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The New England Academy.

In general, I should say, sufficient to afford a site for a school house, and teacher's apartments, and about an acre of land for a garden.

Would you, in some particular cases, extend the quantity of ground which it should be in the power of the Board to procure for the erection of schools; such for instance, as in the case of agricultural schools in rural districts?

I think there should be a garden annexed to every rural school, in which the children may receive information on points of agriculture and gardening. I think it very desirable that there should be agricultural schools, to each of which there should be annexed a farm of not less than 100 acres ; but I do not consider that there would be more than 10 of those required for the whole country. The land required for those purposes might be taken on lease.


THIS is the name which it has been proposed to give to an institution, which at present exists only in the mind, and on the manuscripts of its projector, but which we should rejoice to see in actual operation. The intention is to have it located in the township of Cohasset, eighteen miles south-east of Boston. We have been permitted to examine numerous drawings of the buildings proposed; and to make from the manuscripts of the proprietors several extracts. The following are among the number.

'We wish to see an Academy established, which shall prove at once the best means of education, as well as exhibit the happy results which appear in the employment of them. We wish to see a system of instruction in operation which shall educate the whole being of the individual pupil, and render him fit, in all respects, to enter upon the varied duties of life. To do this, we must erect our buildings, lay out our grounds, engage able instructers, and secure every influence which tends to develop and exalt the mind of the pupil.

He should be taught the courtesies of life, and be permitted to participate in the social circle. He should be led to honor his father and mother, and to appreciate domestic happiness. He should be taught the nature of business relations—the duties of men in their common transactions with each other. He should be taught the nature of crime, and the reward of virtue, and be led to practise the principles of Christianity as a privilege.-He

Proposed Course of Instruction.


should be taught the various processes of manufacturing, and the extent of production and consumption. He should be taught the advantages of commerce, and of national treaties regulating trade and the rights of citizens. He should be taught the properties and capabilities of the soil, and the extent of its rich and diversified products. He should be taught the laws of his country, and the duties of citizenship; and be made acquainted with the forms and principles of foreign governments. He should be taught the natural economy of the animal creation, and be made familiar with the intellectual, moral, physiological, anatomical and organic laws of his own system. His education should have reference to the exertions and sacrifices which life requires; to self-command and benevolence; to whatever confers dignity or ornament on human nature-whatever opens pure and innocent sources of enjoyment-whatever contributes to elevate man, as a thinking, social and accountable being, for undying growth and improvement. And as he is led to observe and understand all those principles and things, he should be instructed in the sacred laws of obedience and dependence, which the Creator has established throughout the moral and physical world, and the inevitable suffering which follows every abuse and violation of them.'

Such, then, are the results at which the friends of the New England Academy dare to aim. The course of instruction proposed, is presented in the following outline of studies.

I. INTELLECTUAL.-Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Mathematics, Drawing, Book Keeping, Geography, History, Natural History, Botany, Physiology, Anatomy, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Agriculture, Mental Philosophy, Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Elocution, Music, Ancient and Modern Languages.

II. MORAL.-Moral Philosophy, Religion, (not doctrines) Natural Theology, Biography, History of Man and of Sects. III. PHYSICAL.-Dancing, Fencing, Riding, Swimming, and such exercises and games as health may require.'

The following farther remarks and explanations of the principles and plan of the proposed institution, are from the same source with the former.

A plan contemplating so much, may be objected to, as being too extensive for persons in ordinary circumstances; but such an objection has no bearing whatever on the subject. If education be important, then to provide any thing short of the best, is to sanction a work imperfectly done. If all cannot afford to pay the price of that course of instruction which our natures and the good of society demand, then it becomes the duty of the


Duties of the Officers.

public to provide Institutions for them at the public charge. Whatever is for the good of an individual is for the good of all; and however liberal the measures of government may be in relation to education, any expenditure cannot be too much, provided it be made after mature deliberation, and from judicious motives.'

'Such an institution,' it is added, 'is alike important to the mechanic, merchant, farmer, mariner and professional man. It would lead men of different vocations to act together in good harmony, and to appreciate, with candor and justice, each others' views and feelings. It is calculated to remove the many causes of jealousy and envy which disturb the quiet of society; and every one would be sufficiently liberalized and refined freely to exchange kind offices and privileges with his neighbor. Besides, there is no reason why education should be varied under any circumstances, unless such variation has in view a particular profession, which requires particular knowledge unnecessary for all to possess, or some peculiarity of talent which forms an exception to the usual endowments of nature.'

It is proposed to vest the government of the Academy in a Board of Direction to be denominated the Council;-to consist of a Chancellor, twelve Counsellors, a Treasurer and a Secretary, to be elected annually, by the Stockholders. The business of Education is to be entrusted to a Board of Instruction, to be composed of a President, two Professors, a Governor of the House, who shall be a Physician, and take rank as a Professor, and such Tutors as may be deemed necessary; to be elected annually by the council. A Board of Visitation, consisting of learned and distinguished men, is also to be appointed.

