congrès International des Américanistes, 7me session, 1888, pp. 226-230. Berlin, 1890. Fernández Duro, Cesáreo.

Don Diego de Peñalosa y su descubri

miento del reino de Quivira. Informe presentado á la Real Academia de la Historia.-Madrid, 1882.

On page 123 the author accepts the date 1531 as that of an expedition under Coronado, from the title of the Relacion del Suceso, misprinted in volume XIV, 318, of the Doc. de Indias.

Ferrelo, Bartolome. See Paez, Juan.

Fewkes, Jesse Walter.

A few summer ceremonials at Zuñi pueblo.

Journal American Ethnology and Archa ology, I, Boston, 1891, pp. 1-61.

- A few summer ceremonials at the Tusayan pueblos.

Ibid., II, Boston, 1892, pp. 1-159.

- Reconnoissance of ruins in or near the Zuñi reservation.

Ibid., 1, pp. 95-132; with map and plan.

- A report on the present condition of a ruin in Arizona called Casa Grande.

Ibid, II, pp. 179–193.

- The snake ceremonials at Walpi. Journal American Ethnology and Archæ ology, IV, 1894.

With map, illustrations, and an excellent bibliography of this peculiar ceremonial, which Dr Fewkes has studied with much care, under most favorable circumstances.

The four volumes of the Journal of American Ethnology and Archeology represent the main results of Dr Fewkes' studies at Zuñi and Tusayan, under the auspices of the Hemenway Southwestern Archæolog. ical Expedition, of which he was the head from 1889 to 1895. Besides the Journal, the Hemenway expedition resulted in a large collection of l'ueblo pottery and ceremonial

Fewkes, Jesse Walter-Continued.

articles, which are, in part, now displayed in the Peabody Museum at Cambridge, Massachusetts.

-The Wa-wac-ka-tci-na. A Tusayan foot race.

Bulletin Essex Institute, XXIV, Nos. 7-9, Salem, July-Sept., 1892, pp. 113-133.

- A-wá-to-bi: An archæological veri-
fication of a Tusayan legend.

American Anthropologist, Oct., 1893.
The prehistoric culture of Tusayan.
American Anthropologist, May, 1896.

A study of summer ceremonials at
Zuñi and Moqui pueblos.

Bulletin Essex Institute, XXII, Nos. 7-9,
Salem, July-Sept., 1890, pp. 89-113.

Consult, also, many other papers by this authority on all that pertains to the ceremonial life of the Pueblo Indians, in the American Anthropologist, Washington, and Journal of American Folk-Lore, Boston. Fiske, John.

The discovery of America, with some account of ancient America and the Spanish conquest.-Cambridge, 1892.

Coronado and Cibola, 11, 500-510.
Fletcher, Francis.

The world encompassed by Sir Francis
Carefully collected
out of the notes of Master Francis
Fletcher preacher in this imploy-
ment.-London, 1628.

Reprinted in 1635 and 1652, and in 1854 by the Hakluyt Society, edited by W. S. W.


Gallatin, Albert.

Ancient semi-civilization of New Mexico, Rio Gila, and its vicinity.

Transactions American Ethnological Society, 11, New York, 1848, pp. liii-xcvii.

Galvano, Antonio.


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dos diuersos & desuayrados caminhos, . & assi de todos os descobrimentos antigos & modernos, que são feitos ate a era de mil & quinhentos & cincoenta.—(Colophon, 1563.)

This work was reprinted at Lisboa in 1731. An English translation was published by Hakluyt, London, 1601. The Portuguese and English texts were reprinted by the Hakluyt Society, edited by vice-admiral Bethune, London, 1862. For Coronado's expedition, see pages 226-229 of the 1862 edition.

Garcilaso de la Vega, el Ynca. La Florida del Ynca. Historia del Adelantado de Soto y de otros heroicos caualleros Españoles è Indios.-Lisbona, 1605.

For an English version, see Barnard Shipp's History of Hernando de Soto and Florida, Philadelphia, 1881. There were several early French editions. The Spanish was reprinted at Madrid in 1723, and again in 1803

- Primera parte de los commentarios reales, que tratan del origen de los Yncas, reyes qve fveron del Perv, de sv idolatria, leyes, y gouierno en paz

Garcilaso de la Vega, el Ynca-Cont'd.

y en guerra: de sus vidas y conquis-
tas, y de todo lo que fue aquel Impe-
rio y su Republica, antes que los
Españoles passaran a el.-Lisboa,

- Historia general del Perv. Trata
el descvbrimiento del, y como lo
ganaron los Españoles. Las guerras
ciuiles que huuo entre Piçarros, y
Almagros, sobre la partija de la
tierra. Castigo y lenantamiento de
tiranos: y otros sucessos particulares
que en la historia se contienen.-Cor-
doua, 1616.

