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Editor's Cable.

the increased duties of its editors, but we recognize in the editorial department of the Dollar Magazine the peculiar talent of an invaluable assistant whose paragraphs are always piquant

and fresh.

side of that town!

The leading article in the present number of our magazine so far exceeds the limits ordinarily assigned to such dissertations, that we think it Our correspondent "L. I. L." writes us : proper to say a word or two to our readers con"I have just met with a number of the 'Winchester cerning it, lest they should complain of the lack Republican,' in which I am taken to task for a represenof our usual variety of contents. The length of tation in the article published in your last number, styled the article is not greater than that of like papers opportunity to inform its readers that the 'Round Hill,' 'Recollections of Sully.' The Republican embraces the in the Edinburgh or Quarterly Review, but we (at the foot of which Mr. Sully states that General Danshould nevertheless have given it in two numbers, iel Morgan was buried,) is four miles to the west of Winif it had been capable of division without inter-chester, whereas the old Southern Church, in whose graverupting unreasourably the thread of the argument. yard the General lies, is, in reality, in and on the opposite We are sure we need not ask the reader's thought"It is an undeniable fact, that the Round Hill, (as a spur ful attention to the article itself, which presents, of the North Mountain is here called,) is in truth some disin our judgment, the most philosophical exami-tance to the west of the fine old town which thus lies benation we have ever seen of the great question of Labour and Capital. The writer is one of the first scholars in the Southern States, and he has made himself fully acquainted with the subject under treatment before entering upon its discussion. The reader who has been observant of the signs of the times, who has watched the throes and convulsions of English Chartism, followed the march of the phalanx from the closet of Fourier to a foothold on our own shores, and read the wild eloquence of Alton Locke, will regard this article, we are sure, as "words fitly spoken" and spoken not one moment too soon.

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tween the western and the eastern ranges guarding the passes of the great valley; but if the editor of the Repubignoring for the moment with averted eyes the Boston tulican will some morning take a holiday from his task, and mults, the South Carolina agitations, and the intelligence of breathless interest' just arrived by the last steamer, make his way over the fine new turnpike, which is a delightful road except where the unbroken granite lames his by giant pines purposely felled on the track;—if he will horse, a charming highway wherever it is unobstructed seek on some fine, clear morning that point of the Ridge dubbed the Blue Ball,' and there gaze upon Winchester, which by this time is melting into a speck upon the horiexpression, at the foot of the Round Hill yonder where zon, he will at once comprehend the truth of Mr. Sully's

you see the smoke of Winchester rise!"

"It is a mortifying fact indeed that the ancient border sentinel, which occupied in times past so important a post, should be a mere detail in the landscape when the mountains come in play, but so it is. From this point the three or four paltry miles disappear in the perspective, and the smoke of Winchester curls round the summit of the Round Hill!'"'

The Dollar Magazine has recently passed into the hands of the Duyckincks of "The Literary World," and has thereby greatly improved. We hope to see it generously encouraged, as a home magazine, for the fact is not to be disguised, that those literary omnibusses, the International and Harper's New Monthly are exercising a most de- We are glad to notice that our friend Tuckerpressing influence upon intellectual effort among man has collected into book form the many very our own authors. Publishers who pay for origi- beautiful poems that have appeared under his nal production cannot compete with publishers name from time to time, in the magazines and who have their material already supplied gratui- newspapers for some years past. Although his tously, any more than a tailor who pays a heavy reputation rests chiefly on his essays, which are duty upon foreign cloths can turn out coats as beyond all question the best that our country has cheaply as your suip who smuggles them. Indeed produced, Mr. Tuckerman has written much the illustration is hardly strong enough, for these better verse than many who base their claims to magazines appropriate rather than smuggle, and the honors of the literary class solely upon porealize their immense profits upon the unreward- etical effort. Indeed we think that had Mr. ed labour of English writers. The International, Tuckerman never written a line of prose at all, it is true, publishes a modicum of original mat- he would still be fairly entitled to rank with the ter (by far the most uniformly attractive and in- most pleasing litterateurs of the day; and in our teresting portion of the work,) prepared by a judgment he may wear the laurel with any of hand at once practised and graceful, but the sta- the verse-makers around us. It is a remarkable ple of its contents is pirated. The Literary fact that the heartiest recognition of Mr. TuckWorld has lost none of its interest by reason of erman's merits has come from the South. The