The following are the duties proposed to be assigned to the Board of Instruction.

It shall be the duty of the President to exercise a general supervision of the details of the Academy, and to cause all laws, rules and regulations to be executed and respected. It shall be his duty, in connection with the professors and tutors to enter into constant and familiar, but dignified intercourse with the pupils; to perform the duties of teaching with enduring patience and undeviating good temper; to visit the pupils in their dwellings and at their sports and labors; to accompany them in their walks, rides and visits; to advise them in their plans and investigations; to consult their views and feelings, that they may be corrected, if wrong; and to discover a deep and constant interest in their welfare, by attending to their habits, comforts and pleasures.

It shall be the duty of the President, unless performed by one

Governor of the House.


of the professors, to address the pupils on the events of the day at its close, but without mentioning their names; and to ask their attention to such attainments or acts as are worthy to be remembered; and to notice such faults or omissions as duty requires to be avoided.

It shall be incumbent on the professors and tutors, to reside in the houses provided for the pupils, to preside at the tables, and to teach the boys such lessons of etiquette, as convenience and propriety demand; to enlist them in conversation while eating, that they may not eat with too much haste; and to be their companions in the reading and conversation rooms. It is not our intention to prescribe, in this place, the various duties of the teacher, as we may resume the subject at some future time, or place it in abler and more experienced hands. But we would add, in the language of another, that a teacher should be of great industry, of quick sympathies, pure of morals, gentle by nature and by breeding, full of kindly affections, and inspired by a warm and large benevolence-a man, in one word, of a lofty and noble character.'

It shall be the duty of the Governor of the house constantly to guard the health of the pupils, and to provide for their physical welfare; to attend to the cleanliness of their persons and apparel, and to the regularity of their meals; to provide, liberally, food of the best quality-allowing each pupil to ask for what quantity he pleases, unless he has previously shown that he is incapable of governing his own appetite; to adminster medicine when necessary; and to call in such medical aid as extraordinary cases of sickness may require. In cases of serious illness, he shall notify the parents of the patient; stating the nature of the complaint, the stage of the disease, &c.

It shall also be the duty of the Governor to superintend the ground and buildings belonging to the corporation, and to see that they are kept in the best order—that the buildings are daily aired, and, during the cold season, properly heated; to provide such tools and materials for the work shops as the council may direct, and to exercise his best judgment in executing their orders, so that the strictest economy may be observed and practised.'

The following may be thought an idle or unmeaning ceremony by some; and by others it may be regarded as the mere imitation of a custom which has long prevailed in some parts of the old world. Be this as it may, we think it one of the brightest and most promising features of the whole plan. The reasons for such a belief, our readers will find elsewhere stated in the pages of this work.


Keeping a Daily Journal.

It shall be the duty of the Governer to examine every candidate presented for admission into the academy, and to fill up the following blank certificate, directed to the president.

Master A. B., born at

Names of his parents.

Their present place of residence.
Their past health.

Their vocation.

The candidate's constitution.

His past health.

His past habits.

His past occupations.

His past opportunities for improvement.
What has been his progress"

His weight.

His height.
Color of his hair.

Size of his head.

A. D.

Has he any hereditary disease?
Has he any incidental diseases?
Has he ever received any local injuries?
Has he any natural defects?
What has been his mode of living?

Has he been obedient?

Has he been guilty of any vices?

Has he ever been whipped or struck, and
if so, for what offence?

For what vocation is he intended?
Has he expressed any choice?

Is he furnished with the necessary cloth-
ing and bedding, &c.?

Provision is to be made for the admission of 150 pupils to the establishment. They must be at least nine, and not over seventeen years of age. The tuition is to be $100 a year, exclusive of board.'

The social, moral and religious duties of the pupils are to be secured by various measures which we have not now room to describe. We understand, however, verbally, from the friends of the school, that religious duties, such as shall be acceptable to the parents of pupils of all denominations of christians, are contemplated; and the written scheme from which we have been permitted to make the foregoing extracts, presents the form and plan of a daily journal, in which it is to be the duty of every pupil to note his experience, whether it be favorable or not; and a false statement by a pupil, is to be regarded as a flagrant offence, and to subject him to loss of reputation in the school, if repeated.

We should like to extend our remarks, and add to our extracts; for if the plan which is contemplated, can be carried out, with some trifling modifications, such as circumstances may suggest in the progress of its execution, we believe it will have great influence in hastening the happy day, when every family-at least in New England-will be a New England Academy; nay, more, a college, or university: and when all which is truly valuable of a collegiate course, and all that is desirable or attainable in regard to physical and moral cultivation and perfection, will be within the reach of every individual who attains to what are commonly called years of maturity.

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