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nounced an undertaking which wiseacres pro-cans have died under its inflictions, aud twenty nounce impossible; then to find the scroll of fate more of the comfortless wretches are prostrated unrolling obstacles which experience could not with disease. anticipate is a severe trial, and almost with anguish we anticipate the triumph of folly!"

I. F. "And the eternal, I told you so,' coming from friends—those prophets of the past."

"I have sent an express back to the officer in command of the company with the caravan, to learn if they will demand escort beyond the boundary; and how far?"

I. F. "Well, keep cool."

Oct. 5th, 9 o'clock, P. M.-There has just gone forth from the hill-tops, on the wailing north wind, the wildest chorus that I ever heard; a swelling unison of many tones and a dying cadence! It is music-natural concert music— performed by brutes under the influence of this dark hour which heralds the dread footsteps of winter. And did you not know that wolves howl in concert? Did you never see them under the

"A cool mind in a wet body!" only a free pale moon sit in circle watching their leader as translation.

bipeds do?

Oct. 1.-The night before last was to the hu- All Nature is musical; the birds hail the dawn, man body almost freezing cold; there was a storm and when the God of day touches with his penof raw, searching wind, from which blankets cil of light the lovely landscape picture, their seemed no protection; the fires were all blown glad voices swell to harmonious glees of praise. out-off-extinguished! Bent has come and has In evening twilight, or when the silvery moon ten loads of rations behind, but anxiously awaits (like Memory) casts the homely in shadow and my decision whether I shall give him the requi- brightens every point of beauty, that Beauty red notice to reduce his contract in a great por- finds a voice! Like a sigh of happiness, Zephyr tion of flour and beef, not yet purchased. Yes- swells, and falls, and rises again 'till the answerterday afternoon the express returned with a ing foliage rustles with music; the myriad inletter from the traders, answering me, that they sects-whose life is a song-led by sweet katyrequire my escort to "Red river," nearly to Santa did, hum a mellow and soothing concord. Now Fe. Immediately after came their interpreter and then this monotone is relieved by the dreamwith a confidential message that they could dis- notes of some happy bird, or solo of whip-poorpense with it much nearer, provided Bent and his will, whose song expresses the very Poetry of people could be kept in complete ignorance of Night. Ah! then, how happy those who hear any intention of returning; fearing it would be that music of all,-the voice they love! communicated to enemies. Nests, they say, of semi-trappers and semi-brigands who harbour not very far from B.'s establishment, and not far from a distinct point of their route. Now, during this conversation, Mr. B. (and suite) walk up impatient for my final answer, for which he had very inconveniently waited a day, involving more or less this very point! A writer of scenic representation of the burlesque, could hardly contrive a prettier comic climax than this pinnacle of the difficult!

Nature is full of music, and for every earthat harmonizes with all smiles and tears—the sounds attuned by man can only accord with the transient mood; he can thrill the victor with the brazen-mouthed voice of triumph, or echo with plaintive flute the lover's sigh.

The wolves then harmoniously howl their plaints to Nature, and soothe their pains with music; it is the natural expression of the hour and its influences, and it strikes in the human breast the chord which they have strung.

My detachment has rejoined, but has gone. It may be singular-I can scarce account to Some of the caravan are in advance of others, myself-but I never heard without pleasure this none can say when they will come. And now voice of the Night—the more if it be stormy and shall I dispatch an express to Fort L. for a light threatening-whether in the "witching" midload of medicines and other necessaries for eight night hour, or in the lonely morning watch by months in the wilderness, time being precious, the feeble guard-fire, their wild and mournful or shall I wait for the small chance of the Mexicans dispersing with the escort at the lower Senarone Spring, sixty miles in their country, in which event the command should certainly return?

howling has been ever welcome. This instant! listen! It comes to my soul far more intelligible music than those extravaganzas of sound triumphantly "executed" by men and maidens.

Blessed IDEAL! rosy realm! Welcome Fair and bright dawned the first of October! resort of sad and weary souls! welcome, as to The fierce chilling blast has sung a fit requiem the fainting lost way-farer, struggling with darkto the infernal September; with its cloudy wings ness and perils, the rising sun revealing prospects it has taken its eternal flight-may such another of relief and enjoyment! never revisit poor people so helplessly exposed

Dear Friend! whose presence I have feltto its dreary influences! Seven of the Mexi- whose spirit has taken the poetic embodiment

and has by the holy sympathy of Love illumined my soul to recognize thee with joy-Sweet Inspiration! that leadest me from this drear world, through transparent skies, to the fountains and groves of Memory-Beautiful Presence!