the portrait was finished, I took it down to Richmond, ex

greater portion of his "Characteristics of Liter- | portrait of Patrick Henry from the documents laid before ature" appeared originally in this magazine, him, and to charge his own price for the same. When (though the Northern papers have studiously ig-pressly for the purpose of submitting it to the inspection of nored the fact,) and the most elaborate and sat- those who had given me information to aid in painting it, isfactory examination of his style that has yet and others who had personally known Mr. Henry from appeared, adorned the pages of the Southern his youth. My first call was on Chief Justice MarshallQuarterly Review. The fact is, Mr. Tucker- Placing the portrait before him, I said— Judge Marshall, can you tell me whose portrait that is?' He replied,— man is much too contemplative a writer, and That is Patrick Henry, and an excellent likeness of him adopts far too just and cautious an use of lan- it is.' At this time Judge Marshall did not know that guage to suit the Northern section, where the ex-I was engaged in the publication. I next waited on Col. travagant and bizarre are as much sought after Preston, the Governor of Virginia, who agreed in what in letters as in all things else. Perhaps it may Judge Marshall had said. B. Waller, Esq., David Robertson, Dr. Foushee, and others, also pronounced it an too much to hope that Tuckerman's poems will excellent likeness.” go through many editions in this prosaic age, we may at least trust that the present supply will meet with appreciative purchasers.



The Historical Society have been fortunate in securing a copy of this picture from the hand of the master, a copy, which is indeed fully equal to the original in all respects. We should not forget to add that the work was a gift of the artist to the Society, and is on that account doubly valuable.

Speaking of poetry, we are reminded of the surprise expressed by our contributor who reviews Mr. Simms in the foregoing pages of this uumber, that no complete edition of his poetical works has yet been put forth. Will not Russell of Charleston take the matter in hand, and give us a volume of them, in such a style as his well-dio, before his departure.

known taste would suggest?

The distinguished artist, Thomas Sully, who has been for many months past in our city, has just completed for the rooms of the Virginia Historical Society, a copy of his original portrait of Patrick Henry, which is indeed an admirable picture. The history of this portrait is somewhat curious, and as we think it is not generally known, we give it as it has been narrated by James Webster, the publisher of Wirt's Life of the great orator. In a letter to Major Noah's Sunday Times, some four years ago, Mr. Webster replies to an attack that had been made upon the biography, and proceeds to give the following account of the portrait

“Immediately after I had purchased from Mr. Wirt his 'Sketches,' &c., I was desirous to procure an engraved portrait likeness of Mr. Henry as a necessary embellishment to accompany the work. To obtain this adjunct, I not only travelled over Mr. Henry's native county, but through those adjoining. Finally I obtained from Mrs., or Miss Symes, of Rocky Mills, a coarse miniature of Mr. H., taken, as I understood, by some travelling portrait painter. With this miniature, I personally waited on many individuals who had been intimately acquainted

We believe Mr. Sully stays with us but a short time longer, and we would advise all lovers of art not to miss the opportunity of visiting his stu

We are not musical, at least in the artistic acceptation of the word, but that we are not insensible to sweet sounds, our appreciation of We are, therefore, under many obligations to Mr. Jenny Lind and Parodi must bear us witness. George Oates of Charlestou for a batch of his latest publications of new music. Among these are two little gems, the composition of Henry T. Waltz and Hyperion Polka. The latter is apOates, Esq., bearing the titles of Sunnyside and is graceful enough to have caused Paul Flempropriately dedicated to Professor Longfellow, ing to take lessons of Cellarius. Among the rest is a difficult and eccentric composition of Strakosch which we would give something to hear that gifted performer execute.

