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And wheresoe'er we meet again,

On this or that side the equator,

If I've not turned teetotaller then,

And have wherewith to pay the waiter,

To thee I'll drain the modest cup,

Ignite with thee the mild Havannah; And we will waft, while liquoring up,

Forgiveness to the heartless ANNA.

“There stands a city."


YEAR by year do Beauty's daughters, In the sweetest gloves and shawls,

Troop to taste the Chattenham waters, And adorn the Chattenham balls.

6 Nulla non donanda lauru'

Is that city you could not,

Placing England's map before you,
Light on a more favoured spot.

If no clear translucent river

Winds 'neath willow-shaded paths, "Children and adults" may shiver

All day in "Chalybeate baths :"

If "the inimitable Fechter"

Never brings the gallery down,

Constantly "the Great Protector"

There " rejects the British crown:"

And on every side the painter

Looks on wooded vale and plain

And on fair hills, faint and fainter

Outlined as they near the main.

There I met with him, my chosen

Friend-the 'long' but not 'stern swell,'*

Faultless in his hats and hosen,

Whom the Johnian lawns know well::

Oh my comrade, ever valued!

Still I see your festive face;

Hear you humming of "the gal you'd

Left behind" in massive bass:

"The kites know well the long stern swell
That bids the Romans close."-MACAULAY.

See you sit with that composure

On the eeliest of hacks,

That the novice would suppose your

Manly limbs encased in wax:

Or anon,-when evening lent her
Tranquil light to hill and vale,-
Urge, towards the table's centre,

With unerring hand, the squail.

Ah delectablest of summers!


my heart-that "muffled drum"

Which ignores the aid of drummers—

Beats, as back thy memories come!

Oh, among the dancers peerless,

Fleet of foot, and soft of eye!

Need I say to you that cheerless

Must my days be till I die?

At my side she mashed the fragrant

Strawberry; lashes soft as silk

Drooped o'er saddened eyes, when vagrant Gnats sought watery graves in milk:

Then we danced, we walked together;
Talked-no doubt on trivial topics;

Such as Blondin, or the weather,
Which "recalled us to the tropics."

But-oh! in the deuxtemps peerless,
Fleet of foot, and soft of eye!—

Once more I repeat, that cheerless
Shall my days be till I die.

And the lean and hungry raven,

As he picks my bones, will start

To observe M. N.' engraven

Neatly on my blighted heart.


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