I. F.-"Dreamer, awake! Thy monologue I endured whilst it touched of earth; but, when self-forgetting, thou transformest thy true friend to a spirit-minister of dubious sex-who, methinks, would wander here, from no comfortable abode of earth or sky"—


Scoffer! Thou knowest not what thou hast done. Now, I feel that we are on the earth. There has been a change; Destiny has new shuffled the cards of our small fates; they had been stocked by some attendant imp, who was leading us (and tickling us the while with exciting chimeras) to the D-."

I. F. “Nay, Friend, I belong to earth-from thy flight descend not lower: as your old fashioned friend, I feel interested in your surface wanderings; but let your double-refined poetry and romance go to the D-,'"

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"I submit. But the Reality I think is too darkly, coldly real, the earth very earthy; but, to please you, mark-I now attempt a lower level."

I. F. "Where I fear you will scarcely be at home to-night; only tell me then what you did near this hour-two nights ago-with those dark men who excluded me from your presence?"

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"Fairly hit!' Return we then to 'our sheep,' I should say our Mexican escort. They were 50 lancers-an advance party, a 'forlorn hope,' of 150 more who would not trust their carcasses on this disputed ground further than the Cimerone. They all left Santa Fe a few hours after the arrival of a courier from the City of Mexico."

Next morning, leaving the baggage, I marched to the crossing in my best style; on our approach we saw the Mexicans beyond the river saddle and mount, but on our dismounting they were dismissed. Our adjutant rode over to make inquiries and invite them to cross and spend the day with us. Their commander declined, with the pointed excuse that he was ordered on no account to cross" the boundary." There can be no doubt that the Mexican minister seeing General G.'s published letter, announcing our return and intention for "free trade" sake to visit Santa Fe, hastened to inform his government, and that President Santa Anna sent the express with orders to dispatch an escort "within an hour" after its arrival in Santa Fe. They were just in time!

Receiving their hint with a good grace, as soon as the caravan was over, we mounted in order of battle, and as a significant salute, fired a round from the Howitzer battery, the shells were directed in ricochet down a fine re ich of the river between us, and after a dozen of beautiful rebounds, exploded under water-to the manifest astonishment of some of the aborigines amongst our suspicious allies. Then, turning our faces homeward, we filed off,-returned and slept in the camp where we had left our baggage.

"It was the Mexican aud our merchants whom at last I got together; they insisted upon my going on so I marched fifteen miles next day, and as I approached a camp ground on the river bank, a man ran out and told me that there was a Mexican escort, waiting a few miles above, at I. F.—“ Which to-night is twenty-five miles the crossing! This sudden and—of late-wholly behind you; it is a subject for gratulation, for you unthought of news nearly took my breath. Joy will accomplish your undertaking! I leave you and disappointment-of wild and dreamy adven- to your slumbers and your wolves. tures-had an agitating struggle in my breast, but home-feelings soon reconciled me to Destiny; the brain-"

I. F. "Can master every passion." "Cool and philosophical as a woman, (of whom it may be true,) but the passions not only increase in force with the power of the brain but in a higher ratio."



And why not we?

I. F. "A forfeit! Mathematics are infernal." Ah, all things meet that truly love, I said, "I assure you (it is a secret of mine) that nothing else known among men can cope with feminine logic; but that is magical; the d—l can as well resist holy water."

I. F. "Brave man!-when you know there is not a woman within 400 miles."

"But that only makes us think of them the more. Well, at this news it was remarkable and quite a study-speaking of ratios-that the faces of the married men were lengthened in proportion to the length of their married life."


As thousand voices questioned from my heart,
And why not we?

I took my thoughts so lonely and so sad
To the calm shade,
And laid my form to rest on the brown bed
The old leaves made.

I closed my eyes to stop the gathering tears,
But through each lid
They coursing came adown my cold, white cheeks,
Like guests unbid.

I crushed the dead and sear leaves in my hand
To drown each sigh.

