APPENDIX A Invitation by Venezuela to the Conference No. 3005 EXCELLENCY: [Translation] EMBASSY OF VENEZUELA September 13, 1944 I have the honor to transmit to Your Excellency as an enclosure a note, which the Minister of Foreign Relations of Venezuela sends to him and in which there is reference to the Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture, to be held at Caracas on July 24, 1945, extending an invitation to Your Excellency's Government, in the name of my Government to send official delegates to the said Conference. My Government is anxious, in view of the importance of this InterAmerican meeting, that the papers which the United States Delegation is to present be sent before February 1, 1945 to the General Office of the Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the Conference, Ministry of Agriculture and Stockraising, Caracas. The aforesaid Organizing Committee is also very desirous of receiving as soon as possible the list of subjects which Your Excellency's Government wishes to see included on the draft agenda being drawn up at the present time. I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. Enclosure His Excellency DIÓGENES ESCALANTE CORDELL HULL Secretary of State of the United States of America, Washington, D.C. 17 Acceptance by the United States of the Invitation to the Conference October 6, 1944 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your kind communication of August 31, 1944 extending on behalf of your Government an invitation for the Government of the United States of America to send representatives to the Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture which will convene at Caracas on July 24, 1945. I have the honor on behalf of my Government to accept the courteous invitation and to inform you that at a later date I shall communicate to you, through the United States Embassy at Caracas, the names of the persons designated to represent this Government at the meeting. Particular note has been taken of the following comments in your courteous communication, namely, that this meeting must be devoted to study and work, with a minimum of oratory and ceremonies; that the Organizing Committee is preparing a draft agenda for submission to the Governing Board of the Pan American Union and that this Government will shortly receive a copy; that the draft of rules of procedure for the Conference will shortly be forthcoming; and that there will be in attendance delegates of two categories, that is, official delegates and collaborating delegates. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my most distinguished consideration. His Excellency CARACCIOLO PARA PEREZ Minister of Foreign Relations of the CORDELL HULL 18 APPENDIX B Resolutions of the United States COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZA- WHEREAS: 1. There are a number of organizations and arrangements among the nations of the Americas concerned with food and agricultural problems of common interest to those nations; 2. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations is now in the process of establishment to deal with similar problems of world-wide interest; 3. Many of the American Republics have already signified their intention to become members of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization and all others are urged to do so; and 4. The food and agricultural policies of the American Republics are of world-wide as well as hemispheric significance; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That the Governing Board of the Pan American Union take steps through the appropriate agency to establish liaison with the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization and to assure participation at the meetings of the Organization; and 2. That the Permanent Committee of the Inter-American Conference on Agriculture explore with the Pan American Union the best way of conducting the future work of the inter-American conferences on agriculture, in order to help integrate the efforts of all international agencies interested in this field and to avoid duplication of efforts; and thereby also to assure the maximum effectiveness of world-wide programs to promote increased efficiency of production, distribution, and utilization of food, fiber and forest products, to the end that the peoples of the world may enjoy a higher standard of living. 19 WHEREAS: SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION 1. The Second Inter-American Conference on Agriculture passed a resolution (Resolution No. 21, Part 3) designed to further the conservation of soil and water in all of the member countries of the Conference; and 2. Since the time of that meeting, several member countries of the Inter-American Conference on Agriculture have begun and are carrying on action programs of varying intensity designed to take proper care of soil, maintain and improve soil fertility, and improve the agriculture and the economic condition of their farms through establishment on the farms of measures for conservation of soil and moisture; therefore, be it Resolved: 1. That this Conference place itself on record as congratulating these several countries upon their action in moving to save their soil and water resources; and 2. That all member countries intensify their efforts to conserve their soil and moisture resources. APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY TO PRODUCTS OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY WHEREAS: 1. The American countries are concerned with objectives that involve the application of chemistry and chemical technology to agricultural products, including: (a) The conservation and preservation of foodstuffs; (b) More complete utilization of normal crops, including off-grade products as well as residues of by-products; (c) The maintenance of existing markets for agricultural commodities; (d) The expansion of markets to permit increased production of certain commodities; and (e) The use of plant materials as a source of motor fuel to replace cheaper mineral sources when the latter are not available or must be conserved; and 2. Cooperation in efforts to attain these objectives is desirable; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That cooperation be established among the American countries in planning and conducting research on: (a) Development or improvement of methods for converting readily perishable foodstuffs into food products that can be stored and used to meet other than immediate needs and, incidentally, to reduce waste of material that has cost money and labor to produce; (b) Development of useful products from residues and off-grade portions of crops to offset some of the production costs, which would permit lower prices and increased consumption of certain farm commodities; (c) Improvement in quality and uniformity of agricultural raw materials and of products derived from them, including improved cotton textiles; (d) Development of new uses and wider markets for cellulose, hemi-cellulose, lignin, and starch which can be produced more easily and in greater amounts than other plant products to permit expansion in the production of particular crops for special industrial uses; and (e) Utilization of wood and ligno-cellulose crop residues for the production of motor fuel and the comparative technical evaluation of wood residues, saccharine plant canes or stalks, starchy root crops and starchy grains for industrial alcohol production. LIVESTOCK IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS: 1. A successful national livestock industry is of great importance to a nation's welfare; 2. The application of the latest scientific knowledge pertaining to animal breeding, feeding, management, and the control of animal diseases and parasites is essential for providing efficiency in livestock production; 3. Technically trained personnel, schooled in the latest technological developments, are needed for solving important livestock problems; and 4. The prompt and continuous exchange of technical information relating to improved livestock practices is beneficial to the respective countries; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That full advantage be taken of the educational facilities of the respective countries for the training of students and research workers in the field of livestock production and related activities; and 2. That provision be made for the prompt and orderly exchange among American countries of scientific knowledge pertaining to livestock. |