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observes, that in his time, when the most formidable states of the world were subdued by the Romans, the republic sunk into those two vices of a quite different nature, luxury and avarice: and accordingly describes Catiline as one who coveted the wealth of other men, at the same time that he squandered away his own This observation on the commonwealth, when it was in its height of power and riches, holds good of all governments that are settled in a state of ease and prosperity. At such times men naturally endeavour to outshine one another in pomp and splendour, an having no fears to alarm them from abroad, indulge themselves in the enjoyment of all the pleasures they can get into their pos session; which naturally produces avarice, and an immoderate pursuit after wealth and riches.

As I was humouring myself in the speculation of these tw great principles of action, I could not forbear throwing my thoughts into a little kind of allegory or fable, with which I shall here present my reader.

There were two very powerful tyrants engaged in a perpetual war against each other, the name of the first was Luxury, and the second Avarice. The aim of each of them was no less tha universal monarchy over the hearts of mankind. Luxury hai many generals under him, who did him great service, as Pleasure. Mirth, Pomp, and Fashion. Avarice was likewise very strong in his officers, being faithfully served by Hunger, Industry, Care, and Watchfulness: he had likewise a privy-counsellor, who was always at his elbow, and whispering something or other in his ear; the name of this privy-counsellor was Poverty. As Avarice conducted himself by the counsels of Poverty, his antagonist was entire guided by the dictates and advice of Plenty, who was his first counsellor and minister of state, that concerted all his measur for him, and never departed out of his sight. While these tw great rivals were thus contending for empire, their conquests wer very various. Luxury got possession of one heart, and Avarice o another. The father of a family would often range himself unde the banners of Avarice, and the son under those of Luxury. Th wife and the husband would often declare themselves on the twe different parties; nay, the same person would very often side with one in his youth, and revolt to the other in his old age. Indee the wise men of the world stood neuter; but, alas! their number were not considerable. At length when these two potentates ha wearied themselves with waging war upon one another, they agrees upon an interview, at which none of their counsellors were to t present. It is said that Luxury began the parley, and after having represented the endless state of war in which they were engaged told his enemy, with a frankness of heart which is natural to him

that he believed they two should be very good friends, were it not For the instigations of Poverty, that pernicious counsellor, who made an ill use of his ear, and filled him with groundless apprehensions and prejudices. To this Avarice replied, that he looked upon Plenty (the first minister of his antagonist) to be a much more destructive counsellor than Poverty, for that he was perpetually suggesting pleasures, banishing all the necessary cautions gainst want, and consequently undermining those principles on hich the government of Avarice was founded. At last, in order to an accommodation, they agreed upon this preliminary; that th of them should immediately dismiss his privy-counsellor. When things were thus far adjusted towards a peace, all other differences were soon accommodated, insomuch that for the future they resolved to live as good friends and confederates, and to share between them whatever conquests were made on either side. For this reason, we now find Luxury and Avarice taking possession of the same heart, and dividing the same person between them. To which I shall only add, that since the discarding of the counsellors above-mentioned, Avarice supplies Luxury in the room of Plenty, as Luxury prompts Avarice in the place of poverty.

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THE Americans believe that all creatures have souls, not only men and women, but brutes, vegetables, nay even the most inaninate things, as stocks and stones. They believe the same of all the works of art, as of knives, boats, looking-glasses; and that as any of these things perish, their souls go into another world, which isinhabited by the ghosts of men and women. For this reason they always place by the corpse of their dead friend a bow and arrows, that he may make use of the souls of them in the other world, as he did of their wooden bodies in this. How absurd soever such an opinion as this may appear, our European philosophers have maintained several notions altogether as improbable. Some of Plato's followers in particular, when they talk of the world of ideas, entertain us with substances and beings no less extravagant and chimerical. Many Aristotelians have likewise spoken as unintelli



poet, and is such an one as would have shined in Homer o Virgil.

"So thus did both these nobles die,

Whose courage none could stain;
An English archer then perceiv'd
The noble earl was slain.

He had a bow bent in his hand,
Made of a trusty tree,
An arrow of a cloth-yard long
Unto the head drew he.

Against Sir Hugh Montgomery
So right his shaft he set,

The grey-goose wing that was thereon
In his heart-blood was wet.

This fight did last from break of day
Till setting of the sun;

For when rung the evening bell

The battle scarce was done."