La II parte de los commentarios reales del Perú. Segunda impresion; Madrid, 172123. The two parts were "rendred into Eng. lish. by Sir Pavl Rycavt, Kt." London, 1688. A new translation, with notes by Clements R. Markham, was published by the Hakluyt Society, London, 1869 and 1871.

Gatschet, Albert Samuel.

Classification into seven linguistic stocks of western Indian dialects contained in forty vocabularies.

V. S. Geol. Survey West of the 100th Meridian, VII, 399-485, Washington, 1879. - Zwölf sprachen aus dem siidwesten Nordamerikas.-Weimar, 1876.

Girava, Hieronymo.

Dos libros de cosmographia compuestos
nneuamente por Hieronymo Giraua
Tarragones, -en Milan, M. D. LVI.
See p. 230 for Ciuola.

Gomara, Francisco Lopez de.
Primera y segunda parte de la historia
general de las Indias con todo el des-
cubrimiento y cosas notables que han
acaecido dende que se ganaron ata el
año de 1551. Con la coquista de Me-
xico y de la nueua España.-En Cara-
goça, 1553 (1552).

There were at least fifteen editions of Gomara's three works printed during the years 1552 to 1555. Before the end of the century translations into French and Italian had been reprinted a score of times. English translations of the Conquest of the Indies were printed in 1578 and 1596. For Coronado, see cap. CCXII-CCXV of the Historia de las Indias. Chapters 214-215 were translated by Hakluyt, III, 380-382 (ed. 1600), or III, 454 (ed. 1810).

Gottfriedt, Johann Ludwig. See Abelin,
Johann Phillip.

Guatemala, Obispo de.

Carta del Obispo de Guatemala á Su Magestad, en que se refiere á lo que de México escribirán sobre la muerte del adelantado Alvarado, y habla de la gobernacion que se le encomendó y de los cargos de su mitra.-De Santiago de Guatemala 20 Febrero, 1542. Doc. de Indias, XIII, 268-280.

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Hakluyt, Richard.

The principal navigations, voiages, traffiqves and discoueries of the English nation . . . Deuided into three seuerall volumes.-London, 1598.

The third volume (1600) contains the narratives which relate to Cibola, as well as those which refer to other portions of New Spain. There was an excellent reprint, London, 1809-1812, which contained all the pieces which were omitted in some of the earlier editions, with a fifth volume containing a number of rare pieces not easily available elsewhere. The changes made by the editor of the 1890 edition render it almost a new work. The title is as follows:

- The principal navigations, voyages,
traffiques, and discoveries of the
English nation. Collected by Rich-
ard Hakluyt, preacher, and edited by
Edmund Goldsmid.-Edinburg, 1885-
Vol. XIV; America,
part iii, pp. 59-137, contains the Cibola nar-

Sixteen volumes.

Hakluyt Society, London.

This most useful society began in 1847 the publication of a series of volumes containing careful, annotated translations or reprints of works relating to the "naviga tions, voyages, tratlics, and discoveries" of Europeans during the period of colonial expansion. The work has been continued without serious interruption since that date. Ninety-seven volumes have been issued with the society's imprint, including the issues for 1895. Several of these are entered in the present list under the names of the respective authors.

Hale, Edward Everett.
Coronado's discovery of the seven cities.
Proceedings American Antiquarian So-
ciety, Worcester, new series I, 236-245.
(April, 1881.) Includes a letter from Lieut.
John G. Bourke, arguing that the Cibola
pueblos were the Moki villages of Tusayan,
in Arizona.

Haynes, Henry Williamson.
Early explorations of New Mexico.

Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America, II, 473-503.

Haynes, Henry Williamson-Continued. - What is the true site of "the seven cities of Cibola" visited by Coronado in 1540?

Proceedings American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, new series, 1,421-435 (Oct., 1881).

The revival of interest in the early history of the southwestern United States has been, in no slight measure, due to the impetus given by Professor Haynes of Boston. He was most active in furthering the researches of Mr Bandelier, under the aus pices of the Archæological Institute of America, and to his careful editorial supervision a large part of the accuracy and the value of Mr Bandelier's printed reports and communications are due.