And careless tried to smile-but all in vain-
Cold winds swept by.

They roughly bent the boughs and parted them
Above my face,

But back they joyful sprung like severed friends
In glad embrace-

And why not we? my pale lips trembling asked-
My heart was chilled,

For a low wail like spirit's voice unblest
The damp air filled.

Then to the darkened, solemn sky I turned,
And twilight's star

Seemed to my suddened and inquiring gaze
An eye afar.

sical development. At college he had so well improved his opportunities, that he had acquired a thorough and systemetic education, but his special proficiency was in the Literary department. To this, however, was united a fondness for the experimental sciences, which the fascinating lectures of Prof. Silliman rarely fail to awaken in the breast of every graduate of Yale. His feelings were ardent, and his temper impetuous, and though universally beloved, he had not been without full experience of those college difficulties, which like the falls we get in childhood, though terrifying to the beholder, and in fact just like the things that are so dangerous in after life, really hurt but little, and teach us to walk more securely in future. He was not professedly reli

It searched my soul, but thick clouds swift-winged came gious, but his moral principles were sound, and

And hid from me

With grace, how beautiful! this new born hope

So like to thee.

Through falling tears my distant home I saw,

It said, "why stray

so firm, that aided by early habits. he had passed through the temptations of college untarnished. His pious father saw in the noble young man before him, the lineaments of the conscientious lad who, four years previously, had left the paternal

'Mid silent woods?" Bright were its cheerful lights-roof,-and he hastened to his closet, that he might

I turned away—

For as I gazed the quivering gleams grew dark
Like my own breast,

An ice-cold hand upon my throbbing brow

Its fingers prest.

I turned away, but hope new-lit her fire

And gladdened me,

And still my heart breathes out the wish, the prayer,
To meet with thee.

Arthur Lennox, or the Challenge.


weep in secret, as he poured out his gratitude to a covenant God, who had kept his darling from the power of the lion.

Leaving the city in the early part of June, they arrived, after spending several days at intermediate points, at the village of L—, in the valley of Virginia. This village is well known for its picturesque situation, and its flourishing Literary Institutions, to all who visit either the Virginia Springs, or the celebrated Natural Bridge in its vicinity-and in the recollections of many, it is endeared by the refined hospitalities they have received at the hands of its citizens. A week before he left home, Mr. Lennox bad paid a visit to Dr. Alexander of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. This distinguished and Mr. Lennox was a Presbyterian minister hav- venerable divine is a native of L-, where seving charge of a congregation in the city of Phil- eral of his nearest relations, with their descenadelphia. His labors were so arduous, and his dants, reside at present. At their parting Dr. devotion to his duty so unremitting, that his health Alexander, unsolicited, put into his haud a letter was seriously affected, and he was ordered by his of introduction, with the remark that if he should physician to suspend his labors for some months, chance to make any stay there, it might aid him as the only means of escaping entire and per- in spending his time pleasantly. It was a forehaps fatal prostration. This was in the summer thought not amiss, for Mr. Lennox was detained of 1837. He determined to spend the season there, very unexpectedly, for some time. amid the mountains of Western Virginia, using It was just after dark that Arthur and his facautiously the celebrated mineral waters and un- ther were crossing in a hack that had brought rivalled thermal baths of that region. His son them from Staunton, the covered bridge that Arthur had just graduated at Yale College, and spans the stream, (a brauch of James river,) near as the studiousness that had won his high honors for him, had cost him some of his bloom, his father determined, partly on account of his health, but more for the pleasure of his society, to take him as a companion of his trip. Arthur Lennox was just under twenty-one. He was over the middle size, with an uncommonly complete phy

which the town is situated. Within the cover of the bridge, the obscurity was complete. When the carriage was midway in the passage, a cow that had taken advantage of the shelter for her night's repose, rose up suddenly before the horses as they were stepping along cautiously in the dark, and so alarmed them, that they attempted

kind offices for him, was as natural to cousin Betsy, as her good breeding, and so won upon Arthur, that insensibly he found himself calling her Cousin, along with Helen and Robert. Of course Helen's services to the invalid were of a different character, but they were unembarrassed, appropriate and graceful-she could place the cushion for his disabled arm, pour the cream over

