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and used to meet other than immediate needs and, at the same time, to reduce waste of material that has cost money and labor to produce; (b) Development of useful products from residues and off-grade portions of crops to offset some of the production costs, which would permit lower prices and increased consumption of certain farm commodities;

(c) Improvement of quality and uniformity of agricultural raw materials and their derivatives, including cotton textiles;

(d) Development of new uses and wider markets for cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and starch which can be produced more easily and in greater amounts than other plant products to permit expansion of the production of particular crops for special industrial uses;

(e) Utilization of wood residues and ligno-cellulose for the production of motor fuel and the comparative technical evaluation of wood residues, sugar canes or stalks, starchy root crops and starchy grains for industrial alcohol production.



1. American forests have acquired great importance in the development of the basic wealth of this Continent;

2. The interchange of ideas and data concerning the aspects of forest administration, management, utilization and research among forestry experts of the several American countries may result in mutual benefit and contribute greatly to the progress of "Forestry" in each country;

3. One of the greatest difficulties confronting inter-American "Forestry" is the lack of a uniform terminology in Spanish, which situation is still more aggravated by the use of the English, Portuguese and French languages,

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. To recommend to the Pan American Union the creation of a Forestry Section in the Division of Agricultural Cooperation as soon as possible.

2. To emphasize the necessity of holding an Inter-American Forestry Meeting at the first opportunity.

3. To recommend to the Executive Committee of the Third InterAmerican Conference on Agriculture the translation into Spanish of "Forest Terminology", recently published by the Society of American Foresters. Copies of this translation should be sent for revision to


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all the American republics, after which a Preliminary Report, with all the documentation in hand, shall be submitted either to the proposed Forestry Meeting or to the Fourth Inter-American Conference on Agriculture.


The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture

Resolves: To recommend to the American countries that they favor the interchange, among adjacent countries or those equally concerned, of information tending to achieve uniformity of regulations for the hunting of common species.



1. The Second Inter-American Conference on Agriculture approved a resolution (No. 21, part 3) recommending intensification of work on the conservation of water and soil in each of the American countries; 2. Since the holding of said conference several American countries have been carrying out programs for the purpose of:

(a) Making good use of the soil with a view to avoiding and reducing erosion;

(b) Conserving rainfall;

(c) Maintaining the fertility of the soil;

(d) Improving agriculture and the economic condition of farms through water and soil conservation measures;

3. Water and soil being essential factors in agriculture, their con servation is vitally important to all American countries;

4. Where water is permitted to run off without restriction, not only is the water lost to agriculture but it also ruins the land and endangers the life and property of communities; whereas if it is employed properly the water increases crops and furnishes light and power for industry and transportation,

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. That this Conference place itself on record as congratulating the countries that, since the Second Inter-American Conference on Agriculture, have initiated and are actively executing programs of varying intensity designed to assure rational soil management, to protect and increase its fertility, and to improve the agriculture and


the economic condition of the farms by adopting measures for the conservation of soil and moisture.


2. To recommend that all American countries intensify their t efforts to conserve their soil and water resources.


3. That through the complete use of adequate facilities for, the interchange of information, the American nations give mutual aid sp toward establishing proper practices in the use and protection of land, in order to conserve water and soil and thus attain a permanent agriculture characterized by continuous and efficient production of er crops and livestock of a high quality.

4. That measures be taken by the countries concerned for their mutual aid through the dissemination of information designed to orient public and private action in regard to soil and water conservation with the object of avoiding and reducing floods and the siltation of reservoirs and of the water distribution systems.

5. That consideration be given to taking, as soon as possible, an inventory of the productive resources of lands in America for the purpose of:

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(a) Determining the intrinsic capacity and limitation thereof for different uses, including agricultural and biological uses, especially with reference to the flora and fauna; recreational uses, such as parks, fishing, etc.; uses for protection of watersheds, and prevention of stal floods.