Herrera, Antonio de.

Historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas y tierra firme del mar oceano.-Madrid, 1601-1615.

There is a French translation of three Decades of Herrera, printed between 1659 and 1671, and an English translation of the same three decades, by Captain John Stevens, London, 1725-26, and reissued in 1740, in which the arrangement of the work is altered. The most available and also the best edition of the Spanish is the admirable reprint issued at Madrid by Barcia, in 1730. Some titles are dated as early as 1726, being altered as euccessive delays hindered the completion of the work. For Coronado, see decada VI, libro v, cap. ix, and dec. VI, lib. ix, cap. xi-xv.

Hodge, Frederick Webb.

A Zuñi foot race.

Am. Anthropologist, III, Washington, July, 1890.

- Prehistoric irrigation in Arizona.
Ibid., VI. July, 1893.

-The first discovered city of Cibola.
Ibid., VIII, April, 1895.

The early Navajo and Apache.
Ibid., vill, July, 1895.

- Pueblo snake ceremonials.

Ibid., IX, April, 1896.

Holmes, William Henry.

Report on the ancient ruins of southwestern Colorado.


Tenth Annual Report of the (Hayden) U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, 1876.

- Illustrated catalogue of a portion of the collections made

the field season of 1881.

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Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1881-82, pp. 427-510.

Pottery of the ancient Pueblos.

Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1882-83, pp. 265-360.

Icazbalceta, Joaquin Garcia. Coleccion de documentos para la historia de México. (2 tomos).—México, 1858-1866.

Cited in the preceding pages as Icazbal. ceta's Mexico.

Nueva colección de documentos para la historia de México. (5 tomos).México, 1886-1892.

Cited as Icazbaleeta's Nueva coleccion.

Icazbalceta, Joaquin Garcia-Continued. - Don Fray Juan de Zumarraga primer obispo y arzobispo de México. Estudio biográfico y bibligráfico. Con un apéndice de documentos inéditos ó raros.--México, 1881.

See also the entries under Cervantes de Salazar, Mendieta, Mota Padilla, for works edited by Señor Icazbalceta. Possessed of ample means and scholarly tastes, untiring industry and great historical and literary ability, Señor Garcia Icazbalceta will always be one of the masters of Spanish American history. The extent of his researches, the accuracy and care which characterize all of his work, and the breadth and insight with which he treated whatever subject attracted him, leave little for future students to desire. The more intimate the student becomes with the first century of the history of New Spain, the greater is his appreciation of the loss caused by the death of Señor Garcia Icazbalceta.

Informacion del virrey de Nueva España, D. Antonio de Mendoza, de la gente que va á poblar la Nueva Galicia con Francisco Vazquez Coronado, Gobernador de ella.- Compostella, 21-26 Febrero 1540.

Doc. de Indias. XIV, 373–384. Partly translated on pp. 596-597 ante.

Informacion habida ante la justicia de la villa de San Cristóbal de la Habana, por do consta, el visorey (Mendoza) haber mandado é personado que navíos algunos de los quél embíaba [no] tocasen en la dicha villa, á fin 6 causa que no diesen noticia del nuevo descobrimiento al Adelantado (de Soto).-12 Noviembre, 1539 en Habana. Presentó en Madrid, 23 Diciembre, 1540.

Doc. de Indias, xv, 392-398. See page 370


Jaramillo, Juan.

Relacion hecha por el capitan Juan Jaramillo, de la jornada que habia hecho a la tierra nueva en Nueva España y al descubrimiento de Cibola, yendo por general Francisco Vazquez Coronado.

Doc. de Indias, XIV, 304-317. B. Smith's Florida, 154-163. Translated on pages 584593 ante. There is a French translation in Ternaux, Cibola, app. vi, 364–382.

King, Edward; Viscount Lord Kingsborough. Antiquities of Mexico: comprising facsimiles of ancient Mexican paintings illustrated and hieroglyphics . by many valuable inedited mannscripts.-Mexico and London, 1830


Nine vols. Besides the reproductions of Mexican hieroglyphic writings, for which this magnificent work is best known, the later volumes contain a number of works printed from Spanish manuscripts. Despite the statement on the last page of many copies, the work was never completed, Motolinia's Historia breaking off abruptly in the midst of the text. See the note under King, in Sabin's Dictionary of American Books.

Kretschmer, Konrad.

