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In 1852 Gen. Scott, with Messrs. Franklin Pierce and John P. Hale, were in the field for the presidential race. Mr. Pierce received 1,840 Democratic votes in the county, Gen. Scott 1,727 Whig votes, and Mr. Hale 484 Abolition.

The Republican party was formed at Jackson in 1854. The campaign of 1856 was opened by the nomination of John C. Fremont, "The Pathfinder," on the Republican ticket, James Buchanan on the Democratic, and Millard Fillmore on the "American." The nominee of the Republican party received 2,996 votes from the electors of Jackson county, Mr. Buchanan 2,118, and the Know-Nothing nominee 44.

In 1859-'60 the Republic was a scene of popular discontent. The repeal of the Missouri compromise, the struggles in Kansas, and John Brown's raid, all tended to this end. The Northern States were determined to prevent the extension of slavery, and even resolved to take measures for its abolition in toto. The Southern States were equally determined to perpetuate the terrible stain on the principles of human liberty. The Democratic party allowed divisions to creep into its rank and file, which resulted in the nomination of Stephen A. Douglas for President on the one side, and John C. Breckenridge on the other. The utter defeat of the great Douglas was the result. The Republicans formed a phalanx of determination. At the Chicago convention of 1860 they nominated Abraham Lincoln, succeeded at the polls, and inaugurated him as President of the United States. Austin Blair was elected Governor of Michigan, and in almost every State a determined anti-slavery man was honored with a similar position.

In 1864 President Lincoln was re-elected over Geo. B. McClellan, the Democratic nominee. After the assassination of Lincoln a Tennesseean named Andrew Johnson-the Vice-President-a Unionist, although half a flunkey, became President of the United States.

The Democratic convention of 1868 nominated Horatio Seymour and Francis P. Blair, Jr., for President and Vice-President. The Republicans brought forward U. S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax, and elected their nominees by a popular majority.

The campaign of 1872 opened with the nomination of Horace Greeley for President by the Liberal Republicans; Charles O'Connor, the great lawyer, by the Democrats, and U. S. Grant by the Republicans. The nominee of the latter party reached the White House for his second term.

The choice of James A. Garfield for President in 1880 seems now to be judicious. The party of which he is the acknowledged head took a wise course and baffled the nefarious designs of a host of vampires, who would again hoist a man to the highest position in the State, who would permit them, and perhaps join with them, in sucking the best blood of the Republic. Gen. Hancock, the Democratic nominee, is without stain either in his social or military record. However, the nation acted wisely in abolishing hero worship; and in leaving the gallant General to occupy his comfor

table quarters on Governor's Island. The vote recorded as given by the electors of Jackson to the various candidates for the presidency is as follows: James A. Garfield, 4,486; Winfield S. Hancock, 3,744; James B. Weaver, National Greenback, 1,810; and Neal Dow, Prohibition, 117.


The meeting of Whigs, held at Jackson Sept. 27, 1837, was attended by many of the pioneers, including those of the following well-known names : Norman Allen, Zina Allen, Russell Blackman, Horace Blackman, N. Bayne, Benah Bean, J. C. Burnell, C. P. Cowden, John Callar, R. W. Chamberlin, L. Calkin, J. N. Dwight, Wm. R. De Land, R. Davis, I. A. Dyer, John Daniels, John Durand, John T. Durand, I. Darling, P. Farrand, Heman Fassett, H. H. Gilbert, Samuel Hamlin, Reuben Hollister, Thomas Jenkins, W. W. Laverty, Lyman Lewis, George Monroe, Stephen Monroe, Stephen Town, Leander McCane, John McConnell, Nathaniel Morrell, Lyman Pease, S. F. Richardson, Nicholas Sullivan, James McKee, Ralph Stiles, Amos Temple, Peter C. Vreland, Samuel Wing, G. W. Woodworth, S. Woodworth, P. Williams, Jotham Wood, George Weston, Enos Wheeler, Ansel Wing, Jonas Wing.

