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wood." Some advantages, however, it possesses and have at times been published by general reover either of these. The magnificent growth quest. We attended a meeting of this Club, and of the live oak and dense foliage of the magno- we trust it will be considered no impropriety in lia, which break the monotony of the extended us to say, that the essay of our host was as well level surface, are not to be seen in a colder lati- considered as his hospitality was graceful. This tude. The walks and drives about the Magno- Club numbers among its members many gentlelia Cemetery are laid out with great taste, and men well-known to the whole country, of whom in the distance the waters of the Cooper River we venture to mention Rev. Dr. Bachman, Rev. sparkle in the sunlight. It is an amiable instinct Dr. Gilman, Judge King and Prof. S. H. Dickby which we are led to adorn the resting-places son. There is also another Club of a similar of our departed friends, and erect monuments to character, among the younger men of Charlestheir memory. We envy not the philosophy of ton, in whose agreeable circle we spent a pleashim who regards these testimonials of love with ant evening. indifference. The pride of man, indeed, sometimes manifests itself upon the tomb, and stately A showy and commodious edifice is the Charlescenotaphs are erected to perpetuate unworthy ton Hotel-the headquarters in this city of the names. But these manifestations may be more travelling public. Four stories in height, it prereadily pardoned than that cold and unfeeling neg-sents a handsome Corinthian façade, and is most lect which leaves no stone to mark the spot where conveniently arranged for the purposes of a hotel, the remains of a loved one are deposited. The having fine halls and staircases, and being lighted very sentiment which plants the rose by the hil- with gas. But wo to the unlucky bachelor, who, lock disdains the mockery of monumental os- alighting at the door from the huge omnibus of tentation. It is eminently a Christian senti- the proprietor, (a vehicle about as large as the ment. "Pyramids, arches, obelisks," quaintly Trojan horse,) and admiring the architectural remarks Sir Thomas Browne, "were but the ir- proportions of the building, supposes that he will regularities of vain-glory, and the wild enormi- find comfortable quarters within! Packed away ties of ancient magnanimity. But the most in a box of a room upon the highest floor, unamagnanimous resolution rests in the Christian ble to establish a connection, per bell-rope, with religion which trampleth upon pride, and sits on the neck of ambition, humbly pursuing that infallible perpetuity, unto which all others must diminish their diameters, and be poorly seen in angles of contingency.*"

the office, or to obtain an answer to a real alarum, and compelled to struggle for a seat at the dinner table, he will soon be convinced that "the prose of its performance corresponds not with the poetry of its profession." We are persuaded that no one who has not sojourned at the Charleston Hotel, has any notion of the rapidity with which dinner can be dispatched. The soup is gone in a twinkling, the fish follows without loss of time, the roasts and joints disappear amid general confusion and uproar, the ducks are

The statue of Calhoun, by Powers, constitutes a prominent object of interest to the visitor in Charleston. It occupies a very unfortunate position in a cheerless apartment of the City Hall. It would be unfair to form an opinion of it as a work of art, while it stands in so bad a light, to say nothing of its discoloration by the salt-water and its mutilation in the loss of the right arm. The figure, however, is very noble, and the like. ness well nigh perfect. The State of South while the ice-cream, type of all transitory things, Carolina should erect a suitable temple wherein is but to enshrine this majestic effigy of her great states


There is an excellent association in Charleston, known as the "Literary Club," which assembles weekly at the house of some one of its members, for the purpose of discussing a literary topic and a good supper. The gentleman giving the entertainment reads an essay, and the mem bers are expected to come prepared to submit some remarks on the subject treated, which has been previously announced. These efforts are not unfrequently of the highest literary merit,

* Urn-Burial.

"like the rainbow's lovely form Evanishing amid the storm,"

"A moment white, then gone forever."

