SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. With a little preparation before recitation, the principles of the "Analysis of Elocution" contained in this book may be taught to a class or school in such a manner as to awaken a genuine interest in the subject. The teacher should lead the exercise, or give the model, and the pupil should follow, without hesitation, as directed. For instance: if the drill is upon Position or Gesture, the teacher will place himself in such a position as to be easily seen by all who take part, (or he may place a student in this conspicuous position, who will repeat the model from the teacher to the class,) and commence with the first position. All having taken it promptly, he will pass to the second. Great care should be taker that all have just the position required; feet separated alike, body at rest, and the same self-control exhibited by each. The ungraceful should be corrected and encouraged. These positions should be repeated every day, in recitation. Whenever the student rises to recite, he may practice position, and, as he proceeds with the recitation, he may practice gesture and vocalization. Having practiced the positions, proceed to the fifteen systematic gestures with the right hand, as represented by the cuts; first to the lower horizontal circle, then the middle, then to the upper, and vary the pitch of voice and force as you progress. Before repeating the sentences have the gestures given in concert, after the teacher, by number, then by the use of the vowel elements, and then by sentences. This exercise may be extended with profit until the school or class, will repeat after the teacher a whole selection, like the "Charge of the Light Brigade," or "Excelsior," with appropriate gestures. For the purpose of cultivating an easy, graceful manner, practice walking and turning until the student can come to rest in the proper position. The teacher will discourage all mannerism, affectation or strutting. If these first principles are successfully introduced, the remainder of the analysis will follow naturally in the order laid down in the book-the teacher always leading the class in a good model. It is not intended in the foregoing drills that the pupils will have books. They follow the teacher. xii SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. For conducting a reading exercise the following plan has been very successful in our experience. Every member of the class should be made to understand the object of loud reading; that it is to convey the thoughts of an author to some person or persons who are supposed to be listening. The reader must understand an author himself before he can make another understand; hence a series of inquiries like the following, before reading, are important: What is the spirit of this selection? Is it Plaintive, Animated, Grave, Declamatory, or Humorous? What quality of voice predominates? Repeat the qualities of voice with their corresponding emotions. What is the author's object in this selection? Can you say anything about the author? After the selection has been read with the teacher in concert, request the different members of the class, separately, to step out and read until called to stop; and while one reads the others listen, with books closed, and show the hand or make some sign, as soon as there is anything that is not understood. Place the class as far from you as is possible, and require them to read standing, with the book in the left hand, the upper part of it held below the chin so as to show the countenance, and permit the free use of the eyes, which should frequently be cast from the book to those who listen. Practice holding the book in concert. 1st. Book in the right hand by the side - first position. 2d. Raise it and open it to place. 3d. Pass it to left hand. 4th. Right hand drop by the side. Great precision and promptness should be insisted on in this drill. In teaching Emphatic Force, let one of the students read alone until the emphatic word or sentence is reached, and then have all the class join their voices to give the expression desired. The students will soon be able to give the required force themselves, individually, by this method. Before every reading exercise, the class should give in concert and individually, if time permits, the elements of the language, exploding the vowels to acquire variety of Force and Pitch, and facility in the inflection of voice. |