Die Entdeckung Amerika's in ihrer Bedeutung für die Geschichte des Weltbildes.-Berlin, 1892.

Festschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin zur vierhundertjährigen Feier der Entdeckung Amerika's. The atlas which accompanies this valuable study is made up of a large number of admirable facsimiles and copies of early maps, some of which are reproduced in the present me. moir. It is certainly the best single book for the student of early American cartography.

Ladd, Horatio Oliver.

The story of New Mexico.—Boston, (1892).

For Niça and Coronado, see pp. 19-72. Leyes y ordenanças nueuamete hechas por su magestad pa la gouernacion de las Indias y buen tratamiento y conseruacion de los Indios: que se han de guardar en el consejo y audiécias reales en ellas residen: y por todos los otros gouernadores, juezes y personas particulares dellas.(Colophon) Alcala de Henares, M. D. XLIII.

These "New Laws" were reprinted in 1585 and again in 1603. A new edition, with English translation and an introduction by Henry Stevens and F. W. Lucas, was issued in London, 1893. The Laws are printed in Icazbalceta, Mexico, 11, 204-227.

-See Recopilacion.

Lummis, Charles F.

Some strange corners of our country. -New York, 1892.

-The land of poco tiempo.-New York, 1893.

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Mallery, Garrick.

Sign language among North American Indians compared with that among other peoples and deaf mutes.

First Annual Report Bureau of Ethnol ogy, 1879-80, pp. 263-552. Fully illustrated.

Matthews, Washington.

Human bones of the Hemenway collection in the United States Army Medical Museum.

Memoirs National Academy of Sciences, vol. VI, pp. 139-286, LIX plates. Washington, 1893.

Mendieta, Fray Gerónimo de.

Historia eclesiástica Indiana; obra escrita á fines del siglo XVI, la publica por primera vez Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta.-México, 1870.

Mendoza, Antonio de.

Lo que D. Antonio de Mendoza, virey y gobernador de la Nueva Spaña y presidente en la nueva audiencia y chancillería real que en ella reside, demas de lo que por otra instruc

Mendoza, Antonio de-Continued.

cion se le ha mandado hacer por mandado de S. M.-Barcelona, 17 Abril, 1535.

Doc. de Indias, XXIII, 423-425.

- Lo que D. Antonio de Mendoza visorey y gobernador de la provincia de la Nueva Spaña, ha de hacer en servicio de Dios y de esta república, demas de lo contenido en sus poderes y comisiones, por mandado de S. M.— Barcelona, 25 Abril, 1535.

Doc. de Indias, XXIII, 426-445.

-Lo que don Antonio de Mendoza virey é gobernador de la Nueva Spaña y presidente de la real audiencia, ha de hacer en la dicha tierra, por mandado de S. M.-Madrid, 14 Julio, 1536.

Doc. de Indias, XXIII, 454-467.

-Carta de D. Antonio de Mendoza á la emperatriz, participando que vienen a España Cabeza de Vaca y Francisco Dorantes, que se escaparon de la armada de Panfilo de Narvaez, á hacer relacion de lo que en ella sucedió.Méjico, 11 Hebrero 1537.

Doc. de Indias, XIV, 235-236.

- Provision dada por el virey don Antonio de Mendoza al reverendo y magnífico señor Don Vasco de Quiroga, obispo electo de Mechoacan y oidor de Méjico, para contar los vasallos del marqués del Valle, Don Hernando Cortés. - Méjico, á 30 Noviembre, 1537.

Doc. de Indias, XII, 314-318. -Carta de D. Antonio de Mendoza, virey de Nueva España, al Emperador, dándole cuenta de varios asuntos de su gobierno.-De México, 10 Diciembre, 1537.

Doc. de Indias, 11, 179-211. B. Smith, Flori da, 119-139, with facsimile of Mendoza's signature.

- Instruccion de don Antonio de Mendoza, visorey de Nueva España, (al Fray Marcos de Niza).

Doc. de Indias, 111, 325-328, written previ ous to December, 1538. There is a French translation in Ternaux, Cibola, 249-253. A modern English translation is in Bandelier, Contributions, 109-112.

-Lettere scritte dal illvstrissimo signor don Antonio di Mendozza, vice re della nuoua Spagna, alla maesta dell' Imperadore. Delli cauallieri quali con lor gran danno si sono affaticati per scoprire il capo della terra ferma della nuona Spagna verso tramontana, il gionger del Vazquez con fra Marco à san Michiel di Culnacan con commissione à quelli regenti di assicurare & non far piu schiaui gli Indiani.