Altogether the dining-room is a scene of extraordinary hurry, not unlike Sir Francis Head's description of the General Post Office at London when the great mail is about to close. We ought, perhaps, to mention that the hotel has a reading room, where, by a judicious arrangemeut, the newspapers are placed upon file about a fortnight after their publication.

as Charleston, no parks or pleasure-grounds It is a little remarkable, that in so large a city

should have been laid off and enclosed. The

want of these is, in some degree, compensated a taste for the fine arts. As the day advanced by a pleasant promenade known as "The Bat- we approached St. Helena Sound, where we tery,” which is a broad pavement, extending for were to go inside again, and just as we rose from two-thirds of a mile along the margin of the bay. a well-served dinner, our steamer made a landFronting this promenade, throughout its whole ing at Beaufort, which is situated some miles extent, across a wide carriage-way, are large and from sea on a narrow frith. Here we stopped elegant residences with spacious gardens attach-long enough to get a good view of the town ed. The Battery is a favorite resort, during the which is only remarkable for the exceeding neatSpring and Summer months, after the heat of ness and elegance of its private residences. Emthe day is over and the sea-breeze begins to blow. barking again, a few hours brought us, by the Atone extremity of the long walk just mentioned, light of the stars, to the cheerful and gas-illuan attempt has been made with partial success, mined city of to reclaim an acre or two from the sea and arrange it as a park. The residences in Charleston are generally of brick and stucco, and are If we were called upon to describe Savannah, designed more for comfort than architectural dis- in a single phrase, as John Randolph described play, presenting almost an infinitude of rambling Washington, we should be at a loss whether to porticos not unlike the inner court of an old fash- call it the city of squares or the city of sandioned inn. The humid atmosphere very soon hills. We have never seen sand so deep anydiscolors the stucco, and not unfrequently a house, where else, nor have we ever seen a city so beauwhich is embellished with works of art and fitted up with every refinement of luxury, exhibits to the passer-by a dilapidated and ruinous appearance. After all, the great charın of Charleston is its polished and delightful society—its men and wo


We should like to say something of our personal observation on this point, we should like also to speak of the agreeable circles we saw elsewhere in the State, we should like to describe a visit to Mr. W. Gilmore Simms, the poet and novelist, whom we found among his books, at his country-seat, remote from noise of town, and a day spent with the young and gifted Legaré, but we may not do this, without hazard of trenching on the sacred confidence of hospitality, and we forbear.

It was a neatly furnished and comfortable steamer, commanded by a polite and gentlemanlike captain, that took us off one delicious day to Savannah. A soft and beautiful haze hung, like


tifully ornamented with parks. These are indeed small, but they occur at every intersection of the streets, so that the town above the water line is but a succession of Courts. Along the wharves, there is a broad street, with a continuous row of mercantile offices and warehouses, where a large and elegant Custom House of blue granite has just been erected. This street presents an animated appearance of business, with its huge piles of cotton, and the tall masts of ships on the other side.

The principal hotel in Savannah is pleasantly situated, fronting the largest of the public squares, in the centre of which stands a tall marble monument to the memory of Pulaski. The reader will remember that this brave officer fell in the attack on Savannah made by Count D'Estaing. The hotel takes its name from the shaft, and is known as the Pulaski House.

Among the social attentions shown to the stran

ger in Savannah, there is one that we feel at lib-
erty to mention the invitations to the meetings
of the Quoit Club. This body is composed of
the most prominent and influential gentlemen of
the city, and their sports are celebrated in a hand-
reunions are held than these.
some grove on the outskirts. No more agreeable

delicate drapery, over the sea, which lay before us as serene and unbroken as the Lake of Como. In three quarters of an hour, we were fairly outside the bar, from which our route lay for fifty miles over the ocean itself, the white rim of the South Carolina coast being seen on our right, and on our left the illimitable waste of waters. There were a goodly number of passengers in Such persons as are antiquarian in their tastes the cabin, and quite a crowd on the forward deck, should endeavor, by all means, in visiting Saamong whom were Joan of Arc, the infant Sam-vannah, to catch a glimpse of the costly and uel, Godfrey of Bouillon, the Venus di Medici and beautiful library of Alexander A. Smets, Esq., other illustrious individuals. It may be as well and the immense collection of autographs in the to state, lest we should be suspected of leaning possession of I. K. Tefft, Esq. We spent some to the doctrine of the metempsychosis that these days in examining these treasures, thanks to the latter personages were in plaster, and under the kind and courteous disposition of these estimable charge of a lazy Italian boy, with a rich brown gentlemen, and we should assuredly say somecomplexion, who was carrying them to Savan-thing here of the rare and choice things we saw nah, to infuse among the inhabitants of that city amongst their books and MSS., but that we con

sider them worthy of more extended notice. We shall defer our remarks, therefore, till we are able to prepare a suitable account of these wonderful collections. Since the death of the late Mr. Upcott of England, Mr. Tefft has no compeer as a collector, and he has done more, perhaps, by means of his penchant for autographs, to illustrate the history of the Southern country than any other individual. It would be hard to find any one better versed in historical learning than Mr. Tefft. As the founder of the Georgia Historical Society, an institution whose labors are known everywhere, he has achieved for himself an enduring reputation.

