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J. M'Creery, Printer, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-Street.


Brit, text15


NOV 11 1881

Sumner fund.

Dispatch from Commodore Bainbridge,
lating to the capture of the Java, 594.
Message from the President to the Senate,
on the British system of Licenses, 594.

Speech of the President, on taking the oath
of office, 703, 733.

Notice to British subjects, 735.
Letter froin Captain Lawrence, on the cap-
ture of the Peacock, 765.

Correspondence between Governor Halset
and Commodore Beresford, 768,798.

AMERICA (British). - Dispatch from Sir G.
Prevost, giving an account of the surrender of
General Winchester, 697.

Dispatch from the same, narrating an ad-
vantage obtained at Ogdensburgh, 851.

AUSTRIA. Conversation between the Empe-
ror Napoleon and the Austrian Ambassador,


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Ditto, April 21, 1807, on the same, 364, 366.

THE BOOK, 371, 435, 503.

The Report of the Four Lords, 371.

Copy of the King's Commission, 373.

Letters from the Viceroy of Italy, the Prince
of Eckmuhl, and the Duke of Elchingen, con-
tradicting facts in the Russian bulletins, 192,


Proceedings of the Conservative Senate, re-

lative to the Regency, &c. 254, 266.

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Speech of the Emperor to the Legislative | SELECTIONS FROM OTHER PUBLICA-

Body, 279.

Concordat between the Emperor and the

Pope, 282.

Imperial decree, relative to the Concordat,

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of a Court of Proprietors of the
East India Company, on the correspondence
between the Directors and Government, 140,

Resolutions moved by Mr. C. Johnstone, 332.
Speech of Mr. Whitbread, on Mrs. Lisle's

examination, 482.

Lord Ellenborough, in reply to


XYZ on the price of beer, 654.
Letter of Tranquillus, on the Trinity, 802.
W. Coates, on the same, 846.


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