Our friend Mr. Tefft writes us that he is not entitled to the praise we have awarded him as founder of the Georgia Historical Society, but that the Rev. Dr. Stevens and Dr. Arnold are the parties to whom it rightfully belongs. We were doubtless in error in referring to him as the

with him, all of whom said the likeness was a bad one. I requested them to point out the deficiencies, which was done. Some of them gave me written memorandums- sole founder, but while we cheerfully make the amongst them B. Waller, Esq., of Williamsburg; David Robertson, Esq., of Petersburg; and Dr. Foushee, then postmaster of Richmond.

correction as to the worthy gentlemen whom he mentions, we shall not permit our friend to dis"With the information thus obtained, and the miniature, claim the very large part he had in the formaI waited on that distinguished portrait painter, Thomas tion of that excellent Society, or the benefits he Sully, of Philadelphia, and requested him to paint me a has conferred upon it since.

out that he was betrayed. The constable then took him into custody. Some additional evidence having been adduced, the three prisoners were committed on five charges."

Diaries of all sorts of people have been among announced himself the prisoner jumped up and roared the most popular species of light-reading for years. We have the "Diary of an Ennuyée"the "Diary of a Physician," and many others, but we do not recollect to have ever seen the Here is a new character for Mr. Dickens, Diary of a Swindler. Such a thing is, indeed, such as we should have set down as ridiculously ⚫ unprecedented. Yet we learn from a recent overdrawn had it been introduced in one of his number of the London Observer that this psy- novels. Although Sir Richard Douglas is a much chological wonder has been brought to light. more disreputable person, the manner in which The whole affair is so curious that we give it just he looks out for better times, under the care of as it appears in the Police Report of that journal. Providence, is not unlike the hopeful anticipations of Micawber that "something would turn up." We ask Micawber's pardon, however, for the remark.


We have read with great satisfaction the Prospectus of the Southern Home Journal of Education and Domestic Industry," a new work to be published bi-monthly in Charleston, S. C. under the editorial management of EDWIN HE

"to advocate strictly and exclusively, Southern Education-the encouragement of our own Literary Institu tions, and the publication of Southern School Books, edited, printed and circulated in the Southern States-to bring into prominent notice all literary undertakings, Books and Periodicals, Colleges and Schools, at the South-to discourage Northern agents, aud their School Books, and expose. in all their deformity and duplicity, the pernicious doctrines of Abolition and hostility to the South, which they have so long been permitted to instil into the minds of our children."

"EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF SWINDLING.-At Marlborough-street, on Friday, Richard Douglas (otherwise Sir Richard Douglas, otherwise Captain Douglas, of Orpington House, Kent; Ascot-villa, Ascot; and of No. 6, Belgrave-terrace), and his two sons (Charles and Arthur) were finally examined, charged with having, for a length of time, carried on a most successful system of obtaining goods upon false pretences. It appears that within two years the prisoners had succeeded in getting from between 45 and 50 tradesmen, £4,702 worth of property. On the elder prisoner a diary was found, which revealed a system of living by the wits unexampled for success, audacity, and extent. The diary for 1851 was kept in a busi- RIOT, Esq. The objects of this journal, as stated ness-like manner. It opened with a list of the names of in the prospectus, are gentlemen and ladies to whom begging applications for money had been made. The names of the parties who had not replied to the applications being brought forward and posted in quite a mercantile way. The first day of the year was opened by a Prayer to Providence to bless the exertions of the writer and his sons, and make them more prosperous and productive than the last year. It went on thus:-Took possession of Ascot-villa; got phaeton, dog-cart, horses; looked about Guilford, Staines; ordered goods, coals, and beer; shawls; got a great coat from Skinner.-3d January: Nothing came in; Charles hired dog-cart, and harness of Liley: went in phaeton to Guilford; ordered carpeting, shawls, coats, &c.-4th. Nothing from Guildford but an impudent letter; sent Charles to station for carpeting; Williams came there and stopped it; fear there will be a row; got shawls. 5th: Phaeton and horse seized; fear expenses at Ascot, and all up with Charles there; fear we must cut.-6th: Coals and beer came in; made us as merry as could; went to shop in Curzon-street; ordered brushes, &c.—7th : All day ill; row about stable, forcible possession taken of it; row all day with one person or another; fearful how they will end; three boys at home idle; all ordering things.praises spoken, when the commendation is dis14th: Not a shilling coming in; eleven mouths to feed; criminating. We do not relish, for ourselves, would'nt order goods except to keep my children; they the twaddle that Mr. Tupper has been pouring have found out my address at Guilford; dreadful news; got forth so incessantly in very dreary verses, about carpeting; fearful row with a man who brought an iron Brother Jonathan and Slavery, and all that, but safe. Row all night from ringing door-bell by boot and shoe man.-16th: Row all day with people; mob outside the following morceau from Sir Henry Bulwer's of house crying swindlers.-17th: Very nervous; more recent spech before the St. George's Society is rows.-18th: Went to boys to dinner. Champagne; very not difficult to swallow. Sir Henry has recently merry. Providence not quite deserts us. The rest of the visited our City and State, and left behind him diary was nearly to the same effect. The capture of the only the most favorable impressions.