A beautiful drive of four miles, out of Savan. nah, through over-arching trees, takes you to one of the loveliest spots in the world-Bonaventure. We bestow this high encomium on the authority of Mr. Bryant, who has travelled in both hemispheres and whose appreciation of the beauties of nature will scarcely be called in question. Bonaventure was formerly the country seat of the Tatnall family, and was afterwards for some time abandoned. Recently it has been appropriated as a place of interment, and assuredly no more suitable spot could have been cho

And sported in Toccoa's spray,
Brings music from its mountain home.

The clouds that, floating o'er the sky,

Here cast at times a fitful gloom-
As o'er our hearts dark memories fly-
Cast deeper shade on Tatnall's tomb;
While glimmering onward to the sea,
With scarce a rippling wave at play,
A line of silver through the lea—
The river stretches far away!

And 'tis the hour when stars above
Reflect the spirit's inner light,
And the lost Pleiads of my love
Are kindling in my heart to-night.
I hear a footfall on the sand,

I feel an arm within my own ;-
Full often, in a distant land,

I've listened to that trembling tone.

Night darkens into deeper shade

As on, with solemn pace, we stroll;—
I hear the teachings of the dead,
Like sacred music in my soul;—
So live and act while thou art here
That when thy course of life is done,
Above the stars thou may'st not fear
To meet thy father's face, my son!

When we had left Savannah and its attrac

sen for a rural cemetery. Two avenues of trees tions many miles behind us, the quiet beauty of environ the grounds, and such trees-the live Bonaventure still recurred to our mind as someoak-as we never saw before. Temple street thing vaguely remembered in a dream.


in New Haven, in summer, is thought to be a marvel in growth, its gigantic elms interlacing their branches so as to form a perfect Gothic arch "All aboard," said the conductor. The depot to the eye. But Bonaventure's oaks present a of the South Carolina Rail Road was filled with yet nobler nave, while from the branches above, a dense crowd of people as the morning trains the gray moss hangs drooping in streams. The were about to start for Hamburg and Columbia. solemn serenity of the spot, afar from the habi- In a comfortable car of the latter, we were quitations of men, consorts well with the idea of a etly seated at the moment the signal for deparsanctuary. As we walked down the dim aisles, ture was given. We had previously negotiated flecked with little spots of sunshine that had with a peripatetic fruit-woman for some bananas, struggled through the trees, we could not help and with a newsboy, who, we are sorry to say, thinking how infinitely greater must be the Ar- had worse books to sell in his basket, for the last chitect who constructs such temples as this, than number of Harper, and as the train went whirlany vain builder of earth's proudest fanes. Boing through the swamps at the rate of thirty-five naventure has had its poet. As a pleasing piece of descriptive verse, we quote from a native bard* the following stanzas on


Bonaventure by Starlight.

Along a corridor I tread,

High over-arched by ancient trees Where, like a tapestry o'erhead,

The gray moss floats upon the breeze;A weary breeze, that kissed to-day Tallulah's falls of flashing foam,

miles an hour, we regaled ourselves with the tropical esculent, and read in the diverting pages of Pisistratus Caxton, how Riccabocca espoused Miss Jemima, and how the Squire made a peaceoffering of the stocks.

