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New Division of the School Day.

keep small children quiet. Is then this active disposition of childhood, one of the most hurtful qualities which its health and happiness require to be conquered?

This inquiry brings us to a very important fact in physical education-that activity as a means of health and growth, may be considered nearly as important as food. Its indispensable influence may be seen in its effect to impart strength to the body, and to promote the circulation of the blood. We believe the strength thus gained is necessary to constitute the quality of durability; so that it is not present health or freedom from pain merely, that is to be aimed at; but a fortitude to bear up under the hand of time, to endure the conflict, and to yield a late and honorable surrender to that universal conqueror. I am aware that these things are not new; but is it properly considered, that the discipline of a child in school, such as I have above described, is not calculated to fit him for the hardships of life? The same days when he is thus restrained, is the identical time, when he should be gaining that strength, which is to constitute the vigor of his manhood. Just as much as these school going days forbid his gaining that strength, just so much will his manhood

be deficient in vigor.

But does not manhood usually require the full exercise of all the energies of the body? Then, as a preparatory discipline, let the bodily functions of childhood and youth be fully exercised daily, without overdoing. On the other hand, do not the mental occupations of manhood, fully exercise the mental energies, and sometimes even over-exercise them? Then, as a preparatory discipline, let the minds of children be fully exercised daily, without overtasking them.

Is it inquired how this is to be accomplished? I reply let the day be divided between activity and study; let half of it be devoted to the mental, and the remaining half to muscular employments, suited to the age of the scholar. Let school commence as early as eight in the morning, and close at noon. Let the last half the day be allowed the pupils entire; to the older ones to engage in useful labor, the younger to wander off and have their rambles out; to indulge their mechanical propensities, to construct their play wagons, water wheels, wind mills, &c. Let them have time and be encouraged to engage in those juvenile enterprises which the present arrangement of school hours tends to discourage-employments possessing interest to call forth their exertions, invigorating their health, and promoting their manliness and usefulness.

We think it just to compare the effect of our system of hours in common schools, to the influence of the confinement of stu

Action indispensable to Childhood.


dents in colleges, upon their health, with these distinctions, viz.: The circumstances of the cominon school pupil out of school, are more favorable to his activity; but in school, the restraint of order and the presence of the teacher are more unfavorable than the comparative liberty of the college student. The common school pupil has another advantage in the length of his vacations. Still the similarity of the two cases cannot be denied— both restrain the appropriate exertions of the body.

But what is the effect of a literary life upon the student? Does it qualify him for those labors of the farmer and mechanic, which our common school pupils are destined to perform? Rather does it not disqualify him for labor almost uniformly; and not unfrequently for his own appropriate duties; rendering him hardly useful for any purpose, even that of his own happiness? Now if we find this discipline productive of so much effeminacy, disease and mortality, when pursued in colleges, are we not warranted in attributing the growing increase of these same evils to our similar common school discipline? Especially when we find the most constant and forward scholars in common schools manifesting the greatest feebleness.

We repeat it, the broken, scanty and trifling exertions, of which our common schools allow, are not sufficient to invigorate the body. Those hands are for labor; that whole frame is for hardship; in the sweat of their face these children are to eat their bread. Knowledge and wisdom may be employed to lighten this toil, to make it pleasant, and secure its rewards. But let it be observed, when knowledge has taken away the ability to labor, she has defeated herself. She must be abandoned by the mass of people, when she robs them of their strength. The disunion of knowledge and labor has been one of the great misfortunes of the world. We believe the successful pursuit of study does not require the last half of the day. This portion may be devoted to the full exertions of the limbs; and we believe it is long enough for this object. If the whole day is more than sufficient to exercise fully the energies of man, it follows, that half a day's labor will sufficiently task those of children. But as we view it, nothing except this full exertion, stopping short of excess, can secure the full improvement of health and strength.

Every facility should be afforded for this purpose. Boys especially, should have free access to the garden, the field and the shop, at all times, and in the different kinds of labor. Every needed tool should be furnished, and every encouragement given. If the novelties of the forests, and streams, and the landscape, are pointed out to the younger ones, or should they not be, at that delightful season when we at present confine them to


A "Word to the Wise."

the school house, they will go abroad gaining health and wisdom at every step. Those small fruits too, to be found scattered far and wide in places happily rugged, will call forth their exertions. The confinement of the forenoon will give a relish to the freedom of the afternoon; while the space will not be longer than their peculiar employments can occupy. Time will not become a drug to be whiled away in idle pursuits, engendering bad habits. Thus energy and wakefulness may be cultivated.