(b) Establishing standards for a continuous and dynamic inventory 2. of the results of improvements or damages which are the consequence of success of action programs or failure due to the lack thereof, respectively.



1. There exist numerous possibilities for the colonization of new lands and for the improvement of those already occupied; the success of agricultural production depends upon a knowledge of the factors of soil and climate, which is a starting point for practical agriculture, taking duly into account, furthermore, the economic factors involved in farming activity;

2. It must be a fundamental aim of the several American nations to make soil and climate charts the basic elements for the planning of agricultural production according to regional environmental characteristics, inasmuch as such work is being carried on in only a few of the American nations;

3. The orientation and success of agricultural colonization, therefore, depend upon the natural environment, and knowledge must be

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obtained of the ecologic characteristics of the regions in which colonization is to be effected, for a rational adoption of methods of utilization that are going to be carried out and for the better placing and selection of the human element;

4. The experience obtained in a certain locality or country may be applicable under similar conditions in other countries;

5. The qualitative and quantitative development, growth and yield of cultivated plants are governed by conditions of climate, soil, and other environmental factors which are the consequence of such conditions;

6. For this reason it is necessary to know the ecologic behavior of plants under cultivation for the greater rationalization of agriculture;

7. Without prejudice to the development of scientifically controlled methods of experiments, rapid procedures should be available, The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. To recommend to the American nations that they make a general survey of the soil and climatic conditions of arable areas, as a basis for the rational planning of agricultural production and for setting aside new lands for colonization. For this purpose it is necessary to establish an Institute of Soils and Services of Agricultural Climatology in countries where they do not exist.

2. To advise the several American countries to prepare exact maps of soils and climates, scientifically classified.

3. To recommend to the countries of the Western Hemisphere that they mutually assist one another in the preparation of the abovementioned maps on a common basis through the interchange of data, scientific personnel and other adequate elements.

4. To recommend the ascertainment of the edaphic and climatic requirements of plants under cultivation in order to determine the geographic-ecologic areas suitable to each, and the use, by way of trial for an immediate plan, of the agro-ecologic survey chart submitted by the Institute of Soils and Agrotechny of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Argentine Republic.



1. Scientific problems of the soil, due to their specific nature, justify being considered in particular by researchers of the several nations of America;


2. The creation of the Inter-American Society of Soil Science is an adequate means for the exchange of information among the American countries, for the necessary unification of edaphologic nomenclature and for the adoption of common methods of soil study, all of which topics will be of positive benefit to the progress of agriculture;

3. The holding of a conference of the Inter-American Society of Soil Science is desired by all the nations of America for the greater scientific collaboration of all specialists of the Continent, and the realization of the aims set forth above,

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. To approve the creation of the Inter-American Society of Soil Science as an organization of a scientific nature which brings together in a group the soil researchers of the American nations, organized in national sections for this purpose.

2. To accept the offer of the Argentine Government to hold the First Conference of the Inter-American Society of Soil Science in the city of Buenos Aires, in order that it may take place within three years from date.

3. To postpone definitive consideration of the By-Laws of the Inter-American Society of Soil Science until the meeting of the First Inter-American Conference on the subject mentioned above; in accordance with the following procedure:

(a) The several American nations shall, within two years from date, forward their points of view resulting from the meeting of their soil experts to a permanent Committee, which shall function with one representative in Argentina and another in the United States of America, for the Latin American and English-speaking countries respectively.

(b) The permanent Committee shall, bearing in mind the viewpoints received, prepare a preliminary draft of the By-laws, which shall be forwarded to the several American nations six months before the holding of an Inter-American Conference on Soil Science.

(c) The national sections of the Inter-American Society of Soil Science, which shall merge in order to form national societies in that field, shall designate from among their number a representative for the centralization of data relating to the By-laws and the holding of the First Inter-American Conference mentioned above, in order that they may be sent to the respective permanent representatives.

4. To recommend to the American nations which have not done so: (a) To stimulate the formation of specialized libraries on Soil Science.

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