We entered Columbia about sunset, and were struck with its beautiful situation, as the last rays of the orb of day, (which Mr. G. P. R. James has so often described,) gilded the highest points of the town. Here we encountered the first decided hill we saw in South Carolina, and from

*“TALLULAH, AND OTHER POEMS. By Henry R. Jack-the table-land on which Columbia is built, we had Savannah : John M. Cooper. 1850." Our thanks a panoramic view of a magnificent waste of are due to the author for a copy of this work, which we dense pine forests stretching away, like the sea, as boundless and as blue. The landscape is unrelieved from entire monotony, by the entrance

hail as a valuable accession to Southern Literature. Had

Mr. Jackson been a native of Boston, he would long ago have had a national reputation.

of the Broad and Saluda Rivers which here unite | It is called the Moultrie House. This object, to form the Congaree. however, soon fades away in the distance, and The chief object of interest in Columbia is we are again out upon the ocean, where we are South Carolina College, an institution of very to spend the night. Supper over, and bedtime high and deserved repute, which is nobly and approaching, we retire below, where the majority munificently sustained by the State. The build- of the passengers have preceded us, and are ings which have been erected from time to time, stowed away in their berths. As we get into as occasion demanded, occupy a large piece of ours, and for sometime afterwards, we are enground, and enclose a park or " Campus" in pa- tertained with the following dialogue between rallelogram shape, planted with the Pride of In- two of our compagnons du voyage. The appeardia tree. The library of this college embraces ance of the parties we can not describe, as only 18,000 volumes, and is arranged in a fine build- their heads were visible, the one enveloped in a ing constructed for the purpose. The great room saffron-coloured night-cap, and the other displayis exactly similar to the hall of the Library of ing a ferocious redundancy of red hair and whisCongress. The Librarian, an intelligent gentle-kers.

man, who seemed to know something of the Night-cap. "This is the boat that ran into treasures committed to his keeping, very courte- the North Carolina, some years ago."

ously showed us the most sumptuous works in the collection, among which were many costly folio volumes illustrated in the highest style of European art. Virginia can show no such library as this within her broad limits, and we repeat that the support given by South Carolina to the College by means of which it has been accumulated, is noble. We visited also the Hall of the Euphradian Society, a very beautiful room adorned with portraits of some of its distinguished exmembers, and among them Chancellor Harper. The rival literary association, we were told, has quite as elegant an apartment, where a portrait of Hugh S. Legaré is preserved. The professors of the College are men of the highest attainments, and some of them of the widest fame in science. Such names as Thornwell, Preston and Lieber are enough to illustrate any institution.

Red Whiskers. "Yes."

Night-cap. "The other one warn't long in sinking, was she?"


Red Whiskers.

"About ten minutes." Night-cap, (con expressione.) "You don't say How long ago was that?"

Red Whiskers. "About fifteen years." Night-cap. "Suppose we should run agin another boat to-night, we'd be apt to go down ourselves, wouldn't we?"

Red Whiskers. "Think we should, the boat ain't as strong as she was." Enter small negro boy. Night-cap. Boy, were you aboard when this boat run agin the North Carolina ?" Boy. No, sir."

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Night-cap. "How old are you ?”
Boy. "Ten years old, sir."

Night-cap, (with the air of one making a discovery.) "Then you couldn't have been aboard. How's the weather?"

Boy. “Pretty fair, sir.”

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Columbia, though it contains not more than 6,000 inhabitants, can boast some of the finest private residences and gardens in the United States. The climate is favorable to the growth Night-cap. No knowing, though, whether of the rarest exotics, and in the open parterres, we shan't have a storm before morning. I the stranger will see plants which in the North- shouldn't like a storm in this boat." ern cities can only flourish in green-houses. The Red Whiskers. "Nor I."

society here is elegant and refined, and nowhere, perhaps, in America, are the wealthier class more highly cultivated in polite letters. We could have lingered gladly in this town for weeks, but the time of our holiday was near its close, and we were therefore constrained to leave it, after a brief sojourn, and travel


Ouce more in Charleston, but with P. P. C. intentious-a day at the hotel-and we are on board the Wilmington boat passing Sullivan's Island. Here we see a gigantic house, with a corridor all around it, which is designed as a summer resort for those who like sea-bathing, and will be opened early the ensuing season.


Night-cap. "Strikes me, there's danger of fire. If we catched fire, we should be gone sure enough."

"Devilish amusing conversation that," said our neighbour in the next berth.

"Very," said we, and composed ourselves to sleep.