Conceiving that the merits of a half day system, so far as the bodies of pupils are concerned, are sufficiently manifest, the writer intends, in a future number, to examine its advantages in relation to mental improvement. In relation to the objection to be urged, that scholars in some cases are obliged to walk so far, that they ought to improve as much time as possible, whenever they travel to the school house; he will only add that-as there are so many districts where this could not be made an objection, he does not think it necessary to dwell upon it. EXPERIENCE.


WHILE all due respect should be accorded to teachers-and certainly no class in the community are more deserving both of emolument and of social consideration, than they-yet as our school system is now administered, we are not authorized to anticipate any more fidelity and strenuousness in the fulfilment of duty from them, than from the same number of persons engaged in any other reputable employment. This State employs, annually, in the common schools, more than three thousand teachers, at an expense of more than $465.000, raised by direct taxation. But they have not one thousandth part the supervision which watches the same number of persons, having the care of cattle or spindles, or of the retail of shop goods. Who would retain his reputation, not for prudence, but for sanity, if he employed men on his farm, or in his factory, or clerks in his counting-room, month after month, without oversight, and even without inquiry? In regard to what other services, are we so indifferent, where the remuneration swells to such an aggregate?-Report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education.

School Committees.




THE meeting of the American Lyceum at Hartford, which was announced in our last number as commencing to-day, has been deferred to Tuesday the fifteenth instant. We give this statement on the authority of the Corresponding Secretary.


This popular institution, says the Mercantile Journal, closed its last course of lectures in March. The interest with which it has been sustained from week to week, fair or foul, has not been exceeded, it is believed, by any similar institution in the country. Its average attendance has not been far from two thousand persons.

The Lyceum was one of the first of the present generation of popular institutions organized in this city, and what contributed more in the onset to its prosperity, was the introduction of ladies, which, by the way, was not done it being an innovation upon custom-till after a protracted discussion and violent opposition.

The proposition to form a Lyceum in this city, was first made by Josiah Holbrook. A number of our most distinguished citizens were called together by this gentleman, and the subject of forming a lyceum laid before them. After discussing the subject several evenings, they decided that it was impracticable, and that it would not be sustained.

Mr Holbrook then laid the matter before a small association, then in existence. Here the expediency of forming such a society, was fully discussed, and favorably received. A committee was appointed, to whom the whole subject was referred, with authority to call a public meeting, should they think it advisable. This they did; and it was attended probably by one thousand persons.

The subject of lyceums, generally, and the expediency of forming one in this city, as proposed by Mr Holbrook, underwent a thorough discussion. Most of the speakers highly approved of the plan; but one of the gentlemen, of more talents and influence, we had almost said, than all the others put together, and a great friend, too, to popular education, said the project reminded him of a machine made by a friend of his — it was skilfully designed, beautifully finished, and masterly executed; but it had one fault, it wouldn't go!

This threw a damper upon the meeting, but it soon, after a little more discussion, recovered its elasticity, and appointed a committee to draft


Female Improvement Society.

a plan of organization. The committee met: two of the members believed the project to be a visionary one, and declined taking any part in it. The remaining three called another meeting, proposed a constitution, and organized the Society.

The first meetings were held in Chauncey Hall, and were attended by about two hundred persons. Many of the lectures the first winter, were given by the members.

From the foundation of the Lyceum to the present time, its numbers and interest have been constantly increasing.


About a year ago, a Society was formed in Boston, which was called "The Boston and Vicinity Female Improvement Society." Its objects are exclusively, the cultivation of the intellect, and the elevation of the moral character of females. It hopes to form, as the final results of its labors, exemplary Christian mothers. Funds are to be obtained principally by voluntary contributions.

As one prominent means by which the Society expects to carry its purposes into effect, it has resolved to establish, in the city, a Female Teachers' Seminary, to be called the American Union Franklin Teachers' Seminary. The rules and regulations adopted, will be similar to the Ipswich and Charlestown Female Seminaries. There will be three classes, the primary, junior and senior; and particular attention will be paid to English studies. A few young ladies are already in attendance; but the Institution, as we learn from its First Annual Report, has as yet done but little, for want of funds.


The Physiological Society of this city, has had two courses of public lectures this winter, which, from the bearing of this society's efforts on the cause of physical education, and for other reasons, we are glad to say, have been well attended. Three of these lectures have been published; one by Rev. A. G. Duncan, on the Evils of violating the Laws of Health, and the Remedy; one by Dr E. Bartlett, of Lowell, entitled "Obedience to the Laws of Health a moral duty;" and another by Dr Haskell, of Boston, on Physiology in general.


We mentioned in our last number, that a benevolent individual had offered $10,000, to be devoted to the cause of Common Schools, and applied under the direction of the Massachusetts Board of Education, on condition that the Legislature would appropriate an equal sum for the same purpose. We learn, that, by a resolution, they have deter

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