to turn round abruptly, and in so doing threw the | her from forgetting him, so as to receive the adlight, open carriage with much violence against dresses of any of several suitors who would have the timbers of the bridge, and dislocated the been glad to offer themselves. Since the death shoulder of Arthur, who was sitting on that side. of the wife of her near kinsman, she had presiWith difficulty the driver succeeded in quieting ded over his establishment with great dignity, his horses, and in getting them to draw the shat- and had been a true mother to his children. To tered vehicle a short distance to the principal laugh at Arthur when he came down in the mornhotel, where Arthur in great pain was taken out. ing, for the awkward tie of his cravat, and the A surgeon was sent for, who reduced the shoul- set of his collar, and to adjust both for him—to der and promised that all would soon be well, help him to put on a robe de chambre of Col. Sinbut commanded a week's rest from movement. clair's more ample in its volume than any thing The next morning, Mr. Lennox sent his letter of appurtenant to himself, and to perform other like introduction to Col. Sinclair, to whom it was addressed, and in a short time received a visit from him. Col. Sinclair was between forty-five and fifty years of age, of good family and large property. He had graduated at West Point, but remained in the army only two years and then resigned, to enjoy upon his paternal estate in the immediate vicinity of L-, the sweets of domestic life, with a wife to whom he was most ten-his dish of strawberries, and if it chanced that derly attached. This dear object of his love had no table was nigh them as they sat together, hold been taken from him in early life, leaving him a it for him while he used his spoon, or at breakdaughter, Helen, now about nineteen, and a son, fast laugh to see him chase a biscuit round his Robert, two years younger. Col. Sinclair de- plate with his kuife, in the attempt to butter it, voted himself to the education of his children, and then taking it up with a hand that put the the management of his estate, and to matters con-whiteness of the flour to a severe test, perform nected with the interests of the Presbyterian the operation for him. Virginians are proud, church, in which he was an elder. His frank foolishly so, some think, of two things-their salute, and his sincere, sympathizing way, made great men, and their refined ladies. As to the Mr. Lennox feel at once the kindness of Dr. Alex- first point, some little allowance must be made ander, in introducing him to such an acquaint- for the mother-state of Washington. Henry, JefCol. Sinclair at once proposed that Ar- ferson, Madison and Marshall-and as to the secthur should be removed to his house. "You ond, they really are not so far wrong as might be could not," said he, “find a kinder host than Mr. supposed, when they say, that for dignity withJordan, but it is impossible that in this large estab-out formality or stiffness, ease without familiarity, lishment, you can be as comfortable either of grace without mannerism, and kindness without you, as at my house." Mr. Lennox felt his claims pretence or ostentation, the Virginia lady at home for such special attention to be so slight, that he is hardly to be equalled. At least so thought attempted to decline it; but there was no resist Arthur Lenuox. While at college, he had gone ing the peremptory kindness of Col. Sinclair, but little into the society of ladies, and with all and that evening saw father and son established his attainments, and his genial nature to boot, in his hospitable mansion. Two days were suf- had grown up with the idea that he could make ficient to release Arthur from his chamber, and but little figure with the fair sex. He was therebring him down to the family circle, with his fore really diffident and had prepared himself for arm well secured by a bandage and sling. Noth- a serious trial, in being an inmate for a few days ing facilitates the progress of acquaintanceship, of Col. Sinclair's family. What was his surmore than invalidism in one party. The offices prise to find how easy a thing it was for him to of personal attention are so frequent, and of such be entertained, and, as he believed, to contribute a nature, that they at once banish formality, and his share to the entertainment of others. His refresh and set a-growing the susceptibilities of estimate of himself was enhanced. He was not our nature, as night dews do delicate flowers. sufficiently versed in society, to know how much Arthur enjoyed the full benefit of this. He was of the credit was due to those with whom he treated just as Robert Sinclair would have been, was thrown. Perfectly well-bred people not by cousin Betsy, a maiden lady, who had never only possess ease themselves, but know also how married because her betrothed, in early life, had to impart it to others. Arthur enjoyed to the fallen into habits of dissipation which made her full the novel delights of his position. One day discard him; but his death, which occurred soon a visitor, alluding to his accident. began to blame after in a very melancholy manner, prevented the carelessness of the man at the bridge, that


