Delegates: H. E. Fernando Alvarado Chacón H. E. Walter N. Bangham H. E. Maximiliano Guardián H. E. Modesto Martínez Aguilar H. E. Arturo Morales Flores H. E. Alberto Sáenz Maroto PERU Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Roberto Alvarez Calderón Delegates: H. E. Guillermo Málaga B. H. E. Manuel de Mendiburu H. E. Alberto Salmón de los Heros Secretary: Dr. José Alvarado Sánchez DOMINICAN REPUBLIC H. E. Rafael Matos Díaz • Delegates: H. E. Fernando Abel Henríquez H. E. Horacio Vicioso Soto Secretary: Mr. Frank Alvarez Sánchez ARGENTINA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. 'Ismael F. Alchourron H. E. Alberto O. Argento H. E. Fernando A. Bidabehere H. E. Juan José Billard H. E. Antonio Arena H. E. Luis R. Canepa H. E. Enrique C. Closs H. E. Julio A. Llosa H. E. Juan José Moreno H. E. Juan B. Pelayo H. E. Carlos Piazza H. E. Noberto A. R. Reichart H. E. Eduardo A. Sackmann Sala H. E. Ovidio V. Schiopetto H. E. Lucas A. Tortorelli H. E. José Vallega H. E. Eduardo J. Zembo Advisers: Dr. Carlos M. Albizatti Mr. Armando L. De Fina Mr. Jesús Héctor Sáinz Lima Mr. Samuel Schmukler Mr. Manfredo A. L. Reachart Secretary: Mr. Rubén J. Dussaut BRAZIL Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Newton de Castro Belleza Delegate: H. E. Waldemar Raythe de Queiroz e Silva Advisers: Mr. Luis de Souza Bandeira Mr. Milton Trindade Secretaries: Dr. Aloysio de Salles Fonseca Miss Cecilia Lisboa Figueira de Mello VENEZUELA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Angel Biaggini, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Delegates: H. E. Jesús María Herrera Mendoza H. E. Miguel Ron H. E. Pedro José Troconis H. E. J. J. González Gorrondona H. E. Laureano Vallenilla Lanz H. E. R. de Shelly Hernández Advisers: Mr. Hermann Nass Dr. Aurelio Arreaza Arreaza Dr. Iván Darío Maldonado Mr. Ramón Pinto Salvatierra Dr. Tobías Lasser Mr. José María de Tovar E E E Dr. José María Bengoa Mr. J. J. Ramírez Villamediana Dr. José Padrón Irazábal Dr. Carlos D'Ascoli Dr. Carlos Irazábal Mr. Roberto Alamo Ibarra Mr. Luis E. Monsanto Mr. Ramón Veloz Mr. Carlos Rojas Gómez Mr. Manuel Felipe Recao Secretaries: Mr. Mauricio Báez Mr. Leonidas Uzcátegui EL SALVADOR Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. René David Escalante Delegate: H. E. Francisco Alvarado Gallegos HONDURAS Delegate: H. E. Wilson Popenoe CHILE Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Víctor Moller Delegates: H. E. Julio Lezaeta Rojas H. E. René Henríquez Frodden Secretary: Mr. Avelino Urzúa HAITI Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Frédéric Kébreau Delegate: H. E. Gérard Boucard URUGUAY Delegate: H. E. Julián Murguía NICARAGUA Delegates: H. E. Alberto Sevilla Sacasa H. E. Luis A. Somoza D. ECUADOR Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Jorge Carrera Andrade Delegates: H. E. Armando Ulloa H. E. Roberto Levi Adviser: Mr. A. G. Sandoval PARAGUAY Chairman of the Delegation: rot rot ro H. E. Rafael Isava Núñez Delegate: H. E. Gildo Insfrán Guerrero UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. John B. Hutson Vice Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Leslie A. Wheeler Delegates: H. E. Hugh H. Bennett Advisers: Mr. Richard Bradfield Mr. John C. A. Cady Mr. Edward G. Cale Mr. James Harry Kempton Mr. Paul L. Koenig Secretaries: Mr. Carl Breuer Mr. John J. Haggerty Mr. Clarke L. Willard Assistant to the Chairman of the Delegation: Mr. Johnston V. McCall Miss Emily Bulman Miss Dorothy King Mrs. Dorothy Stakem Miss Dorothea Stockbridge Mrs. Lillian Wright The international organizations shown below were represented as follows: PAN AMERICAN UNION Representative: Honorable José L. Colom Advisers: Mr. William Vogt Dr. Earl N. Bressman Mr. Robert Nichols Mr. Joseph Fennell Mr. Francisco J. Hernández Mr. Robert Squibb INTER-AMERICAN COUNCIL OF COMMERCE AND PRODUCTION Representatives: Honorable Luis Gonzalo Marturet Honorable Capt. Claudio Bruzual Bermúdez Honorable C. M. Crebbs INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE Representative: Honorable Mukdim Osmay UNITED NATIONS INTERIM COMMISSION ON FOOD AND AGRICUL TURE Representatives: Honorable L. A. H. Peters Honorable Howard R. Tolley UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND REHABILITATION ADMINISTRATION Representatives: Honorable Theodore C. Byerly Honorable Luis Vial Ortúzar INTER-AMERICAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Representative: Hon. Darío Curiel PREPARATORY SESSION At eleven a.m. on July 23, 1945, the Delegates present in the City of Caracas met in a preparatory session in order to approve the draft of the Rules of Internal Procedure, to examine the Report of the Committee on Credentials, to hold the drawing of lots for the order of precedence, to designate the Officers and to elect the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Technical Commissions. |