One may observe likewise, that in the catalogue of the slain, author has followed the example of the great ancient poets, only in giving a long list of the dead, but by diversifying it little characters of particular persons.

"And with Earl Douglas there was slain

Sir Hugh Montgomery,

Sir Charles Carrel, that from the field
One foot would never fly :

Sir Charles Murrel of Ratcliff too,

His sister's son was he;

Sir David Lamb, so well esteem'd
Yet saved could not be."

The familiar sound in these names destroys the majesty of description; for this reason I do not mention this part of poem but to shew the natural cast of thought which appears i as the two last verses look almost like a translation of Virgil.

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which were too weak to make any impressions in flesh and blood. With this thought he resolved to travel through this intricate wood; when by degrees he felt a gale of perfumes breathing upon Lim, that grew stronger and sweeter in proportion as he advanced. He had not proceeded much farther, when he observed the thorns and briars to end, and give place to a thousand beautiful green trees covered with blossoms of the finest scents and colours, that formed a wilderness of sweets, and were a kind of lining to those rugged scenes which he had before passed through. As he was Coming out of this delightful part of the wood, and entering upon the plains it enclosed, he saw several horsemen rushing by him, and a little while after heard the cry of a pack of dogs. He had Lot listened long before he saw the apparition of a milk-white steed, with a young man on the back of it, advancing upon full stretch after the souls of about an hundred beagles, that were hunting down the ghost of an hare, which ran away before them with an unspeakable swiftness. As the man on the milk-white teed came by him, he looked upon him very attentively, and found him to be the young prince Nicaragua, who died about half a year before, and by reason of his great virtues was at that time lamented over all the western parts of America.

He had no sooner got out of the wood, but he was entertained with such a landscape of flowery plains, green meadows, running streams, sunny hills, and shady vales, as were not to be represented by his own expressions, nor, as he said, by the conceptions of hers. This happy region was peopled with innumerable swarms of spirits, who applied themselves to exercises and diversions, ccording as their fancies led them. Some of them were tossing the figure of a colt; others were pitching the shadow of a bar; thers were breaking the apparition of a horse; and multitudes employing themselves upon ingenious handicrafts with the souls of departed utensils, for that is the name which in the Indian language they give their tools when they are burnt or broken. As he travelled through this delightful scene, he was very often tempted to pluck the flowers that rose everywhere about him in the greatest variety and profusion, having never seen several of them in his own country; but he quickly found, that though they were obects of his sight, they were not liable to his touch. He at length came to the side of a great river, and being a good fisherman himself, stood upon the banks of it some time to look upon an angler that had taken a great many shapes of fishes, which lay flouncing up and down by him.

I should have told my reader, that this Indian had been formerly married to one of the greatest beauties of his country, by whom he had several children. This couple were so famous for their love and constancy to one another, that the Indians to this day, when

would not have hit the taste of so many ages, and have ple the readers of all ranks and conditions. I shall only beg pa for such a profusion of Latin quotations; which I should have made use of, but that I feared my own judgment would looked too singular on such a subject, had not I supported the practice and authority of Virgil.


No. 75. SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1711.

Omnis Aristippum decuit color, et status, et res.
All fortune fitted Aristippus well.

HOR. 1. EP. xvii. .


It is with some mortification that I suffered the raillery of a lady of my acquaintance, for calling in one of my papers,* mant a clown. She was so unmerciful as to take advantag my invincible taciturnity, and on that occasion with great free to consider the air, the height, the face, the gesture of him. could pretend to judge so arrogantly of gallantry. She is fu motion, janty and lively in her impertinence, and one of those commonly pass, among the ignorant, for persons who have a g deal of humour. She had the play of Sir Fopling in her 1 and after she had said it was happy for her there was no charming a creature as Dorimant now living, she began wi theatrical air and tone of voice to read, by way of triumph me, some of his speeches. ""Tis she! that lovely air, that shape, those wanton eyes, and all those melting charms about mouth, which Medley spoke of; I'll follow the lottery, and p for a prize with my friend Bellair."

"In love the victors from the vanquish'd fly;

They fly that wound, and they pursue that die."

Then turning over the leaves, she reads alternately, and speak "And you and Loveit to her cost shall find I fathom all the depths of womankind."

Oh the fine gentleman! admire most, where he

But here, continues she, is the pass begins to tease Loveit, and mimic

*No. 65.

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