elder prisoner was effected under rather remarkable circumstances. The prisoner wrote a pathetic letter to the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, imploring assistance, being confined, as he said, to a sick bed, and in a state of complete destitution. The police gained a knowledge of this letter, and Sergeant Allen having dressed himself up in a long black oratorian robe, white neckcloth, and broad brimmed hat so as to resemble a priest, he called at the house in Belgrave-terrace, and was at once admitted. He found the prisoner shamming illness, but when the police sergeant

In a design so laudable every true Southern man will wish Mr. Heriot abundant success. We need scarcely add that his reputation is a sufficient guaranty of the ability of the work.

It is always a pleasant thing to hear our own

After having toasted St. George, the patron saint, he proposes the honors to another saint of the calendar

"Now since you have been so kind in your reception of the name which I have just uttered, will you allow me to mention that of a near and dear relative of our patron Saint-I mean 'St. Jonathan.' I have seen this same gentleman in many guises-I have just come from visit

ing him as a Virginia planter; I have shaken hands with as a Western farmer; I have been feasted by him in this very hall as a New England Pilgrim, and I have dined with him as a New York merchant; I have known him well as a Washington legislator, and I have been on intimate terms with him as an American statesman both in and out of office-aud I will tell you that I don't believe that there is a more generous or honest-hearted saint in the whole calendar-(laughter)-one who is more ready to give his best bottle of wine to a friend, or to drink his friend's best bottle of wine, if he gives it him-(laughter)— who is more skilled to turn a penny-more splendid in spending a guinea. (Cheers.) But St. Jonathan, though not solely, is especially a sea-faring sort of saint, and he has at this time a vessel on the ocean about which he is somewhat anxious, though it is in reality in no sort of danger. I think I see flying from its topmnast the Union-Jack. (Applause and cheers.) I think I hear a cry of a long pull, a strong pull, a pull all together,' from the lips of its crew. (Long and loud applause.) That vessel is called the United States-(renewed cheers)—and it carries as its freight the language of Shakspeare, the code of Blackstone, the creed of Christ! (Loud cheers.) Let us drink, gentlemen, to its long and prosperous voyage :-May no wind from the north or from the south impede its progress, or peril its precious cargo. (Great applause and loud cheers.)

Notices of New Works.

MOHAMMED, THE ARABIAN PROPHET: A Tragedy in five acts. By George H. Miles. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Company. 1850.

The recent representation upon the stage of this tragic performance, induces us to undertake its review, though not without feelings approaching to awe. Nothing but the sternest sense of Editorial duty would have enabled us to overcome the trepidation which we felt on reading the formidable announcement, thinly disguised as an “advertisement" by "the Publishers," that this, amongst "nearly one hundred competitors." was the manuscript which obtained "Mr. Forrest's prize of one thousand dollars." or have fortified us in an effort to pronounce judgment in a spirit of strict critical justice upon the worth of this play. But though thus informed that its merits have been already ascertained; though public opinion is thus forestalled by this pompous prelude; though thus commanded, in true Boston-like style, to "fall down and worship at the sound of the sackbut and the dulcimer," we shall nevertheless venture to honestly form an opinion of our own, and to candidly express it to our readers. From the preface we learn that "the design of this play is to explain the life of Mohammed, from the age of forty Our thanks are due to MR. H. R. SCHOOL-to his death, a period of twenty years." Of course preCRAFT for a copy of his splendid volume on the Indian Tribes of North America, which we shall endeavor to notice, at some length, at au early day. The book is by far the most satisfactory publication that we have yet seen on the aboriginal inhabitants of our country, and will remain as a monument of Mr. Schoolcraft's enlightened zeal and laborious research.

