RICHARD BAGSHAW, BRYDGES-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN. J. M'Creery, Printer, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-Street. لا Documents, which accompanied the Mes- sage; consisting of correspondence between Mr. Russel and Lord Castlereaglı, and between Sir J. B. Warren and Mr. Monroe, 20, 25. Further documents, accompanying the Mes- sage; consisting of correspondence between Dispatch from Commodore Bainbridge, Speech of the President, on taking the oath Notice to British subjects, 735. Correspondence between Governor Halset AMERICA (British). - Dispatch from Sir G. Dispatch from the same, narrating an ad- AUSTRIA. Conversation between the Empe- 854. Declaration of the Prince Regent against Proclamation of the Prince Regent against the destroyers of machinery, 190. Copy of a letter from the Princess of Wales to the Prince Regent, 227, 262. Letter from the Princess of Wales to the Speaker of the House of Commons, 310. Letters between the Prince and Princess of Wales on their separation, 321, 537. Report of the Privy Council to the Regent, Deposition of Lady Douglas, 374. Letter of Lady Willoughby, 386. Extract from the Register of Brownlow-stree Deposition of Elizabeth Gosden, 386. Reply of Lady Willoughby to Queries, 391. Further Deposition of R. Bidgood, 392, 401. Deposition of Sir F. Millman, 392, 395. Narrative of the Duke of Kent, 396. Letters of the Princess of Wales to the King, skine, 404, 407, 408, 526, 528. The Princess's Vindication, 411, 453. Deposition of Captain Manby, 518. Memorandum of a conversation between Lord Deposition of Jonathan Partridge, 523. Letters of the King to the Princess of Wales, Letters between the Prince and Princess in Letter from Lieut. Chads, on the loss of the Treaty of alliance with Sweden, 867. FRANCE-Address of congratulation from the Senate to the Emperor peror Napoleon, on his Ditto, April 21, 1807, on the same, 364, 366. THE BOOK, 371, 435, 503. The Report of the Four Lords, 371. Copy of the King's Commission, 373. Letters from the Viceroy of Italy, the Prince 252. Proceedings of the Conservative Senate, re- lative to the Regency, &c. 254, 266. Speech of the Emperor to the Legislative | SELECTIONS FROM OTHER PUBLICA- Body, 279. State of the French army in the North, 30th Proceedings of the Senate, on investing the Empress with the Regency, 632.. Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, on the defection of Prussia, 635. Proceedings of the Conservative Senate, on raising additional forces, 638, 665. Proclamation of General St. Cyr, to the in- habitants of the new departments, 694. Military reports transmitted to the Empress, 754,757, 758, 759, 761, 764, 794, 824, 854, Report made by Capt. Baivit, of the Arg- Terms of the armistice between the French GERMANY-Declaration of Bavarian and Order of the Duke of Mecklenburgh to take Proclamation of Gen. Winzingerode, 792. PRUSSIA. Convention signed by Gen. D'York, Note of the Prussian government, remon- strating on the conduct of France, 595. Correspondence on the same subject, be- of a Court of Proprietors of the Resolutions moved by Mr. C. Johnstone, 332. XYZ on the price of beer, 654. 1- |