Early next morning we reached Wilmington, and passed through the smoke of its turpentine distilleries, and after eight hours ride, through the dreary and monotonous region of the pine swamps of North Carolina, at the rate of twentyfive miles an hour, we alighted at Weldon where we were informed we should be compelled to spend the night in consequence of damages to the railroad by a rise in the Roanoke. The arrange

ments of the Weldon hotel by no means justi-acquaintance with music, we disclaim any of fied the name it bore, and as the only accom-that refinement of taste which` distinguished the modations it could afford were already engaged Count, of whom Lord Byron tells us that

"No Venetian audience could endure a
Song, scene or air when he cried "seccatura!"

and our opinion as to the relative merits of Jenny
and Parodi may therefore go for little, but we
must say that while the dark-eyed Genoese has
delighted us, she has laid us under no spell such
as we experienced from the sorcery of the Swede.
Jenny will soon be in Baltimore on her return
Must we again put
from the South and West.
forth our petition in verse that she will revisit

by the passengers from the North, who had arrived before us, we walked by moonlight, three miles, to the well-known village of Gareysburg, the Gretna Green of Virginia, which village consists of the habitation and outhouses of Major Garey, a rotund and hospitable Boniface, who ties the knot for the despairing fugitives that resort to him for better, for worse." Supper of Major Garey, good-bed, comfortable-breakfast, next morning, very excellent. Learn with dismay that we do not leave till three o'clock, P. M. Fellow travellers, who had remained at Weldon all night, begin to arrive-grumblinghad slept in the cars. Banjo player amongst them, who diverts us with "Nelly was a Lady," and other melodies. Look over library of our Landlord-Fox's Book of Martyrs-some old numbers of Messenger-odd volume of Farmer's Cemetery," near Charleston, S. C. It is from Register-Testament and North Carolina Almanac. Get up foot-race between small negro boys-150 yards for a dime. Banjo-player performs sentimental pieces for lady-passengers. Dinner. Afterwards the train. Next day, our Excursion was done, and we were again engrossed with our toilsome pursuits, in the atmosphere of home.

Editor's Cable.

We do not know when we have read a more beautiful poem thau the following Ode, which was sung at the recent dedication of " Magnolia

the pen of HENRY H. TIMROD, Esq. whom we take this occasion to introduce to our readers as our esteemed correspondent AGLAUS."

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Whose was the hand that painted thee, O Death!
If there indeed be coldness in thy breath,
With naught but terror in thy form and mien ?

Is it not musical of things unseen?

Thou rather should'st be crown'd with fadeless flowers;

At least, if men will choose a darker hue,

Be thy fit couch amid funereal bowers,

But let the stars and sunlight sparkle through.

So, with that truth before us, we have fixed

And beautified, O Death! thy mansion here-
Where gloom and gladness-grave and garden-mixed,
Make it a place to love, and not to fear.

Heaven, shed thy most propitious dews around!
Ye holy stars, look down with tender eyes!
And guard with love, and consecrate the ground,
Where we may rest, and whence we pray to rise!

A friend in New York writes to us thus pleasantly of theatricals there—

Parodi has just left us, and is now with the Charlestonians. Under the musical direction of Strakosch, and accompanied by Patti, the Germania Band and other celebrities, she gave several successful concerts here. Her voice is singularly rich and full, sweet as honey distilled from Hymettus and sustained as an utterance of Euterpe's flutes-yet does she not cause us to forget the almost celestial strains of the charming Jenny Lind, whose empery in song may not be dispu"I sent you, a few days ago, a bill of Brougham's Lyted. Parodi's most wonderful success is in the ceum giving the programme of a most amusing burlesque lower notes to which she descends with such World's Fair,' in which the whole upper ten of the gods now nightly drawing crowds at that Theatre, called the effect as to cause us to mistake her voice, at first, and goddesses appear. It seems old Jupiter happened to for a contralto. She does not rise, like Jenny, see in a newspaper-the Herald-an account of the great to those higher regions, where the clouds never exhibition to be held in London next summer, and, being rest and eternal sunlight reigus. There is, in-he determined to have a World's Fair himself, a grand in rather a listless mood and sadly in want of amusement, deed, a completeness in her rendering of the more difficult passages of Rossini that leaves nothing to be desired, but we are never startled by the exhibition of transcendant power, nor do we seem to see in her the visible presence of the muse. We make no pretension to a critical

collection of the fair (sex) of all nations-which resolution was forthwith put into effect. The whole conversations are carried on in doggrel and abound in witty and funny local hits. Mary Taylor as Columbia is the star of the them," When first I saw Parodi," she describes the fapiece, and sings a great many amusing songs; in one of mous occasion in which that interesting child of genius

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