Our old and valued friend, LIEUT. M. F. MAURY, the best specimen of the true savant that we have in America, has also laid us under obligations by sending us a copy of his "Investigations of the Winds and Currents of the Sea."

tensions so towering challenge criticism upon the object rather than upon the execution of the work, and we will the latter subject. Mr. Miles' notions of his hero's character, as well as his theory of Dramatic art, are pretty fully developed in the following extract from his preface: "I found the naked history superior to all the inventions of imagination. Where the charm is in plot and surprise, repetition sickens us; where the characters themselves attract, it delights.

therefore devote our notice to the former, rather than to

"After all that has been said, the true character of the great founder of Islam is but imperfectly understood. Here is the difficulty: not only have we to reconcile truth and falsehood, sincerity and deceit,-for, in most historically great men, there is more or less of this, but we are dealing with one, who, believing himself a Prophet, asserts it by imposture, the messenger of Allah preparing mankind by a deliberate lie for the reception of Eternal Truth. "From this point of view, the play was written. The brevity required in representation on the stage (at which I aimed) compelled me to omit much that might support my interpretation of this sincere impostor.'"

Two of the best serial publications of the day have reached respectively the conclusion of the Now, whilst with all due deference to Mr. Miles, we do first volume-The Illustrated Domestic Bible, not agree with him in supposing that "the true character" of Mohammed is so " imperfectly understood"-there issued by Samuel Hueston, New York, and Los- is yet one thing we will cheerfully admit, which is, that sing's Field Book of the Revolution, from the this play has done nothing towards throwing light or lustre press of the Harpers. The former of these we upon it. But we are very far from thinking that the charregard as an excellent work. It contains copi-acter of the great founder of Islamism is not yet underous notes by which the reader is fully supplied with all that he requires in understanding the text, while so far as we have observed, not a single debateable point of doctrine has been in- Our notion is, that the opinion entertained for so many troduced. Six numbers more will render the centuries, is, after all, the only correct one, and that is, that Mohammed was a man who, possessing great mental work complete. Lossing's book is valuable as a abilities, prostituted them to the basest purposes, giving popular historical treatise, and gratifies the eye himself out as a prophet of the most High God, whilst with the richness and softness of its wood-cuts.he wallowed in the deepest sensuality, and, himself a

stood. On the contrary, it seems to us, that few historical personages were better known by their contemporaries, or more correctly appreciated by posterity than the Koreishite descendant of Ishmael.

coward, procuring a tyrannical authority through the courage of others. We are aware that the fashion of the present day is, amongst certain Neologists, to represent him, as a true-hearted hero, whose soul revolted from the worship of the idols of stone and brass, Ormusd and Ahrimau, the ancient Gods of his fathers-who penetrated, with an earnest desire to understand, the deep mysteries of true religion, which he believed himself to have found,— who gave himself so zealously, so enthusiastically to the work of propagating his doctrines, as to lose his balance and forget that it is not permitted in the moral law to advance the cause of truth by means of falsehood, or justify the means by the sacred character of the end to be accomplished,-and so, blinded by his zeal and fervent devotion to the promulgation of theistic truth, he uttered falsehoods, resorted to artifices and cruelties, and invented miracles, without meaning thereby to be really guilty of lying or imposture.

The play abounds in sublime passages and effective lines. We give an example (pp. 78-79.)

Amrou (intervening.) Forbear, Sophian! Look, 'tis
clear as water:

Stuffed it with Ali to divert your scent;
The Prophet shed his skin to save his life;
And whilst you watched the counterfeit Mohammed,
The genuine escaped. Instead of dallying here,
Belching harsh thunder at a generous youth,
Pursue your quarry, else you're baffled, cheated,-
Quick, and retrieve!


On the very next page (p. 80)-will be found kindred passage, in which Sophian exhibits the true spirit of an enterprising police officer.

Soph. Never! But let me pass. I'll search the house From top to bottom; then, my hot pursuit Our answer to this theory is very simple. It is in the Shall ferret all Arabia and the world.