The meeting was organized by the appointment of Phineas Farrand, president, and J. C. Burnell, secretary. The persons whose names are given above were appointed delegates to the county convention held at Jacksonburgh seven days later. P. Farrand, D. T. Dwight and J. C. Burnell were appointed a town corresponding committee, and the president, secretary, and Norman Allen were appointed a committee to draft a series of resolutions, expressive of the sense of the meeting. The resolutions were submitted and approved, and so the voice of the people, seeking for their liberties, went forth from the village to be re-echoed throughout the State.



Of all the peculiarities of man, there are none so comically strange as those drawn forth during the progress of a political conEnthusiasm is rampant, and that which men would fear to speak or act in calmer days is made patent to the world. In the campaign of 1840, the Tippecanoe boys of Jackson and the towns in the neighborhood, were excited to the sticking point, and May 9, 1840, assembled at Monroe's tavern for the purpose of doing something, or anything. The morning was miserably cold and wet, yet the boys were all there, with teams, axes, spades, and all the rude paraphernalia of men who are determined on some desperate work. Their ardor conquered every opposition, and before the night crept on, the logs were brought to the location, the cabin erected, and the lofty pole of liberty raised. The cabin stood on

J. T. Durand's lot, opposite the Sentinel office. Mr. Durand furnished many of the logs, while Culver and Stone, of Leoni, presented the liberty pole.



This was

The Sentinel and Democrat, of 1840, were often guilty of indulging in the extraordinary and complimentary (?) language, which the journalists of that day were so skilled in using. April, 1840, while "Winter lingered in the lap of Spring," the Presidential campaign was opened at Jackson by the Democratic party, and a scathing editorial appeared in the journal representing that platform. The following week the Sentinel gave up its second page to a eulogy of Gen. Harrison, with a small paragraph devoted to the Democratic editor, his fierce opponent. headed "No WONDER," and took the following peculiar form: "The old woman of the Michigan Democrat has been shaking with the ague like mad, for a day or two! Well, really, when a loco-foco editor (?) sings out, Hurrah for Harrison;-hurrah for Woodbridge,' and calls himself an old woman, is it any wonder, at all, that he should take to shaking like 60? We rather guess not. Well, 'go it,' old woman; we hope Mr. Ague will shake the evil spirits out of you before he takes his leave. Again, under the head of 'WELLERISM,' is written: "Who the d-1 throwed that stone? as the old woman of the Michigan Democrat said when the feller threw a rotten egg between his eyes."


Then rally, ye log-cabin Democrats all;
'Tis Gratitude's, Justice's, Liberty's call;
As Harrison has always conquered his foes,
E'en thus will he use up the loco-focos.

So, Huzza for old Tip, and God save the Union!


The editor of the Sentinel, desiring to reassure his constituents of his unswerving loyalty to party, announced his intention to be present at Fort Meigs, thus: We are all, save the d-1 (and he wants to go bad enough) going to attend the jubilee at Fort Meigs the first week in June, 1840, and shall therefore be unable to issue a regular sheet until after our return.

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A lengthy communication from Wm. H. Pease, of Grass Lake, dated Oct. 22, 1845, appeared in the columns of the Patriot, Oct. 28. It dealt with the subjects of judicial reform, reduction of salaries, and sale of railroads most rationally, and, without doubt, would essay to carry out his opinions in the Chamber of Repre

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sentatives; yet the vote of the district, returned shortly afterward, deprived him of an honor which he merited. Hon. Austin Blair, Marcus Wakeman and Frederick A. Kennedy were elected on the occasion to represent the county in the State Legislature.


The appointment of Warner Wing as the successor of Judge Filch in the second judicial circuit, was as unsatisfactory as it was impolitic, on the part of Gov. Barry. The new judge did not belong to the Bar of the circuit, his acquaintance with the people was of the most limited character, and his knowledge of the duties devolving on such an office, not superior to that possessed by lawyers residing in the district, over which he was appointed. The disaffection of the people was apparent; as the act of the outgoing governor promised to his appointee a short tenure of office, and thus deprived his successor of the privilege of commissioning a lawyer, whose presidency of the Circuit Court would be hailed with expressions of satisfaction.