Kamusio, III, fol. 355 (1556 ed.). There is a French translation in Ternaux, Cibola, 285-290. This appears to be the letter which Mendoza sent to the king to accompany the report of Fray Marcos de Niza.

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Doc. de Indias, III, 506-511. B. Smith, Florida, 7-10. "Acerca del descubrimiento de las siete ciudades de Poniente." 1543.


Carta de Don Antonio de Mendoza virey de la Nueva España, al comendador mayor de Leon, participándole la muerte del adelantado de Guatemala y Honduras, y el estado de otros varios asuntos.-Mexico, 10 marzo, 1542.

Cartas de Indias, pp. 253-255, and in facsimile.

- Carta del virey Don Antonio de Mendoza, dando cuenta al príncipe Don Felipe de haber hecho el reparto de la tierra de Nueva España, y exponiendo la necesidad que tenia de pasar á Castilla, para tratar verbalmente con S. M. de ciertos negocios de gobernacion y hacienda.-Mexico,30 octubre, 1548. Cartas de Indias, pp. 256-257.

Carta del virey Don Antonio de Mendoza al Emperador Don Carlos, contestando á un mandato de S. M. relativo al repartimiento de los servicios personales en la Nueva España.— Guastepeque, 10 junio, 1549.

Cartas de Indies, pp. 258-259.

- Fragmento de la visita hecha á don Antonio de Mendoza. Interrogatorio por el cual han de ser examinados los testigos que presente por su parte don Antonio de Mendoza.-8 Enero, 1547.

XLIV cargos, 303 paragrafos. Icazbalceta's Mexico, 11, 72-140.

See the Asiento y Capitulaciones con
Alvarado above.

Mindeleff, Cosmos.
Casa grande ruin.

Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1891-92, pp. 295-319. -Aboriginal remains in Verde valley, Arizona.

Ibid, pp. 179-261.

14 ETH-39

Mindeleff, Victor.

A study of pueblo architecture: Tusayan and Cibola.

Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1886-87, pp. 1-228, CXI plates. The text and illustrations of this admirable paper convey a very clear idea of the pueblo dwellings of New Mexico and Arizona, and make it, on this account, of great value to students who have never visited these regions.

Molina, Alonso de.

Aqui comiença vn vocabulario en la lengua Castellana y Mexicana-(Colophon) Mexico, 1555.

Father Molina prepared a Vocabulario, Arte, and Confessionario in the Mexican languages, which are very valuable as a means of interpreting the native words adopted by the conquistadores. The origi nals, and the later editions as well, of all three works are of very considerable rarity. Morgan, Lewis Henry.

Houses and house life of the American aborigines.-Washington, 1881.

Contributions to North American Ethnolony, vol. IV. Houses of the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico, cap. VI-VIII, pp. 132


- On the ruins of a stone pueblo on the Animas river, in New Mexico, with a ground plan.

Report of the Peabody Museum, XII, Cambridge, 1880, pp. 536-556.

The seven cities of Cibola.

North American Review, April, 1869, CVIII, 457-498.

Moses, Bernard.

The Casa de Contratacion of Seville.

Report of the American Historical Associa tion for 1894, Washington, 1895, pp. 93-123. This paper is a very useful outline of the legal constitution and functions of the Casa de Contratacion, derived for the most part from Capt. John Stevens' English version (London, 1702) of Don Joseph de Veitia Linage's Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales. (Seville, 1672.)

There is an admirable account of the form of government adopted by the Spaniards for New Spain, by Professor Moses, in the Yale Review, vol. iv, numbers 3 and 4 (November, 1895, and Febuary, 1896).

Mota Padilla, Matias de la. Historia de la conquista de la provincia de la Nueva-Galicia, escrita en 1742.-Mexico, 1870.

Published in the Boletin of the Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica, and also issued separately with Noticias Biograficas by Señor Garcia Icazbalceta, dated Marzo 12 de 1872. It is an extensive work of the greatest value, although there are reasons for fearing that the printed text is not an accurate copy of the original manuscript. Cited as Mota Padilla.

Motolinia, Fray Toribio de Benavente ó. Historia de los Indios de la Nueva Esраñа.

Icazbaleeta's Mexico, 1, pp. 249, with an introduction of 100 pp. by Sr José Fernando Ramirez; in Doc. de España, LIII, 297-574: and also printed in Lord Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico, vol. IX. See note under King.

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