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First: We know that Mohammed never entertained any notions of assuming the prophetic character until many years after his marriage with Kadijah. Now Waraka, the nephew of Kadijah, had been a convert to Judaism, after which he became a Christian, and then relapsed into his old Sabean faith. He was, says Irving, (Life of Mahom et, p. 56,) "a man of speculative mind and flexible faith," worthy of note as being the first on record to translate parts of the Old and New Testament into Arabic." It was thus, through Waraka and his translations, that Mohammed obtained such knowledge of genuine religious doctrine and precept, as enabled him to introduce into his Suras enough of pure and undefiled moral and religious truth to give them, in the eyes of the idolatrous Arabs, the semblance of revelation.

Secondly: No one of the advocates for this new-fangled theory touching Mohammed, not even Mr. Carlyle, himself, has ever been able satisfactorily to reconcile with it passages like the following; which in our judgment are conclusive as to the Prophet's sensuality and deliberate deceit and imposture.

"Prophet! We have allowed thee thy wives the daughters of thy uncle, and the daughters of thy aunts, both on thy father's side and thy mother's side, who fled with thee from Mecca, and any other believing woman in case the Prophet desireth to take her to wife. This is a peculiar privilege granted unto thee above the rest of true Believers." Koran (Sale's Translation) ch. 33.

"To the rest of the believers" God allowed only four wives; but Mohammed availed himself most freely of "the peculiar privilege" granted by Divine permission. We could quote many such passages; some even more sensual in their tone and expression: but we have said enough to justify us, we hope, in the eyes of our readers at least in not yielding an assent to the claim set up in these later days for the sincerity and honesty of a "Prophet," whom the Christian Church has so long regarded as an arch impostor.

However much we may differ with Mr. Miles as to his notions of Mohammed's character, we would not be unjust to his play as a mere literary performance. Lest any one therefore should chance to suppose him guilty of plagiarism, as he seems to anticipate, we give his vindication, extracted from the Preface, merely observing that "accidental resemblances" are not altogether new.

It may be inferred that I copied Goëthe, varying the fifth act to my own convictions: but though it is no reproach to borrow from the great German, the resemblance is entirely accidental.

N. Murray, D. D. Harper & Brothers. 1851.

A very well printed discourse. Nothing extraordinary in matter or style. The writer congratulates the Protestant world, that, while the majority of numbers is with the Catholics, it is counterbalanced by the superiority of the Protestants in intelligence and zeal; and that the contact between them, where religion is free, as in the United States, is productive of amelioration in the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Clergy themselves.

We think there is much truth in this last view. We are not of those, who expect with confidence a reunion of of all Christians in one nominal church; a centralization and fusion of all creeds and doctrines. The history of the Church gives much more reason, in our opinion, to look for an increase of differences upon such points, than for a diminution of them. It is the natural result of the diversity of men's minds, when applied to any subject of an intellectual and abstract character. But we believe

that there is a progress in another and a more important branch of Christian knowledge; in that department of it, which teaches us to regard our fellow men, and their opinions with charity and indulgence-to examine their doctrines with candour-to modify our own, when convinced of error-to estimate minor contrarieties of sentiment and faith as insignificant, in comparison with a re

cognition of the same great principles of duty towards exerted much influence, and is destined to exert much God and Man. This process, we do believe, has already more, upon the Catholic Church in America. Nor do we think their Protestant contemporaries so perfect in all respects, that they too may not profit of similar opportunities. For example, the author of this sermon might have discovered some bright spots in the history of the Popish religion-some glorious and venerated names-instead of fixing his eyes only on the darkest and most dismal scenes, and calling to mind only the most arrogant, false, and unholy, of those who have worn the sacerdotal robes. We are as far, at least, as any of our readers, from assenting to the doctrines or discipline of the Church of Rome; but we protest against the application to it of an unjust rule, which might be turned with serious effect against every other church in Christendom.

If an asso

ciation is to be held accountable for the misconduct of of every individual who may belong to it-or if men are to be condemned for the remote and unseen results, to which a speculative belief may be carried out by logical processes-we fear that no church under Heaven ever

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