he did not see to it that it was kept clear of every | ceed leisurely by the way of Fincastle and the thing that might endanger the safety of travel- Sweet Springs, to the White Sulphur, where in lers. "On the contrary," said he gaily, “I thank about a month he would be joined by Arthur, him downright, and I esteem him as my special with Col. Sinclair and Helen. Every one was benefactor-true, this shoulder was dislocated, pleased with the arrangement. Mr. Lennox was but then this other shoulder, my head, body, and fully aware of the advantage to his son of assoother members, in short all that makes up this ciating at his age with persons of such refineich,' as Carlyle calls it, or to translate for the ment, and Arthur, as we have seen, recognized benefit of the ladies, my distinguished self, never the dulce even more distinctly than his father did was in its experience heretofore, so well located, the utile. On the other hand, Col. Sinclair was and therefore I am the gainer by just as much as fond of young men, and was particularly pleased the whole is greater than the part-no indeed! I with Arthur for his general intelligence, and had mean to make my especial thanks to the toll-man, been especially struck with his acquaintance with and tell him that if ever I live to return to Virgi- chemistry and mineralogy, subjects which had ennia, I will pass him after night, and hope that he gaged much of his own attention as an agricultuwill have a cow in readiness, or if he cannot con- rist. Cousin Betsy had pure goodness enough to veniently do so, that he will at least stretch a rope love him, without any special cause, yet it cannot across, that I may have some chance of repeating be certainly known that his manly beauty aud animy agreeable experience of the past week." mated conversation, did not revive in her mind Indeed, he began to feel real concern, that his images now so mellowed by time, that they were father and himself were so soon to leave L-sweet though sad. To Robert, Arthur seemed just the departure being fixed for the third day fol- the hero that every distinguished graduate of a cellowing. But he was to remain longer than he ebrated University does to a sophomore. Frequentsupposed. Col. Sinclair broke in, rather ab- ly he would be so charmed by his vivid description ruptly, one evening, upon a conversation which of Yale, the professors, the exhibition of the sociewas going on round the tea-table, by saying to ties, and the great Commencement Day, mingled the fatherwith many a college joke, that he would not open his books the whole evening. But then, in compensation, Arthur was ready next morning before breakfast, to explain for him his analytical geometry, or read his Homer, almost without looking at the text. And Helen-Arthur was an agreeable companion to Helen-very much so. I have said nothing about Helen, except that she was about nineteen. She was not very handsome, but she was what every body calls a very

“Mr. Lennox, an idea strikes me, which I am surprised did not sooner occur-you are going to the White Sulphur, and so am I-for I make an annual trip there. We will set off, Helen and I, about the middle of July. Now suppose you leave Mr. Arthur to go with us? I am sure he does not need the water, and stage travelling over the mountains might not be entirely safe for his shoulder. What say you?"

"That we are under great obligations for your striking looking girl, and that is what every handkind hospitality already, but"

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some girl is not always. She was large. but her form was perfect symmetry-she had blue eyes, brown hair, and temples so wide, that they impaired the mere beauty of her face, while they increased its expressiveness and gave it character. The characteristics of her countenance were intelligence, dignity and composure. It is

"I must confess, sir," said Arthur, "that it seems to me, that I can be of no service to my father in my present condition for assistance or strange what a fascination there is in the comdefence, seeing I am no David to overthrow enemies with a sling," looking down at his arm, "and that I would be likely to prove a burden to him if I go, as I certainly shall to you if I remain; but as there are several of you here, I might hope that you could divide the burden so as to make it fall lighter on each one, than it would on him alone. With this candid statement, suppose we take the sense of the house on the question. All in favor of Col. Sinclair's motion, and against my moving for the present, will say aye."

The vote was unanimous, and in this jocular way, it was settled that Mr. Lennox should pro

posure and self-possession of a young girl. It speaks of high breeding, and better, it is the index of deep purity, unstained by shame, and unruffled by passion. It is the pure, deep, tranquil, blue lake, whose mingled beauty and majesty subdue the soul more than the surging ocean. The understanding of Helen was clear, vigorous and discriminating, but not brilliant. Her education had been thorough, and in music her proficiency was of that grade that none ever attain but those who possess the finest natural gifts, and have received a complete course of scientific instruction. Helen was warm in her feelings, and, what only those who knew her well were aware

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