The year 1845 was one of intense political enthusiasm throughout the country. Sixteen years after the first settlement of this tract-years of toil and anxiety-men began to seek all those high privileges which form the birthright of the American citizen, and consequently to demand a share in the government of the State. Hitherto power was vested in what is named the "ruling class;" but now the time had come when the people claimed their heritage, and an opportunity to rectify the errors of impolitic men and measures. Conventions were held with telling results,-liberal, broad-minded men expressed themselves, new ideas were enunciated to be fostered, and reform, pure and simple, resolved upon. In the midst of this righteous agitation, three citizens of Jackson addressed Judge Felch, submitting to him five inquiries, the answers to which would be neither instructive and conciliating to the people, nor enigmatical in themselves, and humiliating to the respondent. It is not stated what cause prompted this letterpresumably patrotism; probably a desire to obtain additional knowledge; or, likely, a wish to draw forth from the judge a review of his policy, by which electors might be guided. The letter and Mr. Felch's reply are able documents, but too voluminous for these pages.


In 1845 the State Railroad Commissioner and W. F. Storey, of the Patriot, were not particularly friendly. The latter, doubtless, was a close observer of men and events, a terrible enemy of him

who opposed the interests of Jackson county, or of its county-seat, and a regular slayer of its avowed opponents. Commissioner Comstock may have done something detrimental to the city interests, and so he is honored with this flattering editorial notice: "Jackson is a favorite point with Commissioner Comstock, we think. Train after train of empty cars have recently passed us going to Marshall, and on Sunday seven returned empty to Albion, there being no more freight at Marshall. At Jackson 40,000 bushels of wheat await shipment, and a large portion of this has been in store since the break at Ypsilanti. O. C. Comstock, Jr., is no more fit for commissioner than the devil is for paradise. Them's the sentiments of the people of this county. He had better resign and let some boy be appointed." This comical reference to a most popular and able commissioner was suggested by an idea, originating in the editorial mind, that he opposed the interests of the Jackson people.


A convention of the Democrats of Jackson county was held in the county court-house, Sept. 3, 1846. The meeting was organized by the appointment of Paul B. Ring, chairman, A. F. Bolton and Marcus Wakeman, vice-presidents, with Michael Shoemaker and B. C. Hatch, secretaries. The delegates from the townships presented their credentials, and took their seats as members of the convention, in the following order:

Jackson: Simon Peterson, Henry Tisdale, P. B. Ring, W. J. Moody, John Yarrow, A. Ford, David Markham, M. Wakeman, J. D. Davis, G. W. Logan, Charles Mooney, I. L. Tobey, Charles Boyce, S. W. Stowell, J. B. Pierce, C. L. Wing, Walter Fish.

Concord J. Reynolds, J. Stevens, J. Van Warmer.

Liberty--R. C. Sanborn, F. Pierce, B. Harrington, L. Thompson

Hanover--H. S. Skinner, A. Brown, B. C. Hatch, F. A. Kennedy, J. Crittenden. Parma--H. S. Hollister.

Sandstone--John Rouse, P. Lane, C. H. Rouse, L. Bascomb.

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Pulaski--H. C. Hodge, Ira Wilbur, J. Thorn.

Spring Arbor-H. S. Holcomb, H. H. Hammond, H. Anson.

Napoleon-A. F. Bolton, N. B. Lemm, J. P. Elliot, C. Calver, R. C. Baker, J H. Wells, and J. Slayton.

Leoni-M. Shoemaker, S. Higby, H. C. Orendorf, I. C. Backus.

Grass Lake--W. L. Palmer, Robert Lawrence, H. H. Bingham, N. S. Palmer.

Delegate J. D. Davis' motion "that the county be divided into eight districts " was carried, and 18 members of the convention elected to represent the people of Jackson at the Congressional and Senatorial convention to be held subsequently. A series of motions presented by Ruel E. Baker was accepted. The first declared that Jackson county ought to have the nominee to Congress from the second district; another, that the nomination of David Johnson should be secured by all honorable means, and a third, that a committee should be appointed to wait upon David Johnson, and request him to address the convention.

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